[ndcode_site.git] / _lib / navbar.jst
1 let assert = require('assert')
2 let XDate = require('xdate')
4 return async (env, head, body, scripts) => {
5   //let cart = await _require('/online_store/cart.jst')
6   let globals = await'/_config/globals.json')
7   //let icon_cart_small = await'/_svg/icon_cart_small.svg')
8   let icon_search_mono = await'/_svg/icon_search_mono.svg')
9   let logo_large = await'/_svg/logo_large.svg')
10   let menu = await'/_menu.json')
11   let page = await _require('/_lib/page.jst')
13   // initialize env.cart
14   //await cart(env)
16   await page(
17     env,
18     // head
19     async _out => {
20       // extract top-level directory name
21       assert(env.parsed_url.pathname.slice(0, 1) === '/')
22       let index = env.parsed_url.pathname.indexOf('/', 1)
23       let dir = index === -1 ? '' : env.parsed_url.pathname.slice(1, index)
25       title {
26         _out.push(
27           globals.site_title + ': ' + (
28             dir.length === 0 ?
29             'Home' :
30             menu.entries[menu.index[dir]].name
31           )
32         )
33       }
35       await head(_out)
36     },
37     // body
38     async _out => {
39       // extract top-level directory name
40       assert(env.parsed_url.pathname.slice(0, 1) === '/')
41       let index = env.parsed_url.pathname.indexOf('/', 1)
42       let dir = index === -1 ? '' : env.parsed_url.pathname.slice(1, index)
44       div.scrollbar-fix {
45         div.container {
46  {
47             div.col-sm-7 {
48               _out.push(logo_large)
49             }
50             div.'col-sm-5' {
51               div.'mb-1'.text-right {
52                 span#signed-in-status {
53                   if (env.signed_in_as !== null)
54                     `Signed in as ${env.signed_in_as}.`
55                   else
56                     'Browsing as guest.'
57                 }
58                 ' '
59                 if (env.signed_in_as !== null)
60                   a#sign-in(href="" hidden="") {'Sign in'}
61                 else
62                   a#sign-in(href="") {'Sign in'}
63                 ' '
64                 if (env.signed_in_as !== null)
65                   a#sign-out(href="") {'Sign out'}
66                 else
67                   a#sign-out(href="" hidden="") {'Sign out'}
68               }
70               form/*.form-inline*/(action="/search/index.html") {
71                 div.input-group {
72                   input.form-control(name="query" type="text" placeholder="Search" aria-describedby="search-button") {}
73                   div.input-group-append {
74                     button.btn.btn-outline-secondary#search-button(type="submit") {
75                       _out.push(icon_search_mono)
76                     }
77                   }
78                 }
79               }
80             }
82             //div.'col-sm-1'.vbottom {
83             //  // a nested div is used to avoid hover colour on the padding
84             //  div.nav-li-a(style="text-align: center;") {
85             //    a(href="/online_store/view_cart/index.html") {
86             //      div.cart-icon {
87             //        _out.push(icon_cart_small)
88             //      }
89             //      div.cart-number {
90             //        div.cart-circle {
91             //          `${(env.cart.items || []).length}`
92             //        }
93             //      }
94             //    }
95             //  }
96             //}
97           }
98         }
99       }
100 {
101         div.container {
102           //a.navbar-brand(href="#") {'Navbar'}
103           //' '
104           button.navbar-toggler(type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation") {
105             span.navbar-toggler-icon {}
106           }
107           div.collapse.navbar-collapse#navbarSupportedContent {
108    {
109               if (dir.length === 0)
110        {
111                   a.nav-link(href="/index.html") {
112                     'Home'
113            {' (current)'}
114                   }
115                 }
116               else
117                 li.nav-item {
118                   a.nav-link(href="/index.html") {'Home'}
119                 }
120               let entries = menu.entries
121               for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i)
122                 if (entries[i].navbar)
123                   if (entries[i].dir === dir)
124            {
125                       a.nav-link(href=`/${entries[i].dir}/index.html`) {
126                         `${entries[i].name}`
127                {' (current)'}
128                       }
129                     }
130                   else
131                     li.nav-item {
132                       a.nav-link(href=`/${entries[i].dir}/index.html`) {
133                         `${entries[i].name}`
134                       }
135                     }
136               //li.nav-item.dropdown {
137               //  a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle#navbarDropdown(href="#" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false") {
138               //    'Dropdown'
139               //  }
140               //  div.dropdown-menu(aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown") {
141               //    a.dropdown-item(href="#") {
142               //      'Action'
143               //    }
144               //    ' '
145               //    a.dropdown-item(href="#") {
146               //      'Another action'
147               //    }
148               //    div.dropdown-divider {}
149               //    a.dropdown-item(href="#") {
150               //      'Something else here'
151               //    }
152               //  }
153               //}
154               //li.nav-item {
155               //  a.nav-link.disabled {
156               //    'Disabled'
157               //  }
158               //}
159             }
160    {
161               li.nav-item {
162                 a.nav-link#give-feedback(href="") {'Give feedback'}
163               }
164             }
165           }
166         }
167       }
168       div.scrollbar-fix {
169         div.container {
170           await body(_out)
171         }
172       }
173       footer.scrollbar-fix {
174         div.container {
175           a(rel="license" href="") {
176             img(alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0;" src="/images/by-sa_3.0_88x31.png") {}
177           }
178           p {
179             'This website is '
180             a(href="") {
181               'open source'
182             }
183             ' and licensed under a '
184             a(rel="license" href="") {
185               'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License'
186             }
187             '.'
