games: start adding our games stuff
authorAlan Cox <>
Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:48:09 +0000 (15:48 +0100)
committerAlan Cox <>
Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:48:09 +0000 (15:48 +0100)
Begin with qrun, which promptly get us about 100 games 8)

Applications/games/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
Applications/games/README.qrun [new file with mode: 0644]
Applications/games/qrun.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Applications/games/Makefile b/Applications/games/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e3e1c2b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+CC = sdcc
+ASM = sdasz80
+AR = sdar
+LINKER = sdcc
+FCC = ../../Library/tools/fcc -O2
+#PLATFORM = -tzx128
+PROGLOAD=`(cat ../../Kernel/platform/config.h; echo PROGLOAD) | cpp -E | tail -n1`
+# Used for programs that make sdcc go boom or take hours
+CC_CRAP = -mz80 --std-c99 -c --opt-code-size --max-allocs-per-node 1000 -I../../Library/include
+ASM_OPT = -l -o -s
+LINKER_OPT = -mz80 --nostdlib --no-std-crt0 --code-loc $(PROGLOAD) --data-loc  0
+BINMAN = ../../Library/tools/binman
+.SUFFIXES: .c .rel
+       qrun.c
+SRCS  = 
+OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.rel)
+OBJSNS = $(SRCSNS:.c=.rel)
+OBJSBAD = $(SRCSBAD:.c=.rel)
+LIBS = ../../Library/libs/syslib.lib
+APPSNS = $(OBJSNS:.rel=)
+APPS = $(OBJS:.rel=) $(OBJSBAD:.rel=) $(OBJSNS:.rel=)
+all: $(APPS) sizes
+       $(CC) $(CC_CRAP) $(@:.rel=.c)
+$(APPSNS): OPTS = --nostdio
+$(OBJS): %.rel: %.c
+$(OBJSNS): %.rel: %.c
+$(OBJSBAD): %.rel: %.c
+       $(FCC) $(PLATFORM) -c $<
+%: %.rel
+       $(FCC) $(PLATFORM) $(OPTS) $< -o $@
+sizes: $(APPS)
+       ls -l $(APPS) >
+       rm -f $(OBJS) $(APPS) $(SRCS:.c=) core *~ *.asm *.lst *.sym *.map *.noi *.lk *.ihx *.tmp *.bin
+       rm -f *~ core
diff --git a/Applications/games/README.qrun b/Applications/games/README.qrun
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..528cbbf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Qrun is a portable tool for running quill games on small machines. It is based
+heavily upon the player parts of John Elliott's "unquill" but with all the
+dumping features removed and some other space savings done.
+The simple zmem() handler used by unquill has been replaced with a sort of
+least regularly-used paging scheme. 
+       qrum snapshot.sna
+Subsunk aborts on start up
+Pause 0 is misinterpreted as no time not 256/50ths.
+If you turn any of the debug or stats recording on remember to link stdio!
+Automatically size the buffer pool
+More size improvements
+Support graphics - either by pre-rendering and compressing the graphics or
+by forking off a graphics renderer. The latter is hard because many games
+rely on the spectrum graphics attributes model.
+Support UDGs when in graphics mode
+Scaling vertically/horizontally in graphics (eg so we don't look stupid on a
diff --git a/Applications/games/qrun.c b/Applications/games/qrun.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4030c20
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1671 @@
+    QRun: Quill game runner for Fuzix.
+    Copyright (C) 2015  Alan Cox
+    Derived from
+    UnQuill: Disassemble games written with the "Quill" adventure game system
+    Copyright (C) 1996-2000  John Elliott
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+                             - * -
+/* Pull Quill data from a .SNA file.  *
+ * Output to stdout.                  */
+/* Format of the Quill database:
+ Somewhere in memory (usually 6D04h for version 'A' and 6B85h for version 'C')
+there is a colour definition table:
+       DEFB    10h,ink,11h,paper,12h,flash,13h,bright,14h,inverse,15h,over
+       DEFB    border
+We use this as a magic number to find the Quill database in memory. After
+the colour table is a table of values:
+       DEFB    no. of objects player can carry at once
+       DEFB    no. of objects
+       DEFB    no. of locations
+       DEFB    no. of messages
+then a table of pointers:
+       DEFW    rsptab  ;Response table
+       DEFW    protab  ;Process table
+       DEFW    objtop  ;Top of object descriptions
+       DEFW    loctop  ;Top of locations.
+       DEFW    msgtop  ;Top of messages.
+       **
+       DEFW    conntab ;Table of connections.
+       DEFW    voctab  ;Table of words.
+       DEFW    oloctab ;Table of object inital locations.
+       DEFW    free    ;[Early] Start of free memory
+                    ;[Late]  Word/object mapping
+       DEFW    freeend ;End of free memory
+       DEFS    3       ;?
+       DEFB    80h,dict ;Expansion dictionary (for compressed games).
+                                ;Dictionary is stored in ASCII, high bit set on last
+                                ;letter of each word.
+rsptab:        ...                  ;response  - both stored as: DB verb, noun
+protab: ...          ;process                     DW address-of-handler
+                     ;                               terminated by verb 0.
+                                         Handler format is:
+                                          DB conditions...0FFh
+                                          DB actions......0FFh
+objtab:        ...             ;objects        - all are stored with all bytes
+objtop:        DEFW    objtab        complemented to deter casual hackers.
+        DEFW    object1
+        DEFW    object2 etc.
+loctab:        ...             ;locations       Texts are terminated with 0E0h
+loctop:        DEFW    loctab           (ie 1Fh after decoding).
+        DEFW    locno1
+        DEFW    locno2 etc.
+msgtab:        ...             ;messages
+msgtop:        DEFW    msgtab
+        DEFW    mess1
+        DEFW    mess2 etc.
+conntab: ...    ;connections    - stored as DB WORD,ROOM,WORD,ROOM...
+                                  each entry is terminated with 0FFh.
+voctab: ...            ;vocabulary     - stored as DB 'word',number - the
+                                  word is complemented to deter hackers.
+                                  Table terminated with a word entry all
+                                  five bytes of which are 0 before
+                                  decoding.
+oloctab: ...    ;initial locations of objects. 0FCh => not created
+                                               0FDh => worn
+                                               0FEh => carried
+                                               0FFh => end of table
+In later games (those made with Illustrator?), there is an extra byte 
+(the number of system messages) after the number of messages, and at 
+the label ** the following word is inserted:
+        DEFW    systab  ;Points to word pointing to table of system
+                    ;messages.
+systab: DEFW    sysm0
+        DEFW    sysm1 etc.
