descriptionBindings to zettair search engine.
last changeMon, 3 Jan 2022 04:28:19 +0000 (15:28 +1100)
2022-01-03 Nick DowningChange from pnpm to npm, add ./ shortcut for... master
2022-01-03 Nick DowningChange to node-addon-api
2020-02-03 Nick DowningChange yarn to pnpm, hackily include my home directory...
2018-11-18 Nick DowningFix several bugs in the packaging, and tidy up a bit
2018-11-18 Nick DowningPublishable version, rename zetjs to @ndcode/zettair...
2018-11-18 Nick DowningMake zetjs use INDEX_SUMMARISE_TAG
2018-11-18 Nick DowningImprove npm packaging so it can be installed by npm...
2018-11-18 Nick DowningAdd npm packaging
2018-11-18 Nick DowningCan now search index and obtain results object (always...
2018-11-18 Nick DowningImproved add-on, now links to and can open...
2018-11-18 Nick DowningInitial commit, demo program, wraps a C++ double in...
3 years ago master