descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeTue, 14 Nov 2023 03:27:30 +0000 (14:27 +1100)
2023-11-14 Nick DowningAdd /, in /linapple remove full-screen mode... master
2023-11-14 Nick DowningAdd forgotten /util directory, forgotten files /termina...
2022-06-03 Nick DowningImplement text mode and make soft switches more generic...
2022-06-02 Nick DowningImprove ROMs handling for the emulator, add CG ROM...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningMake ctrl-c available all the time, improve cleanup...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningAdd a convenience script for each game showing how...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningRefactor CALL implementation, to auto-detect tone routi...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningMove tone.obj and bootable.dsk generation into /util...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningRename /hrcg to /terminal and terminal* to hrcg_termina...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningImprove emulator keyboard handling to make shift work...
2022-05-26 Nick DowningIn pty code, fix file handle leaks, add session stuff...
2022-05-25 Nick DowningLet HRCG terminal run a child process, with pty for...
2022-05-25 Nick DowningMake HRCG cursor blink, fix some timing/lagginess issue...
2022-05-25 Nick DowningAdd cursor in HRCG, not blinking yet
2022-05-25 Nick DowningTuning ribbit slightly
2022-05-25 Nick DowningHRCG and joystick improvements, can now play ribbit...
15 months ago master