+The address of the user-defined graphics is stored at 23675. In "Early" games,
+the system messages are at UDGs+168.
+CPC differences:
+* I don't know where the UDGs are.
+* Strings are terminated with 0xFF (0 after decoding) rather than 0xE0 
+  (0x1F).
+* No Spectrum colour codes in strings. Instead, the 
+  code 0x14 means "newline" and 0x09 means "toggle reverse video".
+  There are other CPC colour codes in the range 0x01-0x0A, but I don't
+  know their meaning.
+* I have assumed that the database always starts at 0x1BD1, which it does 
+  in the snapshots I have examined.
+Commodore 64 differences:
+* I don't know where the UDGs are.
+* Strings are terminated with 0xFF (0 after decoding) rather than 0xE0 
+  (0x1F).
+* No Spectrum colour codes in strings. 
+* I have assumed that the database always starts at 0x0804, which it does 
+  in the snapshots I have examined.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define VERSION "0.1ac2"
+typedef uint8_t uchr;  /* for brevity */
+typedef uint16_t ushrt;        /* -- ditto -- */
+#define ZBUF_NUM               32      /* 8K */
+#define NIL  100
+#define LOC  101
+#define MSG  102
+#define OBJ  103
+#define SWAP 104
+#define PLC  105
+static char getch(void);
+static uchr zmem(ushrt);
+static ushrt zword(ushrt);
+static void clrscr(void);
+static void oneitem(ushrt, uchr);
+static void opch32(char);
+static void spc(void);
+static void nl(void);
+static void opstr32(const char *);
+static void expch(uchr, ushrt *);
+static void expdict(uchr, ushrt *);
+static char present(uchr);
+static uchr doproc(ushrt, uchr, uchr);
+static void listat(uchr);
+static void initgame(ushrt);
+static void playgame(ushrt);
+static void sysmess(uchr);
+static uchr ffeq(uchr, uchr);
+static uchr condtrue(ushrt);
+static uchr autobj(uchr);
+static uchr runact(ushrt, uchr);
+static uchr cplscmp(ushrt, char *);
+static uchr matchword(char **);
+static void usage(char *);
+static void dec32(ushrt);
+static char yesno(void);
+static void savegame(void);
+static void loadgame(void);
+/* Supported architectures */
+#define ARCH_SPECTRUM 0
+#define ARCH_CPC      1
+#define ARCH_C64      2
+static char arch = ARCH_SPECTRUM;      /* Architecture */
+static char xpos = 0;          /* Used in msg display */
+static char dbver = 0;         /* Which format of database? 0 = early Spectrum
+                                *                          10 = later Spectrum/CPC */
+static ushrt vocab, dict;      /* Spectrum address of vocabulary & dictionary */
+static char nobeep = 0;                /* Peace and quiet? */
+static char running = 1;       /* Actually playing the game? */
+static ushrt loctab;
+static ushrt objtab;           /* Tables of locations, objects, messages */
+static ushrt msgtab;
+static ushrt sysbase;          /* Base of system messages */
+static ushrt conntab;          /* Connections table */
+static ushrt postab;           /* Object start positions table */
+static ushrt objmap;           /* Word-to-object map */
+static ushrt proctab, resptab; /* Process and Response tables */
+static char *inname;           /* Input filename */
+static uchr fileid = 0xFF;     /* Save file identity byte */
+struct gstate {
+       uint8_t v2;
+       uint8_t v1;
+       uint8_t fileid;
+       uchr flags[37];         /* The Quill flags, 0-36. */
+#define TURNLO state.flags[31] /* (31-36 are special */
+#define TURNHI state.flags[32] /* Meanings of the special flags */
+#define VERB state.flags[33]
+#define NOUN state.flags[34]
+#define CURLOC state.flags[35] /* state.flags[36] == 0 */
+       uchr objpos[219];       /* Positions of objects */
+       uchr xor;
+static struct gstate state;
+static struct gstate ramsave;  /* RAM save buffer */
+static uchr maxcar;            /* Max no. of portable objects */
+static uchr maxcar1;           /* As maxcar - later games can change it on the fly */
+#define NUMCAR state.flags[1]          /* Number of objects currently carried */
+static uchr nobj;              /* No. of objects */
+static uchr nsys;              /* No. of system messages */
+static uchr alsosee = 1;       /* Message "You can also see" */
+static uchr estop;             /* Emergency stop flag */
+static int infile;
+static uchr found, nmsg, nloc;
+static ushrt mem_base;         /* Minimum address loaded from snapshot     */
+static ushrt mem_size;         /* Size of memory loaded from snapshot      */
+static short mem_offset;       /* Load address of snapshot in physical RAM */
+static char snapid[20];
+static int fast, slow, miss;
+#define AV0 argv[0]
+#define AV10 argv[1][0]
+#define AV11 argv[1][1]
+#define isoptch(c) ( (c) == '-' )
+void errstr(const char *t1, const char *t2)
+       write(2, t1, strlen(t1));
+       if (t2) {
+               write(2, ": ", 2);
+               write(2, t2, strlen(t2));
+       }
+       write(2, "\n", 1);
+#define debugstr errstr
+void readbuf(char *p, int len)
+       char *ep = p + len - 1;
+       while (p < ep && read(0, p, 1)) {
+               if (*p == '\n') {
+                       p++;
+                       break;
+               }
+               p++;
+       }
+       *p = 0;
+static ushrt check_signature(ushrt n);
+static ushrt ucptr;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+       ushrt n, zxptr = 0;
+/* If command looks like a help command, print helpscreen */
+       if ((argc == 1) || (isoptch(AV10) && strchr("hH/?", AV11)))
+               usage(AV0);
+/* Parse for options. */
+       for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) {
+               if (isoptch(argv[n][0])) {      /* Start of an option */
+                       switch (argv[n][1]) {
+                       case 'L':
+                       case 'l':
+                               dbver = 10;
+                               break;
+                       case 'Q':
+                       case 'q':
+                               nobeep = 1;
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               errstr("Invalid option", argv[n]);
+                               exit(1);
+                       }       /* End switch */
+               }               /* End For */
+       }                       /* End If */
+       /* Load the snapshot. To save space, we ignore the printer
+          buffer and the screen, which can contain nothing of value. */
+       inname = argv[1];
+       if ((infile = open(inname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+               perror(inname);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       /* << v0.7: Check for CPC6128 format */
+       if (read(infile, snapid, sizeof(snapid)) != sizeof(snapid)) {
+               perror(inname);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       arch = ARCH_SPECTRUM;
+       mem_base = 0x5C00;      /* First address loaded */
+       mem_size = 0xA400;      /* Number of bytes to load from it */
+       mem_offset = 0x3FE5;    /* Load address of snapshot in host system memory */
+       if (!memcmp(snapid, "MV - SNA", 9)) {   /* CPCEMU snapshot */
+               arch = ARCH_CPC;
+               mem_base = 0x1B00;
+               mem_size = 0xA500;
+               mem_offset = -0x100;
+               dbver = 10;     /* CPC engine is equivalent to  
+                                * the "later" Spectrum one. */
+               debugstr("CPC snapshot signature found.", NULL);
