Initial revision
authorceriel <none@none>
Mon, 4 Jul 1988 11:45:41 +0000 (11:45 +0000)
committerceriel <none@none>
Mon, 4 Jul 1988 11:45:41 +0000 (11:45 +0000)
20 files changed:
lang/basic/src/.distr [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/basic.g [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/basic.lex [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/bem.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/bem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/compile.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/eval.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/func.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/gencode.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/graph.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/graph.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/initialize.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/llmess.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/maketokentab [new file with mode: 0755]
lang/basic/src/parsepar.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/symbols.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/symbols.h [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/util.c [new file with mode: 0644]
lang/basic/src/yylexp.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/lang/basic/src/.distr b/lang/basic/src/.distr
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7fdce9c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/Makefile b/lang/basic/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..61052c5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# $Header$
+LIBDIR= $(EMHOME)/modules/lib
+CFLAGS = -I$h -I$m
+FILES= bem.o symbols.o initialize.o compile.o \
+       parsepar.o gencode.o util.o graph.o \
+       eval.o func.o basic.o Lpars.o
+CSRCFILES= bem.c symbols.c initialize.c compile.c \
+       parsepar.c gencode.c util.c graph.c \
+       eval.c func.c
+CGENFILES= basic.c Lpars.c
+LIBFILES= $(LIBDIR)/libem_mes.a $(LIBDIR)/libeme.a \
+         $(LIBDIR2)/em_data.a $(LIBDIR)/libprint.a \
+         $(LIBDIR)/liballoc.a \
+         $(LIBDIR)/libsystem.a $(LIBDIR)/libstring.a
+LINTLIBFILES= $(LIBDIR)/llib-lem_mes.a $(LIBDIR)/llib-leme.a \
+         $(LIBDIR)/llib-lprint.a \
+         $(LIBDIR)/llib-lalloc.a \
+         $(LIBDIR)/llib-lsystem.a $(LIBDIR)/llib-lstring.a
+all:           dummy bem
+dummy:         basic.g
+               LLgen basic.g
+               touch dummy
+install:       all
+               cp bem $(EMHOME)/lib/em_bem
+cmp:           all
+               cmp bem $(EMHOME)/lib/em_bem
+               @pr Makefile maketokentab bem.h symbols.h graph.h basic.g basic.lex $(CSRCFILES)
+               make pr | opr
+bem:           $(FILES) $(LIBFILES)
+               $(CC) -o bem $(FILES) $(LIBFILES)
+basic.o :      basic.c basic.lex Lpars.h llmess.c tokentab.h
+               $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c basic.c
+$(FILES):      bem.h symbols.h graph.h 
+tokentab.h:    Lpars.h
+               maketokentab
+lint:          $(CFILES)
+               lint -b $(CFLAGS) $(CFILES) $(LINTLIBFILES)
+               rm -f *.o
+               rm -f basic.c Lpars.h Lpars.c dummy tokentab.h bem
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/basic.g b/lang/basic/src/basic.g
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5761774
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+%token ILLEGAL ;
+%token ASSYM ;
+%token BASESYM ;
+%token CALLSYM ;
+%token CLEARSYM ;
+%token CLOSESYM ;
+%token DATASYM ;
+%token DEFINTSYM ;
+%token DEFSNGSYM ;
+%token DEFDBLSYM ;
+%token DEFSTRSYM ;
+%token DEFSYM ;
+%token DIMSYM ;
+%token ELSESYM ;
+%token ERRSYM ;
+%token ERLSYM ;
+%token ERRORSYM ;
+%token FIELDSYM ;
+%token FORSYM ;
+%token FUNCTION ;
+%token FUNCTID ;
+%token INKEYSYM ;
+%token GETSYM ;
+%token GOSUBSYM ;
+%token GOTOSYM ;
+%token IFSYM ;
+%token INPUTSYM ;
+%token LETSYM ;
+%token LINESYM ;
+%token LSETSYM ;
+%token MIDSYM ;
+%token NEXTSYM ;
+%token ONSYM ;
+%token OPENSYM ;
+%token OPTIONSYM ;
+%token PRINTSYM ;
+%token POKESYM ;
+%token PUTSYM ;
+%token READSYM ;
+%token REMSYM ;
+%token RESTORESYM ;
+%token RETURNSYM ;
+%token ENDSYM ;
+%token STOPSYM ;
+%token STEPSYM ;
+%token SWAPSYM ;
+%token THENSYM ;
+%token TOSYM ;
+%token TRONOFFSYM ;
+%token USINGSYM ;
+%token USRSYM ;
+%token WHILESYM ;
+%token WENDSYM ;
+%token WRITESYM ;
+/* special tokens */
+%token EOLN ;
+%token INTVALUE ;
+%token FLTVALUE ;
+%token DBLVALUE ;
+%token STRVALUE ;
+%token UNARYSYM ;
+%token IDENTIFIER ;
+%token ANDSYM ;
+%token ORSYM ;
+%token IMPSYM ;
+%token EQVSYM ;
+%token XORSYM ;
+%token VARPTR ;
+/* Those were originally %left */
+%token BOOLOP ;
+%token NOTSYM ;
+%token RELOP ;
+%token MODSYM ;
+/* Some contstant declared as tokens (?) */
+%token LESYM ;
+%token GESYM ;
+%token NESYM ;
+%token UNARYMINUS ;
+#define YYDEBUG
+#include "bem.h"
+#include "llmess.c"
+typedef union {
+       int     integer ;
+       Symbol  *Sptr ;
+       char    *cptr ;
+int basicline;
+int yydebug;
+YYSTYPE yylval;
+int    ival;
+char   *dval;
+char   *sval;
+int    in_data = 0;    /* set if processing DATA statement */
+char   *formatstring;  /* formatstring used for printing */
+Symbol *s;             /* Symbol dummy */
+#include "yylexp.c"
+#include "basic.lex"
+%lexical yylexp;
+%start LLparse,programline ;
+       : INTVALUE
+          { basicline = ival;newblock(ival); newemblock(ival); }
+          stmts EOLN
+       | EOLN
+       ;
+stmts  : singlestmt
+       [ %while ( LLsymb == ':' ) ':' singlestmt ]*
+       ;
+singlestmt { int d2 ; }
+       : callstmt
+       | clearstmt
+       | CLOSESYM closestmt
+       | datastmt
+       | defstmt
+       | defvarstmt
+       | dimstmt               
+       | ERRORSYM expression(&d2)      { errorstmt(d2); }
+       | fieldstmt
+       | forstmt
+       | getstmt
+       | gosubstmt
+       | onstmt
+       | ifstmt
+       | illegalstmt
+       | inputstmt
+       | letstmt
+       | lineinputstmt
+       | lsetstmt
+       | midstmt
+       | NEXTSYM nextstmt
+       | GOTOSYM INTVALUE                      { gotostmt(ival); }
+       | openstmt
+       | optionstmt
+       | pokestmt
+       | printstmt
+       | randomizestmt
+       | readstmt
+       | REMSYM                
+       | restorestmt
+       | returnstmt
+        | ENDSYM                { C_loc((arith) 0 );
+                                  C_cal("_hlt");
+                                  C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                                }
+       | STOPSYM               { C_cal("_stop"); }
+       | swapstmt
+       | TRONOFFSYM            { tronoff=yylval.integer; }
+       | whilestmt
+       | wendstmt
+       | writestmt
+       | /* EMPTY STATEMENT */
+       ;
+illegalstmt:   ILLEGAL         { illegalcmd(); }
+          ;
+callstmt { Symbol *id; int i; }
+       :       CALLSYM
+               IDENTIFIER      { id = yylval.Sptr; }
+               [ parmlist(&i) 
+                               { C_cal(id->symname);
+                                 C_asp((arith) (i*BEMPTRSIZE));
+                               } 
+                | /* empty */ 
+                               { C_cal(id->symname); }
+                ]
+       ;
+parmlist(int *ip;)  { int var ; }
+       : '('
+         variable(&var)        { *ip = 1; }
+         [ ',' variable(&var)  { *ip = *ip + 1; } ]*
+         ')'
+        ;
+clearstmt { int exp; }
+       :       CLEARSYM [ ',' expression(&exp) ]*2
+                               { warning("statement ignored"); }
+       ;
+closestmt:     filelist                
+       |       /* empty */     { C_cal("_close"); }
+       ;
+filelist { int intv; }
+       :       cross
+               intvalue(&intv)
+                               { C_loc((arith) ival);
+                                 C_cal("_clochn");
+                                 C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               }
+               [       ','
+                       cross
+                       intvalue(&intv)
+                               { C_loc((arith) ival);
+                                 C_cal("_clochn");
+                                 C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               }
+               ]* ;
+datastmt:      DATASYM         { datastmt(); in_data = 1;}
+                datalist       { fprint(datfile,"\n"); in_data = 0; }
+       ;
+dataelm : INTVALUE             { fprint(datfile,"%d",ival); }
+       | '-' [ INTVALUE        { fprint(datfile,"%d",-ival); }
+             | FLTVALUE        { fprint(datfile,"-%s",dval); }
+             ]
+       | FLTVALUE              { fprint(datfile,dval); }
+       | STRVALUE              { fprint(datfile,"\"%s\"",sval); }
+       | IDENTIFIER            { fprint(datfile,"\"%s\"",sval); }
+       ;
+datalist: dataelm
+         [ ','                 { fprint(datfile,","); } 
+          dataelm ]*
+       ;
+defstmt : DEFSYM 
+         [ deffnstmt  
+          | defusrstmt
+         ]
+        ;
+deffnstmt { int exp; }
+       : heading '=' expression(&exp) 
+                               { endscope(exp); }
+       ;
+heading : FUNCTID              { newscope(yylval.Sptr); }
+          [ '(' idlist ')' ]?  { heading(); }
+       ;
+idlist : IDENTIFIER            { dclparm(yylval.Sptr); }
+        [ ',' IDENTIFIER       { dclparm(yylval.Sptr); } 
+         ]*
+       ;
+defvarstmt:    DEFINTSYM       { setdefaulttype( INTTYPE); }
+       |       DEFSNGSYM       { setdefaulttype( FLOATTYPE); }
+       |       DEFDBLSYM       { setdefaulttype( DOUBLETYPE); }
+       |       DEFSTRSYM       { setdefaulttype( STRINGTYPE); }
+       ;
+defusrstmt:    USRSYM ':'      { illegalcmd(); }
+          ;
+dimstmt { Symbol *symp; }
+       :       DIMSYM arraydcl(&symp) ')'      { dclarray(symp); }
+       [       ',' arraydcl(&symp) ')'         { dclarray(symp); } 
+       ]*
+       ;
+arraydcl(Symbol **sympp;)
+       : IDENTIFIER            { *sympp = s = yylval.Sptr; }
+         '('
+         INTVALUE
+                               {
+                                       s->dimlimit[s->dimensions]=ival;
+                                       s->dimensions++;
+                               }
+         [     ','
+               INTVALUE
+                               {
+                                       if(s->dimensions<MAXDIMENSIONS) {
+                                               s->dimlimit[s->dimensions]=ival;
+                                               s->dimensions++;
+                                       } else error("too many dimensions");
+                               }
+         ]* ;
+fieldstmt { int intv; }
