From 323b8bda3606725ae2612f89d239c2fd45923ec5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jakub Pawlowicz Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 11:08:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Rebuilds integration tests with test helpers. --- test/integration-test.js | 4906 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 2728 insertions(+), 2178 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/integration-test.js b/test/integration-test.js index 02691ead..a8d95ae0 100644 --- a/test/integration-test.js +++ b/test/integration-test.js @@ -1,2183 +1,2733 @@ -/* jshint indent: false, multistr: true, quotmark: false */ - var vows = require('vows'); -var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); -var CleanCSS = require('../index'); +var optimizerContext = require('./test-helper').optimizerContext; var lineBreak = require('os').EOL; -var cssContext = function (groups, options) { - var context = {}; - - var clean = function (expected) { - return function (source) { - var minified = new CleanCSS(options).minify(source).styles; - assert.equal(minified, expected); - }; - }; - - for (var g in groups) { - var transformation = groups[g]; - if (typeof transformation == 'string') - transformation = [transformation, transformation]; - - context[g] = { - topic: transformation[0], - clean: clean(transformation[1]) - }; - } - - return context; -}; -vows.describe('integration tests').addBatch({ - 'identity': cssContext({ - 'preserve minified content': 'a{color:#f10}' - }), - 'semicolons': cssContext({ - 'multiple semicolons': [ - 'a{color:#fff;;;width:0; ;}', - 'a{color:#fff;width:0}' - ], - 'trailing semicolon': [ - 'a{color:#fff;}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'trailing semicolon and space': [ - 'a{color:#fff ; }', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'comma and space': [ - 'a{color:rgba(0, 0, 5, .5)}', - 'a{color:rgba(0,0,5,.5)}' - ] - }), - 'whitespace': cssContext({ - 'one argument': [ - 'div a { color:#fff }', - 'div a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'tabs': [ - 'div\t\ta{display:block}\tp{color:red}', - 'div a{display:block}p{color:red}' - ], - 'line breaks #1': [ - 'div \na\r\n { width:500px }', - 'div a{width:500px}' - ], - 'line breaks #2': [ - 'div \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', - 'div a,p{width:500px}' - ], - 'line breaks with whitespace lines': [ - 'div \n \t\n \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', - 'div a,p{width:500px}' - ], - 'multiple arguments': [ - 'a{color:#fff ; font-weight: bolder }', - 'a{color:#fff;font-weight:bolder}' - ], - 'space delimited arguments': [ - 'a {border: 1px solid #f10; margin: 0 auto }', - 'a{border:1px solid #f10;margin:0 auto}' - ], - 'at beginning': [ - ' a {color:#fff}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'at end': [ - 'a{color:#fff } ', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'not inside calc method #1': [ - 'a{width:-moz-calc(100% - 1em);width:calc(100% - 1em)}', - 'a{width:-moz-calc(100% - 1em);width:calc(100% - 1em)}' - ], - 'not inside calc method #2': [ - 'div{margin:-moz-calc(50% + 15px) -moz-calc(50% + 15px);margin:calc(50% + .5rem) calc(50% + .5rem)}', - 'div{margin:-moz-calc(50% + 15px);margin:calc(50% + .5rem)}' - ], - 'not inside calc method with more parentheses': [ - 'div{height:-moz-calc((10% + 12px)/ 2 + 10em)}', - 'div{height:-moz-calc((10% + 12px)/ 2 + 10em)}' - ], - 'not inside calc method with multiplication': [ - 'div{height:-moz-calc(3 * 2em + 10px)}', - 'div{height:-moz-calc(3 * 2em + 10px)}' - ], - 'not inside calc method with brackets': [ - 'body{margin-left:calc(50vw + (1024px/2))}', - 'body{margin-left:calc(50vw + (1024px/2))}' - ], - 'not inside calc method with brackets #2': [ - 'body{width:calc((978px * 2/3) - 30px)}', - 'body{width:calc((978px * 2/3) - 30px)}' - ], - 'not inside calc method with brackets #3': [ - 'body{margin:calc(99.99% * 1/3 - (30px - 30px * 1/3) + 30px)}', - 'body{margin:calc(99.99% * 1/3 - (30px - 30px * 1/3) + 30px)}' - ], - 'with space between braces': [ - 'body{width:calc( ( 100% - 12px) / 3 )}', - 'body{width:calc((100% - 12px)/ 3)}' - ], - 'before colon': [ - '#test{padding-left :0}', - '#test{padding-left:0}' - ], - 'before colon but not selectors #1': 'div :before{display:block}', - 'before colon but not selectors #2': 'div ::-webkit-search-decoration{display:block}', - 'before colon but not selectors #3': 'div :after{color:red}', - 'windows breaks': [ - 'div>a{color:red\r\n }', - 'div>a{color:red}' - ], - 'whitespace in media queries': [ - '@media ( min-width: 980px ) {\n#page .span4 {\nwidth: 250px;\n}\n\n.row {\nmargin-left: -10px;\n}\n}', - '@media (min-width:980px){#page .span4{width:250px}.row{margin-left:-10px}}' - ], - 'line breaks in media queries123': [ - '@media\nonly screen and (max-width: 1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\nonly screen and (max-width: 1319px) and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)\n{ a { color:#000 } }', - '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:#000}}' - ], - 'in content preceded by #content': '#content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}', - 'in content preceded by .content': '.content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}', - 'in content preceded by line break': [ - '.content{display:block}#foo{' + lineBreak + 'content:"x"}', - '.content{display:block}#foo{content:"x"}' - ], - 'after rgb': [ - 'a{text-shadow:rgb(255,0,1) 1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:#ff0001 1px 1px}' - ], - 'after rgba': [ - 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}' - ], - 'after hsl': [ - 'a{text-shadow:hsl(240,100%,40%) -1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:#00c -1px 1px}' - ], - 'after hsla': [ - 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}' - ], - 'inside background': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with fraction unit': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with urls': [ - 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with rgba': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside margin': [ - 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}', - 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}' - ], - 'inside transform': [ - 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}', - 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}' - ], - 'after :not #1': [ - 'li:not(.foo).bar{color:red}', - 'li:not(.foo).bar{color:red}' - ], - 'after :not #2': [ - 'li:not(.foo)[data-type=none]{color:red}', - 'li:not(.foo)[data-type=none]{color:red}' - ], - 'after :not #3': [ - 'li:not(.foo)#id{color:red}', - 'li:not(.foo)#id{color:red}' - ] - }), - 'whitespace with spaceAfterClosingBrace': cssContext({ - 'after rgb': [ - 'a{text-shadow:rgb(255,0,1) 1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:#ff0001 1px 1px}' - ], - 'after rgba': [ - 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}' - ], - 'after hsl': [ - 'a{text-shadow:hsl(240,100%,40%) -1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:#00c -1px 1px}' - ], - 'after hsla': [ - 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}', - 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}' - ], - 'inside background': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px)10px no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with fraction unit': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px).5em no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with urls': [ - 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(image.png)no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside background with rgba': [ - 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px)no-repeat}' - ], - 'inside margin': [ - 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}', - 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}' - ], - 'inside transform': [ - 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}', - 'a{transform:translateX(10px)translateY(10px)}' - ], - 'inside @media': [ - '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:red}}', - '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px)and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:red}}' - ] - }, { compatibility: { properties: { spaceAfterClosingBrace: false } } }), - 'line breaks': cssContext({ - 'line breaks #1': [ - 'div\na\r\n{width:500px}', - 'div a{width:500px}' - ], - 'line breaks #2': [ - 'div\na\r\n,p{width:500px}', - 'div a,p{width:500px}' - ], - 'multiple line breaks #2': [ - 'div \r\n\r\na\r\n,p{width:500px}', - 'div a,p{width:500px}' - ], - 'line breaks with whitespace lines': [ - 'div \n \t\n \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', - 'div a,p{width:500px}' - ], - 'line breaks with multiple selectors': [ - 'p{width:500px}a{color:red}span{font-style:italic}', - 'p{width:500px}' + lineBreak + 'a{color:red}' + lineBreak + 'span{font-style:italic}' - ], - 'charset not at beginning': [ - "a{ color: #f10; }\n@charset 'utf-8';\nb { font-weight: bolder}", - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + "a{color:#f10}" + lineBreak + "b{font-weight:bolder}" - ], - 'charset multiple charsets': [ - "@charset 'utf-8';\ndiv :before { display: block }\n@charset 'utf-8';\na { color: #f10 }", - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + "div :before{display:block}" + lineBreak + "a{color:#f10}" - ], - 'charset with double line break': [ - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "a{display:block}", - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + "a{display:block}" - ], - 'uppercase charset': [ - "@CHARSET 'utf-8';h1{color:red}", - 'h1{color:red}' - ], - 'mixed case charset': [ - "@chArSET 'utf-8';h1{color:red}", - 'h1{color:red}' - ] - }, { keepBreaks: true }), - 'line breaks and important comments': cssContext({ - 'charset to beginning with comment removal': [ - "/*! some comment */" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "a{display:block}", - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + "a{display:block}" - ] - }, { keepBreaks: true, keepSpecialComments: 0 }), - 'selectors': cssContext({ - 'not expand + in selectors mixed with calc methods': [ - 'div{width:calc(50% + 3em)}div + div{width:100%}div:hover{width:calc(50% + 4em)}* > div {border:1px solid #f0f}', - 'div{width:calc(50% + 3em)}div+div{width:100%}div:hover{width:calc(50% + 4em)}*>div{border:1px solid #f0f}' - ], - 'process selectors ending with -0 correctly': '.selector-0,a{display:block}', - 'process selectors ending with -1 correctly': '.selector-1,a{display:block}' - }), - 'universal selector in ie8 compatibility mode': cssContext({ - '+html': [ - '*+html .foo{display:inline}', - '' - ], - '+html:first-child': [ - '*:first-child+html .foo{display:inline}', - '' - ], - 'complex': [ - '*:first-child+html .foo,.bar{display:inline}', - '.bar{display:inline}' - ] - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'universal selector in ie7 compatibility mode': cssContext({ - '+html': '*+html .foo{display:inline}', - ':first-child+html': '*:first-child+html .foo{display:inline}', - 'complex': '*:first-child+html .foo,.bar{display:inline}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie7' }), - 'comments': cssContext({ - 'single line': [ - 'a{color:#fff}/* some comment*/p{height:10px/* other comment */}', - 'a{color:#fff}p{height:10px}' - ], - 'multiline': [ - '/* \r\n multiline \n comment */a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.8)}', - 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,.8)}' - ], - 'comment chars in comments': [ - '/* \r\n comment chars * inside / comments */a{color:#fff}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'comment inside block': [ - 'a{/* \r\n some comments */color:#fff}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'special comments': [ - '/*! special comment */a{color:#f10} /* normal comment */', - '/*! special comment */a{color:#f10}' - ], - 'should keep exact structure': [ - '/*! \n a > span { } with some content */', - '/*! \n a > span { } with some content */' - ], - 'should remove comments with forward slashes inside': [ - '/*////*/a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'should properly handle line breaks and ** characters inside comments': [ - '/**====**\\\n/**2nd comment line/**===**/a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'selector between comments': [ - '/*comment*/*/*comment*/{color:red}', - '*{color:red}' - ], - 'inside url': [ - "p{background-image:url('/*')}/* */", - "p{background-image:url(/*)}" - ], - 'inside url twice': [ - "p{background-image:url('/* */\" /*')}/* */", - "p{background-image:url('/* */\" /*')}" - ], - 'inside url with more quotation': [ - "p{background-image:url('/*');content:\"\"/* */}", - "p{background-image:url(/*);content:\"\"}" - ], - 'with quote marks': [ - '/*"*//* */', - '' - ], - 'important after value': [ - 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/}', - 'div{color:red/*!comment*/}' - ], - 'important between values': [ - 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/display:block}', - 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/display:block}' - ], - 'important between and after values': [ - 'div{color:red;/*!comment1*/display:block;/*!comment2*/}', - 'div{color:red;/*!comment1*/display:block/*!comment2*/}' - ], - 'two important after value': [ - 'div{color:red;/*!1*//*!2*/}', - 'div{color:red/*!1*//*!2*/}' - ] - }), - 'escaping': cssContext({ - 'escaped @ symbol in class name': '.pad--all0\\@sm{padding:0}', - 'escaped @ symbol in id': '#id\\@sm{padding:0}', - 'escaped slash': 'a{content:"\\\\"}', - 'escaped quote': 'a{content:"\\\""}', - 'escaped quote in selector name': [ - '.this-class\\\'s-got-an-apostrophe{color:red}a{color:#f00}', - '.this-class\\\'s-got-an-apostrophe,a{color:red}' - ], - 'escaped quotes in selector name': [ - '.this-class\\\"s-got-an-apostrophes\\\'{color:red}a{color:#f00}', - '.this-class\\\"s-got-an-apostrophes\\\',a{color:red}' - ], - 'escaped tab': 'a{content:"\\\t"}' - }), - 'important comments - one': cssContext({ - 'strip all but first': [ - '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', - '/*! important comment */a{color:red}' - ] - }, { keepSpecialComments: 1 }), - 'important comments - none': cssContext({ - 'strip all': [ - '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'move charset before': [ - "/*! some comment */" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "a{display:block}", - "@charset 'utf-8';a{display:block}" - ] - }, { keepSpecialComments: 0 }), - 'important comments - keepSpecialComments when a string': cssContext({ - 'strip all': [ - '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', - 'a{color:red}' - ] - }, { keepSpecialComments: '0' }), - 'expressions': cssContext({ - 'empty': 'a{color:expression()}', - 'method call': 'a{color:expression(this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}', - 'multiple call': 'a{color:expression(x = 0 , this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}', - 'mixed content': "a{zoom:expression(this.runtimeStyle[\"zoom\"] = '1', this.innerHTML = '')}", - 'in comment': "/*! expression(this.runtimeStyle['zoom']) */", - 'complex': 'a{width:expression((this.parentNode.innerWidth + this.parentNode.innerHeight) / 2 )}', - 'with parentheses': "a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == ')' ? '5px' : '10px' )}", - 'open ended (broken)': "a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == }", - 'function call & advanced': 'a{zoom:expression(function (el){"1"}(this))}' - }), - 'text content': cssContext({ - 'normal #1': 'a{content:"."}', - 'normal #2': [ - 'a:before{content : "test\'s test"; }', - 'a:before{content:"test\'s test"}' - ], - 'open quote': [ - 'a{content : open-quote;opacity:1}', - 'a{content:open-quote;opacity:1}' - ], - 'close quote': [ - 'a{content: close-quote;clear:left}', - 'a{content:close-quote;clear:left}' - ], - 'special characters': [ - 'a{content : " a > div { } "}', - 'a{content:" a > div { } "}' - ], - 'with JSON': 'body::before{content:\'{ "current" : "small", "all" : ["small"], "position" : 0 }\'}' - }), - 'zero values': cssContext({ - 'with units': [ - 'a{margin:0px 0pt 0em 0%;padding: 0in 0cm 0mm 0pc;border-top-width:0ex}', - 'a{margin:0;padding:0;border-top-width:0}' - ], - 'multiple into one': [ - 'a{margin:0 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 0;border-width:0 0 0 0}', - 'a{margin:0;padding:0;border-width:0}' - ], - 'background\'s none to zero': [ - 'a{background:none}', - 'a{background:0 0}' - ], - 'border\'s none to none': 'a{border:none}p{border-top:none}', - 'background:transparent to zero': [ - 'a{background:transparent}p{background:transparent url(logo.png)}', - 'a{background:0 0}p{background:url(logo.png)}' - ], - 'outline:none to outline:0': [ - 'a{outline:none}', - 'a{outline:0}' - ], - 'display:none not changed': 'a{display:none}', - 'mixed zeros not changed': 'div{margin:0 0 1px 2px}', - 'mixed zeros not changed #2': 'div{padding:0 1px 0 3px}', - 'mixed zeros not changed #3': 'div{padding:10px 0 0 1px}', - 'multiple zeros with fractions #1': [ - 'div{padding:0 0 0 0.5em}', - 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}' - ], - 'multiple zeros with fractions #2': [ - 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}', - 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}' - ], - 'rect zeros #1': 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}', - 'rect zeros #2': [ - 'div{clip:rect(0px 0px 0px 0px)}', - 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}' - ], - 'rect zeros #3': [ - 'div{clip:rect( 0px 0px 0px 0px )}', - 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}' - ], - 'rect zeros #4': [ - 'div{clip:rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)}', - 'div{clip:rect(0,0,0,0)}' - ], - 'rect zeros #5': [ - 'div{clip:rect(0.5% 0px 0px 0px)}', - 'div{clip:rect(.5% 0 0 0)}' - ], - 'rect zeros #6': [ - 'div{clip:rect(0px 0px 0px 10px)}', - 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 10px)}' - ], - 'box shadow zeros with four zeros': [ - 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 0}', - 'a{box-shadow:0 0}' - ], - 'box shadow with two zeros': 'a{box-shadow:0 0}', - 'box shadow with three zeros and a fraction': [ - 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 0.15em #EBEBEB}', - 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 .15em #EBEBEB}' - ], - 'box shadow with three zeros and a value': 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 15px #EBEBEB}', - 'prefixed box shadow zeros': [ - 'a{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 0; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 0 0}', - 'a{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0;-moz-box-shadow:0 0}' - ], - 'zero as .0 #1': [ - 'a{color:rgba(0,0,.0,1)}', - 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,1)}' - ], - 'zero as .0 #2': [ - 'body{margin:.0}', - 'body{margin:0}' - ], - 'zero as .0 #3': [ - 'body{margin:.0em}', - 'body{margin:0}' - ], - 'zero as .0 #4': [ - 'body{margin:.0 1em .0 .0}', - 'body{margin:0 1em 0 0}' - ], - 'missing #1': [ - 'body{margin:2.em}', - 'body{margin:2em}' - ], - 'missing #2': [ - 'p{opacity:1.