+       }
+       if (!memcmp(snapid, "VICE Snapshot File\032", 19)) {    /* VICE snapshot */
+               int n;
+               unsigned char header[256];
+               arch = ARCH_C64;
+               memset(header, 0, sizeof(header));
+               /* [0.8.7] Do a quick, minimal parse of the VSF to find the 
+                * C64MEM block. Earlier unquills assumed it would be at a 
+                * fixed offset; it isn't. */
+               lseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+               if (read(infile, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+                       errstr("Warning: Failed to read C64 snapshot header",
+                              NULL);
+               }
+               mem_base = 0x800;
+               mem_size = 0xA500;
+               mem_offset = -0x74;
+               for (n = 0; n < (int)sizeof(header) - 6; n++) {
+                       if (!memcmp(header + n, "C64MEM", 6)) {
+                               mem_offset = -(n + 0x1A);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               dbver = 5;      /* C64 engine is between the two Spectrum 
+                                * ones. */
+               debugstr("C64 snapshot signature found.", NULL);
+       }
+       /* >> v0.7 */
+       /* Skip screen/printer buffer/registers and load the rest */
+       /* .SNA read ok. Find a Quill signature */
+       switch (arch) {
+       case ARCH_SPECTRUM:
+               /* I could _probably_ assume that the Spectrum database is 
+                * always at one location for "early" and another for "late"
+                * games (0x6D04 for "early", 0x6B85 for "late". Try these
+                * first; if that fails, scan the whole file. */
+               if (check_signature(0x6D04)) {
+                       dbver = 0;
+                       found = 1;
+                       zxptr = 0x6D11;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (check_signature(0x6B85)) {
+                       dbver = 10;
+                       found = 1;
+                       zxptr = 0x6B92;
+                       break;
+               }
+               for (n = 0x5C00; n < 0xFFF5; n++) {
+                       if (check_signature(n)) {
+                               debugstr("Quill signature found.", NULL);
+                               found = 1;
+                               zxptr = n + 13;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       case ARCH_CPC:
+               found = 1;
+               zxptr = 0x1BD1; /* From guesswork: CPC Quill files
+                                * always seem to start at 0x1BD1 */
+               break;
+       case ARCH_C64:
+               found = 1;
+               zxptr = 0x804;  /* From guesswork: C64 Quill files
+                                * always seem to start at 0x804 */
+               break;
+       }
+       if (!found) {
+               errstr("Not a valid Quill .SNA file", inname);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       ucptr = zxptr;
+       maxcar1 = maxcar = zmem(zxptr); /* Player's carrying capacity */
+       nobj = zmem(zxptr + 1); /* No. of objects */
+       nloc = zmem(zxptr + 2); /* No. of locations */
+       nmsg = zmem(zxptr + 3); /* No. of messages */
+       if (dbver) {
+               ++zxptr;
+               nsys = zmem(zxptr + 3); /* No. of system messages */
+               vocab = zword(zxptr + 18);      /* Words list */
+               dict = zxptr + 29;      /* Expansion dictionary */
+       } else
+               vocab = zword(zxptr + 16);
+       resptab = zword(zxptr + 4);
+       proctab = zword(zxptr + 6);
+       objtab = zword(zxptr + 8);
+       loctab = zword(zxptr + 10);
+       msgtab = zword(zxptr + 12);
+       if (dbver)
+               sysbase = zword(zxptr + 14);
+       else
+               sysbase = zword(23675) + 168;   /* Just after the UDGs */
+/*     fprintf(stderr, "sysbase at %u, udg at %u\n", 
+               sysbase, zword(23675));*/
+       conntab = zword(zxptr + 14 + (dbver ? 2 : 0));
+       if (dbver)
+               objmap = zword(zxptr + 22);
+       postab = zword(zxptr + 18 + (dbver ? 2 : 0));
+       /* Run the game */
+       while (running) {
+               estop = 0;
+               srand(1);
+               initgame(zxptr);        /* Initialise the game */
+               playgame(zxptr);        /* Play it */
+               if (estop) {
+                       estop = 0;      /* Emergency stop operation, game restarts */
+                       continue;       /* automatically */
+               }
+               sysmess(13);
+               nl();
+               if (yesno() == 'N') {
+                       running = 0;
+                       sysmess(14);
+                       nl();
+               }
+       }
+/*     printf("Fast %d Slow %d Miss %d\n", fast, slow, miss);*/
+       return 0;
+}                              /* End main() */
+static void usage(char *title)
+       errstr("-L  : Attempt to interpret as a 'later' type Quill file.",
+              NULL);
+       errstr("-Q : Quiet (no beeping)", NULL);
+       exit(1);
+/* Based on an idea by Staffan Vilcans: Skip the fseek() if it isn't needed */
+static ushrt last_addr = 0;
+static uchr *last_ptr;
+static uchr zbuf[ZBUF_NUM][256];
+uchr zbuf_addr[ZBUF_NUM];
+uchr zbuf_pri[ZBUF_NUM];       /* 0 = unused , 1+ is use count */
+static uchr zbuf_alloc(void)
+       uchr low = 255;
+       uchr i, lnum;
+       for (i = 0; i < ZBUF_NUM; i++) {
+               if (zbuf_pri[i] == 0)
+                       return i;
+               if (zbuf_pri[i] < low) {
+                       lnum = i;
+                       low = zbuf_pri[i];
+               }
+       }
+       return lnum;
+static void zbuf_sweep(void)
+       uchr i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ZBUF_NUM; i++)
+               if (zbuf_pri[i] > 1)
+                       zbuf_pri[i] /= 2;
+static void zbuf_load(uchr slot, ushrt addr)
+       /* FIXME: SNA files are not nicely block aligned so we might want
+          to align to their wacky offsets, or just split off the loader */
+       uchr ah = (addr >> 8);
+       zbuf_addr[slot] = ah;
+       zbuf_pri[slot] = 0x80;
+       addr &= 0xFF00;
+       if (lseek(infile, addr - mem_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0 ||
+           read(infile, zbuf[slot], 256) != 256) {
+               perror(inname);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+static uchr zbuf_find(ushrt addr)
+       uchr ah = addr >> 8;
+       uchr i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ZBUF_NUM; i++) {
+               if (zbuf_addr[i] == ah) {
+                       slow++;
+                       zbuf_pri[i] |= 0x80;
+                       return i;
+               }
+       }
+       zbuf_sweep();
+       i = zbuf_alloc();
+       zbuf_load(i, addr);
+       miss++;
+       return i;
+static uchr zmem(ushrt addr)
+       uchr c;
+       /* Fast path - current buffer */
+       if (addr == last_addr + 1) {
+               if (!((last_addr ^ addr) & 0xFF00)) {
+                       fast++;
+                       last_addr++;
+                       return *++last_ptr;
+               }
+       }
+       /* All Spectrum memory accesses are routed through this procedure.
