return async env => { let navbar = await _require('/navbar.jst') await navbar( env, // head async _out => {}, // body async _out => { h1 {'References'} table.table { tr { th {'Author/Organisation'} th {'Date Published'} th {'Title'} th {'Website'} th {'Date Visited'} th {'URL'} } tr { td {'NASA'} td {'2005'} td {'NASA - STS-51L Mission Profile'} td {'NASA Website'} td {'6/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'NASA'} td {'2003'} td {'The Aeronautics of the Space Shuttle'} td {'NASA Website'} td {'12/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'NASA'} td {'2019'} td {'50 Years Ago: After Apollo, What? Space Task Group Report to President Nixon'} td {'NASA Website'} td {'14/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'Bret Copeland'} td {'2016'} td {'How to land the Space SHuttle... from Space'} td {'Youtube'} td {'4/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'American Society of Civil Engineers'} td {'2015'} td {'Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: Ethics Case Study No. 1'} td {'Youtube'} td {'7/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'Wikipedia Contributors'} td {'Last Edited 3/6/20'} td {'Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster'} td {'Wikipedia'} td {'5/6/20'} td {''} } tr { td {'Wikipedia Contributors'} td {'Last Edited 9/6/20'} td {'Astronaut ranks and positions'} td {'Wikipedia'} td {'9/6/20'} td {',Shuttle%20with%20assistance%20from%20Pilot.'} } tr { td {'Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica'} td {'2009'} td {'Challenger Disaster'} td {'Encyclopedia Britannica'} td {'11/6/20'} td {''} } } }, // scripts async _out => {} ) }