188           }
190           p {'Example code fragments embedded within the text are placed in the public domain unless otherwise noted.'}
192           p {`Copyright © ${new XDate().getUTCFullYear()} ${globals.copyright}.`}
193         }
194       }
196       // hidden part
197       //div#sign-in-modal.modal.fade(role="dialog") {
198       //  div.modal-dialog {
199       //    div.modal-content {
200       //      div.modal-header {
201       //        span.h4.modal-title {'Sign in'}
202       //      }
203       //      div.modal-body {
204       //        form#sign-in-form(method="post" action="/sign_in.json" role="form") {
205       //          div.row {
206       //            div.col-md-12 {
207       //              div.form-group {
208       //                label(for="sign-in-form-email") {'Email'}
209       //                input.form-control#sign-in-form-email(type="text" name="email" placeholder="Please enter your email address" required="required" data-error="Email address is required.") {}
210       //       {}
211       //              }
212       //            }
213       //          }
214       //          div.row {
215       //            div.col-md-12 {
216       //              div.form-group {
217       //                label(for="sign-in-form-password") {'Password'}
218       //                input.form-control#sign-in-form-password(type="password" name="password" required="required" placeholder="Please enter your password" data-error="Password is required.") {}
219       //       {}
220       //              }
221       //            }
222       //          }
223       //          input.btn.btn-success.btn-send(style="display: none;" type="submit" value="Sign in") {}
224       //        }
226       //        p {
227       //          'No account yet? '
228       //          a(href="/my_account/sign_up/index.html") {'Sign up'}
229       //        }
231       //        p {
232       //          'Forgot password? '
233       //          a(href="/my_account/password_reset/index.html") {'Password reset'}
234       //        }
235       //      }
236       //      div.modal-footer {
237       //        button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit" form="sign-in-form") {
238       //          'Sign in'
239       //        }
240       //        button.btn.btn-outline-secondary(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") {
241       //          'Cancel'
242       //        }
243       //      }
244       //    }
245       //  }
246       //}
248       div#feedback-modal.modal.fade(role="dialog") {
249         div.modal-dialog {
250           div.modal-content {
251             div.modal-header {
252               span.h4.modal-title {'Give feedback'}
253             }
254             div.modal-body {
255               p {
256                 'Did you notice something not quite right, or just want to share your impression of this page?'
257               }
258               form#feedback-form(method="post" action="/feedback.html" role="form") {
259                 div.row {
260                   div.col-md-12 {
261                     div.form-group {
262                       label(for="feedback-form-message") {'Message *'}
263                       textarea.form-control#feedback-form-message(name="message" placeholder="Please tell us your thoughts" rows="4" required="required" data-error="Please, leave us a message.") {}
264              {}
265                     }
266                   }
267                 }
268                 p {} // fix this later
269                 div.row {
270                   div.col-md-12 {
271                     p.text-muted {
272                       strong {'*'}
273                       'These fields are required.'
274                       //'Contact form template by '
275                       //a(href="" target="_blank") {'Bootstrapious'}
276                       //'.'