+        * If TINY is defined, this accesses the .sna file directly.
+        */
+       if (addr < mem_base || (arch != ARCH_SPECTRUM &&
+                               (addr >= (mem_base + mem_size)))) {
+/*             fprintf(stderr, "addr %d mb %d, arch %d\n",
+                       addr, mem_base, arch);*/
+               errstr("Invalid address requested", NULL);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       /* Find the right buffer */
+       c = zbuf_find(addr);
+       last_addr = addr;
+       last_ptr = zbuf[c] + (addr & 0xFF);
+       return *last_ptr;
+static ushrt zword(ushrt addr)
+       return (ushrt) (zmem(addr) + (256 * zmem(addr + 1)));
+static void dec32(ushrt v)
+       char h = 0, t = 0;
+       while (v >= 100) {
+               h++;
+               v -= 100;
+       }
+       while (v >= 10) {
+               t++;
+               v -= 10;
+       }
+       if (h)
+               opch32(h + '0');
+       if (h || t)
+               opch32(t + '0');
+       opch32(v + '0');
+static void opch32(char ch)
+       /* Output a character, assuming 32-column screen */
+       /* FIXME: need to be smart about widths in target */
+       write(1, &ch, 1);
+       if (ch == '\n')
+               xpos = 0;
+       else if (ch == 8 && xpos)
+               xpos--;
+       else if (arch == ARCH_SPECTRUM && xpos == 31)
+               nl();
+       else if (arch != ARCH_SPECTRUM && xpos == 39)
+               nl();
+       else
+               xpos++;
+static void nl(void)
+       opch32('\n');
+static void spc(void)
+       opch32(' ');
+static void opstr32(const char *s)
+       while (*s)
+               opch32(*s++);
+static ushrt check_signature(ushrt n)
+       if ((zmem(n) == 0x10) && (zmem(n + 2) == 0x11) &&
+           (zmem(n + 4) == 0x12) && (zmem(n + 6) == 0x13) &&
+           (zmem(n + 8) == 0x14) && (zmem(n + 10) == 0x15))
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
+static char getch(void)
+       struct termios ts, ots;
+       char c;
+       int i;
+       tcgetattr(0, &ts);      /* Switch the terminal to raw mode */
+       tcgetattr(0, &ots);
+       cfmakeraw(&ts);
+       tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &ts);
+       do {
+               i = read(0, &c, 1);
+       }
+       while (i < 0);
+       tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &ots);
+       return c;
+static uchr runact(ushrt ccond, uchr noun)
+/* Conditions have been met; execute the actions */
+/* WARNING: This procedure contains goto statements - take care! */
+       uchr cact, cdone = 0, cobj, nout, n;
+       time_t wait1;
+       int nv;
+       cact = zmem(ccond);     /* Action byte */
+       while ((cact != 0xFF) && !cdone) {
+               /* Translate condition numbers for old Spectrum games */
+               if ((!dbver) && (cact > 11))
+                       cact += 9;      /* Translate condition numbers */
+               if ((!dbver) && (cact == 11))
+                       cact = 17;      /* for old-style games */
+               if ((!dbver) && (cact > 29))
+                       cact++;
+               /* Translate numbers for C64 games */
+               if (dbver > 0 && dbver < 10 && cact >= 13)
+                       cact += 4;
+               switch (cact) {
+               case 0: /* INVEN */
+                       nout = 0;
+                       nl();
+                       sysmess(9);
+                       nl();
+                       for (n = 0; n < nobj; n++) {
+                               if (state.objpos[n] == 254) {
+                                       oneitem(objtab, n);
+                                       nl();
+                                       nout++;
+                               }
+                               if (state.objpos[n] == 253) {
+                                       oneitem(objtab, n);
+                                       sysmess(10);
+                                       nl();
+                                       nout++;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (nout == 0)
+                               sysmess(11);
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 1: /* DESC */
+                       cdone = 2;
+                       break;
+               case 2: /* QUIT */
+                       sysmess(12);
+                       if (yesno() == 'N')
+                               cdone = 1;
+                       break;
+               case 3: /* END */
+                       cdone = 3;
+                       break;
+               case 4: /* DONE */
+                       cdone = 1;
+                       break;
+               case 5: /* OK */
+                       cdone = 1;
+                       sysmess(15);
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 6: /* ANYKEY */
+                       sysmess(16);
+                       getch();
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 7: /* SAVE */
+                       savegame();
+                       cdone = 2;
+                       break;
+               case 8: /* LOAD */
+                       loadgame();
+                       cdone = 2;
+                       break;
+               case 9: /* TURNS */
+                       sysmess(17);
+                       dec32(TURNLO + (256 * TURNHI));
+                       sysmess(18);
+                       if (TURNLO + (256 * TURNHI) != 1) {
+                               if (dbver > 0)
+                                       sysmess(19);
+                               else
+                                       opch32('s');
+                       }
+                       if (dbver > 0)
+                               sysmess(20);
+                       else
+                               opch32('.');
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 10:        /* SCORE */
+                       sysmess(19 + (dbver ? 2 : 0));
+                       dec32(state.flags[30]);
+                       if (dbver > 0)
+                               sysmess(22);
+                       else
+                               opch32('.');
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 11:        /* CLS */
+                       clrscr();
+                       break;
+               case 12:        /* DROPALL (note: not a true DROP ALL) */
+                       for (cobj = 0; cobj < nobj; cobj++)
+                               if ((state.objpos[cobj] == 254)
+                                   || (state.objpos[cobj] == 253))
+                                       state.objpos[cobj] = CURLOC;
+                       NUMCAR = 0;
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 13:        /* AUTOG  Warning - these four cases contain gotos */
+                       cobj = autobj(noun);
+                       /*        if (cobj==0xFF) cdone=1; */
+                       goto get0001;
+               case 14:        /* AUTOD */
+                       cobj = autobj(noun);
+                       /*        if (cobj==0xFF) cdone=1; */
+                       goto drop0001;
+               case 15:        /* AUTOW */
+                       if (noun < 200) {
+                               sysmess(8);
+                               cdone = 1;
+                               break;
+                       }       /* v0.5 */
+                       cobj = autobj(noun);
+                       /*        if (cobj==0xFF) cdone=1; */
+                       goto wear0001;
+               case 16:        /* AUTOR */
+                       if (noun < 200) {
+                               sysmess(8);
+                               cdone = 1;
+                               break;
+                       }       /* v0.5 */
+                       cobj = autobj(noun);
+                       /*        if (cobj==0xFF) cdone=1; */
+                       goto rem0001;
+               case 17:        /* PAUSE - and extra functions */
+                       n = zmem(++ccond);
+                       if ((dbver > 0) && (state.flags[28] < 0x17)) {
+                               uchr ybrk = 1;
+                               switch (state.flags[28]) {
+                               /* The following subfunctions of PAUSE cannot
+                                * be implemented on this style of text-based
+                                * terminal, or deliberately are no-ops.