}', - 'p{opacity:1}' - ], - 'missing #3': [ - 'p{opacity:11.px}', - 'p{opacity:11px}' - ], - 'minus zero as value to zero': [ - 'body{margin:-0}', - 'body{margin:0}' - ], - 'minus zero in function to zero': [ - 'body{color:rgba(-0,-0,-0,-0)}', - 'body{color:transparent}' - ], - 'minus zero px to zero': [ - 'body{margin:-0px}', - 'body{margin:0}' - ], - 'zero em to zero': [ - 'body{margin:0.0em}', - 'body{margin:0}' - ] - }), - 'zero values in ie8 compatibility mode': cssContext({ - 'rems': 'div{width:0rem;height:0rem}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'zero values in any other compatibility mode': cssContext({ - 'rems': [ - 'div{width:0rem;height:0rem}', - 'div{width:0;height:0}' - ] - }, { compatibility: '*' }), - 'shorthands': cssContext({ - 'padding - same 4 values': [ - 'div{padding:1px 1px 1px 1px}', - 'div{padding:1px}' - ], - 'margin - same 4 values': [ - 'div{margin:1% 1% 1% 1%}', - 'div{margin:1%}' - ], - 'border-width - same 4 values': [ - 'div{border-width:1em 1em 1em 1em}', - 'div{border-width:1em}' - ], - 'border-style - same 4 values': [ - 'div{border-style:solid solid solid solid}', - 'div{border-style:solid}' - ], - 'border-color - same 4 values': [ - 'div{border-color:red red red red}', - 'div{border-color:red}' - ], - 'border-color - same 4 values as hex': [ - 'div{border-color:#f0f #f0f #f0f #f0f}', - 'div{border-color:#f0f}' - ], - 'border-color - same 4 values as rgb': [ - 'div{border-color:rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)}', - 'div{border-color:#000}' - ], - 'border-color - same 4 values as rgba': [ - 'div{border-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5)}', - 'div{border-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}' - ], - 'border-radius - same 4 values': [ - 'div{border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px}', - 'div{border-radius:3px}' - ], - 'border-radius - same 4 values with vendor prefixes': [ - 'div{-moz-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;-o-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px}', - 'div{-moz-border-radius:3px;-o-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px}' - ], - 'padding - same pairs': [ - 'div{padding:15.5em 10.5em 15.5em 10.5em}', - 'div{padding:15.5em 10.5em}' - ], - 'margin - same 2nd and 4th value': [ - 'div{margin:1px 2px 3px 2px}', - 'div{margin:1px 2px 3px}' - ], - 'padding - same 3 values': [ - 'div{padding:1px 1px 1px}', - 'div{padding:1px}' - ], - 'padding - different 3 values': 'div{padding:1px 1em 1%}', - 'margin - 3 callapsible values': [ - 'div{margin:1ex 2ex 1ex}', - 'div{margin:1ex 2ex}' - ], - 'border-radius - same 3 values with one vendor prefixe': [ - 'div{-webkit-border-radius:3px 3px 3px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px}', - 'div{-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px}' - ], - 'border-color - same 2nd and 4th value as rgb': [ - 'div{border-color:rgb(0,0,0) rgb(34,0,0) rgb(255,0,0) rgb(34,0,0)}', - 'div{border-color:#000 #200 red}' - ], - 'margin - 3 different values': 'div{margin:1px 1px 3px}', - 'border width - 3 different values': 'div{border-width:1px 2px 3px}', - 'padding - same 2 values': [ - 'div{padding:1px 1px}', - 'div{padding:1px}' - ], - 'margin - same 2 values': [ - 'div{margin:5% 5%}', - 'div{margin:5%}' - ], - 'border-width - same 2 values': [ - 'div{border-width:.5em .5em}', - 'div{border-width:.5em}' - ], - 'different units': 'div{padding:1px 1em 1% 1rem}', - 'fractions': [ - 'div{margin:.1em .1em .1em .1em}', - 'div{margin:.1em}' - ], - 'preceeding value': [ - 'div{padding:010px 00015px}', - 'div{padding:10px 15px}' - ], - 'preceeding value with fraction zeros': [ - 'div{padding:010.0em .05rem}', - 'div{padding:10em .05rem}' - ] - }), - 'units': cssContext({ - 'negative padding': [ - 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-top:-2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}', - 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}' - ], - 'negative padding after negative shorthand': [ - 'div{padding:-5px 0 0 0;padding-left:2px;padding-top:-2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}', - 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}' - ], - 'negative padding in calculations': [ - 'div{padding:calc(100% - 5px) 0 0 0}', - 'div{padding:calc(100% - 5px) 0 0}' - ] - }), - 'floats': cssContext({ - 'strips zero in fractions': [ - 'a{ margin-bottom: 0.5em}', - 'a{margin-bottom:.5em}' - ], - 'not strips zero in fractions of numbers greater than zero': [ - 'a{ margin-bottom: 20.5em}', - 'a{margin-bottom:20.5em}' - ], - 'strip fraction zero #1': [ - 'a{opacity:1.0}', - 'a{opacity:1}' - ], - 'strip fraction zero #2': [ - 'a{opacity:15.000%}', - 'a{opacity:15%}' - ], - 'strip fraction zero #3': [ - 'a{padding:15.55000em}', - 'a{padding:15.55em}' - ], - 'strip fraction zero #4': 'a{padding:15.101em}', - 'strip fraction zero #5': [ - 'a{border-width:0.20em 20.30em}', - 'a{border-width:.2em 20.3em}' - ], - 'strip fraction zeros': [ - 'div{margin:1.000em 2.00em 3.100em 4.01em}', - 'div{margin:1em 2em 3.1em 4.01em}' - ], - 'round pixels up to 2nd decimal place': [ - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.51px)}' - ], - 'round pixels down to 2nd decimal place': [ - 'div{transform:translateY(0.504123px)}', - 'div{transform:translateY(.5px)}' - ], - 'do not round 2nd decimal place pixels': 'div{transform:translateY(20.55px)}', - 'do not round percentages': 'div{left:20.505%}', - 'do not round ems': 'div{font-size:1.505em}', - 'rounds .9999 correctly': [ - 'a{stroke-width:.99999px}', - 'a{stroke-width:1px}' - ], - 'rounds 9.995 correctly': [ - 'a{stroke-width:9.995px}', - 'a{stroke-width:9.99px}' - ] - }), - 'floats custom rounding': cssContext({ - 'rounds to 4 values': [ - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.5051px)}' - ] - }, { roundingPrecision: 4 }), - 'floats disabled rounding': cssContext({ - 'does not round': [ - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', - 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}' - ] - }, { roundingPrecision: -1 }), - 'colors': cssContext({ - 'shorten rgb to standard hexadecimal format': [ - 'a{ color:rgb(5, 10, 15) }', - 'a{color:#050a0f}' - ], - 'skip rgba shortening': [ - 'a{ color:rgba(5, 10, 15, 0.5)}', - 'a{color:rgba(5,10,15,.5)}' - ], - 'shorten colors to 3 digit hex instead of 6 digit': [ - 'a{ background-color: #aa0000; color:rgb(0, 17, 255)}', - 'a{background-color:#a00;color:#01f}' - ], - 'skip shortening IE filter colors': [ - 'a{ filter: chroma(color = "#ff0000")}', - 'a{filter:chroma(color="#ff0000")}' - ], - 'color names to hex values': [ - 'a{color:white;border-color:black;background-color:fuchsia}p{background:yellow}', - 'a{color:#fff;border-color:#000;background-color:#f0f}p{background:#ff0}' - ], - 'keep selectors with color name #1': ".black-and-white .foo{color:#fff;background-color:#000}", - 'keep selectors with color name #2': ".go-blues{background:#000}", - 'keep selectors with color name #3': "#top_white{background:#000}", - 'keep selectors with color name #4': "a[data-sth=white]{background:#000}", - 'color names to hex values with important': [ - 'a{color:white !important}', - 'a{color:#fff!important}' - ], - 'color names to hex values in gradients': [ - 'p{background:linear-gradient(-90deg,black,white)}', - 'p{background:linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,#fff)}' - ], - 'hex value to color name if shorter': [ - 'p{color:#f00}', - 'p{color:red}' - ], - 'upper case hex value to color name if shorter': [ - 'p{color:#F00}', - 'p{color:red}' - ], - 'upper case long hex value to color name if shorter': [ - 'p{color:#FF0000}', - 'p{color:red}' - ], - 'hex value to color name in borders': [ - 'p{border:1px solid #f00}', - 'p{border:1px solid red}' - ], - 'hex value to color name in gradients': [ - 'p{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,#f00)}', - 'p{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,red)}' - ], - 'hex value to color name in gradients #2': [ - 'p{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000), to(#f00))}', - 'p{background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#000),to(red))}' - ], - 'border color - keep unchanged': 'p{border:1px solid #f94311}', - 'border color - hex to name': [ - 'p{border:1em dotted #f00}', - 'p{border:1em dotted red}' - ], - 'border color - name to hex': [ - 'p{border:1em dotted white}', - 'p{border:1em dotted #fff}' - ], - 'border color - rgb': [ - 'p{border:1em dotted rgb(255,0,0)}', - 'p{border:1em dotted red}' - ], - 'colors and colons': 'a{background-image:linear-gradient(top,red,#e6e6e6)}', - 'colors and parentheses': 'a{background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(#e6e6e6))}', - 'colors in ie filters': 'a{filter:chroma(color=#ffffff)}', - 'colors in ie filters 2': "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#cccccc', endColorstr='#000000')}", - 'colors in ie filters 3': "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#DDDDDD', endColorstr='#333333')}", - 'rgb percents': 'a{color:rgb(100%,0%,0%)}', - 'rgba percents': 'a{color:rgba(100%,0%,0%,.5)}', - 'hsla percents': 'a{color:hsla(1,0%,0%,.5)}', - 'hsla custom ': 'a{color:hsl(80,30%,50%,.5)}', - 'hsl to hex #1': [ - 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,0%)}', - 'a{color:#000}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #2': [ - 'a{color:hsl(0,100%,100%)}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #3': [ - 'a{color:hsl(240,100%,50%)}', - 'a{color:#00f}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #4': [ - 'a{color:hsl(240,100%,50%)}', - 'a{color:#00f}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #5': [ - 'a{color:hsl(120,100%,25%)}', - 'a{color:#007f00}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #6': [ - 'a{color:hsl(99,66%,33%)}', - 'a{color:#438b1c}' - ], - 'hsl to hex #7': [ - 'a{color:hsl(360,100%,50%)}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'hsla not to hex': 'a{color:hsl(99,66%,33%,.5)}', - 'hsl out of bounds #1': [ - 'a{color:hsl(120,200%,50%)}', - 'a{color:#0f0}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #2': [ - 'a{color:hsl(120,-100%,50%)}', - 'a{color:#7f7f7f}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #3': [ - 'a{color:hsl(480,100%,25%)}', - 'a{color:#007f00}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #4': [ - 'a{color:hsl(-240,100%,75%)}', - 'a{color:#7fff7f}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #5': [ - 'a{color:hsl(-600,100%,75%)}', - 'a{color:#7fff7f}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #6': [ - 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,122%)}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'hsl out of bounds #7': [ - 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,-10%)}', - 'a{color:#000}' - ], - 'rgb out of a lower bound': [ - 'a{color:rgb(-1,-1,-1)}', - 'a{color:#000}' - ], - 'rgb out of an upper bound': [ - 'a{color:rgb(256,256,256)}', - 'a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'turns rgba(0,0,0,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'turns rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'turns hsla(0,0%,0%,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:hsla(0,0%,0%,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'turns hsla(0,0,0,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:hsla(0,0,0,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'turns hsla(0.0,0.0%,0.0%,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:hsla(0.0,0.0%,0.0%,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'turns hsla(0.0,0.0,0.0,0) to transparent': [ - 'a{color:hsla(0.0,0.0,0.0,0)}', - 'a{color:transparent}' - ], - 'keeps rgba(255,255,255,0)': 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}', - 'keeps rgba(255,0,255,0)': 'a{color:rgba(255,0,255,0)}', - 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0)': 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}', - 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,.5)': 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}', - 'keeps rgba(0,255,0,.5)': 'a{color:rgba(0,255,0,.5)}', - 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,.5)': 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,.5)}', - 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,0) when inside a gradient': 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,rgba(0,0,0,0))}', - 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0) when inside a gradient': 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0))}', - 'removes only right transparent colors': [ - 'a{background-color:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0)),rgba(0,0,0,0)}', - 'a{background-color:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0)),transparent}' - ] - }), - 'border-radius': cssContext({ - 'border radius H+V 0/0': [ - 'a{border-radius:0 / 0}', - 'a{border-radius:0}' - ], - 'border radius side H+V 0/0': [ - 'a{border-top-left-radius:0 / 0}', - 'a{border-top-left-radius:0}' - ], - 'border radius H+V same values': [ - 'a{border-radius:5px / 5px}', - 'a{border-radius:5px}' - ], - 'border radius side H+V same values': [ - 'a{border-top-left-radius:1em / 1em}', - 'a{border-top-left-radius:1em}' - ], - 'border radius H+V same expanded values': [ - 'a{border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px / 5px 5px}', - 'a{border-radius:5px}' - ] - }), - 'font weights': cssContext({ - 'font-weight:normal to 400': [ - 'p{font-weight:normal}', - 'p{font-weight:400}' - ], - 'font-weight:bold to 700': [ - 'p{font-weight:bold}', - 'p{font-weight:700}' - ], - 'font weight in font declarations': [ - 'body{font:normal 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}', - 'body{font:400 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}' - ], - 'font weight in font declarations with fraction units': [ - 'p{font:bold .9rem Helvetica}', - 'p{font:700 .9rem Helvetica}' - ], - 'multiple changes': [ - 'p{font-weight:bold!important;width:100%;font:normal 12px Helvetica}', - 'p{font-weight:700!important;width:100%;font:400 12px Helvetica}' - ], - 'font weight in extended font declarations': 'a{font:normal normal normal 13px/20px Helvetica}', - 'font weight where style and weight are declared': 'a{font:normal 300 100%/1.5 sans-serif}' - }), - 'unicode': cssContext({ - 'font-names': 'body{font-family:\\5FAE\\8F6F\\96C5\\9ED1,\\5B8B\\4F53,sans-serif}' - }), - 'urls': cssContext({ - 'keep urls without parentheses unchanged': 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}', - 'keep non-encoded data URI unchanged': ".icon-logo{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII')}", - 'strip quotes from base64 encoded PNG data URI': [ - ".icon-logo{background-image:url('')}", - ".icon-logo{background-image:url()}" - ], - 'strip quotes from base64 encoded ICO data URI': [ - '.icon-logo{background-image:url("")}', - '.icon-logo{background-image:url()}' - ], - 'cut off url content on selector level': 'a{background:url(image/}', - 'cut off url content on block level': [ - '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA}', - '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA}' - ], - 'cut off url content on top level': [ - '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA', - '' - ], - 'strip single parentheses': [ - "a{background:url('/images/blank.png')}", - "a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}" - ], - 'strip double parentheses': [ - 'a{background:url("/images/blank.png")}', - 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}' - ], - 'strip more': [ - 'p{background:url("/images/blank.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url("/images/blank2.png")}', - 'p{background:url(/images/blank.png)}b{display:block}a{background:url(/images/blank2.png)}' - ], - 'not strip comments if spaces inside': [ - 'p{background:url("/images/long image name.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url("/images/no-spaces.png")}', - 'p{background:url("/images/long image name.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url(/images/no-spaces.png)}' - ], - 'not add a space before url\'s hash': "a{background:url(/fonts/d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22.svg#d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22)}", - 'keep urls from being stripped down #1': 'a{background:url(/image-1.0.png)}', - 'keep urls from being stripped down #2': "a{background:url(/image-white.png)}", - 'keep urls from being stripped down #3': 'a{background:url(/libraries/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png) 50% top #eee}', - 'keep special markers in comments (so order is important)': '/*! __ESCAPED_URL_CLEAN_CSS0__ */a{display:block}', - 'strip new line in urls': [ - 'a{background:url(/very/long/\ -path)}', - 'a{background:url(/very/long/path)}' - ], - 'strip new line in urls which could be unquoted': [ - 'a{background:url("/very/long/\ -path")}', - 'a{background:url(/very/long/path)}' - ], - 'uppercase': [ - 'a{background-image: URL("images/image.png");}', - 'a{background-image:url(images/image.png)}' - ] - }), - 'urls whitespace in compatibility mode': cssContext({ - 'keeps spaces as they are': '*{background:url(test.png) no-repeat}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'urls quotes in compatibility mode': cssContext({ - 'keeps quotes as they are': [ - 'div{background:url("test.png")}', - 'div{background:url("test.png")}' - ] - }, { compatibility: { properties: { urlQuotes: true } } }), - 'urls rewriting - no root or target': cssContext({ - 'no @import': [ - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import twice': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials-relative/extra/included.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'document-local reference': [ - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' - ] - }), - 'urls rewriting - root but no target': cssContext({ - 'no @import': [ - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'SVG': [ - "a{background-image:url(\"data:image/svg+xml,\")}", - "a{background-image:url(\"data:image/svg+xml,\")}" - ], - 'document-local reference': [ - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' - ], - 'internal page': [ - 'a{background:url(about:blank)}', - 'a{background:url(about:blank)}' - ] - }, { - root: process.cwd(), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') - }), - 'urls rewriting - no root but target as file': cssContext({ - 'no @import': [ - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'document-local reference': [ - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' - ] - }, { - target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') - }), - 'urls rewriting - no root but target as a directory': cssContext({ - 'no @import': [ - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'document-local reference': [ - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' - ] - }, { - target: process.cwd(), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') - }), - 'urls rewriting - no root but target as a missing directory': cssContext({ - 'url': [ - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ] - }, { - target: path.join('test', 'fixtures2'), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') - }), - 'urls rewriting - root and target': cssContext({ - 'no @import': [ - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'relative @import': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'absolute @import': [ - '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', - 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ], - 'document-local reference': [ - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', - 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' - ] - }, { - root: process.cwd(), - target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') - }), - 'urls rewriting - rebase off': cssContext({ - 'keeps urls the same': [ - '@import url(base.css);', - 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' - ] - }, { - target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), - relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative'), - rebase: false - }), - 'fonts': cssContext({ - 'keep format quotation': [ - "@font-face{font-family:PublicVintage;src:url(/PublicVintage.otf) format('opentype')}", - "@font-face{font-family:PublicVintage;src:url(/PublicVintage.otf) format('opentype')}" - ], - 'remove font family quotation': [ - "a{font-family:\"Helvetica\",'Arial'}", - "a{font-family:Helvetica,Arial}" - ], - 'do not remove font family double quotation if space inside': 'a{font-family:"Courier New"}', - 'do not remove font quotation if starts with a number': 'a{font:\'123font\'}', - 'do not remove font family quotation if starts with a number': 'a{font-family:\'123font\'}', - 'remove font quotation': [ - "a{font:12px/16px \"Helvetica\",'Arial'}", - "a{font:12px/16px Helvetica,Arial}" - ], - 'remove font quotation #2': [ - "a{font:12px/16px \"Helvetica1_12\",'Arial_1451'}", - "a{font:12px/16px Helvetica1_12,Arial_1451}" - ], - 'remove font quotation #3': [ - "a{font:12px/16px \"Helvetica-Regular\",'Arial-Bold'}", - "a{font:12px/16px Helvetica-Regular,Arial-Bold}" - ], - 'do not remove quotation from enclosed JSON (weird, I know)': "p{font-family:'{ \"current\" : \"large\", \"all\" : [\"small\", \"medium\", \"large\"], \"position\" : 2 }'}" - }), - 'IE hacks': cssContext({ - 'star': 'a{*color:#fff}', - 'unserscore': 'a{_color:#fff}', - 'backslash': 'a{color:#fff\\9}', - 'overriding by a star': 'a{color:red;display:block;*color:#fff}', - 'overriding by a unserscore': 'a{color:red;display:block;_color:#fff}', - 'overriding by a backslash': 'a{color:red;display:block;color:#fff\\9}', - 'overriding a star': [ - 'a{*color:red;display:block;*color:#fff}', - 'a{display:block;*color:#fff}' - ], - 'overriding a unserscore': [ - 'a{_color:red;display:block;_color:#fff}', - 'a{display:block;_color:#fff}' - ], - 'overriding a backslash': [ - 'a{color:red\\9;display:block;color:#fff\\9}', - 'a{display:block;color:#fff\\9}' - ], - 'overriding a star by a non-ajacent selector': 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{*color:#fff}', - 'overriding an underscore by a non-ajacent selector': 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{_color:#fff}', - 'overriding a backslash by a non-ajacent selector': 'a{color:red}.one{color:#fff}a{color:#fff\\9}', - 'preserving backslash in overriddable': 'a{border:1px solid #ccc\\9}', - 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,0)': 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}', - 'keeps rgba(255,255,255,0)': 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}', - 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0)': 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'IE hacks without