descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeThu, 10 Mar 2022 07:08:56 +0000 (18:08 +1100)
2022-03-10 Nick DowningAdd fp-lib-table, add footprints in schematic to match... master
2022-03-07 Nick DowningAdd my_kicad_library submodule, upgrade Z80-SBC.sch...
2022-03-01 Nick DowningRe-dimension slightly to make an imperial board with...
2022-03-01 Nick DowningAdd V2 website materials, unpack the 2.0 gerber and...
2022-03-01 Nick DowningAdd website materials, unpack the 1.3 gerber and KiCad...
2020-02-11 Sergey Kiselevprinted_parts: Create README
2020-02-11 Sergey Kiselevprinted_parts: Add photos
2020-02-10 Sergey Kiselevprinted_parts: Add OpenSCAD and STL files
2020-02-10 Sergey KiselevInitial commit
3 years ago master