+                                */
+                               case 1:
+                               case 2:
+                               case 3:
+                               case 5:
+                               case 6:
+                                       /* Sound effects... */
+                               case 16:
+                               case 17:
+                               case 18:
+                                       /* Set the keyboard click */
+                               case 4: /* Make the screen flicker */
+                               case 7: /* Select font 1 */
+                               case 8: /* Select font 2 */
+                               case 19:        /* Graphics on/off */
+                               case 20:        /* No-op */
+                                       break;
+                               /* Subfunctions which can be implemented */
+                               case 9:
+                                       clrscr();       /* Clear screen impressively */
+                                       break;
+                               case 10:        /* Set the "you can also see" message */
+                                       if (n < nsys)
+                                               alsosee = n;
+                                       break;
+                               case 11:        /* Set maxcar1 */
+                                       maxcar1 = n;
+                                       break;
+                               case 12:        /* Restart the game */
+                                       alsosee = 1;
+                                       fileid = 255;
+                                       maxcar1 = maxcar;
+                                       cdone = 3;      /* End game */
+                                       estop = 1;      /* Emergency stop */
+                                       break;
+                               case 13:        /* Reboot the Spectrum */
+                                       /* FIXME: via game I/O */
+                                       opstr32("\n\nGame terminated.\n");
+                                       exit(2);
+                               case 14:        /* Increase number of portable objects */
+                                       if ((255 - n) >= maxcar1)
+                                               maxcar1 += n;
+                                       else
+                                               maxcar1 = 255;
+                                       break;
+                               case 15:        /* Decrease number of portable objects */
+                                       if (maxcar1 < n)
+                                               maxcar1 = 0;
+                                       else
+                                               maxcar1 -= n;
+                                       break;
+                               case 21:        /* RAMsave & RAMload */
+                                       if (n == 50) {  /* RAMload */
+                                               if (!ramsave.v2)
+                                                       break;
+                                               memcpy(&ramsave, &state, sizeof(state));
+                                       } else {        /* RAMsave */
+                                               ramsave.v2 = 1;
+                                               memcpy(&state, &ramsave, sizeof(state));
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+                               case 22:        /* Change identity byte in save file */
+                                       fileid = n;
+                                       break;
+                               default:        /* Cases 0, 23, 24 */
+                                       ybrk = 0;
+                                       break;  /* Pretend it's a normal pause */
+                               }
+                               state.flags[28] = 0;
+                               if (ybrk)
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       /* FIXME: n = 0 means 256/50 seconds */
+                       if (n > 0)
+                               n--;
+                       n = n / 50;
+                       n++;
+                       wait1 = time(NULL);
+                       while (time(NULL) < (wait1 + n))
+#ifdef YES_GETCH               /* In case the clock is nonexistent */
+                               if (kbhit())
+                                       break   /* (as on some CP/M boxes) */
+                                           ;
+                       break;
+               case 19:        /* INK */
+                       if (arch == ARCH_CPC)
+                               ++ccond;        /* On CPCs, INK has 2 parameters */
+               case 18:
+               case 20:        /* PAPER, and BORDER. Ignore. */
+                       ++ccond;        /* (v0.5 Skip parameter byte!) */
+                       break;
+               case 21:        /* GOTO */
+                       CURLOC = zmem(++ccond);
+                       break;
+               case 22:        /* MESSAGE */
+                       oneitem(msgtab, zmem(++ccond));
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 26:        /* WEAR */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+ wear0001:             cdone = 1;
+                       if (state.objpos[cobj] != 254)
+                               sysmess(25 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else {
+                               state.objpos[cobj] = 253;
+                               NUMCAR--;
+                               cdone = 0;
+                       }
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 24:        /* GET */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+ get0001:              cdone = 1;
+                       if (cobj == 0xFF)
+                               sysmess(8);
+                       else if (state.objpos[cobj] == 254)
+                               sysmess(22 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else if (state.objpos[cobj] == 253)
+                               sysmess(26 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else if (state.objpos[cobj] != CURLOC)
+                               sysmess(23 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else if (maxcar1 == NUMCAR)
+                               sysmess(21 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else {
+                               cdone = 0;
+                               state.objpos[cobj] = 254;
+                               NUMCAR++;
+                       }
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 25:        /* DROP */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+ drop0001:             cdone = 1;
+                       if (cobj == 0xFF)
+                               sysmess(8);
+                       else if ((state.objpos[cobj] != 254) && (state.objpos[cobj] != 253))
+                               sysmess(25 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else {
+                               state.objpos[cobj] = CURLOC;
+                               NUMCAR--;
+                               cdone = 0;
+                       }
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 23:        /* REMOVE */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+ rem0001:              cdone = 1;
+                       if (state.objpos[cobj] != 253)
+                               sysmess(20 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else if (maxcar1 == NUMCAR)
+                               sysmess(21 + (dbver ? 3 : 0));
+                       else {
+                               state.objpos[cobj] = 254;
+                               NUMCAR++;
+                               cdone = 0;