+       :       FIELDSYM cross intvalue(&intv) 
+                                       { setchannel(ival); }
+               ',' fieldlist           { notyetimpl(); }
+        ;
+fieldlist { int intv,var; }
+       :       intvalue(&intv) ASSYM variable(&var)
+               [ ',' intvalue(&intv) ASSYM variable(&var) ]*
+       ;
+forstmt { int exp; }
+       : FORSYM IDENTIFIER             { forinit(yylval.Sptr); }
+         '=' expression(&exp)          { forexpr(exp); }
+         TOSYM expression(&exp)        { forlimit(exp); }
+         step
+       ;
+step { int exp; }
+       : STEPSYM expression(&exp)      { forstep(exp); }
+       | /*EMPTY*/                     { 
+                                               C_loc((arith) 1);
+                                               forstep(INTTYPE); 
+                                       }
+       ;
+nextstmt: [ IDENTIFIER                         { nextstmt(yylval.Sptr); } 
+         | /* empty */                 { nextstmt((Symbol *)0); }
+         ]
+          [ ',' IDENTIFIER             { nextstmt(yylval.Sptr); } 
+         ]*
+         ;
+getstmt { char *cp; int intv; }
+       : getput(&cp)
+         [ /* empty */ 
+                               { C_loc((arith) 0);
+                                 C_cal(cp);
+                                 C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               }
+       | ',' intvalue(&intv)
+                               { C_loc((arith) ival);
+                                 C_cal(cp);
+                                 C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               }
+       ]
+       ;
+getput(char **cpp;) { int intv; }
+       : GETSYM cross intvalue(&intv)
+                               { setchannel(ival); 
+                                 *cpp = "$_getrec";
+                               }
+       | PUTSYM cross intvalue(&intv)
+                               { setchannel(ival); 
+                                 *cpp = "$_putsym";
+                               }
+       ;
+gosubstmt:     GOSUBSYM INTVALUE       { gosubstmt(ival); } 
+        ;
+returnstmt:    RETURNSYM               { returnstmt(); } 
+         ;
+ifstmt { int exp; int d1; }
+       :       IFSYM expression(&exp)  { d1=ifstmt(exp); }
+               thenpart                { d1=thenpart(d1); }
+               elsepart                { elsepart(d1); }
+       ;
+thenpart:      THENSYM [ INTVALUE      { gotostmt(ival); }
+                        | stmts
+                       ]
+       |       GOTOSYM INTVALUE        { gotostmt(ival); }
+       ;
+elsepart:      %prefer ELSESYM 
+                       [ INTVALUE      { gotostmt(ival); }
+                        | stmts
+                       ]
+       |       /* empty */
+       ;
+inputstmt { int intv; }
+       :       INPUTSYM  [ semiprompt  readlist 
+                          | '#' intvalue(&intv)
+                                       { setchannel(ival); }
+                           ',' readlist
+                         ]
+       ;
+semiprompt { int str; }
+       : semi STRVALUE         { str = yylval.integer; }
+          [ ';'                        { loadstr(str); 
+                                 prompt(1); 
+                               }
+         | ','                 { loadstr(str); 
+                                 prompt(0); 
+                               }
+          ]
+       | /*EMPTY*/
+                               { setchannel(-1);
+                                  C_cal("_qstmark"); 
+                               }
+       ;
+semi   : ';'
+       | /* empty */
+       ;
+letstmt { int var,exp; }
+       :       LETSYM          
+               variable(&var)           { save_address(); }
+               '=' expression(&exp)     { assign(var,exp); }
+       |
+               variable(&var)           { save_address(); }
+               '=' expression(&exp)     { assign(var,exp); }
+       ;
+lineinputstmt { int var,intv; }
+       :       LINESYM
+               [ INPUTSYM
+                 semiprompt             { setchannel(-1); }
+                 variable(&var)         { linestmt(var); } 
+               | '#'
+                 intvalue(&intv)        { setchannel(ival); }
+                 ','
+                 variable(&var)         { linestmt(var); }
+               ]
+       ;
+readlist: readelm              
+         [ ',' readelm ]*
+         ;
+readelm { int var; }
+       : variable(&var)        { readelm(var); }
+       ;
+lsetstmt { int var,exp; }
+       :       LSETSYM variable(&var) '=' expression(&exp)
+                               { notyetimpl(); }
+       ;
+midstmt { int exp; }
+       :       MIDSYM '$'  midparms '=' expression(&exp) 
+                               { C_cal("_midstmt");
+                                 C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE + 2*BEMPTRSIZE));
+                               }
+       ;
+midparms:      '(' midfirst midsec midthird ')' 
+       ;
+midfirst { int exp; }
+       : expression(&exp)      { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); } 
+       ;
+midsec { int exp; }
+       : ',' expression(&exp)  { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); } 
+       ;
+midthird { int exp; }
+       : ',' expression(&exp)  { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); }
+       | /* empty */           { C_loc((arith) -1); }
+       ;
+onstmt : ONSYM 
+        [ exceptionstmt
+        | ongotostmt
+        ]
+        ;
+exceptionstmt: ERRORSYM GOTOSYM INTVALUE       { exceptstmt(ival); }
+            ;
+ongotostmt { int exp; }
+       :       expression(&exp) 
+               [ GOSUBSYM constantlist         { ongosubstmt(exp); }
+               | GOTOSYM constantlist          { ongotostmt(exp); }
+               ]
+       ;
+constantlist: INTVALUE         { jumpelm(ival); }
+             [ ',' INTVALUE    { jumpelm(ival); } 
+              ]* 
+           ;
+openstmt { int exp; }
+       :       OPENSYM mode openchannel expression(&exp) 
+                               { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); }
+               [ /* empty */   { openstmt(0);  }
+               | INTVALUE      { openstmt(ival); }
+               ]
+       ;
+openchannel: cross INTVALUE ','        { setchannel(ival); } 
+          ;
+mode { int exp; }
+       : expression(&exp) ','  { conversion(exp,STRINGTYPE); }
+       | ','                   { C_lae_dnam("_iomode",(arith)0); }
+       ;
+optionstmt { int intv; }
+       :       OPTIONSYM BASESYM intvalue(&intv) { optionbase(ival); }
+       ;
+printstmt { int plist; }
+       :       PRINTSYM
+               [ /* empty */   { setchannel(-1);
+                                  C_cal("_nl"); 
+                               }
+               | file format printlist(&plist) 
+                               { if(plist) 
+                                  C_cal("_nl");            
+                               }
+               ]
+       ;
+file { int intv; }
+       : '#' intvalue(&intv) ','       { setchannel(ival); }
+       | /* empty */                   { setchannel(-1); }
+       ;
+format { int var ; }
+       : USINGSYM
+          [ STRVALUE           { loadstr(yylval.integer); } ';'                
+         | variable(&var) ';'
+                               { if(var!=STRINGTYPE) 
+                                       error("string variable expected"); 
+                               }
+         ]
+       | /* empty */           { formatstring=0; }
+       ;
+printlist(int *ip;) { int exp; }
+       : [ expression(&exp)            { printstmt(exp); *ip=1; }
+         | ','                         { zone(1); *ip=0; }
+         | ';'                         { zone(0); *ip=0; }
+         ]+
+       ;
+pokestmt { int exp1,exp2 ; }
+       : POKESYM
+         expression(&exp1)
+         ','
+         expression(&exp2)     { pokestmt(exp1,exp2); }
+       ;
+randomizestmt { int exp; }
+       :       RANDOMIZESYM 
+               [ /* empty */           { C_cal("_randomi"); }
+               | expression(&exp)
+                                       { conversion(exp,INTTYPE);
+                                                 C_cal("_setrand");
+                                                 C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);     
+                                       } 
+               ]
+       ;
+readstmt { int var; }
+       :       READSYM                 { setchannel(0); }
+                variable(&var)         { readelm(var); }
+               [ ',' variable(&var)    { readelm(var); } 
+               ]*
+       ;
+restorestmt :  RESTORESYM
+               [ INTVALUE      { restore(ival); }
+               | /* empty */   { restore(0); }
+               ]
+           ;
+swapstmt { int var1,var2; }
+       : SWAPSYM
+         variable(&var1)
+         ','
+         variable(&var2)       { swapstmt(var1,var2); }
+       ;
+whilestmt { int exp; }
+       : WHILESYM               { whilestart(); }
+         expression(&exp)       { whiletst(exp); }
+       ;
+wendstmt :     WENDSYM          { wend(); }
+        ;
+writestmt:     WRITESYM
+               [ /* empty */           { setchannel(-1);
+                                          C_cal("_wrnl");    
+                                       }
+               | file writelist        { C_cal("_wrnl");  }
+               ]
+       ;
+writelist { int exp; }
+       : expression(&exp)              { writestmt(exp,0); }
+         [ ',' expression(&exp)        { writestmt(exp,1); } 
+         ]*
+       ;
+cross: '#' | /* empty */ ;     
+intvalue(int *ip;)
+       : INTVALUE      { *ip = yylval.integer; } 
+       ;
+variable(int *ip;) { Symbol *symp; int exp; }
+       : identifier(&symp)
+         [ %avoid /* empty */          { *ip = loadaddr(symp); }
+         | '('                         { newarrayload(symp); } 
+           expression(&exp)            { loadarray(exp); }
+           [ ',' expression(&exp)      { loadarray(exp); } ]*
+           ')'                         { *ip = endarrayload(); }
+          ]
+       | ERRSYM                        { C_lae_dnam("_errsym",(arith) 0); 
+                                         *ip = INTTYPE; 
+                                       } 
+       | ERLSYM                        { C_lae_dnam("_erlsym",(arith) 0); 
+                                         *ip = INTTYPE; 
+                                       }
+       ;
+expression(int *ip;) { int neg; } /* NIEUW */
+       : expression1(&neg)             { *ip = neg; } 
+          [
+            IMPSYM
+            expression(&neg)           { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,IMPSYM); }
+          ]?
