descriptionLess CSS compiler, caching front-end with live recompilation.
last changeTue, 25 Jan 2022 07:00:37 +0000 (18:00 +1100)
2022-01-25 Nick DowningSend style option to SASS to produce minified CSS output master
2022-01-10 Nick DowningChange Less to Sass
2022-01-03 Nick DowningChange from pnpm to npm, add ./ shortcut for...
2020-02-03 Nick DowningChange yarn to pnpm, fix less module import
2018-12-04 Nick DowningMinor consistency fixes
2018-12-02 Nick DowningUpdate to build_cache.git commit 1cc703b
2018-11-27 Nick DowningPublish version 0.1.0 to NPM
2018-11-20 Nick DowningInitial commit
3 years ago master