descriptionTest website for MiRobot
last changeWed, 26 Jan 2022 23:34:54 +0000 (10:34 +1100)
2022-01-26 Nick DowningMake /_config/*.jst use ES6 superclass calls, fix failu... master
2022-01-26 Nick DowningUse ES6 classes in /_config/site.jst for compatibility...
2020-06-14 Nick DowningCompleted text and images
2020-06-14 Nick DowningChange MiRobot website into Challenger website (reuse...
2020-03-18 Nick DowningMake movement wait for gripper to finish and vice versa
2020-03-18 Nick DowningWorkaround for a problem with async exceptions in the...
2020-03-18 Nick DowningFix communication problems
2020-03-18 Nick DowningUpdate blockly, doesn't work well yet
2020-03-18 Nick DowningImplement tx queue
2020-03-18 Nick DowningDarken navbar active slightly for more contrast, move...
2020-03-18 Nick DowningCompleted assembly instructions, redone navbar, made...
2020-03-18 Nick DowningMore work on instructions
2020-03-18 Nick DowningFirst try at importing the manual into pages (got all...
2020-03-18 Nick DowningMore axes, better spacing, footer grey background
2020-03-18 Nick DowningCreate an axes structure to reduce duplication
2020-03-18 Nick DowningWorking sliders to control 4 axes
3 years ago master