+        ;
+expression1(int *ip;) { int neg; }
+       : expression2(&neg)     { *ip = neg; } 
+          [ EQVSYM
+           expression2(&neg)   { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,EQVSYM); }
+          ]*
+        ;
+expression2(int *ip;) { int neg; } 
+       : expression3(&neg)     { *ip = neg; } 
+          [ XORSYM
+           expression3(&neg)   { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,XORSYM); }
+          ]*
+        ;
+expression3(int *ip;) { int neg; }
+       : expression4(&neg)     { *ip = neg; } 
+          [ ORSYM
+           expression4(&neg)   { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,ORSYM); }
+          ]*
+        ;
+expression4(int *ip;) { int neg; }
+       : negation(&neg)     { *ip = neg; } 
+          [ ANDSYM
+           negation(&neg)   { *ip = boolop(*ip,neg,ANDSYM); }
+          ]*
+        ;
+negation(int *ip;) { int comp; }
+       : NOTSYM compare(&comp)         { *ip=boolop(comp,0,NOTSYM); }
+       | compare(ip)
+       ;
+compare(int *ip;) { int sum1,sum2,rel; }
+       : sum(&sum1)
+          [ /* empty */      { *ip = sum1; }
+         | RELOP            { rel=yylval.integer; } 
+            sum(&sum2)       { *ip=relop(sum1,sum2,rel); }
+         | '=' sum(&sum2)   { *ip=relop(sum1,sum2,'='); }
+          ]
+       ;
+sum(int *ip;) { int term1; }
+       : term(&term1)       { *ip = term1; }
+          [ %while(1)  
+            '-' term(&term1) { *ip=plusmin(*ip,term1,'-'); }
+         | '+' term(&term1) { *ip=plusmin(*ip,term1,'+'); }
+         ]*
+       ;
+term(int *ip;) { int fac1; }   
+       : factor(&fac1)            { *ip = fac1; }
+         [ '*'    factor(&fac1)   { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'*'); }
+         | '\\'   factor(&fac1)   { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'\\'); }
+         | '/'    factor(&fac1)   { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,'/'); }
+         | MODSYM factor(&fac1)   { *ip=muldiv(*ip,fac1,MODSYM); }
+          ]*
+       ;
+factor(int *ip;)
+       : '-' factor(ip)         { *ip=negate(*ip); }
+       | factor1(ip)
+        ;
+factor1(int *ip;)  { int mant,exp; }
+       : factor2(&mant)
+          [ /* empty */          { *ip = mant; } 
+          | '^' factor1(&exp)    { *ip = power(mant,exp); }
+          ]
+        ;
+factor2(int *ip;)
+    { int var,func,expl,funcc,exp,intv,funcn,inpt; int typetable[10]; }
+       : INTVALUE                      { *ip=loadint(ival); }
+       | '(' expression(&exp) ')'      { *ip=exp; }
+       | FLTVALUE                      { *ip=loaddbl(dval); }
+       | STRVALUE              
+                                       { *ip= STRINGTYPE; 
+                                         loadstr(yylval.integer); 
+                                       }
+       | variable(&var)
+                                       { *ip=var; 
+                                         loadvar(var); 
+                                       }
+       | INKEYSYM '$'                  { C_cal("_inkey");
+                                          C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                                         *ip= STRINGTYPE;
+                                       }
+       | VARPTR '(' '#' intvalue(&intv) ')'
+                                       { warning("Not supported"); 
+                                         *ip=INTTYPE; 
+                                       }
+       | FUNCTION                      { func=yylval.integer; }                
+          [ %avoid /* empty */         { *ip= callfcn(yylval.integer,0, typetable); }
+         | '(' cross exprlist(&expl, typetable) ')' 
+                                       { *ip=callfcn(func,expl, typetable); }
+          ]
+       | funcname(&funcn)
+          [ %avoid /* empty */                 { *ip=fcnend(0); }
+         | funccall(&funcc) ')'        { *ip=fcnend(funcc); }
+          ]
+       | MIDSYM '$' midparms   
+                                       { 
+                                         C_cal("_mid");
+                                         C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE));
+                                         C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                                         *ip= STRINGTYPE;
+                                       }
+       | INPUTSYM '$' '(' expression(&exp) inputtail(&inpt)
+                                       { /*waar worden inpt en  exp gebruikt?*/
+                                         C_cal("_inpfcn");
+                                         C_asp((arith) (2*BEMINTSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE));
+                                         *ip= STRINGTYPE;
+                                       }
+       ;
+inputtail(int *ip;) { int exp; }
+       : ',' cross expression(&exp) ')'
+                                       { conversion(exp,INTTYPE); 
+                                         *ip= INTTYPE; 
+                                       }
+       | ')'
+                                       { C_loc((arith) -1);  
+                                         *ip= INTTYPE; 
+                                       }
+       ;
+funcname(int *ip;)
+       : FUNCTID               { *ip=fcncall(yylval.Sptr); }
+        ;
+funccall(int *ip;) { int exp; }
+       :  '(' expression(&exp) { callparm(0,exp);*ip=1; }
+       [ ',' expression(&exp)  { callparm(*ip,exp); 
+                                 *ip = *ip+1; 
+                               } 
+       ]*
+       ;
+identifier(Symbol **ident;)
+       : IDENTIFIER            { dcltype(yylval.Sptr); 
+                                 *ident=yylval.Sptr; 
+                               }
+        ;
+exprlist(int *ip; int *typetable;) { int exp; }
+       : expression(&exp)              { typetable[0]=exp; 
+                                         *ip=1; 
+                                       }
+         [ ',' expression(&exp)        { typetable[*ip]=exp;
+                                         *ip = *ip+1; 
+                                       } 
+         ]*
+       ;
+#ifndef NORCSID
+static char rcs_id[]   = "$Header$" ;
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/basic.lex b/lang/basic/src/basic.lex
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e9e1118
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_lex[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* This file contains the new lexical analizer */
+typedef struct {
+       char *name; 
+       int token, classvalue,length;
+} Key;
+Key keywords [] ={
+"abs",         FUNCTION,       ABSSYM,         0,
+"and",         ANDSYM,         ANDSYM,         0,
+"asc",         FUNCTION,       ASCSYM,         0,
+"as",           ASSYM,         0,              0,
+"atn",         FUNCTION,       ATNSYM,         0,
+"auto",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"base",                BASESYM,        0,              0,
+"call",                CALLSYM,        0,              0,
+"cdbl",                FUNCTION,       CDBLSYM,        0,
+"chain",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"chr",         FUNCTION,       CHRSYM,         0,
+"cint",                FUNCTION,       CINTSYM,        0,
+"clear",       CLEARSYM,       0,              0,
+"cload",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"close",       CLOSESYM,       0,              0,
+"common",      ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"cont",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"cos",         FUNCTION,       COSSYM,         0,
+"csng",                FUNCTION,       CSNGSYM,        0,
+"csave",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"cvi",         FUNCTION,       CVISYM,         0,
+"cvs",         FUNCTION,       CVSSYM,         0,
+"cvd",         FUNCTION,       CVDSYM,         0,
+"data",                DATASYM,        0,              0,
+"defint",      DEFINTSYM,      0,              0,
+"defsng",      DEFSNGSYM,      0,              0,
+"defdbl",      DEFDBLSYM,      0,              0,
+"defstr",      DEFSTRSYM,      0,              0,
+"def",         DEFSYM,         0,              0,
+"delete",      ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"dim",         DIMSYM,         0,              0,
+"edit",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"else",                ELSESYM,        0,              0,
+"end",         ENDSYM,         0,              0,
+"eof",         FUNCTION,       EOFSYM,         0,
+"eqv",         EQVSYM,         EQVSYM,         0,
+"erase",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"error",       ERRORSYM,       0,              0,
+"err",         ERRSYM,         0,              0,
+"erl",         ERLSYM,         0,              0,
+"exp",         FUNCTION,       EXPSYM,         0,
+"field",       FIELDSYM,       0,              0,
+"fix",         FUNCTION,       FIXSYM,         0,
+"for",         FORSYM,         0,              0,
+"fre",         FUNCTION,       FRESYM,         0,
+"get",         GETSYM,         0,              0,
+"gosub",       GOSUBSYM,       0,              0,
+"goto",                GOTOSYM,        0,              0,
+"hex",         FUNCTION,       HEXSYM,         0,
+"if",          IFSYM,          0,              0,
+"imp",         IMPSYM,         IMPSYM,         0,
+"inkey",       INKEYSYM,       0,              0,
+"input",       INPUTSYM,       0,              0,
+"inp",         FUNCTION,       INPSYM,         0,
+"instr",       FUNCTION,       INSTRSYM,       0,
+"int",         FUNCTION,       INTSYM,         0,