+                       }
+                       nl();
+                       break;
+               case 27:        /* DESTROY */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+                       if (state.objpos[cobj] == 254)
+                               NUMCAR--;
+                       state.objpos[cobj] = 252;
+                       break;
+               case 28:        /* CREATE */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+                       state.objpos[cobj] = CURLOC;
+                       break;
+               case 29:        /* SWAP */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+                       nout = zmem(++ccond);
+                       n = state.objpos[cobj];
+                       state.objpos[cobj] = state.objpos[nout];
+                       state.objpos[nout] = n;
+                       break;
+               case 30:        /* PLACE */
+                       cobj = zmem(++ccond);
+                       nout = zmem(++ccond);
+                       if (state.objpos[cobj] == 254)
+                               NUMCAR--;
+                       state.objpos[cobj] = nout;
+                       break;
+               case 31:        /* SET */
+                       state.flags[zmem(++ccond)] = 0xFF;
+                       break;
+               case 32:        /* CLEAR */
+                       state.flags[zmem(++ccond)] = 0;
+                       break;
+               case 33:        /* PLUS */
+                       n = zmem(++ccond);
+                       nv = state.flags[n] + zmem(++ccond);
+                       if (nv < 0)
+                               nv = 0;
+                       else if (nv > 255)
+                               nv = 255;
+                       state.flags[n] = nv;
+                       break;
+               case 34:        /* MINUS */
+                       n = zmem(++ccond);
+                       nv = state.flags[n] - zmem(++ccond);
+                       if (nv < 0)
+                               nv = 0;
+                       else if (nv > 255)
+                               nv = 255;
+                       state.flags[n] = nv;
+                       break;
+                       break;
+               case 35:        /* LET */
+                       n = zmem(++ccond);
+                       state.flags[n] = zmem(++ccond);
+                       break;
+               case 36:        /* BEEP */
+                       if (!nobeep) {
+                               uchr b = 7;
+                               /* FIXME */
+                               write(1, &b, 1);
+                       }
+                       n = zmem(++ccond);
+                       ccond++;
+/*                     usleep(10000L * n); FIXME */
+                       printf("sleep %d\n", n);
+                       if (n > 100)
+                               sleep(n/100);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       errstr("Invalid action", NULL);
+               }
+               cact = zmem(++ccond);
+       }
+       return (cdone);
+static uchr condtrue(ushrt ccond)
+       uchr cond, ctrue = 1;
+       uchr arg1;
+       uchr fp, op;
+       cond = zmem(ccond);     /* Condition byte */
+       while ((cond != 0xFF) && ctrue) {       /* If ctrue = 0, condition invalid */
+               arg1 = zmem(++ccond);   /* Always at least one cond arg */
+               /* Hoist these for compilers not smart enough to do so */
+               fp = state.flags[arg1];
+               op = state.objpos[arg1];
+               switch (cond) {
+               case 0: /* AT */
+                       ctrue = (arg1 == CURLOC);
+                       break;
+               case 1: /* NOTAT */
+                       ctrue = (arg1 != CURLOC);
+                       break;
+               case 2: /* ATGT */
+                       ctrue = (arg1 < CURLOC);
+                       break;
+               case 3: /* ATLT */
+                       ctrue = (arg1 > CURLOC);
+                       break;
+               case 4: /* PRESENT */
+                       ctrue = present(op);
+                       break;
+               case 5: /* ABSENT */
+                       ctrue = (!present(op));
+                       break;
+               case 6: /* WORN */
+                       ctrue = (op == 253);
+                       break;
+               case 7: /* NOTWORN */
+                       ctrue = (op != 253);
+                       break;
+               case 8: /* CARRIED */
+                       ctrue = (op == 254);
+                       break;
+               case 9: /* NOTCARR */
+                       ctrue = (op != 254);
+                       break;
+               case 10:        /* CHANCE */
+                       ctrue = ((rand() % 100) < (arg1));
+                       break;
+               case 11:        /* ZERO */
+                       ctrue = (fp == 0);
+                       break;
+               case 12:        /* NOTZERO */
+                       ctrue = fp;
+                       break;
+               case 13:        /* EQ */
+                       ctrue = (fp == zmem(++ccond));
+                       break;
+               case 14:        /* GT */
+                       ctrue = (fp > zmem(++ccond));
+                       break;
+               case 15:        /* LT */
+                       ctrue = (fp < zmem(++ccond));
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       errstr("Unknown condition code", NULL);
+                       ctrue = 0;
+               }
+               cond = zmem(++ccond);
+       }
+       return (ctrue);
+static void initgame(ushrt zxptr)
+       uchr n;
+       ushrt obase;
+       alsosee = 1;            /* Options possibly set by later games */
+       fileid = 255;
+       maxcar1 = maxcar;
+       obase = postab;         /* Object initial positions table */
+       for (n = 0; n < 36; n++)
+               state.flags[n] = 0;
+       NUMCAR = 0;
+       for (n = 0; n < 255; n++) {
+               state.objpos[n] = zmem(obase + n);
+               if (state.objpos[n] == 254)
+                       NUMCAR++;
+       }
+static void savegame(void)
+       uchr xor = fileid, l, n;
+       int savefd;
+       char filename[80];
+       state.v2 = 2;
+       state.v1 = 1;
+       state.fileid = fileid;
+       for (n = 0; n < 37; n++)
+               xor ^= state.flags[n];
+       for (n = 0; n < 0xDB; n++)
+               xor ^= state.objpos[n];
+       state.xor = xor;
+       nl();
+       write(1, "Save game to file>", 18);
+       readbuf(filename, sizeof(filename));
+       l = strlen(filename) - 1;
+       if ((filename[l] == '\r') || (filename[l] == '\n'))
+               filename[l] = 0;
+       /* FIXME: remove stdio */
+       savefd = open(filename,  O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600);
+       if (savefd == -1) {
+               /* FIXME - via game output.. */
+               errstr("Could not create", filename);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (write(savefd, &state, sizeof(state)) != sizeof(state) ||
+               close(savefd) == -1) {
+               opstr32("Write error on ");
+               opstr32(filename);
+               nl();
+               /* Doing a double close is harmless */
+               close(savefd);
+               return;
+       }
+/* Format of Quill save file (based on a Spectrum .TAP file):
+DW 0102h       ;Length / magic no.
+DB 0FFh                ;Block type ("fileid") - usually 0FFh, but can be changed in
+               ;later games by PAUSE, subfunction 22.
+DS 31          ;Flags 0-30
+DW xx          ;Flags 31-32 = no. of turns
+DB xx          ;Flag  33    = verb
+DB xx          ;Flag  34    = noun
+DW xx          ;Flags 35-36 = location (flag 36 is always 0)
+DS 0DBh                ;Object locations table, terminated with 0FFh.