IE compatibility': cssContext({ - 'star': [ - 'a{*color:#fff}', - '' - ], - 'unserscore': [ - 'a{_color:#fff}', - '' - ], - 'two in a row': [ - 'a{padding:0;*height:13px;*width:13px}', - 'a{padding:0}' - ], - 'two in a row mixed': [ - 'a{padding:0;*height:13px;_width:13px}', - 'a{padding:0}' - ], - 'backslash': [ - 'a{color:#fff\\9}', - 'a{color:#fff\\9}' - ] - }), - 'animations': cssContext({ - 'shorten': [ - '@keyframes test\n{ from\n { width:100px; }\n to { width:200px; }\n}', - '@keyframes test{from{width:100px}to{width:200px}}' - ], - 'remove name quotes': [ - "@keyframes \"test1\"{a{display:block}}@keyframes 'test2'{a{display:block}}", - "@keyframes test1{a{display:block}}@keyframes test2{a{display:block}}" - ], - 'not remove name quotes if whitespace inside': "@keyframes \"test 1\"{a{display:block}}@keyframes 'test 2'{a{display:block}}", - 'remove name quotes for vendor prefixes': [ - "@-moz-keyframes 'test'{a{display:block}}@-o-keyframes 'test'{a{display:block}}@-webkit-keyframes 'test'{a{display:block}}", - "@-moz-keyframes test{a{display:block}}@-o-keyframes test{a{display:block}}@-webkit-keyframes test{a{display:block}}" - ], - 'remove quotes in animation': [ - "div{animation:'test' 2s ease-in .5s 3}", - "div{animation:test 2s ease-in .5s 3}" - ], - 'not remove quotes in animation when name with space inside': "div{animation:'test 1' 2s ease-in .5s 3}", - 'remove quotes in vendor prefixed animation': [ - "div{-moz-animation:'test' 2s ease-in;-o-animation:'test' 2s ease-in;-webkit-animation:'test' 2s ease-in}", - "div{-moz-animation:test 2s ease-in;-o-animation:test 2s ease-in;-webkit-animation:test 2s ease-in}" - ], - 'remove quotes in animation-name': [ - "div{animation-name:'test'}", - "div{animation-name:test}" - ], - 'not remove quotes in animation-name when name with space inside': "div{animation-name:'test 1'}", - 'remove quotes in vendor prefixed animation-name': [ - "div{-moz-animation-name:'test';-o-animation-name:'test';-webkit-animation-name:'test'}", - "div{-moz-animation-name:test;-o-animation-name:test;-webkit-animation-name:test}" - ] - }), - 'attributes': cssContext({ - 'should keep selector if no value': 'div[data-type]{border-color:red}', - 'should keep selector if no quotation': 'div[data-type=something]{border-color:red}', - 'should keep selector if equals in value': 'div[data-type="stupid=value"]{border-color:red}', - 'should keep quotation if whitespace inside': 'div[data-type^=\'object 1\']{border-color:red}', - 'should keep quotations if special characters inside': 'a[data-type="object+1"]{color:red}p[data-target="#some-place"]{color:#0f0}', - 'should keep quotation if is a number': 'div[data-number=\'1\']{border-color:red}', - 'should keep quotation if starts with a number': 'div[data-type^=\'1something\']{border-color:red}', - 'should keep quotation if starts with a hyphen': 'div[data-type$=\'-something\']{border-color:red}', - 'should keep quotation if key only (which is invalid)': 'div["data-type"]{color:red}', - 'should strip quotation if is a word': [ - 'a[data-href=\'object\']{border-color:red}', - 'a[data-href=object]{border-color:red}' - ], - 'should strip quotation if is a hyphen separated words': [ - 'a[data-href=\'object-1-two\']{border-color:red}', - 'a[data-href=object-1-two]{border-color:red}' - ], - 'should strip quotations if is less specific selectors': [ - 'a[data-href*=\'object1\']{border-color:red}a[data-href|=\'object2\']{border-color:#0f0}', - 'a[data-href*=object1]{border-color:red}a[data-href|=object2]{border-color:#0f0}' - ], - 'should keep special characters inside attributes #1': "a[data-css='color:white']{display:block}", - 'should keep special characters inside attributes #2': 'a[href="/version-0.01.html"]{display:block}', - 'should strip new lines inside attributes': [ - ".test[title='my very long \ -title']{display:block}", - ".test[title='my very long title']{display:block}" - ], - 'should strip new lines inside attributes which can be unquoted': [ - ".test[title='my_very_long_\ -title']{display:block}", - ".test[title=my_very_long_title]{display:block}" - ], - 'should strip whitespace between square brackets': [ - 'body[ data-title ]{color:red}', - 'body[data-title]{color:red}' - ], - 'should strip whitespace inside square brackets': [ - 'body[ data-title = x ]{color:red}', - 'body[data-title=x]{color:red}' - ] - }), - 'ie filters': cssContext({ - 'short alpha': [ - // "a{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80); -ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)';}", - "a{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)}", - "a{filter:alpha(Opacity=80)}" - ], - 'short chroma': [ - 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191)}', - 'a{filter:chroma(color=#919191)}' - ], - 'matrix filter spaces': [ - "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.984, M22=0.984, M12=0.17, M21=-0.17, SizingMethod='auto expand')}", - "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=.984, M22=.984, M12=.17, M21=-.17, SizingMethod='auto expand')}" - ], - 'multiple filters (IE7 issue)': [ - "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.984, M22=0.984, M12=0.17, M21=-0.17, SizingMethod='auto expand')}", - "a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=.984, M22=.984, M12=.17, M21=-.17, SizingMethod='auto expand')}" - ], - 'AlphaImageLoader': [ - 'div{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=images/skyline.jpg)}', - 'div{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=images/skyline.jpg)}' - ] - }), - 'charsets': cssContext({ - 'not at beginning': [ - "a{ color: #f10; }@charset 'utf-8';b { font-weight: bolder}", - "@charset 'utf-8';a{color:#f10}b{font-weight:bolder}" - ], - 'multiple charsets': [ - "@charset 'utf-8';div :before { display: block }@charset 'utf-8';a { color: #f10 }", - "@charset 'utf-8';div :before{display:block}a{color:#f10}" - ], - 'charset and space after': [ - "@charset 'utf-8';" + lineBreak + lineBreak + "a{display:block}", - "@charset 'utf-8';a{display:block}" - ] - }), - 'important': cssContext({ - 'space before': [ - "body{background-color:#fff !important}", - "body{background-color:#fff!important}" - ], - 'space between ! and important': [ - "body{background-color:#fff ! important}", - "body{background-color:#fff!important}" - ] - }), - 'empty elements': cssContext({ - 'single': [ - ' div p { \n}', - '' - ], - 'between non-empty': [ - 'div {color:#fff} a{ } p{ line-height:1.35em}', - 'div{color:#fff}p{line-height:1.35em}' - ], - 'just a semicolon': [ - 'div { ; }', - '' - ], - 'inside @media': [ - "@media screen { .test {} } .test1 { color: green; }", - ".test1{color:green}" - ], - 'inside nested @media': [ - '@media screen { @media (orientation:landscape) { @media (max-width:999px) { .test {} } } }', - '' - ], - 'inside not empty @media': [ - "@media screen { .test {} .some { display:none } }", - "@media screen{.some{display:none}}" - ], - 'inside nested not empty @media': [ - '@media screen { @media (orientation:landscape) { @media (max-width:999px) { .test {} } a {color:red} } }', - '@media screen{@media (orientation:landscape){a{color:red}}}' - ] - }), - 'empty @media': cssContext({ - 'simple': [ - '@media print{}', - '' - ], - 'simple with and': [ - '@media print and screen{}', - '' - ], - 'complex': [ - '@media print, (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi) {\n}', - '' - ] - }), - '@import': cssContext({ - 'empty': [ - "@import url();", - '' - ], - 'of an unknown file': [ - "@import url('fake.css');", - '' - ], - 'of an unknown file with a missing trailing semicolon': [ - "@import url(fake.css)", - '' - ], - 'of a directory': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials);", - '' - ], - 'of a real file': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file twice': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with current path prefix': [ - "@import url(./test/fixtures/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with quoted path': [ - "@import url('test/fixtures/partials/one.css');", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with double-quoted path': [ - '@import url("test/fixtures/partials/one.css");', - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with bare path': [ - "@import test/fixtures/partials/one.css;", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with bare quoted path': [ - "@import 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with bare double-quoted path': [ - '@import "test/fixtures/partials/one.css";', - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with single simple media': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css) screen;', - "@media screen{.one{color:red}}" - ], - 'of a real file with multiple simple media': [ - '@import "test/fixtures/partials/one.css" screen, tv, print;', - "@media screen,tv,print{.one{color:red}}" - ], - 'of a real file with complex media': [ - '@import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\' screen and (orientation:landscape);', - "@media screen and (orientation:landscape){.one{color:red}}" - ], - 'of a real file with a missing trailing semicolon': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css)", - '' - ], - 'of a real files with a missing trailing semicolon': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css)@import url(test/fixtures/partials/two.css)", - '' - ], - 'of more files': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);\n\n@import url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/three.css);\n\na{display:block}", - ".one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}a{display:block}" - ], - 'of more files with media': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css) screen;@import url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/three.css) tv;", - "@media screen{.one{color:red}}@media tv{.three{color:#0f0}}" - ], - 'of multi-level, circular dependency file': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/two.css);", - ".one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}.four{color:#00f}.two{color:#fff}" - ], - 'of a file with a relative resource path': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/three.css);", - ".three{background-image:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif)}" - ], - 'of a file with an absolute resource path': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/four.css);", - ".four{background-image:url(/partials/extra/down.gif)}" - ], - 'of a file with a resource URI': [ - "@import url(test/fixtures/partials/five.css);", - ".five{background:url()}" - ], - 'cut off': [ - '@impo', - '' - ], - 'cut off inside a comment': [ - '/* @impo', - '' - ], - 'inside a comment': [ - '/* @import url(test/fixtures/partials/five.css); */a { color: red; }', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'after a comment': [ - '/* @import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css); */@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);a { color: red; }', - '.one,a{color:red}' - ], - 'used arbitrarily in comment': [ - '/* @import foo */a { color: red; }', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'used arbitrarily in comment multiple times': [ - '/* @import foo */a { color: red; }\n/* @import bar */p { color: #fff; }', - 'a{color:red}p{color:#fff}' - ], - 'used arbitrarily in comment including unrelated comment': [ - '/* foo */a { color: red; }/* bar *//* @import */', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'of a file with a comment': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/comment.css);', - 'a{display:block}' - ], - 'of a file (with media) with a comment': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/comment.css) screen and (device-height: 600px);', - '@media screen and (device-height:600px){a{display:block}}' - ], - 'after standard content': [ - "a{display:block}@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);body{margin:0}", - "a{display:block}body{margin:0}" - ], - 'after quoted content': [ - "/*a{display:block}*/@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'with double underscore': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/with__double_underscore.css);', - '.one{color:green}' - ], - 'remote inside local': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', - '@import url(;' - ], - 'remote inside local after content': [ - 'a{color:red}@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'remote inside local after imported content': [ - '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', - '.one{color:red}' - ] - }, { root: process.cwd() }), - 'malformed but still valid @import': cssContext({ - 'prefixed with whitespace': [ - " @import 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'no whitespace between @import and filename': [ - "@import'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace between @import and filename': [ - "@import 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'line break between @import and filename': [ - "@import " + lineBreak + "'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace prefix in file name': [ - "@import ' test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace suffix in file name': [ - "@import 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css ';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace after': [ - "@import 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css' ;", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'uppercase @import': [ - "@IMPORT 'test/fixtures/partials/one.css';", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace between url and filename': [ - "@import url( test/fixtures/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace prefix in file name - url': [ - "@import url(' test/fixtures/partials/one.css');", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'extra whitespace suffix in file name - url': [ - "@import url('test/fixtures/partials/one.css ');", - ".one{color:red}" - ] - }, { root: process.cwd() }), - '@import with absolute paths': cssContext({ - 'of an unknown file': [ - "@import url(/fake.css);", - '' - ], - 'of a real file': [ - "@import url(/partials/one.css);", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of a real file with quoted paths': [ - "@import url(\"/partials/one.css\");", - ".one{color:red}" - ], - 'of two files with mixed paths': [ - "@import url(/partials/one.css);@import url(partials/extra/three.css);a{display:block}", - ".one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}a{display:block}" - ], - 'of a multi-level, circular dependency file': [ - "@import url(/partials/two.css);", - ".one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}.four{color:#00f}.two{color:#fff}" - ], - 'of a multi-level, circular dependency file with mixed paths': [ - "@import url(/partials-absolute/base.css);", - ".base2{border-width:0}.sub{padding:0}.base{margin:0}" - ] - }, { root: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'fixtures') }), - '@import with option processImport': cssContext({ - 'of an unknown file': [ - "@import url(/fake.css);", - "@import url(/fake.css);" - ], - 'of an unknown file with extra whitespace': [ - "@import url( /fake.css );", - "@import url(/fake.css);" - ], - 'of comment chars within import url': "@import 'necolas/normalize.css@*/normalize.css';" - }, { processImport: false }), - '@import with no import and no advanced': cssContext({ - 'empty body': [ - '@import url(//;body{/* comment */}body h1{font-family:Domine}', - '@import url(//;body h1{font-family:Domine}' - ], - 'no empty body': '@import url(//;body{color:red}body h1{font-family:Domine}' - }, { processImport: false, advanced: false }), - '@import with no url': cssContext({ - 'matching too much': [ - '@import url(test.css);@font-face{font-family:"icomoon"}', - '@import url(test.css);@font-face{font-family:icomoon}' - ] - }, { processImport: false, root: process.cwd(), relativeTo: process.cwd() }), - 'duplicate selectors with disabled advanced processing': cssContext({ - 'of a duplicate selector': [ - 'a,a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ] - }, { advanced: false }), - 'line breaks with disabled advanced processing': cssContext({ - 'should be applied': [ - 'a{color:red}p{display:block}', - 'a{color:red}' + lineBreak + 'p{display:block}' - ] - }, { advanced: false, keepBreaks: true }), - 'invalid data tokenization': cssContext({ - 'extra top-level closing brace': [ - 'a{color:red}}p{width:auto}', - 'a{color:red}p{width:auto}' - ], - 'extra top-level closing braces': [ - 'a{color:red}}}}p{width:auto}', - 'a{color:red}p{width:auto}' - ] - }), - 'duplicate selectors in a list': cssContext({ - 'of a duplicate selector': [ - 'a,a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'of an unordered multiply repeated selector': [ - 'a,b,p,a{color:red}', - 'a,b,p{color:red}' - ], - 'of an unordered multiply repeated selector within a block': [ - '@media screen{a,b,p,a{color:red}}', - '@media screen{a,b,p{color:red}}' - ], - 'of an unordered multiply repeated complex selector within a block #1': [ - '@media screen{.link[data-path],a,p,.link[data-path]{color:red}}', - '@media screen{.link[data-path],a,p{color:red}}' - ], - 'of an unordered multiply repeated complex selector within a block #2': [ - '@media screen{#foo[data-path^="bar bar"],a,p,#foo[data-path^="bar bar"]{color:red}}', - '@media screen{#foo[data-path^="bar bar"],a,p{color:red}}' - ] - }), - 'duplicate selectors in a scope': cssContext({ - 'of two successive selectors': [ - 'a{color:red}a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'of two successive selectors with different body': [ - 'a{color:red}a{display:block}', - 'a{color:red;display:block}' - ], - 'of many successive selectors': [ - 'a{color:red}a{color:red}a{color:red}a{color:red}', - 'a{color:red}' - ], - 'of two non-successive selectors': [ - 'a{color:red}p{color:#fff}a{color:red}', - 'p{color:#fff}a{color:red}' - ], - 'of many non-successive selectors': [ - 'div{width:100%}a{color:red}a{color:red}p{color:#fff}div{width:100%}ol{margin:0}p{color:#fff}', - 'a{color:red}div{width:100%}ol{margin:0}p{color:#fff}' - ], - 'with global and media scope': [ - 'a{color:red}@media screen{a{color:red}p{width:100px}a{color:red}}', - 'a{color:red}@media screen{p{width:100px}a{color:red}}' - ], - 'with two media scopes': [ - '@media (min-width:100px){a{color:red}}@media screen{a{color:red}p{width:100px}a{color:red}}', - '@media (min-width:100px){a{color:red}}@media screen{p{width:100px}a{color:red}}' - ] - }), - 'duplicate properties with aggressive merging disabled': cssContext({ - 'of (yet) unmergeable properties': 'a{display:inline-block;color:red;display:-moz-block}', - 'of mergeable properties': [ - 'a{background:red;display:block;background:white}', - 'a{background:#fff;display:block}' - ] - }, { aggressiveMerging: false }), - 'same selectors': cssContext({ - 'of two non-adjacent selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.two{color:#00f}.one{font-weight:700}', - '.one{color:red;font-weight:700}.two{color:#00f}' - ], - 'of two adjacent single selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.one{font-weight:700}', - '.one{color:red;font-weight:700}' - ], - 'of three adjacent single selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.one{font-weight:700}.one{font-size:12px}', - '.one{color:red;font-weight:700;font-size:12px}' - ], - 'of two adjacent single, complex selectors': [ - '#box>.one{color:red}#box>.one{font-weight:700}', - '#box>.one{color:red;font-weight:700}' - ], - 'of two adjacent multiple, complex selectors': [ - '#box>.one,.zero{color:red}#box>.one,.zero{font-weight:700}', - '#box>.one,.zero{color:red;font-weight:700}' - ], - 'of two adjacent selectors with duplicate properties #1': [ - '.one{color:red}.one{color:#fff}', - '.one{color:#fff}' - ], - 'of two adjacent selectors with duplicate properties #2': [ - '.one{color:red;font-weight:bold}.one{color:#fff;font-weight:400}', - '.one{color:#fff;font-weight:400}' - ], - 'of two adjacent complex selectors with different selector order': [ - '.one,.two{color:red}.two,.one{line-height:1em}', - '.one,.two{color:red;line-height:1em}' - ], - 'two adjacent with hex color definitions': [ - 'a:link,a:visited{color:#fff}.one{display:block}a:link,a:visited{color:red}', - '.one{display:block}a:link,a:visited{color:red}' - ], - 'in two passes': [ - 'a{color:red}a{background:red}b{color:red}b{background:red}', - 'a,b{color:red;background:red}' - ], - 'when overriden with a browser specific selector': 'a{color:red}::-webkit-scrollbar,a{color:#fff}', - 'two same selectors over a block': [ - '.one{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}.one{display:none}', - '@media print{.two{display:block}}.one{color:red;display:none}' - ], - 'two same bodies over a block': [ - '.one{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}.three{color:red}', - '.one,.three{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}' - ] - }), - 'same non-adjacent selectors': cssContext({ - 'with one redefined property': [ - 'a{color:red;display:block}.one{color:red}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}', - '.one{color:red}a{display:block;color:#fff;margin:2px}' - ], - 'with intentionally redefined properties on joins': [ - 'a{display:inline-block;display:-moz-inline-box;color:red}.one{margin:12px}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}', - '.one{margin:12px}a{display:inline-block;display:-moz-inline-box;color:#fff;margin:2px}' - ], - 'with intentionally redefined properties on multiple joins': [ - 'a{color:red}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}.two{margin:10px}a{margin:0}', - '.one{font-size:12px}.two{margin:10px}a{color:#fff;margin:0}' - ], - 'with all redefined properties': [ - 'a{color:red;display:block}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}', - '.