+"kill",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"left",                FUNCTION,       LEFTSYM,        0,
+"len",         FUNCTION,       LENSYM,         0,
+"let",         LETSYM,         0,              0,
+"line",                LINESYM,        0,              0,
+"list",                LISTSYM,        0,              0,
+"llist",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"load",                LOADSYM,        0,              0,
+"loc",         FUNCTION,       LOCSYM,         0,
+"log",         FUNCTION,       LOGSYM,         0,
+"lpos",                FUNCTION,       LPOSSYM,        0,
+"lprint",      ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"lset",                LSETSYM,        0,              0,
+"merge",       MERGESYM,       0,              0,
+"mid",         MIDSYM,         0,              0,
+"mki",         FUNCTION,       MKISYM,         0,
+"mks",         FUNCTION,       MKSSYM,         0,
+"mkd",         FUNCTION,       MKDSYM,         0,
+"mod",         MODSYM,         0,              0,
+"name",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"new",         ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"next",                NEXTSYM,        0,              0,
+"not",         NOTSYM,         0,              0,
+"null",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"on",          ONSYM,          0,              0,
+"oct",         FUNCTION,       OCTSYM,         0,
+"open",                OPENSYM,        0,              0,
+"option",      OPTIONSYM,      0,              0,
+"or",          ORSYM,          ORSYM,          0,
+"out",         FUNCTION,       OUTSYM,         0,
+"peek",                PEEKSYM,        0,              0,
+"poke",                POKESYM,        0,              0,
+"print",       PRINTSYM,       0,              0,
+"pos",         FUNCTION,       POSSYM,         0,
+"put",         PUTSYM,         0,              0,
+"randomize",   RANDOMIZESYM,   0,              0,
+"read",                READSYM,        0,              0,
+"rem",         REMSYM,         0,              0,
+"renum",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"ren",         ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"restore",     RESTORESYM,     0,              0,
+"resume",      ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"return",      RETURNSYM,      0,              0,
+"right",       FUNCTION,       RIGHTSYM,       0,
+"rnd",         FUNCTION,       RNDSYM,         0,
+"run",         ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"save",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"step",                STEPSYM,        0,              0,
+"sgn",         FUNCTION,       SGNSYM,         0,
+"sin",         FUNCTION,       SINSYM,         0,
+"space",       FUNCTION,       SPACESYM,       0,
+"spc",         FUNCTION,       SPCSYM,         0,
+"sqr",         FUNCTION,       SQRSYM,         0,
+"stop",                STOPSYM,        0,              0,
+"string",      FUNCTION,       STRINGSYM,      0,
+"str",         FUNCTION,       STRSYM,         0,
+"swap",                SWAPSYM,        0,              0,
+"tab",         FUNCTION,       TABSYM,         0,
+"tan",         FUNCTION,       TANSYM,         0,
+"then",                THENSYM,        0,              0,
+"to",          TOSYM,          0,              0,
+"tron",                TRONOFFSYM,     TRONSYM,        0,
+"troff",       TRONOFFSYM,     TROFFSYM,       0,
+"using",       USINGSYM,       0,              0,
+"usr",         FUNCTION,       USRSYM,         0,
+"val",         FUNCTION,       VALSYM,         0,
+"varptr",      FUNCTION,       VARPTRSYM,      0,
+"wait",                ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"while",       WHILESYM,       0,              0,
+"wend",                WENDSYM,        0,              0,
+"width",       ILLEGAL,        0,              0,
+"write",       WRITESYM,       0,              0,
+"xor",         XORSYM,         XORSYM,         0,
+0,             0,              0,              0
+/* Keyword index table */
+int    kex[27];
+/* Initialize the keyword table */
+       Key *k;
+       int i;
+       for(k=keywords;k->name;k++)
+               k->length= strlen(k->name);
+       k=keywords;
+       for(i=0;k->name && i<='z'-'a';i++)
+       {
+               for(;k->name && *k->name<i+'a';k++);
+               if ( *k->name!=i+'a') continue;
+               kex[*k->name-'a']=k-keywords;
+               for(;k->name && *k->name==i+'a';k++);
+               kex[*(k-1)->name-'a'+1]=k-keywords;
+       }
+       if (debug)
+       {
+               for(i=0;i<27;i++)
+               print("%c:%d\n",'a'+i,kex[i]);
+       }
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* Get each line separately into the buffer */
+/* Lines too long are terminated and flagged illegal */
+#define MAXLINELENGTH  1024
+char   inputline[MAXLINELENGTH];       /* current source line */
+char   *cptr;                          /* next character to decode */
+int    yylineno=0;                     /* source line counter */
+#define GETSBUFSIZE 1024
+char fgets_buf[GETSBUFSIZE];
+char *our_fgets(buffer,n_char,stream)
+char *buffer;
+int n_char;
+File *stream;
+    /* Read one line or n_char */
+    static int characters_left = 0;
+    static char *internal_bufp = fgets_buf;
+    char *external_bufp;
+    external_bufp = buffer;  /* Moves through the external buffer */
+    while ( 1 ) {
+        if ( characters_left ) { /* There is still something buffered */
+            if ( n_char > 1 ) { /* More characters have to be copied  */
+                if ( *internal_bufp == '\n' ) {
+                    *external_bufp++ = *internal_bufp++;
+                    characters_left--;
+                    *external_bufp = '\0';
+                    return(buffer); /* One line is read */
+                } else {
+                    *external_bufp++ = *internal_bufp++;
+                    characters_left--;
+                    n_char--;  /* One character is copied */
+                }
+            } else { /* Enough characters read */
+                *external_bufp = '\0';
+                return(buffer);
+            }
+        } else { /* Read new block */
+            sys_read(stream,fgets_buf,GETSBUFSIZE,&characters_left);
+            internal_bufp = fgets_buf;
+                /* Move pointer  back to the beginning */
+            if ( characters_left == 0 ) { /* Nothing read */
+                if ( external_bufp == buffer ) {
+                    *external_bufp = '\0';
+                    return(NULL);  /* EOF */
+                } else { /* Something was already copied */
+                    *external_bufp = '\0';
+                    return(buffer);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+extern char *strindex();
+       /* get next input line */
+       if ( our_fgets(inputline,MAXLINELENGTH,yyin) == NULL)
+               return(FALSE);
+       yylineno ++;
+       if ( strindex(inputline,'\n') == 0)
+               error("source line too long");
+       inputline[MAXLINELENGTH-1]=0;
+       if ( listing)
+               fprint(STDERR, inputline);
+       cptr= inputline;
+       return(TRUE);
+       switch(*cptr)
+       {
+       case '$':
+               cptr++; return( STRINGTYPE);
+       case '%':
+               cptr++; return( INTTYPE);
+       case '!':
+               cptr++; return( FLOATTYPE);
+       case '#':
+               cptr++; return( DOUBLETYPE);
+       }
+       return(0);
+/* symbols in Microsoft are significant for the first 40 characters */
+#define SIGNIFICANT 40
+char name[SIGNIFICANT+1];
+       Key *k;
+       Symbol *Sym;
+       char *c;
+       int i, typech;
+       sval= name;
+       for(c=cptr; *c && isalnum(*c);c++) 
+       if ( isupper(*c) )
+               *c= tolower(*c);
+       for (k= keywords+kex[*cptr-'a']; k->name != 0 && *(k->name)== *cptr;k++)
+               if ( strncmp(cptr,k->name,k->length)==0)
+               {
+                       /* if ( isalnum( *(cptr+k->length) )) *//* EHB */
+                       if ( isalnum( *(cptr+k->length) ) &&    /* EHB */
+                               k->token == FUNCTION)           /* EHB */
+                               continue; 
+                                /* keywords door delimiters gescheiden */
+                       cptr += k->length;
+                       yylval.integer= k->classvalue;
+                       if (debug) print("lookup:%d %d\n",
+                                        k->classvalue,k->token);
+                       if ( k->token == FUNCTION)
+                       {
+                               /* stripp type character */
+                               typech=typechar();
+                       }
+                               /* illegals + rem */
+                               if ( k->token == REMSYM || k->token==ILLEGAL)
+                                       while ( *cptr && *cptr!=':' && 
+                                                *cptr!='\n')
+                                               cptr++;
+                               return( k->token);
+               }
+       /* Is it  a function  name ? */
+       c=cptr;
+       /* Identifier found, update the symbol table */
+       i=0;
+       while (( isalnum(*c) || *c == '.') && i < SIGNIFICANT)
+               name[i++]= *c++;
+       while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.') c++; /* skip rest */
+       name[i]=0;
+       cptr=c;
+       Sym= srchsymbol(name);
+       yylval.Sptr = Sym;
+       typech= typechar();
+       if (Sym->symtype!=DEFAULTTYPE) 
+       {
+               if (typech && typech!=Sym->symtype && wflag)
