descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeThu, 10 Feb 2022 14:37:02 +0000 (01:37 +1100)
2022-02-10 Nick DowningRename men_at_work to water_scene, crop and zoom IMG_24... master
2022-02-09 Nick DowningRedo high_five movie with, do tank_battle...
2022-02-09 Nick DowningImproved try-corner algorithm which computes a separate...
2022-02-09 Nick DowningImplement batch processing, tune parameters slightly
2022-02-09 Nick DowningUse estimated position of feature within block rather...
2022-02-09 Nick DowningMore flexible block size, pitch and slippage parameters
2022-02-09 Nick DowningAdd corner candidates to fine-tune the perspective fit
2022-02-09 Nick DowningCombine the correlation loop with the trend-finding...
2022-02-09 Nick DowningMake rectangle calculations more intuitive by always...
2022-02-09 Nick DowningSubroutinize the main parts of the auto-alignment routine
2022-02-08 Nick DowningProof of concept automatic alignment routine using...
2022-02-08 Nick DowningInitial commit, sharks and high_five after postprocessing
3 years ago master