277                     }
278                   }
279                 }
280                 input.btn.btn-success.btn-send(style="display: none;" type="submit" value="Send message") {}
281               }
282             }
283             div.modal-footer {
284               button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit" form="feedback-form") {
285                 'Submit'
286               }
287               button.btn.btn-outline-secondary(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") {
288                 'Cancel'
289               }
290             }
291           }
292         }
293       }
295       div#message-modal.modal.fade(role="dialog") {
296         div.modal-dialog {
297           div.modal-content {
298             div.modal-header {
299               span.h4.modal-title {'Message'}
300             }
301             div.modal-body {
302               p#message-modal-message {}
303             }
304             div.modal-footer {
305               button.btn.btn-outline-secondary(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") {
306                 'Close'
307               }
308             }
309           }
310         }
311       }
312     },
313     // scripts
314     async _out => {
315       //script(src="/js/sha256.js") {}
317       script {
318         //function get_cookie(name) {
319         //  let entries = document.cookie.split(';');
320         //  for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
321         //    let fields = entries[i].split('=');
322         //    if (fields[0].trim() === name)
323         //      return decodeURIComponent(fields[1]);
324         //  }
325         //  return undefined;
326         //}
328         //// this function can be overridden in a further script
329         //function sign_in_out(status) {
330         //}
332         $(document).ready(
333           () => {
334             //// sign in form
335             //$('#sign-in').click(
336             //  () => {
337             //    $('#sign-in-form-email').text('')
338             //    $('#sign-in-form-password').text('')
339             //    $('#sign-in-modal').modal('show')
340             //    return false
341             //  }
342             //)
343             //$('#sign-in-modal').on(
344             //  '',
345             //  () => {
346             //    $('#sign-in-form-email').focus()
347             //  }
348             //)
349             //// when sign in form is submitted, do not reload the page
350             //$(document).on(
351             //  'submit',
352             //  '#sign-in-form',
353             //  e => {
354             //    e.preventDefault()
355             //    $.ajax(
356             //      {
357             //        url: '/my_account/sign_in.json',
358             //        type: 'POST',
359             //        data: {
360             //          email: $('#sign-in-form-email').val(),
361             //          password: sha256(
362             //            get_cookie('session_key') +
363             //            $('#sign-in-form-password').val()
364             //          ).toString('hex')
365             //        },
366             //        success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => {
367             //          $('#sign-in-modal').modal('hide')
368             //          switch (data.result) {
369             //          case 1: // success
370             //            $('#signed-in-status').text(data.signed_in_status)
371             //            $('#sign-in').hide()
372             //            $('#sign-out').show()
373             //            sign_in_out(true) // notify navbar caller
374             //            break
375             //          case 2: // redirect
376             //            location.href = data.redirect_href
377             //            break
378             //          }
379             //          $('#message-modal-message').text(data.message)
380             //          $('#message-modal').modal('show')
381             //        },
382             //        error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
383             //          $('#sign-in-modal').modal('hide')
384             //          $('#message-modal-message').text(errorThrown)
385             //          $('#message-modal').modal('show')
386             //        }
387             //      }
388             //    )
389             //  }
390             //)
392             //// sign out button
393             //$('#sign-out').click(
394             //  () => {
395             //    $.ajax(
396             //      {
397             //        url: '/my_account/sign_out.json',
398             //        type: 'GET',
399             //        success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => {
400             //          if (data.result) {
401             //            $('#signed-in-status').text(data.signed_in_status)
402             //            $('#sign-in').show()
403             //            $('#sign-out').hide()
404             //            sign_in_out(false) // notify navbar caller
405             //          }
406             //          $('#message-modal-message').text(data.message)
407             //          $('#message-modal').modal('show')
408             //        },
409             //        error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
410             //          $('#message-modal-message').text(errorThrown)
411             //          $('#message-modal').modal('show')
412             //        }
413             //      }
414             //    )
415             //    return false
416             //  }
417             //)
419             // feedback form
420             $('#give-feedback').click(
421               () => {
422                 $('#feedback-form-message').text('')
423                 $('#feedback-modal').modal('show')
424                 return false
425               }
426             )
427             $('#feedback-modal').on(
428               '',
429               () => {
430                 $('#feedback-form-message').focus()
431               }
432             )
433             // when feedback form is submitted, do not reload the page
434             $(document).on(
435               'submit',
436               '#feedback-form',
437               e => {
438                 e.preventDefault()
439                 $.ajax(
440                   {
441                     url: '/feedback.html',
442                     type: 'POST',
443                     data: {
444                       page: window.location.href,
445                       message: $('#feedback-form-message').val()
446                     },
447                     success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => {
448                       $('#feedback-modal').modal('hide')
449                       $('#message-modal-message').text(data)
450                       $('#message-modal').modal('show')
451                     },
452                     error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
453                       $('#feedback-modal').modal('hide')
454                       $('#message-modal-message').text(errorThrown)
455                       $('#message-modal').modal('show')
456                     }
457                   }
458                 )
459               }
460             )
461           }
462         )
463       }
465       await scripts(_out)
466     }
467   )
468 }