+                       warning("type re-declared,ignored");
+       }
+       if ( typech)
+               Sym->symtype=typech;
+       if (debug) print("lookup:%d Identifier\n",Sym);
+       if ( (name[0]=='f' || name[0]=='F') &&
+            (name[1]=='n' || name[1]=='N') )
+               return(FUNCTID);
+       return(IDENTIFIER);
+/* Parsing unsigned numbers */
+       /* read HEX and OCTAL numbers */
+       char *c;
+       cptr++;
+       if ( *cptr == 'H' || *cptr=='h')
+       {
+               /* HEX */
+               cptr++;
+               c=cptr;
+               while (  isdigit(*cptr) || 
+                       (*cptr>='a' && *cptr<='f' ) ||
+                       (*cptr>='A' && *cptr<='F' ) ) cptr++;
+               (void) sscanf(c,"%x",&ival);
+       } else 
+       if ( *cptr == 'O' || *cptr == 'o')
+       {
+               /* OCTAL */
+               cptr++;
+               c=cptr;
+               while ( isdigit(*cptr) ) cptr++;
+               (void) sscanf(c,"%o",&ival);
+       } else error("H or O expected");
+       return(INTVALUE);
+#ifdef ____
+/* Computes base to the power exponent. This was not done in the old
+   compiler                                                          */
+double powr(base,exp)
+double base;
+int exp;
+       int i;
+       double result;
+       int abs_exp;
+       if ( exp < 0 )
+               abs_exp = -exp;
+       else
+               abs_exp = exp;
+       result = 1.0;
+       for ( i = 1; i <= abs_exp; i++ ) {
+               result = result * base;
+       }
+       if ( exp < 0 )
+               return ( 1.0 / result );
+       else
+               return ( result );
+       long    i1;
+       int overflow = 0;
+       register char *c;
+       static char     numbuf[256];
+       register char *d = numbuf;
+       dval = numbuf;
+       i1=0;
+       c=cptr;
+       while (*c == '0') c++;
+       while (isdigit(*c)){
+               i1= i1*10 + *c-'0';
+               if (i1 < 0) overflow = 1;
+               if (d < &numbuf[255]) *d++ = *c;
+               c++;
+       }
+       if (d == numbuf) *d++ = '0';
+       cptr=c;
+       if ( *c != '.'  && *c != 'e' && *c != 'E'
+                       && *c != 'd' && *c != 'D' ){
+               if ( i1> MAXINT || i1<MININT || overflow) {
+                       *d = 0;
+                       return(FLTVALUE);
+               }
+               /*NOSTRICT*/ ival= i1;
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+               if (yydebug) print("number:INTVALUE %d",i1);
+               return(INTVALUE);
+       }
+       /* handle floats */
+       if (*c == '.') {
+               if (d < &numbuf[255]) *d++ = *c;
+               c++;
+               while ( isdigit(*c)){
+                       if (d < &numbuf[255]) *d++ = *c;
+                       c++;
+               }
+       }
+       /* handle exponential part */
+       if ( *c == 'e' || *c == 'E' || *c == 'd' || *c == 'D' ){
+               if (d < &numbuf[254]) *d++ = 'e';
+               c++;
+               if ( *c=='-' || *c=='+') {
+                       if (d < &numbuf[255]) *d++ = *c;
+                       c++;
+               }
+               while (isdigit(*c)){
+                       if (d < &numbuf[255]) *d++ = *c;
+                       c++;
+               }
+               if (*(d-1) == 'e') *d++ = '0';
+       }
+       *d = 0;
+       cptr=c;
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+       if (yydebug) print("number:FLTVALUE %s",dval);
+       return(FLTVALUE);
+/* Maximale grootte van een chunk; >= 4 */
+#define CHUNKSIZE 123
+       int i,length=0;
+       char firstchar = *cptr;
+       char buffer[CHUNKSIZE],*bufp = buffer;
+       /* generate label here */
+       if (! in_data) yylval.integer= genemlabel();
+       if ( *cptr== '"') cptr++;
+       sval= cptr;
+       while ( *cptr !='"')
+       {
+               switch(*cptr)
+               {
+               case 0:
+               case '\n': 
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+                       if (yydebug) print("STRVALUE\n");
+                       if ( firstchar == '"')
+                               error("non-terminated string");
+                       return(STRVALUE);
+               /*
+               case '\'':
+               case '\\':
+                       *bufp++ = '\\';
+                       *bufp++ = *cptr;
+                       if ( bufp >= buffer + CHUNKSIZE - 4 ) {
+                               if (! in_data) 
+                                       C_con_scon(buffer,(arith)(bufp-buffer));
+                               bufp = buffer;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               */
+               default:
+                       *bufp++ = *cptr;
+                       if ( bufp >= buffer + CHUNKSIZE - 4 ) {
+                               if (! in_data) 
+                                       C_con_scon(buffer,(arith)(bufp-buffer));
+                               bufp = buffer;
+                       }
+               }
+               cptr++;
+               length++;
+       }
+       *cptr = 0;
+       *bufp++ = 0;
+       cptr++;
+       if (! in_data) {
+               C_con_scon(buffer,(arith)(bufp-buffer));
+               i=yylval.integer;
+               yylval.integer= genemlabel();
+               C_rom_dlb((label)i,(arith)0);
+               C_rom_icon("9999",(arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               C_rom_icon(itoa(length),(arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       }
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+       if (yydebug) print("STRVALUE found\n");
+       return(STRVALUE);
+       char *c;
+       /* Here is the big switch */
+       c= cptr;
+       switch(*c){
+               case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e':
+               case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j':
+               case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o':
+               case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
+               case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y':
+               case 'z': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
+               case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I':
+               case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N':
+               case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S':
+               case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
+               case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': 
+                       return(lookup());
+               case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+               case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+               case '.':
+                       return(number());
+               case '\'':
+                       /* comment at end of line */
+                       while ( *cptr != '\n' && *cptr) cptr++;
+               case '\n':
+                       cptr++;
+                       return(EOLN);
+               case 0:
+#ifdef YYDEBUG
+                       if ( yydebug) print("end of buffer");
+                       return(0);
+               case '"':
+                       return(scanstring());
+               /* handle double operators */
+               case ' ':
+               case '\t':
+                       cptr++;
+                       return(yylex());
+               case '&':
+                       return(readconstant());
+               case '?':
+                       cptr++;
+                       return(PRINTSYM);
+               case '>':
+                       if ( *(c+1)=='='){
+                               c++; c++;
+                               cptr=c;
+                               yylval.integer= GESYM;
+                               return(RELOP);
+                       }
+                       yylval.integer= '>';
+                       cptr++;
+                       return(RELOP);
+               case '<':
+                       if ( *(c+1)=='='){
+                               c++; c++; 
+                               cptr=c; 
+                               yylval.integer=LESYM; 
+                               return(RELOP);
+                       } else
+                               if ( *(c+1)=='>'){
+                                       c++; c++; 
+                                       cptr=c; 
+                                       yylval.integer=NESYM; 
+                                       return(RELOP);
+                               } 
+                       yylval.integer= '<';
+                       cptr++;
+                       return(RELOP);
+       }
+       return(*cptr++);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/bem.c b/lang/basic/src/bem.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fe747dc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[]   = "$Header$" ;
+static char rcs_bem[]  = RCS_BEM ;
+static char rcs_symb[] = RCS_SYMB ;
+static char rcs_graph[]        = RCS_GRAPH ;
+/* Author: M.L. Kersten
+** This is the main routine for the BASIC-EM frontend.
+** Program parameters are decoded, the BASIC program is parsed
+** and compiled to an executable program
+** Bem expects at least three parameters. One ending with '.i' is considered
+** the input to the compiler, '.e' denotes the file to be generated,
+** and the last name denotes the name of the user supplied file name.
+** The latter is used to store the data entries.
+** Additional flags may be supplied, see parseparms.