+DB xsum                ;XOR of all bytes except the 0102h.
+static void loadgame(void)
+       uchr xor = 0, l;
+       ushrt n;
+       int loadfd;
+       char filename[80];
+       struct gstate load;
+       uint8_t *p = ((uint8_t *)&load) + 2;
+       nl();
+       write(1, "Load game from file>", 14);
+       readbuf(filename, sizeof(filename));
+       l = strlen(filename) - 1;
+       if ((filename[l] == '\r') || (filename[l] == '\n'))
+               filename[l] = 0;
+       loadfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+       if (loadfd == -1) {
+               opstr32("Could not open ");
+               opstr32(filename);
+               nl();
+               return;
+       }
+       if (read(loadfd, &load, sizeof(load)) != sizeof(load)) {
+               close(loadfd);
+               opstr32("Read error on ");
+               opstr32(filename);
+               nl();
+               return;
+       }
+       for (n = 2; n < 0x103; n++)
+               xor ^= *p++;
+       if ((xor != load.xor)
+           || (load.v2 != 2)
+           || (load.v1 != 1)
+           || (load.fileid != fileid)) {
+               opstr32(filename);
+               opstr32(" is not a suitable save file\nPress RETURN...");
+               getch();
+               return;
+       }
+       memcpy(&state, &load, sizeof(state));
+static char present(uchr loc)
+       if (loc == 254 || loc == 253 || loc == CURLOC)
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
+static void playgame(ushrt zxptr)
+       uchr desc = 1, verb, noun, pn, r;
+       char *lbstart;
+       ushrt connbase;
+       char linebuf[80];
+       lbstart = linebuf;
+       while (1) {             /* Main loop */
+               if (desc) {
+                       clrscr();
+                       /* 0.7.5: Darkness */
+                       if (state.flags[0] && (!present(state.objpos[0]))) {
+                               sysmess(0);
+                               nl();
+                       } else {
+                               oneitem(loctab, CURLOC);
+                               nl();
+                               listat(CURLOC); /* List objects present */
+                       }
+                       desc = 0;
+                       /* Decrement flags depending on location descriptions */
+                       if (state.flags[2])
+                               state.flags[2]--;
+                       if (state.flags[0] && state.flags[3])
+                               state.flags[3]--;
+                       if (state.flags[0] && (!present(0)) && state.flags[4])
+                               state.flags[4]--;
+               }
+               /* [new in 0.7.0: Flag decrements moved to *after* the
+                * process table; this makes Bugsy work properly */
+               /* Process "process" conditions */
+               verb = 0xFF;
+               noun = 0xFF;
+               r = doproc(zword(zxptr + 6), verb, noun);       /* The Process Table */
+               if (r == 2)
+                       desc = 1;       /* DESC */
+               else if (r == 3)
+                       break;  /* END  */
+               else {
+                       /* Decrement flags not depending on location descriptions */
+                       if (state.flags[5])
+                               state.flags[5]--;
+                       if (state.flags[6])
+                               state.flags[6]--;
+                       if (state.flags[7])
+                               state.flags[7]--;
+                       if (state.flags[8])
+                               state.flags[8]--;
+                       if (state.flags[0] && state.flags[9])
+                               state.flags[9]--;
+                       if (state.flags[0] && (!present(0)) && state.flags[10])
+                               state.flags[10]--;
+                       /* Print the prompt */
+                       pn = (rand() & 3);
+                       sysmess(pn + 2);
+                       nl();
+                       if (dbver == 0)
+                               sysmess(28);
+                       readbuf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf));
+                       TURNLO++;
+                       if (TURNLO == 0)
+                               TURNHI++;
+                       /* Parse the input */
+                       lbstart = linebuf;
+                       verb = matchword(&lbstart);
+                       if (verb != 0xFF) {
+                               VERB = verb;
+                               noun = matchword(&lbstart);
+                               NOUN = noun;
+//                              if (noun == 0xFF) noun = 0xFE;
+                               /* v0.7.5: Moved "response" conditions to after the attempt to 
+                                *         move the player
+                                */
+                               /* Attempt to move player */
+                               r = 0;
+                               /*                              if (verb < 20)*//* A movement word       */
+/*                             {  * This test is incorrect; Quill does not *
+ *                                * insist on the word number being < 20   */
+                               connbase = zword(2 * CURLOC + conntab);
+                               while ((!r) && (zmem(connbase) != 0xFF))
+                                       if (verb == zmem(connbase)) {
+                                               CURLOC = zmem(++connbase);
+                                               desc = 1;
+                                               r = 1;
+                                       } else
+                                               connbase += 2;
+                               /* } */
+                               if (r == 0) {
+                                       /* Process "response" conditions */
+                                       r = doproc(zword(zxptr + 4), verb,
+                                                  noun);
+                                       if (r == 2)
+                                               desc = 1;       /* DESC */
+                                       else if (r == 3)
+                                               break;  /* END  */
+                               }
+                               /* Print "I can't do that/go that way" */
+                               if (r == 0) {
+                                       if (verb < 20)
+                                               sysmess(7);
+                                       else
+                                               sysmess(8);
+                                       nl();
+                               }
+                       } else
+                               sysmess(6);     /* Unknown verb */
+               }
+       }
+static uchr cplscmp(ushrt first, char *snd)
+       if (((255 - (zmem(first++))) & 0x7F) != (snd[0]))
+               return 0;
+       if (((255 - (zmem(first++))) & 0x7F) != (snd[1]))
+               return 0;
+       if (((255 - (zmem(first++))) & 0x7F) != (snd[2]))
+               return 0;
+       if (((255 - (zmem(first++))) & 0x7F) != (snd[3]))
+               return 0;
+       return 1;
+static uchr matchword(char **wordbeg)
+/* Match a word of player input with the vocabulary table */
+       ushrt matchp = vocab;
+       char wordbuf[5];
+       int i;
+       wordbuf[4] = 0;
+       while (1) {