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}' - ], - 'many with all redefined properties': [ - 'a{padding:10px}.zero{color:transparent}a{color:red;display:block}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}', - '.zero{color:transparent}.one{font-size:12px}a{padding:10px;color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}' - ], - 'when overriden by an empty selector': [ - 'a{padding:10px}.one{color:red}a{}', - 'a{padding:10px}.one{color:red}' - ], - 'when overriden by a complex selector': [ - 'a{padding:10px;margin:0;color:red}.one{color:red}a,p{color:red;padding:0}', - '.one,a,p{color:red}a{margin:0}a,p{padding:0}' - ], - 'when overriden by complex selectors': [ - 'a{padding:10px;margin:0;color:red}.one{color:red}a,p{color:red;padding:0}.one,a{color:#fff}', - 'a{margin:0}a,p{color:red;padding:0}.one,a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'when complex selector overriden by simple selectors': 'a,p{margin:0;color:red}a{color:#fff}', - 'when complex selector overriden by complex and simple selectors': [ - 'a,p{margin:0;color:red}a{color:#fff}a,p{color:#00f}p{color:#0f0}', - 'a,p{margin:0;color:#00f}p{color:#0f0}' - ], - 'when complex selector overriden by complex selectors': [ - '.one>.two,.three{color:red;line-height:1rem}#zero,.one>.two,.three,.www{color:#fff;margin:0}a{color:red}.one>.two,.three{line-height:2rem;font-size:1.5rem}', - '#zero,.one>.two,.three,.www{color:#fff;margin:0}a{color:red}.one>.two,.three{line-height:2rem;font-size:1.5rem}' - ], - 'when undefined is used as a value': [ - '.one{text-shadow:undefined}p{font-size:14px}.one{font-size:12px}', - 'p{font-size:14px}.one{text-shadow:undefined;font-size:12px}' - ], - 'when undefined is used as a value with reduction': [ - '.one{text-shadow:undefined}p{color:red}.one{font-size:12px;text-shadow:none}', - 'p{color:red}.one{font-size:12px;text-shadow:none}' - ], - 'when overriden with a browser specific selector': 'a{color:red}p{display:block}::-moz-selection,a{color:#fff}', - 'when same browser specific selector more than once': [ - 'a,::-moz-selection{color:red}p{display:block}a,::-moz-selection{color:#fff}', - 'p{display:block}::-moz-selection,a{color:#fff}' - ], - 'with full property comparison': [ - '.one{height:7rem}.two{color:#fff}.one{line-height:7rem;color:red}', - '.two{color:#fff}.one{height:7rem;line-height:7rem;color:red}' - ], - 'with two intermediate, non-overriding selectors': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:#fff}.one{font-size:12px}', - '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}.two{color:#fff}' - ], - 'with two intermediate, overriding more specific selectors': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{font:12px serif}.one{font-size:12px}', - '.two{font:12px serif}.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}' - ], - 'with granular selectors from the same shorthand': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{font-weight:700}.one{font-size:12px}', - '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}.two{font-weight:700}' - ], - 'with three intermediate, non-overriding selectors': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:#fff}.one{font-size:12px}.three{color:#000}.one{padding:0}', - '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px;padding:0}.two{color:#fff}.three{color:#000}' - ], - 'successive selectors': [ - 'footer,header{top:1.25em;bottom:1.25em}header{top:2.5em}footer{bottom:2.5em}', - 'footer,header{top:1.25em;bottom:1.25em}header{top:2.5em}footer{bottom:2.5em}' - ], - 'over a @media block': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}@media{.two{font-weight:700}}.one{font-size:12px}', - '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}@media{.two{font-weight:700}}' - ] - }), - 'rerun optimizers': cssContext({ - 'selectors reducible once': [ - '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:red}.one{margin:0}', - '.one,.two{color:red}.one{margin:0}' - ] - }), - 'same bodies': cssContext({ - 'of two non-adjacent selectors': '.one{color:red}.two{color:#00f}.three{color:red}', - 'of two adjacent single selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.two{color:red}', - '.one,.two{color:red}' - ], - 'of three adjacent complex, multiple selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}#two.three{color:red}.four>.five{color:red}', - '#two.three,.four>.five,.one{color:red}' - ], - 'with repeated selectors': [ - '#zero>p,.one,.two{color:red}.two,#zero>p,.three{color:red}', - '#zero>p,.one,.three,.two{color:red}' - ], - 'of element selectors': [ - 'p{color:red}a{color:#000}div{color:red}', - 'div,p{color:red}a{color:#000}' - ], - 'of element selectors inside @media': [ - '@media screen{p{color:red}a{color:#000}div{color:red}}', - '@media screen{div,p{color:red}a{color:#000}}' - ], - 'of element selectors with a class selector in between': [ - 'p{color:red}.a{color:#000}div{color:red}', - 'p{color:red}.a{color:#000}div{color:red}' - ], - 'of element selectors with an empty class selector in between': [ - 'p{color:red}.a{}div{color:red}', - 'div,p{color:red}' - ] - }), - 'same bodies - IE8 compat': cssContext({ - 'of two supported selectors': [ - '.one:first-child{color:red}.two>.three{color:red}', - '.one:first-child,.two>.three{color:red}' - ], - 'of supported and unsupported selector': '.one:first-child{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', - 'of two unsupported selectors': '.one:nth-child(5){color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'same bodies - IE7 compat': cssContext({ - 'of two supported selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.two>.three{color:red}', - '.one,.two>.three{color:red}' - ], - 'of supported and unsupported selector': '.one{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', - 'of two unsupported selectors': '.one:before{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie7' }), - 'same bodies - +adjacentSpace': cssContext({ - 'of two supported selectors': [ - '.one{color:red}.two + nav{color:red}', - '.one,.two+ nav{color:red}' - ] - }, { compatibility: { selectors: { adjacentSpace: true } } }), - 'units - IE8 compatibility': cssContext({ - 'rems': 'div{padding-top:16px;color:red;padding-top:1rem}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'redefined more granular properties with property merging': cssContext({ - 'should merge background with background-attachment': [ - 'a{background:0;background-attachment:fixed}', - 'a{background:0 fixed}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-attachment': [ - 'a{background:0;background-attachment:inherit}', - 'a{background:0;background-attachment:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge background with background-color': [ - 'a{background:0;background-color:#9fce00}', - 'a{background:0 #9fce00}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-color': [ - 'a{background:0;background-color:inherit}', - 'a{background:0;background-color:inherit}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with background-color set to none': [ - 'a{background:url(logo.png) center no-repeat;background-color:none}', - 'a{background:url(logo.png) center no-repeat;background-color:none}' - ], - 'should merge background with background-image': [ - 'a{background:0;background-image:url(hello_world)}', - 'a{background:url(hello_world) 0}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-image': [ - 'a{background:0;background-image:inherit}', - 'a{background:0;background-image:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge background with background-position': [ - 'a{background:0;background-position:3px 4px}', - 'a{background:3px 4px}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-position': [ - 'a{background:0;background-position:inherit}', - 'a{background:0;background-position:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge background with background-repeat': [ - 'a{background:0;background-repeat:repeat-y}', - 'a{background:0 repeat-y}' - ], - 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-repeat': [ - 'a{background:0;background-repeat:inherit}', - 'a{background:0;background-repeat:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge outline with outline-color': [ - 'a{outline:1px;outline-color:#9fce00}', - 'a{outline:#9fce00 1px}' - ], - 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-color': [ - 'a{outline:0;outline-color:inherit}', - 'a{outline:0;outline-color:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge outline with outline-style': [ - 'a{outline:0;outline-style:dashed}', - 'a{outline:dashed 0}' - ], - 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-style': [ - 'a{outline:0;outline-style:inherit}', - 'a{outline:0;outline-style:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge outline with outline-width': [ - 'a{outline:0;outline-width:5px}', - 'a{outline:5px}' - ], - 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-width': [ - 'a{outline:0;outline-width:inherit}', - 'a{outline:0;outline-width:inherit}' - ], - 'should merge list-style with list-style-type': [ - 'li{list-style-type:disc;list-style:inside}', - 'li{list-style:inside}' - ] - }), - 'merging of rules': cssContext({ - 'rules without pseudo classes should be merged': [ - 'a{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a,b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #1': [ - 'a:focus{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:focus,b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #2': [ - 'a:nth-of-type(1){color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:nth-of-type(1),b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #3': [ - 'a:first-of-type{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:first-of-type,b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #4': [ - 'a:first-child{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:first-child,b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with prefixed pseudo classes should not be merged #1': [ - 'a:-moz-full-screen{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:-moz-full-screen{color:red}b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with prefixed pseudo classes should not be merged #2': [ - 'a:-moz-dir(rtl){color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:-moz-dir(rtl){color:red}b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #1': [ - 'a:fullscreen{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:fullscreen{color:red}b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #2': [ - 'a:dir(ltr){color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:dir(ltr){color:red}b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #3': [ - 'a:right{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:right{color:red}b{color:red}' - ], - 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #4': [ - 'a:first{color:red}b{color:red}', - 'a:first{color:red}b{color:red}' - ] - }), - 'grouping with advanced optimizations': cssContext({ - '@-moz-document': '@-moz-document domain({a{color:red}}', - '@media': '@media{a{color:red}}', - '@page': '@page{margin:.5em}', - '@supports': '@supports (display:flexbox){.flex{display:flexbox}}', - '@-ms-viewport': '@-ms-viewport{width:device-width}', - '@-o-viewport': '@-o-viewport{width:device-width}', - '@viewport': '@viewport{width:device-width}', - '@counter-style': '@counter-style triangle{system:cyclic;symbols:‣;suffix:" "}' - }), - 'background size': cssContext({ - 'with background-position': 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0/auto 25% no-repeat}', - 'with background-position and spaces': [ - 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0 / auto 25% no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0/auto 25% no-repeat}' - ], - 'with background-position shorthands': 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50px/25% no-repeat}', - 'with background-position shorthands and spaces': [ - 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 0 / cover no-repeat}', - 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 0/cover no-repeat}' - ], - 'with background-size property': [ - 'a{background:none;background-image:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}', - 'a{background:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}' - ] - }), - 'background position': cssContext({ - 'calc as a value': [ - '*{background:white calc(100% - 10px) center no-repeat;background-image:url(test.png)}', - '*{background:calc(100% - 10px) center no-repeat #fff;background-image:url(test.png)}' - ] - }), - 'background-clip': cssContext({ - 'inside background shorthand': [ - 'div{background:content-box #000}', - 'div{background:content-box #000}' - ] - }), - 'background size with +properties.backgroundSizeMerging': cssContext({ - 'with background-size property': [ - 'a{background:none;background-image:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}', - 'a{background:url(1.png) 0 0/28px 28px}' - ], - 'important overriding': [ - 'a{background:url(a.jpg) !important; background-color:#fff !important; background-size:10px 10px !important}', - 'a{background:url(a.jpg) 0 0/10px 10px #fff!important}' - ] - }, { compatibility: '+properties.backgroundSizeMerging' }), - 'multiple backgrounds': cssContext({ - 'should not produce longer values': 'p{background:no-repeat;background-position:100% 0,0 100%,100% 100%,50% 50%}' - }), - 'misc advanced': cssContext({ - 'outline auto': [ - 'a{outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color}', - 'a{outline:-webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px}' - ], - 'border radius side H+V': [ - 'a{border-top-left-radius:2em / 1em}', - 'a{border-top-left-radius:2em/1em}' - ], - 'border radius expanded H+V': [ - 'a{border-radius:1em 1em 1em 1em / 2em 2em 2em 2em}', - 'a{border-radius:1em/2em}' - ], - 'border radius expanded H+V with mixed values #1': [ - 'a{border-radius:1em 2em 1em 2em / 1em 2em 3em 2em}', - 'a{border-radius:1em 2em/1em 2em 3em}' - ], - 'border radius expanded H+V with mixed values #2': 'a{border-radius:1em/1em 1em 1em 2em}', - 'border radius H+V': 'a{border-radius:50%/100%}', - 'lost background position': [ - '.one{background:50% no-repeat}.one{background-image:url(/img.png)}', - '.one{background:url(/img.png) 50% no-repeat}' - ], - 'unknown @ rule': '@unknown "test";h1{color:red}', - 'property without a value': [ - 'a{color:}', - '' - ], - 'properties without values': [ - 'a{padding:;border-radius: ;background:red}', - 'a{background:red}' - ] - }), - 'advanced in ie8 mode': cssContext({ - 'plain component to complex shorthand': [ - 'a{background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#000,#fff 4em) #000;background-color:#fff}', - 'a{background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#000,#fff 4em) #000;background-color:#fff}' - ], - 'plain component to shorthand': [ - 'a{background:url(bg.png) #000;background-color:#fff}', - 'a{background:url(bg.png) #fff}' - ], - 'merging rgba with standard colors': 'div{background-color:red;background:rgba(1,2,3,.5)}' - }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }), - 'viewport units': cssContext({ - 'shorthand margin with viewport width not changed': 'div{margin:5vw}' - }), - 'variables': cssContext({ - 'stripping': 'a{--border:#000}.one{border:1px solid var(--border)}', - 'all values': 'a{--width:1px;--style:solid;--color:#000}.one{border:var(--width)var(--style)var(--color)}' - }) -}).export(module); +vows.describe('integration tests') + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('identity', { + 'preserve minified content': [ + 'a{color:#f10}', + 'a{color:#f10}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('semicolons', { + 'multiple semicolons': [ + 'a{color:#fff;;;width:0; ;}', + 'a{color:#fff;width:0}' + ], + 'trailing semicolon': [ + 'a{color:#fff;}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'trailing semicolon and space': [ + 'a{color:#fff ; }', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'comma and space': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0, 0, 5, .5)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,5,.5)}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('whitespace', { + 'one argument': [ + 'div a { color:#fff }', + 'div a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'tabs': [ + 'div\t\ta{display:block}\tp{color:red}', + 'div a{display:block}p{color:red}' + ], + 'line breaks #1': [ + 'div \na\r\n { width:500px }', + 'div a{width:500px}' + ], + 'line breaks #2': [ + 'div \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', + 'div a,p{width:500px}' + ], + 'line breaks with whitespace lines': [ + 'div \n \t\n \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', + 'div a,p{width:500px}' + ], + 'multiple arguments': [ + 'a{color:#fff ; font-weight: bolder }', + 'a{color:#fff;font-weight:bolder}' + ], + 'space delimited arguments': [ + 'a {border: 1px solid #f10; margin: 0 auto }', + 'a{border:1px solid #f10;margin:0 auto}' + ], + 'at beginning': [ + ' a {color:#fff}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'at end': [ + 'a{color:#fff } ', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'not inside calc method #1': [ + 'a{width:-moz-calc(100% - 1em);width:calc(100% - 1em)}', + 'a{width:-moz-calc(100% - 1em);width:calc(100% - 1em)}' + ], + 'not inside calc method #2': [ + 'div{margin:-moz-calc(50% + 15px) -moz-calc(50% + 15px);margin:calc(50% + .5rem) calc(50% + .5rem)}', + 'div{margin:-moz-calc(50% + 15px);margin:calc(50% + .5rem)}' + ], + 'not inside calc method with more parentheses': [ + 'div{height:-moz-calc((10% + 12px)/ 2 + 10em)}', + 'div{height:-moz-calc((10% + 12px)/ 2 + 10em)}' + ], + 'not inside calc method with multiplication': [ + 'div{height:-moz-calc(3 * 2em + 10px)}', + 'div{height:-moz-calc(3 * 2em + 10px)}' + ], + 'not inside calc method with brackets': [ + 'body{margin-left:calc(50vw + (1024px/2))}', + 'body{margin-left:calc(50vw + (1024px/2))}' + ], + 'not inside calc method with brackets #2': [ + 'body{width:calc((978px * 2/3) - 30px)}', + 'body{width:calc((978px * 2/3) - 30px)}' + ], + 'not inside calc method with brackets #3': [ + 'body{margin:calc(99.99% * 1/3 - (30px - 30px * 1/3) + 30px)}', + 'body{margin:calc(99.99% * 1/3 - (30px - 30px * 1/3) + 30px)}' + ], + 'with space between braces': [ + 'body{width:calc( ( 100% - 12px) / 3 )}', + 'body{width:calc((100% - 12px)/ 3)}' + ], + 'before colon': [ + '#test{padding-left :0}', + '#test{padding-left:0}' + ], + 'before colon but not selectors #1': [ + 'div :before{display:block}', + 'div :before{display:block}' + ], + 'before colon but not selectors #2': [ + 'div ::-webkit-search-decoration{display:block}', + 'div ::-webkit-search-decoration{display:block}' + ], + 'before colon but not selectors #3': [ + 'div :after{color:red}', + 'div :after{color:red}' + ], + 'windows breaks': [ + 'div>a{color:red\r\n }', + 'div>a{color:red}' + ], + 'whitespace in media queries': [ + '@media ( min-width: 980px ) {\n#page .span4 {\nwidth: 250px;\n}\n\n.row {\nmargin-left: -10px;\n}\n}', + '@media (min-width:980px){#page .span4{width:250px}.row{margin-left:-10px}}' + ], + 'line breaks in media queries': [ + '@media\nonly screen and (max-width: 1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\nonly screen and (max-width: 1319px) and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)\n{ a { color:#000 } }', + '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:#000}}' + ], + 'in content preceded by #content': [ + '#content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}', + '#content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}' + ], + 'in content preceded by .content': [ + '.content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}', + '.content{display:block}#foo{content:"\0BB "}' + ], + 'in content preceded by line break': [ + '.content{display:block}#foo{' + lineBreak + 'content:"x"}', + '.content{display:block}#foo{content:"x"}' + ], + 'after rgb': [ + 'a{text-shadow:rgb(255,0,1) 1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:#ff0001 1px 1px}' + ], + 'after rgba': [ + 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}' + ], + 'after hsl': [ + 'a{text-shadow:hsl(240,100%,40%) -1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:#00c -1px 1px}' + ], + 'after hsla': [ + 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}' + ], + 'inside background': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with fraction unit': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with urls': [ + 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with rgba': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside margin': [ + 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}', + 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}' + ], + 'inside transform': [ + 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}', + 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}' + ], + 'after :not #1': [ + 'li:not(.foo).bar{color:red}', + 'li:not(.foo).bar{color:red}' + ], + 'after :not #2': [ + 'li:not(.foo)[data-type=none]{color:red}', + 'li:not(.foo)[data-type=none]{color:red}' + ], + 'after :not #3': [ + 'li:not(.foo)#id{color:red}', + 'li:not(.foo)#id{color:red}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('whitespace with spaceAfterClosingBrace', { + 'after rgb': [ + 'a{text-shadow:rgb(255,0,1) 1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:#ff0001 1px 1px}' + ], + 'after rgba': [ + 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:rgba(255,0,0,1) 0 1px}' + ], + 'after hsl': [ + 'a{text-shadow:hsl(240,100%,40%) -1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:#00c -1px 1px}' + ], + 'after hsla': [ + 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}', + 'a{text-shadow:hsla(240,100%,40%,.5) -1px 1px}' + ], + 'inside background': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) 10px no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px)10px no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with fraction unit': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px) .5em no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 2px).5em no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with urls': [ + 'a{background:url(image.png) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(image.png)no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside background with rgba': [ + 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:calc(100% - 10px)no-repeat}' + ], + 'inside margin': [ + 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}', + 'a{margin:calc(100% - 2px) calc(100% - 5px)}' + ], + 'inside transform': [ + 'a{transform:translateX(10px) translateY(10px)}', + 'a{transform:translateX(10px)translateY(10px)}' + ], + 'inside @media': [ + '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px) and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:red}}', + '@media only screen and (max-width:1319px)and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5){a{color:red}}' + ] + }, { compatibility: { properties: { spaceAfterClosingBrace: false } } }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('line breaks', { + 'line breaks #1': [ + 'div\na\r\n{width:500px}', + 'div a{width:500px}' + ], + 'line breaks #2': [ + 'div\na\r\n,p{width:500px}', + 'div a,p{width:500px}' + ], + 'multiple line breaks #2': [ + 'div \r\n\r\na\r\n,p{width:500px}', + 'div a,p{width:500px}' + ], + 'line breaks with whitespace lines': [ + 'div \n \t\n \na\r\n, p { width:500px }', + 'div a,p{width:500px}' + ], + 'line breaks with multiple selectors': [ + 'p{width:500px}a{color:red}span{font-style:italic}', + 'p{width:500px}' + lineBreak + 'a{color:red}' + lineBreak + 'span{font-style:italic}' + ], + 'charset not at beginning': [ + 'a{ color: #f10; }\n@charset \'utf-8\';\nb { font-weight: bolder}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + 'a{color:#f10}' + lineBreak + 'b{font-weight:bolder}' + ], + 'charset multiple charsets': [ + '@charset \'utf-8\';\ndiv :before { display: block }\n@charset \'utf-8\';\na { color: #f10 }', + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + 'div :before{display:block}' + lineBreak + 'a{color:#f10}' + ], + 'charset with double line break': [ + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}' + ], + 'uppercase charset': [ + '@CHARSET \'utf-8\';h1{color:red}', + 'h1{color:red}' + ], + 'mixed case charset': [ + '@chArSET \'utf-8\';h1{color:red}', + 'h1{color:red}' + ] + }, { keepBreaks: true }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('line breaks and important comments', { + 'charset to beginning with comment removal': [ + '/*! some comment */' + lineBreak + lineBreak + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}' + ] + }, { keepBreaks: true, keepSpecialComments: 0 }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('selectors', { + 'not expand + in selectors mixed with calc methods': [ + 'div{width:calc(50% + 3em)}div + div{width:100%}div:hover{width:calc(50% + 4em)}* > div {border:1px solid #f0f}', + 'div{width:calc(50% + 3em)}div+div{width:100%}div:hover{width:calc(50% + 4em)}*>div{border:1px solid #f0f}' + ], + 'process selectors ending with -0 correctly': [ + '.selector-0,a{display:block}', + '.selector-0,a{display:block}' + ], + 'process selectors ending with -1 correctly': [ + '.selector-1,a{display:block}', + '.selector-1,a{display:block}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('universal selector in ie8 compatibility mode', { + '+html': [ + '*+html .foo{display:inline}', + '' + ], + '+html:first-child': [ + '*:first-child+html .foo{display:inline}', + '' + ], + 'complex': [ + '*:first-child+html .foo,.bar{display:inline}', + '.bar{display:inline}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('universal selector in ie7 compatibility mode', { + '+html': [ + '*+html .foo{display:inline}', + '*+html .foo{display:inline}' + ], + ':first-child+html': [ + '*:first-child+html .foo{display:inline}', + '*:first-child+html .foo{display:inline}' + ], + 'complex': [ + '*:first-child+html .foo,.bar{display:inline}', + '*:first-child+html .foo,.bar{display:inline}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie7' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('comments', { + 'single line': [ + 'a{color:#fff}/* some comment*/p{height:10px/* other comment */}', + 'a{color:#fff}p{height:10px}' + ], + 'multiline': [ + '/* \r\n multiline \n comment */a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.8)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,.8)}' + ], + 'comment chars in comments': [ + '/* \r\n comment chars * inside / comments */a{color:#fff}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'comment inside block': [ + 'a{/* \r\n some comments */color:#fff}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'special comments': [ + '/*! special comment */a{color:#f10} /* normal comment */', + '/*! special comment */a{color:#f10}' + ], + 'should keep exact structure': [ + '/*! \n a > span { } with some content */', + '/*! \n a > span { } with some content */' + ], + 'should remove comments with forward slashes inside': [ + '/*////*/a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'should properly handle line breaks and ** characters inside comments': [ + '/**====**\\\n/**2nd comment line/**===**/a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'selector between comments': [ + '/*comment*/*/*comment*/{color:red}', + '*{color:red}' + ], + 'inside url': [ + 'p{background-image:url(\'/*\')}/* */', + 'p{background-image:url(/*)}' + ], + 'inside url twice': [ + 'p{background-image:url(\'/* */\" /*\')}/* */', + 'p{background-image:url(\'/* */\" /*\')}' + ], + 'inside url with more quotation': [ + 'p{background-image:url(\'/*\');content:""/* */}', + 'p{background-image:url(/*);content:""}' + ], + 'with quote marks': [ + '/*"*//* */', + '' + ], + 'important after value': [ + 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/}', + 'div{color:red/*!comment*/}' + ], + 'important between values': [ + 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/display:block}', + 'div{color:red;/*!comment*/display:block}' + ], + 'important between and after values': [ + 'div{color:red;/*!comment1*/display:block;/*!comment2*/}', + 'div{color:red;/*!comment1*/display:block/*!comment2*/}' + ], + 'two important after value': [ + 'div{color:red;/*!1*//*!2*/}', + 'div{color:red/*!1*//*!2*/}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('escaping', { + 'escaped @ symbol in class name': [ + '.pad--all0\\@sm{padding:0}', + '.pad--all0\\@sm{padding:0}' + ], + 'escaped @ symbol in id': [ + '#id\\@sm{padding:0}', + '#id\\@sm{padding:0}' + ], + 'escaped slash': [ + 'a{content:"\\\\"}', + 'a{content:"\\\\"}' + ], + 'escaped quote': [ + 'a{content:"\\\""}', + 'a{content:"\\\""}' + ], + 'escaped quote in selector name': [ + '.this-class\\\'s-got-an-apostrophe{color:red}a{color:#f00}', + '.this-class\\\'s-got-an-apostrophe,a{color:red}' + ], + 'escaped quotes in selector name': [ + '.this-class\\\"s-got-an-apostrophes\\\'{color:red}a{color:#f00}', + '.this-class\\\"s-got-an-apostrophes\\\',a{color:red}' + ], + 'escaped tab': [ + 'a{content:"\\\t"}', + 'a{content:"\\\t"}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('important comments - one', { + 'strip all but first': [ + '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', + '/*! important comment */a{color:red}' + ] + }, { keepSpecialComments: 1 }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('important comments - none', { + 'strip all': [ + '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'move charset before': [ + '/*! some comment */' + lineBreak + lineBreak + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';a{display:block}' + ] + }, { keepSpecialComments: 0 }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('important comments - keepSpecialComments when a string', { + 'strip all': [ + '/*! important comment */a{color:red}/* some comment *//*! important comment */', + 'a{color:red}' + ] + }, { keepSpecialComments: '0' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('expressions', { + 'empty': [ + 'a{color:expression()}', + 'a{color:expression()}' + ], + 'method call': [ + 'a{color:expression(this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}', + 'a{color:expression(this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}' + ], + 'multiple call': [ + 'a{color:expression(x = 0 , this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}', + 'a{color:expression(x = 0 , this.parentNode.currentStyle.color)}' + ], + 'mixed content': [ + 'a{zoom:expression(this.runtimeStyle["zoom"] = "1", this.innerHTML = "")}', + 'a{zoom:expression(this.runtimeStyle["zoom"] = "1", this.innerHTML = "")}' + ], + 'in comment': [ + '/*! expression(this.runtimeStyle["zoom"]) */', + '/*! expression(this.runtimeStyle["zoom"]) */' + ], + 'complex': [ + 'a{width:expression((this.parentNode.innerWidth + this.parentNode.innerHeight) / 2 )}', + 'a{width:expression((this.parentNode.innerWidth + this.parentNode.innerHeight) / 2 )}' + ], + 'with parentheses': [ + 'a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == ")" ? "5px" : "10px" )}', + 'a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == ")" ? "5px" : "10px" )}' + ], + 'open ended (broken)': [ + 'a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == }', + 'a{width:expression(this.parentNode.innerText == }' + ], + 'function call & advanced': [ + 'a{zoom:expression(function (el){"1"}(this))}', + 'a{zoom:expression(function (el){"1"}(this))}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('text content', { + 'normal #1': [ + 'a{content:"."}', + 'a{content:"."}' + ], + 'normal #2': [ + 'a:before{content : "test\'s test"; }', + 'a:before{content:"test\'s test"}' + ], + 'open quote': [ + 'a{content : open-quote;opacity:1}', + 'a{content:open-quote;opacity:1}' + ], + 'close quote': [ + 'a{content: close-quote;clear:left}', + 'a{content:close-quote;clear:left}' + ], + 'special characters': [ + 'a{content : " a > div { } "}', + 'a{content:" a > div { } "}' + ], + 'with JSON': [ + 'body::before{content:\'{ "current" : "small", "all" : ["small"], "position" : 0 }\'}', + 'body::before{content:\'{ "current" : "small", "all" : ["small"], "position" : 0 }\'}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('zero values', { + 'with units': [ + 'a{margin:0px 0pt 0em 0%;padding: 0in 0cm 0mm 0pc;border-top-width:0ex}', + 'a{margin:0;padding:0;border-top-width:0}' + ], + 'multiple into one': [ + 'a{margin:0 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 0;border-width:0 0 0 0}', + 'a{margin:0;padding:0;border-width:0}' + ], + 'background\'s none to zero': [ + 'a{background:none}', + 'a{background:0 0}' + ], + 'border\'s none to none': [ + 'a{border:none}p{border-top:none}', + 'a{border:none}p{border-top:none}' + ], + 'background:transparent to zero': [ + 'a{background:transparent}p{background:transparent url(logo.png)}', + 'a{background:0 0}p{background:url(logo.png)}' + ], + 'outline:none to outline:0': [ + 'a{outline:none}', + 'a{outline:0}' + ], + 'display:none not changed': [ + 'a{display:none}', + 'a{display:none}' + ], + 'mixed zeros not changed': [ + 'div{margin:0 0 1px 2px}', + 'div{margin:0 0 1px 2px}' + ], + 'mixed zeros not changed #2': [ + 'div{padding:0 1px 0 3px}', + 'div{padding:0 1px 0 3px}' + ], + 'mixed zeros not changed #3': [ + 'div{padding:10px 0 0 1px}', + 'div{padding:10px 0 0 1px}' + ], + 'multiple zeros with fractions #1': [ + 'div{padding:0 0 0 0.5em}', + 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}' + ], + 'multiple zeros with fractions #2': [ + 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}', + 'div{padding:0 0 0 .5em}' + ], + 'rect zeros #1': [ + 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}', + 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}' + ], + 'rect zeros #2': [ + 'div{clip:rect(0px 0px 0px 0px)}', + 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}' + ], + 'rect zeros #3': [ + 'div{clip:rect( 0px 0px 0px 0px )}', + 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 0)}' + ], + 'rect zeros #4': [ + 'div{clip:rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)}', + 'div{clip:rect(0,0,0,0)}' + ], + 'rect zeros #5': [ + 'div{clip:rect(0.5% 0px 0px 0px)}', + 'div{clip:rect(.5% 0 0 0)}' + ], + 'rect zeros #6': [ + 'div{clip:rect(0px 0px 0px 10px)}', + 'div{clip:rect(0 0 0 10px)}' + ], + 'box shadow zeros with four zeros': [ + 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 0}', + 'a{box-shadow:0 0}' + ], + 'box shadow with two zeros': [ + 'a{box-shadow:0 0}', + 'a{box-shadow:0 0}' + ], + 'box shadow with three zeros and a fraction': [ + 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 0.15em #EBEBEB}', + 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 .15em #EBEBEB}' + ], + 'box shadow with three zeros and a value': [ + 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 15px #EBEBEB}', + 'a{box-shadow:0 0 0 15px #EBEBEB}' + ], + 'prefixed box shadow zeros': [ + 'a{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 0; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 0 0}', + 'a{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0;-moz-box-shadow:0 0}' + ], + 'zero as .0 #1': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,.0,1)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,1)}' + ], + 'zero as .0 #2': [ + 'body{margin:.0}', + 'body{margin:0}' + ], + 'zero as .0 #3': [ + 'body{margin:.0em}', + 'body{margin:0}' + ], + 'zero as .0 #4': [ + 'body{margin:.0 1em .0 .0}', + 'body{margin:0 1em 0 0}' + ], + 'missing #1': [ + 'body{margin:2.em}', + 'body{margin:2em}' + ], + 'missing #2': [ + 'p{opacity:1.}', + 'p{opacity:1}' + ], + 'missing #3': [ + 'p{opacity:11.px}', + 'p{opacity:11px}' + ], + 'minus zero as value to zero': [ + 'body{margin:-0}', + 'body{margin:0}' + ], + 'minus zero in function to zero': [ + 'body{color:rgba(-0,-0,-0,-0)}', + 'body{color:transparent}' + ], + 'minus zero px to zero': [ + 'body{margin:-0px}', + 'body{margin:0}' + ], + 'zero em to zero': [ + 'body{margin:0.0em}', + 'body{margin:0}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('zero values in ie8 compatibility mode', { + 'rems': [ + 'div{width:0rem;height:0rem}', + 'div{width:0rem;height:0rem}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('zero values in any other compatibility mode', { + 'rems': [ + 'div{width:0rem;height:0rem}', + 'div{width:0;height:0}' + ] + }, { compatibility: '*' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('shorthands', { + 'padding - same 4 values': [ + 'div{padding:1px 1px 1px 1px}', + 'div{padding:1px}' + ], + 'margin - same 4 values': [ + 'div{margin:1% 1% 1% 1%}', + 'div{margin:1%}' + ], + 'border-width - same 4 values': [ + 'div{border-width:1em 1em 1em 1em}', + 'div{border-width:1em}' + ], + 'border-style - same 4 values': [ + 'div{border-style:solid solid solid solid}', + 'div{border-style:solid}' + ], + 'border-color - same 4 values': [ + 'div{border-color:red red red red}', + 'div{border-color:red}' + ], + 'border-color - same 4 values as hex': [ + 'div{border-color:#f0f #f0f #f0f #f0f}', + 'div{border-color:#f0f}' + ], + 'border-color - same 4 values as rgb': [ + 'div{border-color:rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)}', + 'div{border-color:#000}' + ], + 'border-color - same 4 values as rgba': [ + 'div{border-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5) rgba(0,0,0,.5)}', + 'div{border-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}' + ], + 'border-radius - same 4 values': [ + 'div{border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px}', + 'div{border-radius:3px}' + ], + 'border-radius - same 4 values with vendor prefixes': [ + 'div{-moz-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;-o-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px}', + 'div{-moz-border-radius:3px;-o-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px}' + ], + 'padding - same pairs': [ + 'div{padding:15.5em 10.5em 15.5em 10.5em}', + 'div{padding:15.5em 10.5em}' + ], + 'margin - same 2nd and 4th value': [ + 'div{margin:1px 2px 3px 2px}', + 'div{margin:1px 2px 3px}' + ], + 'padding - same 3 values': [ + 'div{padding:1px 1px 1px}', + 'div{padding:1px}' + ], + 'padding - different 3 values': [ + 'div{padding:1px 1em 1%}', + 'div{padding:1px 1em 1%}' + ], + 'margin - 3 callapsible values': [ + 'div{margin:1ex 2ex 1ex}', + 'div{margin:1ex 2ex}' + ], + 'border-radius - same 3 values with one vendor prefixe': [ + 'div{-webkit-border-radius:3px 3px 3px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px}', + 'div{-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px}' + ], + 'border-color - same 2nd and 4th value as rgb': [ + 'div{border-color:rgb(0,0,0) rgb(34,0,0) rgb(255,0,0) rgb(34,0,0)}', + 'div{border-color:#000 #200 red}' + ], + 'margin - 3 different values': [ + 'div{margin:1px 1px 3px}', + 'div{margin:1px 1px 3px}' + ], + 'border width - 3 different values': [ + 'div{border-width:1px 2px 3px}', + 'div{border-width:1px 2px 3px}' + ], + 'padding - same 2 values': [ + 'div{padding:1px 1px}', + 'div{padding:1px}' + ], + 'margin - same 2 values': [ + 'div{margin:5% 5%}', + 'div{margin:5%}' + ], + 'border-width - same 2 values': [ + 'div{border-width:.5em .5em}', + 'div{border-width:.5em}' + ], + 'different units': [ + 'div{padding:1px 1em 1% 1rem}', + 'div{padding:1px 1em 1% 1rem}' + ], + 'fractions': [ + 'div{margin:.1em .1em .1em .1em}', + 'div{margin:.1em}' + ], + 'preceeding value': [ + 'div{padding:010px 00015px}', + 'div{padding:10px 15px}' + ], + 'preceeding value with fraction zeros': [ + 'div{padding:010.0em .05rem}', + 'div{padding:10em .05rem}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('units', { + 'negative padding': [ + 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-top:-2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}', + 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}' + ], + 'negative padding after negative shorthand': [ + 'div{padding:-5px 0 0 0;padding-left:2px;padding-top:-2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}', + 'div{padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0}' + ], + 'negative padding in calculations': [ + 'div{padding:calc(100% - 5px) 0 0 0}', + 'div{padding:calc(100% - 5px) 0 0}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('floats', { + 'strips zero in fractions': [ + 'a{ margin-bottom: 0.5em}', + 'a{margin-bottom:.5em}' + ], + 'not strips zero in fractions of numbers greater than zero': [ + 'a{ margin-bottom: 20.5em}', + 'a{margin-bottom:20.5em}' + ], + 'strip fraction zero #1': [ + 'a{opacity:1.0}', + 'a{opacity:1}' + ], + 'strip fraction zero #2': [ + 'a{opacity:15.000%}', + 'a{opacity:15%}' + ], + 'strip fraction zero #3': [ + 'a{padding:15.55000em}', + 'a{padding:15.55em}' + ], + 'strip fraction zero #4': [ + 'a{padding:15.101em}', + 'a{padding:15.101em}' + ], + 'strip fraction zero #5': [ + 'a{border-width:0.20em 20.30em}', + 'a{border-width:.2em 20.3em}' + ], + 'strip fraction zeros': [ + 'div{margin:1.000em 2.00em 3.100em 4.01em}', + 'div{margin:1em 2em 3.1em 4.01em}' + ], + 'round pixels up to 2nd decimal place': [ + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.51px)}' + ], + 'round pixels down to 2nd