+char   *program;
+char   datfname[MAXFILENAME] ;
+char   tmpfname[MAXFILENAME] ;
+char   *inpfile, *outfile;
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+       extern int errorcnt;
+       /* parseparams */
+       parseparams(argc,argv);
+       /* initialize the system */
+       initialize();
+       /* compile source programs */
+       compileprogram();
+       linewarnings();
+       C_close();
+       if( errorcnt) sys_stop(S_EXIT);
+       /* process em object files */
+       sys_stop(S_END);   /* This was not done in the old compiler */
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/bem.h b/lang/basic/src/bem.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..124a420
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <system.h>
+#include <em.h>
+#include <em_mes.h>
+/* Author: M.L. Kersten
+** Here all the global objects are defined.
+#include "symbols.h"
+#include "graph.h"
+#include "Lpars.h"
+#ifndef NORCSID
+# define RCS_BEM       "$Header$"
+#define MAXINT         32768
+#define MININT         -32767
+/* #define EMINTSIZE   "EM_WSIZE" */
+/* #define EMPTRSIZE   "EM_PSIZE" */
+/* #define EMFLTSIZE   "EM_DSIZE" */
+#define EMINTSIZE 4
+#define EMPTRSIZE 4
+#define EMFLTSIZE 8
+#define MAXPIECES      100
+#define MAXFILENAME    200
+#define CHANNEL                0
+#define THRESHOLD      40              /* for splitting blocks */
+#define void           int             /* Some C compilers don't know void */
+extern char    *program;               /* name of source program */
+extern char    *inpfile;               /* input tko compiler */
+extern char    *outfile;               /* output from compiler */
+extern char    datfname[MAXFILENAME];  /* data statements file */
+extern char    tmpfname[MAXFILENAME];  /* temporary statements file */
+extern File    *emfile;                /* EM output file */
+extern File    *datfile;               /* data file */
+extern File    *tmp_file;              /* compiler temporary */
+extern File    *yyin;                  /* Compiler input */
+extern int     endofinput;
+extern int     wflag;
+extern int     hflag;
+extern int     traceflag;
+extern int     yydebug;
+extern int     yylineno;
+extern int     listing;
+extern int     nolins;
+extern int     threshold;
+extern int     debug;
+extern int     tronoff;
+extern label   err_goto_label;
+extern int     dataused;
+extern Linerecord *currline;
+extern char *itoa();
+extern char *salloc();
+extern char *sprintf();
+extern char *strcpy();
+extern char *strcat();
+extern char *malloc();
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/compile.c b/lang/basic/src/compile.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f008dff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* compile the next program in the list */
+/* Here we should open the input file. (for the future) */
+File *yyin;
+       extern int basicline;
+       prologcode();
+       prolog2(); /* Some statements are moved from prolog2 to 
+                      epilogcode in the new version of the compiler */
+       while( basicline = 0, getline())
+               (void) LLparse();
+       epilogcode();   
+       (void) sys_close(yyin);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/eval.c b/lang/basic/src/eval.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f0447ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* Here you find all routines to evaluate expressions and
+   generate code for assignment statements
+int    ltype,rtype;
+       /* determine the result type of an expression */
+       if ( ltype==STRINGTYPE || rtype==STRINGTYPE)
+       {
+               if ( ltype!=rtype)
+                       error("type conflict, string expected");
+               return( STRINGTYPE);
+       }
+       /* take maximum */
+       if ( ltype<rtype) return(rtype);
+       return(ltype);
+int oldtype,newtype;
+       /* the value on top of the stack should be converted */
+       if ( oldtype==newtype) return;
+       switch( oldtype)
+       {
+       case INTTYPE:
+               if ( newtype==FLOATTYPE || newtype==DOUBLETYPE)
+               {
+                       C_loc((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+                       C_loc((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+                       C_cif ();
+               } else {
+                       if (debug) 
+                               print("type n=%d o=%d\n",newtype,oldtype);
+                       error("conversion error");
+               }
+               break;
+       case FLOATTYPE:
+       case DOUBLETYPE:
+               if ( newtype==INTTYPE)
+               {
+                       /* rounded ! */
+                       C_cal("_cint");
+                       C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+                       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+                       break;
+               } else if ( newtype==FLOATTYPE || newtype==DOUBLETYPE)
+                       break;
+       default:
+               if (debug) 
+                       print("type n=%d o=%d\n",newtype,oldtype);
+               error("conversion error");
+       }
+int oldtype,newtype,topstack;
+       /* the value below the top of the stack should be converted */
+       if ( oldtype==newtype ) return;
+       if ( debug) print("extra convert %d %d %d\n",oldtype,newtype,topstack);
+       /* save top in dummy */
+       switch( topstack)
+       {
+       case INTTYPE:
+               C_ste_dnam("dummy1",(arith)0);
+               break;
+       case FLOATTYPE:
+       case DOUBLETYPE:
+               /* rounded ! */
+               C_lae_dnam("dummy1",(arith)0);
+               C_sti((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+               break;
+       default:
+               error("conversion error");
+               return;
+       }
+       /* now its on top of the stack */
+       conversion(oldtype,newtype);
+       /* restore top */
+       switch( topstack)
+       {
+       case INTTYPE:
+               C_loe_dnam("dummy1",(arith)0);
+               break;
+       case FLOATTYPE:
+       case DOUBLETYPE:
+               /* rounded ! */
+               C_lae_dnam("dummy1",(arith)0);
+               C_loi((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       }
+int    ltype,rtype,operator;
+       if ( operator != NOTSYM)
+       {
+               extraconvert(ltype,INTTYPE,rtype);
+               conversion(rtype,INTTYPE);
+       } else conversion(ltype,INTTYPE);
+       switch( operator)
+       {
+       case NOTSYM:
+               C_com((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       case ANDSYM:
+               C_and((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       case ORSYM:
+               C_ior((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       case XORSYM:
+               C_xor((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       case EQVSYM:
+               C_xor((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               C_com((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       case IMPSYM:
+               /* implies */
+               C_com((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               C_and((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               C_com((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               break;
+       default:        
+               error("boolop:unexpected");
+       }
+       return(INTTYPE);
+int operator;
+       int l1,l2;
+       l1= genlabel();
+       l2= genlabel();
+       switch(operator)
+       {
+               case '<':       C_zlt((label)l1); break;
+               case '>':       C_zgt((label)l1); break;
+               case '=':       C_zeq((label)l1); break;
+               case NESYM:     C_zne((label)l1); break;
+               case LESYM:     C_zle((label)l1); break;
+               case GESYM:     C_zge((label)l1); break;
+               default:        error("relop:unexpected operator");
+       }
+       C_loc((arith)0);
+       C_bra((label)l2);
+       C_df_ilb((label)l1);
+       C_loc((arith)-1);
+       C_df_ilb((label)l2);
+relop( ltype,rtype,operator)
+int    ltype,rtype,operator;
+       int     result;
+       if (debug) print("relop %d %d op=%d\n",ltype,rtype,operator);
+       result= exprtype(ltype,rtype);
+       extraconvert(ltype,result,rtype);
+       conversion(rtype,result);
+       /* compare the objects */
+       if ( result==INTTYPE)
+               C_cmi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       else if ( result==FLOATTYPE || result==DOUBLETYPE)
+                 C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+            else if ( result==STRINGTYPE)
+                 {
+                         C_cal("_strcomp");
+                         C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE));
+                         C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+                 } else error("relop:unexpected");
+       /* handle the relational operators */
+       genbool(operator);
+       return(INTTYPE);
+int    ltype,rtype,operator;
+       int result;
+       result= exprtype(ltype,rtype);
+       if ( result== STRINGTYPE)
+       {
+               if ( operator== '+')
+               {
+                        C_cal("_concat");
+                        C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE));
+                        C_lfr((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+               } else error("illegal operator");
+       } else {
+               extraconvert(ltype,result,rtype);
+               conversion(rtype,result);
+               if ( result== INTTYPE)
+               {
+                       if ( operator=='+') 
+                                C_adi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+                       else C_sbi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               } else {
+                       if ( operator=='+') 
+                                C_adf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+                       else C_sbf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+               }
+       }
+       return(result);
+int    ltype,rtype,operator;
+       int result;
+       result=exprtype(ltype,rtype);
+       if (operator==MODSYM || operator== '\\') result=INTTYPE;
+       extraconvert(ltype,result,rtype);
+       conversion(rtype,result);
+       if ( result== INTTYPE)
+       {
+               if ( operator=='/') 
+               {
+                       result=DOUBLETYPE;
+                       extraconvert(ltype,result,rtype);
+                       conversion(rtype,result);
+                        C_dvf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+               } else
+               if ( operator=='\\')
+                        C_dvi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               else
+               if ( operator=='*') 
+                        C_mli((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               else    
+               if ( operator==MODSYM)
+                        C_rmi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+               else    error("illegal operator");
+       } else {
+               if ( operator=='/') 
+                        C_dvf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+               else
+               if ( operator=='*') 
+                        C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+               else    error("illegal operator");
+       }
+       return(result);
+int type;
+       switch(type)
+       {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_ngi((arith)BEMINTSIZE); 
+                       break;
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+                       C_ngf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); 
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       error("Illegal operator");
+       }
+       return(type);
+#ifdef ___
+int    ltype,rtype;
+       int resulttype = exprtype(ltype, rtype);
+       extraconvert(ltype,resulttype,rtype);
+       conversion(rtype,resulttype);
+       switch(resulttype) {
+       case INTTYPE:
+               C_cal("_ipower");
+               break;
+       case DOUBLETYPE:
+       case FLOATTYPE:
+               C_cal("_power");
+               break;
+       default:
+               error("Illegal operator");
+       }
+        C_asp((arith)(2*typestring(resulttype)));
+        C_lfr((arith)typestring(resulttype));
+       return(resulttype);
+int    ltype,rtype;
+       extraconvert(ltype,DOUBLETYPE,rtype);
+       conversion(rtype,DOUBLETYPE);
+        C_cal("_power");
+        C_asp((arith)(2*BEMFLTSIZE));
+        C_lfr((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       return(DOUBLETYPE);
+int typesize(ltype)
+int ltype;
+       switch( ltype)
+       {
+       case INTTYPE:
+               return(BEMINTSIZE);