+               for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                       wordbuf[i] = (**wordbeg);
+                       if (islower(wordbuf[i]))
+                               wordbuf[i] = toupper(wordbuf[i]);       /* (v0.4.1), was munging numbers */
+                       if (wordbuf[i] == 0)
+                               wordbuf[i] = ' ';
+                       if (wordbuf[i] == '\n')
+                               wordbuf[i] = ' ';
+                       if (wordbuf[i] == '\r')
+                               wordbuf[i] = ' ';
+                       if (wordbuf[i] == ' ')
+                               (*wordbeg)--;
+                       (*wordbeg)++;
+               }
+               while ((**wordbeg)
+                      && (**wordbeg != '\n')
+                      && (**wordbeg != '\r')
+                      && (**wordbeg != ' '))
+                       (*wordbeg)++;
+               while (zmem(matchp)) {
+                       if (cplscmp(matchp, wordbuf)) {
+                               return zmem(matchp + 4);
+                       }
+                       matchp += 5;
+               }
+               matchp = vocab;
+               if (((**wordbeg) == 0)
+                   || ((**wordbeg) == '\r')
+                   || ((**wordbeg) == '\n'))
+                       return 0xFF;
+               while ((**wordbeg) == 0x20) {
+                       if ((**wordbeg) == 0)
+                               return 0xFF;
+                       (*wordbeg)++;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0xFF;
+static void listat(uchr locno)
+/* List items at location n */
+       uchr any = 0, n;
+       for (n = 0; n < nobj; n++)
+               if (state.objpos[n] == locno) {
+                       if (any == 0) {
+                               any = 1;
+                               if (locno < 253) {
+                                       sysmess(alsosee);
+                                       nl();
+                               }
+                       }
+                       oneitem(objtab, n);
+                       nl();
+               }
+uchr ffeq(uchr x, uchr y)
+{                              /* Match x with y, 0FFh matches any */
+       return (uchr) ((x == 0xFF) || (y == 0xFF) || (x == y));
+uchr doproc(ushrt table, uchr verb, uchr noun)
+       ushrt ccond;
+       uchr done = 0;          /* Done returns: 0 for fell off end of table
+                                  1 for DONE
+                                  2 for DESC
+                                  3 for END (end game) */
+       uchr t, tverb, tnoun, td1 = 0;
+       while ((zmem(table)) && !done) {
+               tverb = zmem(table++);
+               tnoun = zmem(table++);
+               ccond = zword(table++);
+               table++;
+               if (ffeq(verb, tverb) && ffeq(noun, tnoun)) {
+                       t = condtrue(ccond);
+                       /* Skip over condition clauses */
+                       /* FIXME: check if condskip change in unquill 0.9
+                          is valid ?? */
+                       while (zmem(ccond++) != 0xFF) ;
+                       if (t) {
+                               done = runact(ccond, noun);
+                               /* Returned nonzero if should not scan */
+                               td1 = 1;        /* Something was run */
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       if (done == 0 && td1)
+               done = 1;
+       return done;
+uchr autobj(uchr noun)
+{                              /* Find object number for AUTOx actions */
+       uchr n;
+       if (dbver == 0)
+               return 0xFF;
+       if (noun > 253)
+               return 0xFF;
+       for (n = 0; n < nobj; n++)
+               if (noun == zmem(objmap + n))
+                       return n;
+       return 0xFF;
+char yesno(void)
+       char n;
+       while (1) {
+               n = getchar();
+               if ((n == 'Y') || (n == 'y'))
+                       return ('Y');
+               if ((n == 'N') || (n == 'n'))
+                       return ('N');
+       }
+       return ('N');
+static void sysmess(uchr sysno)
+       uchr cch = 0;
+       ushrt msgadd;
+       if (dbver > 0) {
+               oneitem(sysbase, sysno);
+               return;
+       }
+       msgadd = sysbase;
+/*     fprintf(stderr, "sysmsg %d - base %u\n", sysno, sysbase); */
+       while (sysno) {         /* Skip (sysno) messages */
+               while (cch != 0x1F)
+                       cch = 0xFF - (zmem(msgadd++));
+               sysno--;
+               cch = 0xFF - (zmem(msgadd++));
+       }
+       msgadd--;
+       while (cch != 0x1F) {
+               cch = 0xFF - (zmem(msgadd++));
+               expch(cch, &msgadd);
+       }
+static void oneitem(ushrt table, uchr item)
+       ushrt n;
+       uchr cch;
+       uchr term;
+       if (arch == ARCH_SPECTRUM)
+               term = 0x1F;
+       else
+               term = 0;
+       cch = ~term;
+       n = zword(table + 2 * item);
+//    xpos=0;
+       while (1) {
+               cch = (0xFF - (zmem(n++)));
+               if (cch == term)
+                       break;
+               expch(cch, &n);
+       }
+static void clrscr(void)
+       char n;
+       for (n = 0; n < 24; n++)
+               nl();
+static void expdict(uchr cch, ushrt * n)
+       ushrt d = dict;
+       if (dbver > 0) {        /* Early games aren't compressed & have no dictionary */
+               cch -= 164;
+               while (cch)
+                       if (zmem(d++) > 0x7f)
+                               cch--;
+               /* d=address of expansion text */
+               while (zmem(d) < 0x80)
+                       expch(zmem(d++) & 0x7F, n);
+               expch(zmem(d) & 0x7F, n);
+       }
+static void expch_c64(uchr cch, ushrt * n)
+       if (cch >= 'A' && cch <= 'Z')
+               cch = tolower(cch);
+       cch &= 0x7F;
+       if ((cch > 31) && (cch < 127))
+               opch32(cch);
+       else if (cch > 126)
+               opch32('?');
+       else if (cch == 8)
+               opch32(8);
+       else if (cch == 0x0D)
+               nl();
+static void expch_cpc(uchr cch, ushrt * n)
+       if ((cch > 31) && (cch < 127))
+               opch32(cch);
+       /*      else if (cch > 164)  expdict(cch, n); */
+       else if (cch > 126)
+               opch32('?');
+       else if (cch == 9)
+               return;
+       else if (cch == 0x0D)
+               nl();
+       else if (cch == 0x14)
+               nl();
+       else if (cch < 31)
+               opch32('?');
+static void expch(uchr cch, ushrt * n)
+       ushrt tbsp;
+       if (arch == ARCH_CPC) {
+               expch_cpc(cch, n);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (arch == ARCH_C64) {
+               expch_c64(cch, n);
+               return;
+       }
+       if ((cch > 31) && (cch < 127))
+               opch32(cch);
+       else if (cch > 164)
+               expdict(cch, n);
+       else if (cch > 126)
+               opch32('?');
+       else if (cch == 6)
+               for (spc(); (xpos % 16); spc()) ;
+       else if (cch == 8)
+               opch32(8);
+       else if (cch == 0x0D)
+               nl();
+       else if (cch == 0x17) {
+               tbsp = (255 - zmem((*n)++)) & 0x1F;
+               ++(*n);
+               if (xpos > tbsp)
+                       nl();
+               for (; tbsp > 0; tbsp--)
+                       spc();
+       } else if ((cch > 0x0F) && (cch < 0x16))
+               (*n)++;