decimal place': [ + 'div{transform:translateY(0.504123px)}', + 'div{transform:translateY(.5px)}' + ], + 'do not round 2nd decimal place pixels': [ + 'div{transform:translateY(20.55px)}', + 'div{transform:translateY(20.55px)}' + ], + 'do not round percentages': [ + 'div{left:20.505%}', + 'div{left:20.505%}' + ], + 'do not round ems': [ + 'div{font-size:1.505em}', + 'div{font-size:1.505em}' + ], + 'rounds .9999 correctly': [ + 'a{stroke-width:.99999px}', + 'a{stroke-width:1px}' + ], + 'rounds 9.995 correctly': [ + 'a{stroke-width:9.995px}', + 'a{stroke-width:9.99px}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('floats custom rounding', { + 'rounds to 4 values': [ + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.5051px)}' + ] + }, { roundingPrecision: 4 }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('floats disabled rounding', { + 'does not round': [ + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}', + 'div{transform:translateY(-418.505123px)}' + ] + }, { roundingPrecision: -1 }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('colors', { + 'shorten rgb to standard hexadecimal format': [ + 'a{ color:rgb(5, 10, 15) }', + 'a{color:#050a0f}' + ], + 'skip rgba shortening': [ + 'a{ color:rgba(5, 10, 15, 0.5)}', + 'a{color:rgba(5,10,15,.5)}' + ], + 'shorten colors to 3 digit hex instead of 6 digit': [ + 'a{ background-color: #aa0000; color:rgb(0, 17, 255)}', + 'a{background-color:#a00;color:#01f}' + ], + 'skip shortening IE filter colors': [ + 'a{ filter: chroma(color = "#ff0000")}', + 'a{filter:chroma(color="#ff0000")}' + ], + 'color names to hex values': [ + 'a{color:white;border-color:black;background-color:fuchsia}p{background:yellow}', + 'a{color:#fff;border-color:#000;background-color:#f0f}p{background:#ff0}' + ], + 'keep selectors with color name #1': [ + '.black-and-white .foo{color:#fff;background-color:#000}', + '.black-and-white .foo{color:#fff;background-color:#000}' + ], + 'keep selectors with color name #2': [ + '.go-blues{background:#000}', + '.go-blues{background:#000}' + ], + 'keep selectors with color name #3': [ + '#top_white{background:#000}', + '#top_white{background:#000}' + ], + 'keep selectors with color name #4': [ + 'a[data-sth=white]{background:#000}', + 'a[data-sth=white]{background:#000}' + ], + 'color names to hex values with important': [ + 'a{color:white !important}', + 'a{color:#fff!important}' + ], + 'color names to hex values in gradients': [ + 'p{background:linear-gradient(-90deg,black,white)}', + 'p{background:linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,#fff)}' + ], + 'hex value to color name if shorter': [ + 'p{color:#f00}', + 'p{color:red}' + ], + 'upper case hex value to color name if shorter': [ + 'p{color:#F00}', + 'p{color:red}' + ], + 'upper case long hex value to color name if shorter': [ + 'p{color:#FF0000}', + 'p{color:red}' + ], + 'hex value to color name in borders': [ + 'p{border:1px solid #f00}', + 'p{border:1px solid red}' + ], + 'hex value to color name in gradients': [ + 'p{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,#f00)}', + 'p{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg,#000,red)}' + ], + 'hex value to color name in gradients #2': [ + 'p{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000), to(#f00))}', + 'p{background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#000),to(red))}' + ], + 'border color - keep unchanged': [ + 'p{border:1px solid #f94311}', + 'p{border:1px solid #f94311}' + ], + 'border color - hex to name': [ + 'p{border:1em dotted #f00}', + 'p{border:1em dotted red}' + ], + 'border color - name to hex': [ + 'p{border:1em dotted white}', + 'p{border:1em dotted #fff}' + ], + 'border color - rgb': [ + 'p{border:1em dotted rgb(255,0,0)}', + 'p{border:1em dotted red}' + ], + 'colors and colons': [ + 'a{background-image:linear-gradient(top,red,#e6e6e6)}', + 'a{background-image:linear-gradient(top,red,#e6e6e6)}' + ], + 'colors and parentheses': [ + 'a{background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(#e6e6e6))}', + 'a{background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,0 100%,from(#fff),to(#e6e6e6))}' + ], + 'colors in ie filters': [ + 'a{filter:chroma(color=#ffffff)}', + 'a{filter:chroma(color=#ffffff)}' + ], + 'colors in ie filters 2': [ + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#cccccc\', endColorstr=\'#000000\')}', + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#cccccc\', endColorstr=\'#000000\')}' + ], + 'colors in ie filters 3': [ + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#DDDDDD\', endColorstr=\'#333333\')}', + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#DDDDDD\', endColorstr=\'#333333\')}' + ], + 'rgb percents': [ + 'a{color:rgb(100%,0%,0%)}', + 'a{color:rgb(100%,0%,0%)}' + ], + 'rgba percents': [ + 'a{color:rgba(100%,0%,0%,.5)}', + 'a{color:rgba(100%,0%,0%,.5)}' + ], + 'hsla percents': [ + 'a{color:hsla(1,0%,0%,.5)}', + 'a{color:hsla(1,0%,0%,.5)}' + ], + 'hsla custom ': [ + 'a{color:hsl(80,30%,50%,.5)}', + 'a{color:hsl(80,30%,50%,.5)}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #1': [ + 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,0%)}', + 'a{color:#000}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #2': [ + 'a{color:hsl(0,100%,100%)}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #3': [ + 'a{color:hsl(240,100%,50%)}', + 'a{color:#00f}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #4': [ + 'a{color:hsl(240,100%,50%)}', + 'a{color:#00f}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #5': [ + 'a{color:hsl(120,100%,25%)}', + 'a{color:#007f00}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #6': [ + 'a{color:hsl(99,66%,33%)}', + 'a{color:#438b1c}' + ], + 'hsl to hex #7': [ + 'a{color:hsl(360,100%,50%)}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'hsla not to hex': [ + 'a{color:hsl(99,66%,33%,.5)}', + 'a{color:hsl(99,66%,33%,.5)}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #1': [ + 'a{color:hsl(120,200%,50%)}', + 'a{color:#0f0}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #2': [ + 'a{color:hsl(120,-100%,50%)}', + 'a{color:#7f7f7f}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #3': [ + 'a{color:hsl(480,100%,25%)}', + 'a{color:#007f00}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #4': [ + 'a{color:hsl(-240,100%,75%)}', + 'a{color:#7fff7f}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #5': [ + 'a{color:hsl(-600,100%,75%)}', + 'a{color:#7fff7f}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #6': [ + 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,122%)}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'hsl out of bounds #7': [ + 'a{color:hsl(0,0%,-10%)}', + 'a{color:#000}' + ], + 'rgb out of a lower bound': [ + 'a{color:rgb(-1,-1,-1)}', + 'a{color:#000}' + ], + 'rgb out of an upper bound': [ + 'a{color:rgb(256,256,256)}', + 'a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'turns rgba(0,0,0,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'turns rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'turns hsla(0,0%,0%,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:hsla(0,0%,0%,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'turns hsla(0,0,0,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:hsla(0,0,0,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'turns hsla(0.0,0.0%,0.0%,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:hsla(0.0,0.0%,0.0%,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'turns hsla(0.0,0.0,0.0,0) to transparent': [ + 'a{color:hsla(0.0,0.0,0.0,0)}', + 'a{color:transparent}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(255,255,255,0)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}', + 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(255,0,255,0)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(255,0,255,0)}', + 'a{color:rgba(255,0,255,0)}' + ], + 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0)': [ + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}', + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,.5)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(0,255,0,.5)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0,255,0,.5)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,255,0,.5)}' + ], + 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,.5)': [ + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,.5)}', + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,.5)}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,0) when inside a gradient': [ + 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,rgba(0,0,0,0))}', + 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,rgba(0,0,0,0))}' + ], + 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0) when inside a gradient': [ + 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0))}', + 'a{background:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0))}' + ], + 'removes only right transparent colors': [ + 'a{background-color:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0)),rgba(0,0,0,0)}', + 'a{background-color:linear-gradient(0,#000,hsla(120,100%,50%,0)),transparent}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('border-radius', { + 'border radius H+V 0/0': [ + 'a{border-radius:0 / 0}', + 'a{border-radius:0}' + ], + 'border radius side H+V 0/0': [ + 'a{border-top-left-radius:0 / 0}', + 'a{border-top-left-radius:0}' + ], + 'border radius H+V same values': [ + 'a{border-radius:5px / 5px}', + 'a{border-radius:5px}' + ], + 'border radius side H+V same values': [ + 'a{border-top-left-radius:1em / 1em}', + 'a{border-top-left-radius:1em}' + ], + 'border radius H+V same expanded values': [ + 'a{border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px / 5px 5px}', + 'a{border-radius:5px}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('font weights', { + 'font-weight:normal to 400': [ + 'p{font-weight:normal}', + 'p{font-weight:400}' + ], + 'font-weight:bold to 700': [ + 'p{font-weight:bold}', + 'p{font-weight:700}' + ], + 'font weight in font declarations': [ + 'body{font:normal 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}', + 'body{font:400 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}' + ], + 'font weight in font declarations with fraction units': [ + 'p{font:bold .9rem Helvetica}', + 'p{font:700 .9rem Helvetica}' + ], + 'multiple changes': [ + 'p{font-weight:bold!important;width:100%;font:normal 12px Helvetica}', + 'p{font-weight:700!important;width:100%;font:400 12px Helvetica}' + ], + 'font weight in extended font declarations': [ + 'a{font:normal normal normal 13px/20px Helvetica}', + 'a{font:normal normal normal 13px/20px Helvetica}' + ], + 'font weight where style and weight are declared': [ + 'a{font:normal 300 100%/1.5 sans-serif}', + 'a{font:normal 300 100%/1.5 sans-serif}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('unicode', { + 'font-names': [ + 'body{font-family:\\5FAE\\8F6F\\96C5\\9ED1,\\5B8B\\4F53,sans-serif}', + 'body{font-family:\\5FAE\\8F6F\\96C5\\9ED1,\\5B8B\\4F53,sans-serif}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls', { + 'keep urls without parentheses unchanged': [ + 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}', + 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}' + ], + 'keep non-encoded data URI unchanged': [ + '.icon-logo{background-image:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII\')}', + '.icon-logo{background-image:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII\')}' + ], + 'strip quotes from base64 encoded PNG data URI': [ + '.icon-logo{background-image:url(\'\')}', + '.icon-logo{background-image:url()}' + ], + 'strip quotes from base64 encoded ICO data URI': [ + '.icon-logo{background-image:url("")}', + '.icon-logo{background-image:url()}' + ], + 'cut off url content on selector level': [ + 'a{background:url(image/}', + 'a{background:url(image/}' + ], + 'cut off url content on block level': [ + '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA}', + '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA}' + ], + 'cut off url content on top level': [ + '@font-face{src:url(data:application/x-font-woff;base64,d09GRk9UVE8AAENAAA0AAAAA', + '' + ], + 'strip single parentheses': [ + 'a{background:url(\'/images/blank.png\')}', + 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}' + ], + 'strip double parentheses': [ + 'a{background:url("/images/blank.png")}', + 'a{background:url(/images/blank.png)}' + ], + 'strip more': [ + 'p{background:url("/images/blank.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url("/images/blank2.png")}', + 'p{background:url(/images/blank.png)}b{display:block}a{background:url(/images/blank2.png)}' + ], + 'not strip comments if spaces inside': [ + 'p{background:url("/images/long image name.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url("/images/no-spaces.png")}', + 'p{background:url("/images/long image name.png")}b{display:block}a{background:url(/images/no-spaces.png)}' + ], + 'not add a space before url\'s hash': [ + 'a{background:url(/fonts/d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22.svg#d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22)}', + 'a{background:url(/fonts/d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22.svg#d90b3358-e1e2-4abb-ba96-356983a54c22)}' + ], + 'keep urls from being stripped down #1': [ + 'a{background:url(/image-1.0.png)}', + 'a{background:url(/image-1.0.png)}' + ], + 'keep urls from being stripped down #2': [ + 'a{background:url(/image-white.png)}', + 'a{background:url(/image-white.png)}' + ], + 'keep urls from being stripped down #3': [ + 'a{background:url(/libraries/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png) 50% top #eee}', + 'a{background:url(/libraries/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png) 50% top #eee}' + ], + 'keep special markers in comments (so order is important)': [ + '/*! __ESCAPED_URL_CLEAN_CSS0__ */a{display:block}', + '/*! __ESCAPED_URL_CLEAN_CSS0__ */a{display:block}' + ], + 'strip new line in urls': [ + 'a{background:url(/very/long/' + lineBreak + 'path)}', + 'a{background:url(/very/long/path)}' + ], + 'strip new line in urls which could be unquoted': [ + 'a{background:url("/very/long/' + lineBreak + 'path")}', + 'a{background:url(/very/long/path)}' + ], + 'uppercase': [ + 'a{background-image: URL("images/image.png");}', + 'a{background-image:url(images/image.png)}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls whitespace in compatibility mode', { + 'keeps spaces as they are': [ + '*{background:url(test.png) no-repeat}', + '*{background:url(test.png) no-repeat}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls quotes in compatibility mode', { + 'keeps quotes as they are': [ + 'div{background:url("test.png")}', + 'div{background:url("test.png")}' + ] + }, { compatibility: { properties: { urlQuotes: true } } }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - no root or target', { + 'no @import': [ + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import twice': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials-relative/extra/included.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'document-local reference': [ + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - root but no target', { + 'no @import': [ + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'SVG': [ + 'a{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,")}', + 'a{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,")}' + ], + 'document-local reference': [ + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' + ], + 'internal page': [ + 'a{background:url(about:blank)}', + 'a{background:url(about:blank)}' + ] + }, { + root: process.cwd(), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - no root but target as file', { + 'no @import': [ + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'document-local reference': [ + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' + ] + }, { + target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - no root but target as a directory', { + 'no @import': [ + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'document-local reference': [ + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' + ] + }, { + target: process.cwd(), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - no root but target as a missing directory', { + 'url': [ + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(../fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ] + }, { + target: path.join('test', 'fixtures2'), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - root and target', { + 'no @import': [ + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'relative @import': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'absolute @import': [ + '@import url(/test/fixtures/partials-relative/base.css);', + 'a{background:url(/test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ], + 'document-local reference': [ + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}', + 'svg{marker-end:url(#arrow)}' + ] + }, { + root: process.cwd(), + target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative') + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('urls rewriting - rebase off', { + 'keeps urls the same': [ + '@import url(base.css);', + 'a{background:url(../partials/extra/down.gif) no-repeat}' + ] + }, { + target: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.css'), + relativeTo: path.join('test', 'fixtures', 'partials-relative'), + rebase: false + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('fonts', { + 'keep format quotation': [ + '@font-face{font-family:PublicVintage;src:url(/PublicVintage.otf) format("opentype")}', + '@font-face{font-family:PublicVintage;src:url(/PublicVintage.otf) format("opentype")}' + ], + 'remove font family quotation': [ + 'a{font-family:"Helvetica",\'Arial\'}', + 'a{font-family:Helvetica,Arial}' + ], + 'do not remove font family double quotation if space inside': [ + 'a{font-family:"Courier New"}', + 'a{font-family:"Courier New"}' + ], + 'do not remove font quotation if starts with a number': [ + 'a{font:\'123font\'}', + 'a{font:\'123font\'}' + ], + 'do not remove font family quotation if starts with a number': [ + 'a{font-family:\'123font\'}', + 'a{font-family:\'123font\'}' + ], + 'remove font quotation': [ + 'a{font:12px/16px "Helvetica",\'Arial\'}', + 'a{font:12px/16px Helvetica,Arial}' + ], + 'remove font quotation #2': [ + 'a{font:12px/16px "Helvetica1_12",\'Arial_1451\'}', + 'a{font:12px/16px Helvetica1_12,Arial_1451}' + ], + 'remove font quotation #3': [ + 'a{font:12px/16px "Helvetica-Regular",\'Arial-Bold\'}', + 'a{font:12px/16px Helvetica-Regular,Arial-Bold}' + ], + 'do not remove quotation from enclosed JSON (weird, I know)': [ + 'p{font-family:\'{ "current" : "large", "all" : ["small", "medium", "large"], "position" : 2 }\'}', + 'p{font-family:\'{ "current" : "large", "all" : ["small", "medium", "large"], "position" : 2 }\'}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('IE hacks', { + 'star': [ + 'a{*color:#fff}', + 'a{*color:#fff}' + ], + 'unserscore': [ + 'a{_color:#fff}', + 'a{_color:#fff}' + ], + 'backslash': [ + 'a{color:#fff\\9}', + 'a{color:#fff\\9}' + ], + 'overriding by a star': [ + 'a{color:red;display:block;*color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red;display:block;*color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding by a unserscore': [ + 'a{color:red;display:block;_color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red;display:block;_color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding by a backslash': [ + 'a{color:red;display:block;color:#fff\\9}', + 'a{color:red;display:block;color:#fff\\9}' + ], + 'overriding a star': [ + 'a{*color:red;display:block;*color:#fff}', + 'a{display:block;*color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding a unserscore': [ + 'a{_color:red;display:block;_color:#fff}', + 'a{display:block;_color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding a backslash': [ + 'a{color:red\\9;display:block;color:#fff\\9}', + 'a{display:block;color:#fff\\9}' + ], + 'overriding a star by a non-ajacent selector': [ + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{*color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{*color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding an underscore by a non-ajacent selector': [ + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{_color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#000}a{_color:#fff}' + ], + 'overriding a backslash by a non-ajacent selector': [ + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#fff}a{color:#fff\\9}', + 'a{color:red}.one{color:#fff}a{color:#fff\\9}' + ], + 'preserving backslash in overriddable': [ + 'a{border:1px solid #ccc\\9}', + 'a{border:1px solid #ccc\\9}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(0,0,0,0)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}', + 'a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}' + ], + 'keeps rgba(255,255,255,0)': [ + 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}', + 