+       case FLOATTYPE:
+       case DOUBLETYPE:
+               return(BEMFLTSIZE);
+       case STRINGTYPE:
+               return(BEMPTRSIZE);
+       default:
+               error("typesize:unexpected");
+               if (debug) print("type received %d\n",ltype);
+       }
+       return(BEMINTSIZE);
+int typestring(type)
+int type;
+       switch(type)
+       {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       return(BEMINTSIZE);
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       return(BEMFLTSIZE);
+               case STRINGTYPE:
+                       return(BEMPTRSIZE);
+               default:
+                       error("typestring: unexpected type");
+       }
+       return(0);
+int type;
+       /* load a simple variable  its address is on the stack*/
+        C_loi((arith)typestring(type));
+int value;
+        C_loc((arith)value);
+       return(INTTYPE);
+char *value;
+       int index;
+       index=genlabel();
+       C_df_dlb((label)index);
+       C_bss_fcon((arith)BEMFLTSIZE,value,(arith)BEMFLTSIZE,1);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)index,(arith)0);
+       C_loi((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       return(DOUBLETYPE);
+int value;
+       C_lae_dlb((label)value,(arith)0);
+Symbol *s;
+       extern Symbol *fcn;
+       int i,j;
+       arith sum;
+       if (debug) print("load %s %d\n",s->symname,s->symtype);
+       if ( s->symalias>0)
+               C_lae_dlb((label)s->symalias,(arith)0);
+       else {  
+               j= -s->symalias;
+               if (debug) print("load parm %d\n",j);
+               /* first count the sizes. */
+               sum = 0;
+               for(i=fcn->dimensions;i>j;i--)
+                       sum += typesize(fcn->dimlimit[i-1]);
+               C_lal(sum);
+       }
+       return(s->symtype);
+/* This is a new routine */
+       C_lae_dnam("dummy3",(arith)0);
+       C_sti((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+int type,lt;
+       extern int e1,e2;
+       conversion(lt,type);
+       C_lae_dnam("dummy3",(arith)0); /* Statement added by us */
+       C_loi((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+       /* address is on stack already */
+       C_sti((arith)typestring(type));
+int lab,type;
+       /*store value back */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)lab,(arith)0);
+       C_sti((arith)typestring(type));
+/* maintain a stack of array references */
+int    dimstk[MAXDIMENSIONS], dimtop= -1;
+Symbol  *arraystk[MAXDIMENSIONS];
+Symbol *s;
+       if ( dimtop<MAXDIMENSIONS) dimtop++;
+       if ( s->dimensions==0)
+       {
+               s->dimensions=1;
+               defarray(s);
+       }
+       dimstk[dimtop]= 0;
+       arraystk[dimtop]= s;
+       C_lae_dlb((label)s->symalias,(arith)0);
+       return(arraystk[dimtop--]->symtype);
+int    type;
+       int     dim;
+       Symbol  *s;
+       if ( dimtop<0 || dimtop>=MAXDIMENSIONS)
+               fatal("too many nested array references");
+       /* index expression is on top of stack */
+       s=arraystk[dimtop];
+       dim= dimstk[dimtop];
+       if ( dim>=s->dimensions)
+       {
+               error("too many indices");
+               dimstk[dimtop]=0;
+               return;
+       }
+       conversion(type,INTTYPE);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)s->dimalias[dim],(arith)0);
+       C_aar((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       dimstk[dimtop]++;
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/func.c b/lang/basic/src/func.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..324bba7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* expression types for predefined functions are assembled */
+int    typetable[10];
+int    exprlimit;
+/* handle all predefined functions */
+#define cv(X)  conversion(type,X); pop=X
+int cnt;
+       if( cnt> exprlimit)
+               error("Not enough arguments");
+       if( cnt < exprlimit)
+               error("Too many arguments");
+int fcnnr,cnt;
+int *typetable;
+       int pop=DOUBLETYPE;
+       int res=DOUBLETYPE;
+       int type;
+       type= typetable[0];
+       exprlimit=cnt;
+       if(debug) print("fcn=%d\n",fcnnr);
+       switch(fcnnr)
+       {
+               case ABSSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_abr");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case ASCSYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_asc"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case ATNSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_atn");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case CDBLSYM:   cv(DOUBLETYPE);  
+                               return(DOUBLETYPE);;
+               case CHRSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_chr"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case CSNGSYM:   cv(DOUBLETYPE); 
+                               return(DOUBLETYPE);
+               case CINTSYM:   cv(INTTYPE);  
+                               return(INTTYPE);
+               case COSSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_cos");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case CVISYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_cvi"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case CVSSYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_cvd"); 
+                               res=DOUBLETYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case CVDSYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_cvd"); 
+                               res=DOUBLETYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case EOFSYM:    
+                               if( cnt==0)
+                               {
+                                       res= INTTYPE;
+                                       pop= INTTYPE;
+                                       C_loc((arith) -1);
+                               } else cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_ioeof"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               break;
+               case EXPSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_exp");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case FIXSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_fix"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case INPSYM:
+               case LPOSSYM:
+               case FRESYM:    pop=0;
+                               warning("function not supported");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case HEXSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_hex"); res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case OUTSYM:
+               case INSTRSYM:  cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_instr"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case INTSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_fcint");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case LEFTSYM:   parm(2);
+                               extraconvert(type, STRINGTYPE,typetable[1]);
+                               type= typetable[1];
+                               cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_left"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               C_asp((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                               C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                               return(STRINGTYPE);
+               case LENSYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_len"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case LOCSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_loc"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case LOGSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_log");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case MKISYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_mki"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case MKSSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_mkd"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case MKDSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_mkd"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case OCTSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_oct"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case PEEKSYM:   cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_peek"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case POSSYM:    C_asp((arith) typestring(type));
+                               C_exa_dnam("_pos");
+                               C_loe_dnam("_pos",(arith) 0);
+                               return(INTTYPE);
+               case RIGHTSYM:  parm(2);
+                               extraconvert(type, STRINGTYPE,typetable[1]);
+                               type= typetable[1];
+                               cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_right"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+                               C_asp((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                               C_lfr((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+                               return(STRINGTYPE);
+               case RNDSYM:    if( cnt==1) pop=type; 
+                               else pop=0;
+                               C_cal("_rnd"); 
+                               res= DOUBLETYPE;
+                               break;
+               case SGNSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_sgn"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case SINSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_sin");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case SPACESYM:  cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_space"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case SPCSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_spc"); 
+                               res=0;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case SQRSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_sqt");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case STRSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_nstr");
+                               res=STRINGTYPE; /* NEW */
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case STRINGSYM:
+                               parm(2);        /* 2 is NEW */
+                               if (typetable[1] == STRINGTYPE) {
+                                       C_cal("_asc");
+                                       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+                                       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+                                       typetable[1] = INTTYPE;
+                               }
+                               extraconvert(type,
+                                             DOUBLETYPE,
+                                             typetable[1]);   /* NEW */
+                               type= typetable[1];
+                               cv(DOUBLETYPE);               /* NEW */
+                               C_cal("_string"); 
+                               res=STRINGTYPE;
+                               C_asp((arith)typestring(DOUBLETYPE)); /*NEW*/
+                               break;
+               case TABSYM:    cv(INTTYPE);
+                               C_cal("_tab"); 
+                               res=0;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case TANSYM:    cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_tan");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case VALSYM:    cv(STRINGTYPE);
+                               C_loi((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+                               C_cal("atoi"); 
+                               res=INTTYPE;
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               case VARPTRSYM: cv(DOUBLETYPE);
+                               C_cal("_valptr");
+                               parm(1);
+                               break;
+               default:        error("unknown function");
+       }
+       if(pop) C_asp((arith) typestring(pop));
+       if(res) C_lfr((arith) typestring(res));
+       return(res);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/gencode.c b/lang/basic/src/gencode.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6dfc2ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* Here we find all routines dealing with pure EM code generation */
+static int     emlabel=1;
+label  err_goto_label;
+        return(emlabel++);
+       int l;
+       l=genlabel();
+       C_df_dlb((label)l);
+       return(l);
+int tronoff=0;
+int nr;
+       C_df_ilb((label)currline->emlabel);
+       C_lin((arith)nr);
+       if ( tronoff || traceflag) {
+               C_loc((arith)nr);
+               C_cal("_trace");
+               C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       }
+/* Handle data statements */
+List   *datalist=0;
+       List *l,*l1;
+       /* NOSTRICT */ l= (List *) salloc(sizeof(List));