'a{color:rgba(255,255,255,0)}' + ], + 'keeps hsla(120,100%,50%,0)': [ + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}', + 'a{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0)}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('IE hacks without IE compatibility', { + 'star': [ + 'a{*color:#fff}', + '' + ], + 'unserscore': [ + 'a{_color:#fff}', + '' + ], + 'two in a row': [ + 'a{padding:0;*height:13px;*width:13px}', + 'a{padding:0}' + ], + 'two in a row mixed': [ + 'a{padding:0;*height:13px;_width:13px}', + 'a{padding:0}' + ], + 'backslash': [ + 'a{color:#fff\\9}', + 'a{color:#fff\\9}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('animations', { + 'shorten': [ + '@keyframes test\n{ from\n { width:100px; }\n to { width:200px; }\n}', + '@keyframes test{from{width:100px}to{width:200px}}' + ], + 'remove name quotes': [ + '@keyframes "test1"{a{display:block}}@keyframes \'test2\'{a{display:block}}', + '@keyframes test1{a{display:block}}@keyframes test2{a{display:block}}' + ], + 'not remove name quotes if whitespace inside': [ + '@keyframes "test 1"{a{display:block}}@keyframes \'test 2\'{a{display:block}}', + '@keyframes "test 1"{a{display:block}}@keyframes \'test 2\'{a{display:block}}' + ], + 'remove name quotes for vendor prefixes': [ + '@-moz-keyframes \'test\'{a{display:block}}@-o-keyframes \'test\'{a{display:block}}@-webkit-keyframes \'test\'{a{display:block}}', + '@-moz-keyframes test{a{display:block}}@-o-keyframes test{a{display:block}}@-webkit-keyframes test{a{display:block}}' + ], + 'remove quotes in animation': [ + 'div{animation:\'test\' 2s ease-in .5s 3}', + 'div{animation:test 2s ease-in .5s 3}' + ], + 'not remove quotes in animation when name with space inside': [ + 'div{animation:\'test 1\' 2s ease-in .5s 3}', + 'div{animation:\'test 1\' 2s ease-in .5s 3}' + ], + 'remove quotes in vendor prefixed animation': [ + 'div{-moz-animation:\'test\' 2s ease-in;-o-animation:\'test\' 2s ease-in;-webkit-animation:\'test\' 2s ease-in}', + 'div{-moz-animation:test 2s ease-in;-o-animation:test 2s ease-in;-webkit-animation:test 2s ease-in}' + ], + 'remove quotes in animation-name': [ + 'div{animation-name:\'test\'}', + 'div{animation-name:test}' + ], + 'not remove quotes in animation-name when name with space inside': [ + 'div{animation-name:\'test 1\'}', + 'div{animation-name:\'test 1\'}' + ], + 'remove quotes in vendor prefixed animation-name': [ + 'div{-moz-animation-name:\'test\';-o-animation-name:\'test\';-webkit-animation-name:\'test\'}', + 'div{-moz-animation-name:test;-o-animation-name:test;-webkit-animation-name:test}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('attributes', { + 'should keep selector if no value': [ + 'div[data-type]{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type]{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep selector if no quotation': [ + 'div[data-type=something]{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type=something]{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep selector if equals in value': [ + 'div[data-type="stupid=value"]{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type="stupid=value"]{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep quotation if whitespace inside': [ + 'div[data-type^=\'object 1\']{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type^=\'object 1\']{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep quotations if special characters inside': [ + 'a[data-type="object+1"]{color:red}p[data-target="#some-place"]{color:#0f0}', + 'a[data-type="object+1"]{color:red}p[data-target="#some-place"]{color:#0f0}' + ], + 'should keep quotation if is a number': [ + 'div[data-number=\'1\']{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-number=\'1\']{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep quotation if starts with a number': [ + 'div[data-type^=\'1something\']{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type^=\'1something\']{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep quotation if starts with a hyphen': [ + 'div[data-type$=\'-something\']{border-color:red}', + 'div[data-type$=\'-something\']{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should keep quotation if key only (which is invalid)': [ + 'div["data-type"]{color:red}', + 'div["data-type"]{color:red}' + ], + 'should strip quotation if is a word': [ + 'a[data-href=\'object\']{border-color:red}', + 'a[data-href=object]{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should strip quotation if is a hyphen separated words': [ + 'a[data-href=\'object-1-two\']{border-color:red}', + 'a[data-href=object-1-two]{border-color:red}' + ], + 'should strip quotations if is less specific selectors': [ + 'a[data-href*=\'object1\']{border-color:red}a[data-href|=\'object2\']{border-color:#0f0}', + 'a[data-href*=object1]{border-color:red}a[data-href|=object2]{border-color:#0f0}' + ], + 'should keep special characters inside attributes #1': [ + 'a[data-css=\'color:white\']{display:block}', + 'a[data-css=\'color:white\']{display:block}' + ], + 'should keep special characters inside attributes #2': [ + 'a[href="/version-0.01.html"]{display:block}', + 'a[href="/version-0.01.html"]{display:block}' + ], + 'should strip new lines inside attributes': [ + '.test[title="my very long ' + lineBreak + 'title"]{display:block}', + '.test[title="my very long title"]{display:block}' + ], + 'should strip new lines inside attributes which can be unquoted': [ + '.test[title="my_very_long_' + lineBreak + 'title"]{display:block}', + '.test[title=my_very_long_title]{display:block}' + ], + 'should strip whitespace between square brackets': [ + 'body[ data-title ]{color:red}', + 'body[data-title]{color:red}' + ], + 'should strip whitespace inside square brackets': [ + 'body[ data-title = x ]{color:red}', + 'body[data-title=x]{color:red}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('ie filters', { + 'short alpha': [ + // 'a{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80); -ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)';}', + 'a{ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)}', + 'a{filter:alpha(Opacity=80)}' + ], + 'short chroma': [ + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191)}', + 'a{filter:chroma(color=#919191)}' + ], + 'matrix filter spaces': [ + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.984, M22=0.984, M12=0.17, M21=-0.17, SizingMethod=\'auto expand\')}', + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=.984, M22=.984, M12=.17, M21=-.17, SizingMethod=\'auto expand\')}' + ], + 'multiple filters (IE7 issue)': [ + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.984, M22=0.984, M12=0.17, M21=-0.17, SizingMethod=\'auto expand\')}', + 'a{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color=#919191) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=.984, M22=.984, M12=.17, M21=-.17, SizingMethod=\'auto expand\')}' + ], + 'AlphaImageLoader': [ + 'div{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=images/skyline.jpg)}', + 'div{filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=images/skyline.jpg)}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('charsets', { + 'not at beginning': [ + 'a{ color: #f10; }@charset \'utf-8\';b { font-weight: bolder}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';a{color:#f10}b{font-weight:bolder}' + ], + 'multiple charsets': [ + '@charset \'utf-8\';div :before { display: block }@charset \'utf-8\';a { color: #f10 }', + '@charset \'utf-8\';div :before{display:block}a{color:#f10}' + ], + 'charset and space after': [ + '@charset \'utf-8\';' + lineBreak + lineBreak + 'a{display:block}', + '@charset \'utf-8\';a{display:block}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('important', { + 'space before': [ + 'body{background-color:#fff !important}', + 'body{background-color:#fff!important}' + ], + 'space between ! and important': [ + 'body{background-color:#fff ! important}', + 'body{background-color:#fff!important}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('empty elements', { + 'single': [ + ' div p { \n}', + '' + ], + 'between non-empty': [ + 'div {color:#fff} a{ } p{ line-height:1.35em}', + 'div{color:#fff}p{line-height:1.35em}' + ], + 'just a semicolon': [ + 'div { ; }', + '' + ], + 'inside @media': [ + '@media screen { .test {} } .test1 { color: green; }', + '.test1{color:green}' + ], + 'inside nested @media': [ + '@media screen { @media (orientation:landscape) { @media (max-width:999px) { .test {} } } }', + '' + ], + 'inside not empty @media': [ + '@media screen { .test {} .some { display:none } }', + '@media screen{.some{display:none}}' + ], + 'inside nested not empty @media': [ + '@media screen { @media (orientation:landscape) { @media (max-width:999px) { .test {} } a {color:red} } }', + '@media screen{@media (orientation:landscape){a{color:red}}}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('empty @media', { + 'simple': [ + '@media print{}', + '' + ], + 'simple with and': [ + '@media print and screen{}', + '' + ], + 'complex': [ + '@media print, (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi) {\n}', + '' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('@import', { + 'empty': [ + '@import url();', + '' + ], + 'of an unknown file': [ + '@import url(\'fake.css\');', + '' + ], + 'of an unknown file with a missing trailing semicolon': [ + '@import url(fake.css)', + '' + ], + 'of a directory': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials);', + '' + ], + 'of a real file': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file twice': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with current path prefix': [ + '@import url(./test/fixtures/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with quoted path': [ + '@import url(\'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\');', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with double-quoted path': [ + '@import url("test/fixtures/partials/one.css");', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with bare path': [ + '@import test/fixtures/partials/one.css;', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with bare quoted path': [ + '@import "test/fixtures/partials/one.css";', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with bare double-quoted path': [ + '@import "test/fixtures/partials/one.css";', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with single simple media': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css) screen;', + '@media screen{.one{color:red}}' + ], + 'of a real file with multiple simple media': [ + '@import "test/fixtures/partials/one.css" screen, tv, print;', + '@media screen,tv,print{.one{color:red}}' + ], + 'of a real file with complex media': [ + '@import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\' screen and (orientation:landscape);', + '@media screen and (orientation:landscape){.one{color:red}}' + ], + 'of a real file with a missing trailing semicolon': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css)', + '' + ], + 'of a real files with a missing trailing semicolon': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css)@import url(test/fixtures/partials/two.css)', + '' + ], + 'of more files': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);\n\n@import url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/three.css);\n\na{display:block}', + '.one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}a{display:block}' + ], + 'of more files with media': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css) screen;@import url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/three.css) tv;', + '@media screen{.one{color:red}}@media tv{.three{color:#0f0}}' + ], + 'of multi-level, circular dependency file': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/two.css);', + '.one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}.four{color:#00f}.two{color:#fff}' + ], + 'of a file with a relative resource path': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/three.css);', + '.three{background-image:url(test/fixtures/partials/extra/down.gif)}' + ], + 'of a file with an absolute resource path': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/four.css);', + '.four{background-image:url(/partials/extra/down.gif)}' + ], + 'of a file with a resource URI': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/five.css);', + '.five{background:url()}' + ], + 'cut off': [ + '@impo', + '' + ], + 'cut off inside a comment': [ + '/* @impo', + '' + ], + 'inside a comment': [ + '/* @import url(test/fixtures/partials/five.css); */a { color: red; }', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'after a comment': [ + '/* @import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css); */@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);a { color: red; }', + '.one,a{color:red}' + ], + 'used arbitrarily in comment': [ + '/* @import foo */a { color: red; }', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'used arbitrarily in comment multiple times': [ + '/* @import foo */a { color: red; }\n/* @import bar */p { color: #fff; }', + 'a{color:red}p{color:#fff}' + ], + 'used arbitrarily in comment including unrelated comment': [ + '/* foo */a { color: red; }/* bar *//* @import */', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'of a file with a comment': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/comment.css);', + 'a{display:block}' + ], + 'of a file (with media) with a comment': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/comment.css) screen and (device-height: 600px);', + '@media screen and (device-height:600px){a{display:block}}' + ], + 'after standard content': [ + 'a{display:block}@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);body{margin:0}', + 'a{display:block}body{margin:0}' + ], + 'after quoted content': [ + '/*a{display:block}*/@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'with double underscore': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/with__double_underscore.css);', + '.one{color:green}' + ], + 'remote inside local': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', + '@import url(;' + ], + 'remote inside local after content': [ + 'a{color:red}@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'remote inside local after imported content': [ + '@import url(test/fixtures/partials/one.css);@import url(test/fixtures/partials/remote.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ] + }, { root: process.cwd() }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('malformed but still valid @import', { + 'prefixed with whitespace': [ + ' @import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'no whitespace between @import and filename': [ + '@import\'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace between @import and filename': [ + '@import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'line break between @import and filename': [ + '@import ' + lineBreak + '\'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace prefix in file name': [ + '@import \' test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace suffix in file name': [ + '@import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css \';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace after': [ + '@import \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\' ;', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'uppercase @import': [ + '@IMPORT \'test/fixtures/partials/one.css\';', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace between url and filename': [ + '@import url( test/fixtures/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace prefix in file name - url': [ + '@import url(\' test/fixtures/partials/one.css\');', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'extra whitespace suffix in file name - url': [ + '@import url(\'test/fixtures/partials/one.css \');', + '.one{color:red}' + ] + }, { root: process.cwd() }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('@import with absolute paths', { + 'of an unknown file': [ + '@import url(/fake.css);', + '' + ], + 'of a real file': [ + '@import url(/partials/one.css);', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of a real file with quoted paths': [ + '@import url("/partials/one.css");', + '.one{color:red}' + ], + 'of two files with mixed paths': [ + '@import url(/partials/one.css);@import url(partials/extra/three.css);a{display:block}', + '.one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}a{display:block}' + ], + 'of a multi-level, circular dependency file': [ + '@import url(/partials/two.css);', + '.one{color:red}.three{color:#0f0}.four{color:#00f}.two{color:#fff}' + ], + 'of a multi-level, circular dependency file with mixed paths': [ + '@import url(/partials-absolute/base.css);', + '.base2{border-width:0}.sub{padding:0}.base{margin:0}' + ] + }, { root: path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'fixtures') }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('@import with option processImport', { + 'of an unknown file': [ + '@import url(/fake.css);', + '@import url(/fake.css);' + ], + 'of an unknown file with extra whitespace': [ + '@import url( /fake.css );', + '@import url(/fake.css);' + ], + 'of comment chars within import url': [ + '@import \'necolas/normalize.css@*/normalize.css\';', + '@import \'necolas/normalize.css@*/normalize.css\';' + ] + }, { processImport: false }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('@import with no import and no advanced', { + 'empty body': [ + '@import url(//;body{/* comment */}body h1{font-family:Domine}', + '@import url(//;body h1{font-family:Domine}' + ], + 'no empty body': [ + '@import url(//;body{color:red}body h1{font-family:Domine}', + '@import url(//;body{color:red}body h1{font-family:Domine}' + ] + }, { processImport: false, advanced: false }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('@import with no url', { + 'matching too much': [ + '@import url(test.css);@font-face{font-family:"icomoon"}', + '@import url(test.css);@font-face{font-family:icomoon}' + ] + }, { processImport: false, root: process.cwd(), relativeTo: process.cwd() }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('duplicate selectors with disabled advanced processing', { + 'of a duplicate selector': [ + 'a,a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ] + }, { advanced: false }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('line breaks with disabled advanced processing', { + 'should be applied': [ + 'a{color:red}p{display:block}', + 'a{color:red}' + lineBreak + 'p{display:block}' + ] + }, { advanced: false, keepBreaks: true }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('invalid data tokenization', { + 'extra top-level closing brace': [ + 'a{color:red}}p{width:auto}', + 'a{color:red}p{width:auto}' + ], + 'extra top-level closing braces': [ + 'a{color:red}}}}p{width:auto}', + 'a{color:red}p{width:auto}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('duplicate selectors in a list', { + 'of a duplicate selector': [ + 'a,a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'of an unordered multiply repeated selector': [ + 'a,b,p,a{color:red}', + 'a,b,p{color:red}' + ], + 'of an unordered multiply repeated selector within a block': [ + '@media screen{a,b,p,a{color:red}}', + '@media screen{a,b,p{color:red}}' + ], + 'of an unordered multiply repeated complex selector within a block #1': [ + '@media screen{.link[data-path],a,p,.link[data-path]{color:red}}', + '@media screen{.link[data-path],a,p{color:red}}' + ], + 'of an unordered multiply repeated complex selector within a block #2': [ + '@media screen{#foo[data-path^="bar bar"],a,p,#foo[data-path^="bar bar"]{color:red}}', + '@media screen{#foo[data-path^="bar bar"],a,p{color:red}}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('duplicate selectors in a scope', { + 'of two successive selectors': [ + 'a{color:red}a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'of two successive selectors with different body': [ + 'a{color:red}a{display:block}', + 'a{color:red;display:block}' + ], + 'of many successive selectors': [ + 'a{color:red}a{color:red}a{color:red}a{color:red}', + 'a{color:red}' + ], + 'of two non-successive selectors': [ + 'a{color:red}p{color:#fff}a{color:red}', + 'p{color:#fff}a{color:red}' + ], + 'of many non-successive selectors': [ + 'div{width:100%}a{color:red}a{color:red}p{color:#fff}div{width:100%}ol{margin:0}p{color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red}div{width:100%}ol{margin:0}p{color:#fff}' + ], + 'with global and media scope': [ + 'a{color:red}@media screen{a{color:red}p{width:100px}a{color:red}}', + 'a{color:red}@media screen{p{width:100px}a{color:red}}' + ], + 'with two media scopes': [ + '@media (min-width:100px){a{color:red}}@media screen{a{color:red}p{width:100px}a{color:red}}', + '@media (min-width:100px){a{color:red}}@media screen{p{width:100px}a{color:red}}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('duplicate properties with aggressive merging disabled', { + 'of (yet) unmergeable properties': [ + 'a{display:inline-block;color:red;display:-moz-block}', + 'a{display:inline-block;color:red;display:-moz-block}' + ], + 'of mergeable properties': [ + 'a{background:red;display:block;background:white}', + 'a{background:#fff;display:block}' + ] + }, { aggressiveMerging: false }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same selectors', { + 'of two non-adjacent selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.two{color:#00f}.one{font-weight:700}', + '.one{color:red;font-weight:700}.two{color:#00f}' + ], + 'of two adjacent single selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.one{font-weight:700}', + '.one{color:red;font-weight:700}' + ], + 'of three adjacent single selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.one{font-weight:700}.one{font-size:12px}', + '.one{color:red;font-weight:700;font-size:12px}' + ], + 'of two adjacent single, complex selectors': [ + '#box>.one{color:red}#box>.one{font-weight:700}', + '#box>.one{color:red;font-weight:700}' + ], + 'of two adjacent multiple, complex selectors': [ + '#box>.one,.zero{color:red}#box>.one,.zero{font-weight:700}', + '#box>.one,.zero{color:red;font-weight:700}' + ], + 'of two adjacent selectors with duplicate properties #1': [ + '.one{color:red}.one{color:#fff}', + '.one{color:#fff}' + ], + 'of two adjacent selectors with duplicate properties #2': [ + '.one{color:red;font-weight:bold}.one{color:#fff;font-weight:400}', + '.one{color:#fff;font-weight:400}' + ], + 'of two adjacent complex selectors with different selector order': [ + '.one,.two{color:red}.two,.one{line-height:1em}', + '.one,.two{color:red;line-height:1em}' + ], + 'two adjacent with hex color definitions': [ + 'a:link,a:visited{color:#fff}.one{display:block}a:link,a:visited{color:red}', + '.one{display:block}a:link,a:visited{color:red}' + ], + 'in two passes': [ + 'a{color:red}a{background:red}b{color:red}b{background:red}', + 'a,b{color:red;background:red}' + ], + 'when overriden with a browser specific selector': [ + 'a{color:red}::-webkit-scrollbar,a{color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red}::-webkit-scrollbar,a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'two same selectors over a block': [ + '.one{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}.one{display:none}', + '@media print{.two{display:block}}.one{color:red;display:none}' + ], + 'two same bodies over a block': [ + '.one{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}.three{color:red}', + '.one,.three{color:red}@media print{.two{display:block}}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same non-adjacent selectors', { + 'with one redefined property': [ + 'a{color:red;display:block}.one{color:red}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}', + '.one{color:red}a{display:block;color:#fff;margin:2px}' + ], + 'with intentionally redefined properties on joins': [ + 'a{display:inline-block;display:-moz-inline-box;color:red}.one{margin:12px}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}', + '.one{margin:12px}a{display:inline-block;display:-moz-inline-box;color:#fff;margin:2px}' + ], + 'with intentionally redefined properties on multiple joins': [ + 'a{color:red}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;margin:2px}.two{margin:10px}a{margin:0}', + '.one{font-size:12px}.two{margin:10px}a{color:#fff;margin:0}' + ], + 'with all redefined properties': [ + 'a{color:red;display:block}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}', + '.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}' + ], + 'many with all redefined properties': [ + 'a{padding:10px}.zero{color:transparent}a{color:red;display:block}.one{font-size:12px}a{color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}', + '.zero{color:transparent}.one{font-size:12px}a{padding:10px;color:#fff;display:inline-block;margin:2px}' + ], + 'when overriden by an empty selector': [ + 'a{padding:10px}.one{color:red}a{}', + 'a{padding:10px}.one{color:red}' + ], + 'when overriden by a complex selector': [ + 'a{padding:10px;margin:0;color:red}.one{color:red}a,p{color:red;padding:0}', + '.one,a,p{color:red}a{margin:0}a,p{padding:0}' + ], + 'when overriden by complex selectors': [ + 'a{padding:10px;margin:0;color:red}.one{color:red}a,p{color:red;padding:0}.one,a{color:#fff}', + 'a{margin:0}a,p{color:red;padding:0}.one,a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'when complex selector overriden by simple selectors': [ + 'a,p{margin:0;color:red}a{color:#fff}', + 'a,p{margin:0;color:red}a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'when complex selector overriden by complex and simple selectors': [ + 'a,p{margin:0;color:red}a{color:#fff}a,p{color:#00f}p{color:#0f0}', + 'a,p{margin:0;color:#00f}p{color:#0f0}' + ], + 'when complex selector overriden by complex selectors': [ + '.one>.two,.three{color:red;line-height:1rem}#zero,.one>.two,.three,.www{color:#fff;margin:0}a{color:red}.one>.two,.three{line-height:2rem;font-size:1.5rem}', + '#zero,.one>.two,.three,.www{color:#fff;margin:0}a{color:red}.one>.two,.three{line-height:2rem;font-size:1.5rem}' + ], + 'when undefined is used as a value': [ + '.one{text-shadow:undefined}p{font-size:14px}.one{font-size:12px}', + 'p{font-size:14px}.one{text-shadow:undefined;font-size:12px}' + ], + 'when undefined is used as a value with reduction': [ + '.one{text-shadow:undefined}p{color:red}.one{font-size:12px;text-shadow:none}', + 'p{color:red}.one{font-size:12px;text-shadow:none}' + ], + 'when overriden with a browser specific selector': [ + 'a{color:red}p{display:block}::-moz-selection,a{color:#fff}', + 'a{color:red}p{display:block}::-moz-selection,a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'when same browser specific selector more than once': [ + 'a,::-moz-selection{color:red}p{display:block}a,::-moz-selection{color:#fff}', + 'p{display:block}::-moz-selection,a{color:#fff}' + ], + 'with full property comparison': [ + '.one{height:7rem}.two{color:#fff}.one{line-height:7rem;color:red}', + '.two{color:#fff}.one{height:7rem;line-height:7rem;color:red}' + ], + 'with two intermediate, non-overriding selectors': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:#fff}.one{font-size:12px}', + '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}.two{color:#fff}' + ], + 'with two intermediate, overriding more specific selectors': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{font:12px serif}.one{font-size:12px}', + '.two{font:12px serif}.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}' + ], + 'with granular selectors from the same shorthand': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{font-weight:700}.one{font-size:12px}', + '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}.two{font-weight:700}' + ], + 'with three intermediate, non-overriding selectors': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:#fff}.one{font-size:12px}.three{color:#000}.one{padding:0}', + '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px;padding:0}.two{color:#fff}.three{color:#000}' + ], + 'successive selectors': [ + 'footer,header{top:1.25em;bottom:1.25em}header{top:2.5em}footer{bottom:2.5em}', + 'footer,header{top:1.25em;bottom:1.25em}header{top:2.5em}footer{bottom:2.5em}' + ], + 'over a @media block': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}@media{.two{font-weight:700}}.one{font-size:12px}', + '.one{color:red;margin:0;font-size:12px}@media{.two{font-weight:700}}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('rerun optimizers', { + 'selectors reducible once': [ + '.one{color:red;margin:0}.two{color:red}.one{margin:0}', + '.one,.two{color:red}.one{margin:0}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same bodies', { + 'of two non-adjacent selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.two{color:#00f}.three{color:red}', + '.one{color:red}.two{color:#00f}.three{color:red}' + ], + 'of two adjacent single selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.two{color:red}', + '.one,.two{color:red}' + ], + 'of three adjacent complex, multiple selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}#two.three{color:red}.four>.five{color:red}', + '#two.three,.four>.five,.one{color:red}' + ], + 'with repeated selectors': [ + '#zero>p,.one,.two{color:red}.two,#zero>p,.three{color:red}', + '#zero>p,.one,.three,.two{color:red}' + ], + 'of element selectors': [ + 'p{color:red}a{color:#000}div{color:red}', + 'div,p{color:red}a{color:#000}' + ], + 'of element selectors inside @media': [ + '@media screen{p{color:red}a{color:#000}div{color:red}}', + '@media screen{div,p{color:red}a{color:#000}}' + ], + 'of element selectors with a class selector in between': [ + 'p{color:red}.a{color:#000}div{color:red}', + 'p{color:red}.a{color:#000}div{color:red}' + ], + 'of element selectors with an empty class selector in between': [ + 'p{color:red}.a{}div{color:red}', + 'div,p{color:red}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same bodies - IE8 compat', { + 'of two supported selectors': [ + '.one:first-child{color:red}.two>.three{color:red}', + '.one:first-child,.two>.three{color:red}' + ], + 'of supported and unsupported selector': [ + '.one:first-child{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', + '.one:first-child{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' + ], + 'of two unsupported selectors': [ + '.one:nth-child(5){color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', + '.one:nth-child(5){color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same bodies - IE7 compat', { + 'of two supported selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.two>.three{color:red}', + '.one,.two>.three{color:red}' + ], + 'of supported and unsupported selector': [ + '.one{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', + '.one{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' + ], + 'of two unsupported selectors': [ + '.one:before{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}', + '.one:before{color:red}.two:last-child{color:red}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie7' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('same bodies - +adjacentSpace', { + 'of two supported selectors': [ + '.one{color:red}.two + nav{color:red}', + '.one,.two+ nav{color:red}' + ] + }, { compatibility: { selectors: { adjacentSpace: true } } }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('units - IE8 compatibility', { + 'rems': [ + 'div{padding-top:16px;color:red;padding-top:1rem}', + 'div{padding-top:16px;color:red;padding-top:1rem}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('redefined more granular properties with property merging', { + 'should merge background with background-attachment': [ + 'a{background:0;background-attachment:fixed}', + 'a{background:0 fixed}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-attachment': [ + 'a{background:0;background-attachment:inherit}', + 'a{background:0;background-attachment:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge background with background-color': [ + 'a{background:0;background-color:#9fce00}', + 'a{background:0 #9fce00}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-color': [ + 'a{background:0;background-color:inherit}', + 'a{background:0;background-color:inherit}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with background-color set to none': [ + 'a{background:url(logo.png) center no-repeat;background-color:none}', + 'a{background:url(logo.png) center no-repeat;background-color:none}' + ], + 'should merge background with background-image': [ + 'a{background:0;background-image:url(hello_world)}', + 'a{background:url(hello_world) 0}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-image': [ + 'a{background:0;background-image:inherit}', + 'a{background:0;background-image:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge background with background-position': [ + 'a{background:0;background-position:3px 4px}', + 'a{background:3px 4px}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-position': [ + 'a{background:0;background-position:inherit}', + 'a{background:0;background-position:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge background with background-repeat': [ + 'a{background:0;background-repeat:repeat-y}', + 'a{background:0 repeat-y}' + ], + 'should NOT merge background with inherited background-repeat': [ + 'a{background:0;background-repeat:inherit}', + 'a{background:0;background-repeat:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge outline with outline-color': [ + 'a{outline:1px;outline-color:#9fce00}', + 'a{outline:#9fce00 1px}' + ], + 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-color': [ + 'a{outline:0;outline-color:inherit}', + 'a{outline:0;outline-color:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge outline with outline-style': [ + 'a{outline:0;outline-style:dashed}', + 'a{outline:dashed 0}' + ], + 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-style': [ + 'a{outline:0;outline-style:inherit}', + 'a{outline:0;outline-style:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge outline with outline-width': [ + 'a{outline:0;outline-width:5px}', + 'a{outline:5px}' + ], + 'should NOT merge outline with inherited outline-width': [ + 'a{outline:0;outline-width:inherit}', + 'a{outline:0;outline-width:inherit}' + ], + 'should merge list-style with list-style-type': [ + 'li{list-style-type:disc;list-style:inside}', + 'li{list-style:inside}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('merging of rules', { + 'rules without pseudo classes should be merged': [ + 'a{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a,b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #1': [ + 'a:focus{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:focus,b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #2': [ + 'a:nth-of-type(1){color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:nth-of-type(1),b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #3': [ + 'a:first-of-type{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:first-of-type,b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with well-supported pseudo classes should be merged #4': [ + 'a:first-child{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:first-child,b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with prefixed pseudo classes should not be merged #1': [ + 'a:-moz-full-screen{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:-moz-full-screen{color:red}b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with prefixed pseudo classes should not be merged #2': [ + 'a:-moz-dir(rtl){color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:-moz-dir(rtl){color:red}b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #1': [ + 'a:fullscreen{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:fullscreen{color:red}b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #2': [ + 'a:dir(ltr){color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:dir(ltr){color:red}b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #3': [ + 'a:right{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:right{color:red}b{color:red}' + ], + 'rules with not-so-well-supported pseudo classes should not be merged #4': [ + 'a:first{color:red}b{color:red}', + 'a:first{color:red}b{color:red}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('grouping with advanced optimizations', { + '@-moz-document': [ + '@-moz-document domain({a{color:red}}', + '@-moz-document domain({a{color:red}}' + ], + '@media': [ + '@media{a{color:red}}', + '@media{a{color:red}}' + ], + '@page': [ + '@page{margin:.5em}', + '@page{margin:.5em}' + ], + '@supports': [ + '@supports (display:flexbox){.flex{display:flexbox}}', + '@supports (display:flexbox){.flex{display:flexbox}}' + ], + '@-ms-viewport': [ + '@-ms-viewport{width:device-width}', + '@-ms-viewport{width:device-width}' + ], + '@-o-viewport': [ + '@-o-viewport{width:device-width}', + '@-o-viewport{width:device-width}' + ], + '@viewport': [ + '@viewport{width:device-width}', + '@viewport{width:device-width}' + ], + '@counter-style': [ + '@counter-style triangle{system:cyclic;symbols:‣;suffix:" "}', + '@counter-style triangle{system:cyclic;symbols:‣;suffix:" "}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('background size', { + 'with background-position': [ + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0/auto 25% no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0/auto 25% no-repeat}' + ], + 'with background-position and spaces': [ + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0 / auto 25% no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50% 0/auto 25% no-repeat}' + ], + 'with background-position shorthands': [ + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50px/25% no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 50px/25% no-repeat}' + ], + 'with background-position shorthands and spaces': [ + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 0 / cover no-repeat}', + 'a{background:url(top.jpg) 0/cover no-repeat}' + ], + 'with background-size property': [ + 'a{background:none;background-image:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}', + 'a{background:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('background position', { + 'calc as a value': [ + '*{background:white calc(100% - 10px) center no-repeat;background-image:url(test.png)}', + '*{background:calc(100% - 10px) center no-repeat #fff;background-image:url(test.png)}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('background-clip', { + 'inside background shorthand': [ + 'div{background:content-box #000}', + 'div{background:content-box #000}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('background size with +properties.backgroundSizeMerging', { + 'with background-size property': [ + 'a{background:none;background-image:url(1.png);background-size:28px 28px}', + 'a{background:url(1.png) 0 0/28px 28px}' + ], + 'important overriding': [ + 'a{background:url(a.jpg) !important; background-color:#fff !important; background-size:10px 10px !important}', + 'a{background:url(a.jpg) 0 0/10px 10px #fff!important}' + ] + }, { compatibility: '+properties.backgroundSizeMerging' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('multiple backgrounds', { + 'should not produce longer values': [ + 'p{background:no-repeat;background-position:100% 0,0 100%,100% 100%,50% 50%}', + 'p{background:no-repeat;background-position:100% 0,0 100%,100% 100%,50% 50%}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('misc advanced', { + 'outline auto': [ + 'a{outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color}', + 'a{outline:-webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px}' + ], + 'border radius side H+V': [ + 'a{border-top-left-radius:2em / 1em}', + 'a{border-top-left-radius:2em/1em}' + ], + 'border radius expanded H+V': [ + 'a{border-radius:1em 1em 1em 1em / 2em 2em 2em 2em}', + 'a{border-radius:1em/2em}' + ], + 'border radius expanded H+V with mixed values #1': [ + 'a{border-radius:1em 2em 1em 2em / 1em 2em 3em 2em}', + 'a{border-radius:1em 2em/1em 2em 3em}' + ], + 'border radius expanded H+V with mixed values #2': [ + 'a{border-radius:1em/1em 1em 1em 2em}', + 'a{border-radius:1em/1em 1em 1em 2em}' + ], + 'border radius H+V': [ + 'a{border-radius:50%/100%}', + 'a{border-radius:50%/100%}' + ], + 'lost background position': [ + '.one{background:50% no-repeat}.one{background-image:url(/img.png)}', + '.one{background:url(/img.png) 50% no-repeat}' + ], + 'unknown @ rule': [ + '@unknown "test";h1{color:red}', + '@unknown "test";h1{color:red}' + ], + 'property without a value': [ + 'a{color:}', + '' + ], + 'properties without values': [ + 'a{padding:;border-radius: ;background:red}', + 'a{background:red}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('advanced in ie8 mode', { + 'plain component to complex shorthand': [ + 'a{background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#000,#fff 4em) #000;background-color:#fff}', + 'a{background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#000,#fff 4em) #000;background-color:#fff}' + ], + 'plain component to shorthand': [ + 'a{background:url(bg.png) #000;background-color:#fff}', + 'a{background:url(bg.png) #fff}' + ], + 'merging rgba with standard colors': [ + 'div{background-color:red;background:rgba(1,2,3,.5)}', + 'div{background-color:red;background:rgba(1,2,3,.5)}' + ] + }, { compatibility: 'ie8' }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('viewport units', { + 'shorthand margin with viewport width not changed': [ + 'div{margin:5vw}', + 'div{margin:5vw}' + ] + }) + ) + .addBatch( + optimizerContext('variables', { + 'stripping': [ + 'a{--border:#000}.one{border:1px solid var(--border)}', + 'a{--border:#000}.one{border:1px solid var(--border)}' + ], + 'all values': [ + 'a{--width:1px;--style:solid;--color:#000}.one{border:var(--width)var(--style)var(--color)}', + 'a{--width:1px;--style:solid;--color:#000}.one{border:var(--width)var(--style)var(--color)}' + ] + }) + ) + .export(module); -- 2.34.1