+       l->linenr= currline->linenr;
+        l->emlabel =  sys_filesize(datfname);
+       if ( datalist==0) 
+       {
+               datalist=l;
+       } else {
+               l1= datalist;
+               while (l1->nextlist) l1= l1->nextlist;
+               l1->nextlist=l;
+       }
+       List *l;
+       int line=0;
+       /* called at end to generate the data seek table */
+       C_exa_dnam("_seektab");
+       C_df_dnam("_seektab");       /* VRAAGTEKEN */
+       l= datalist;
+       while (l)
+       {
+               C_rom_cst((arith)(l->linenr));
+               C_rom_cst((arith)(line++));
+               l= l->nextlist;
+       }
+       C_rom_cst((arith)0);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)0);
+/* ERROR and exception handling */
+int lab;
+       /* exceptions to subroutines are supported only */
+       extern int gosubcnt;
+       List    *l;
+       C_loc((arith)gosubcnt);
+       l= (List *) gosublabel();
+       l->emlabel= gotolabel(lab);
+       C_cal("_trpset");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+int    exprtype;
+       /* convert expression to a valid error number */
+       /* obtain the message and print it */
+       C_cal("error");
+       C_asp((arith)typesize(exprtype));
+/* BASIC IO */
+int recsize;
+       C_loc((arith)recsize);
+       C_cal("_opnchn");
+       C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE+BEMINTSIZE));
+int    exprtype;
+       switch(exprtype)
+       {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_prinum");
+                       C_asp((arith)typestring(INTTYPE));
+                       break;
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       C_cal("_prfnum");
+                       C_asp((arith)typestring(DOUBLETYPE));
+                       break;
+               case STRINGTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_prstr");
+                       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+                       break;
+               case 0: /* result of tab function etc */
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       error("printstmt:unexpected");
+       }
+int i;
+       if ( i) C_cal("_zone");
+int    exprtype,comma;
+       if ( comma) C_cal("_wrcomma");
+       switch(exprtype)
+       {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_wrint");
+                       break;
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       C_cal("_wrflt");
+                       break;
+               case STRINGTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_wrstr");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       error("printstmt:unexpected");
+       }
+       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+int lab;
+       /* save this information too */
+       C_loc((arith)0);
+       C_cal("_setchan");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_loc((arith)lab);
+       C_cal("_restore");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+int qst;
+       setchannel(-1);
+       C_cal("_prstr");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+       if (qst) C_cal("_qstmark");
+int type;
+       if ( type!= STRINGTYPE)
+               error("String variable expected");
+       C_cal("_rdline");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+int type;
+       switch(type)
+       {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_readint");
+                       break;
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       C_cal("_readflt");
+                       break;
+               case STRINGTYPE:
+                       C_cal("_readstr");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       error("readelm:unexpected type");
+       }
+       C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+/* Swap exchanges the variable values */
+int    ltype, rtype;
+       if ( ltype!= rtype)
+               error("Type mismatch");
+       else
+               switch(ltype)
+               {
+                       case INTTYPE:
+                               C_cal("_intswap");
+                               break;
+                       case FLOATTYPE:
+                       case DOUBLETYPE:
+                               C_cal("_fltswap");
+                               break;
+                       case STRINGTYPE:
+                               C_cal("_strswap");
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               error("swap:unexpected");
+               }
+       C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE));
+/* input/output handling */
+int val;
+{      /* obtain file descroption */
+       C_loc((arith)val);
+       C_cal("_setchan");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+/* The if-then-else statements */
+int type;
+       /* This BASIC follows the True= -1 rule */
+       int nr;
+       nr= genlabel();
+       if ( type == INTTYPE)
+               C_zeq((label)nr);
+       else    
+               if ( type == FLOATTYPE || type == DOUBLETYPE )
+               {
+                       C_lae_dnam("fltnull",(arith)0);
+                       C_loi((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+                       C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+                       C_zeq((label)nr);
+               }
+               else error("Integer or Float expected");
+       return(nr);
+thenpart( elselab)
+int elselab;
+       int nr;
+       nr=genlabel();
+       C_bra((label)nr);
+       C_df_ilb((label)elselab);
+       return(nr);
+elsepart(lab)int lab;
+       C_df_ilb((label)lab);
+/* generate code for the for-statement */
+#define MAXFORDEPTH 20
+struct FORSTRUCT{
+       Symbol  *loopvar;       /* loop variable */
+       int     initaddress;
+       int     limitaddress;
+       int     stepaddress;
+       int     fortst;         /* variable limit test */
+       int     forinc;         /* variable increment code */
+       int     forout;         /* end of loop */
+} fortable[MAXFORDEPTH];
+int    forcnt= -1;
+Symbol *s;
+       int type;
+       struct FORSTRUCT *f;
+       dcltype(s);
+       type= s->symtype;
+       forcnt++;
+       if ( (type!=INTTYPE && type!=FLOATTYPE && type!=DOUBLETYPE) ||
+           s->dimensions)
+               error("Illegal loop variable");
+       if ( forcnt >=MAXFORDEPTH)
+               error("too many for statements");
+       else {
+               f=fortable+forcnt; 
+               f->loopvar=s;
+               f->fortst=genlabel();
+               f->forinc=genlabel();
+               f->forout=genlabel();
+               /* generate space for temporary objects */
+               f->initaddress= dclspace(type);
+               f->limitaddress= dclspace(type);
+               f->stepaddress= dclspace(type);
+       }
+int type;
+       /* save start value of loop variable in a save place*/
+       /* to avoid clashing with final value and step expression */
+       int result;
+       result= fortable[forcnt].loopvar->symtype;
+       conversion(type,result);
+       storevar(fortable[forcnt].initaddress, result);
+int type;
+       /* save the limit value too*/
+       int result;
+       result= fortable[forcnt].loopvar->symtype;
+       conversion(type,result);
+       storevar(fortable[forcnt].limitaddress, result);
+struct FORSTRUCT *f;
+       int type;
+       type= f->loopvar->symtype;
+       /* evaluate lower bound times sign of step */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->initaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(type);
+       conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(type);
+       conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_cal("_forsgn");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       conversion(INTTYPE,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       /* evaluate higher bound times sign of step */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->limitaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(type);
+       conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(type);
+       conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_cal("_forsgn");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       conversion(INTTYPE,DOUBLETYPE);
+       C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       /* skip condition */
+       C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       C_zgt((label)f->forout);
+int type;
+       int result;
+       int varaddress;
+       struct FORSTRUCT *f;
+       f= fortable+forcnt;
+       result= f->loopvar->symtype;
+       varaddress= f->loopvar->symalias;
+       conversion(type,result);
+       storevar(f->stepaddress, result);
+       /* all information available, generate for-loop head */
+       /* test for ingoring loop */
+       forskipped(f);
+       /* set initial value */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->initaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(result);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0);
+       C_sti((arith)typestring(result));
+       C_bra((label)f->fortst);
+       /* increment loop variable */
+       C_df_ilb((label)f->forinc);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(result);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(result);
+       if (result == INTTYPE)
+               C_adi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       else    C_adf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0);
+       C_sti((arith)typestring(result));
+       /* test boundary */
+       C_df_ilb((label)f->fortst);
+       C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(result);
+        /* Start of NEW code */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); 
+       loadvar(result);                           
+       conversion(result,DOUBLETYPE);            
+       C_cal("_forsgn");                           
+       C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);               
+       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);              
+       conversion(INTTYPE,result);           
+       if ( result == INTTYPE )
+               C_mli((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       else    C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);    
+        /* End of NEW code */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->limitaddress,(arith)0);
+       loadvar(result);
+        /* Start NEW code */
+       C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); 
+       loadvar(result);                    
+       conversion(result,DOUBLETYPE);     
+       C_cal("_forsgn");                    
+       C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);        
+       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);       
+       conversion(INTTYPE,result);    
+       if ( result == INTTYPE )
+               C_mli((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       else    C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+        /* End NEW code */
+       if (result == INTTYPE)
+               C_cmi((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       else    C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE);
+       C_zgt((label)f->forout);
+Symbol *s;
+       if (forcnt>MAXFORDEPTH || forcnt<0 || 
+           (s && s!= fortable[forcnt].loopvar))
+               error("NEXT without FOR");
+       else {
+               /* address of variable is on top of stack ! */
+               C_bra((label)fortable[forcnt].forinc);
+               C_df_ilb((label)fortable[forcnt].forout);
+               forcnt--;
+       }
+int    type1,type2;
+       conversion(type1,INTTYPE);
+       conversion(type2,INTTYPE);
+       C_asp((arith)(2*BEMINTSIZE));
+/* generate code for the while statement */
+#define MAXDEPTH 20
+int    whilecnt, whilelabels[MAXDEPTH][2]; /*0=head,1=out */
+       whilecnt++;
+       if ( whilecnt==MAXDEPTH)
+               fatal("too many nestings");
+       /* gendummy label in graph */
+       newblock(-1);
+       whilelabels[whilecnt][0]= currline->emlabel;
+       whilelabels[whilecnt][1]= genlabel();
+       C_df_ilb((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][0]);
+int exprtype;
+       /* test expression type */
+       conversion(exprtype,INTTYPE);
+       C_zeq((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][1]);
+       if ( whilecnt<1)
+               error("not part of while statement");
+       else {
+               C_bra((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][0]);
+               C_df_ilb((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][1]);
+               whilecnt--;
+       }
+/* generate code for the final version */
+       /* generate the EM prolog code */
+       C_df_dnam("fltnull");
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_df_dnam("dummy2");
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       /* NEW variable we make */
+       C_df_dnam("dummy3");
+       C_bss_dnam((arith)BEMPTRSIZE,"dummy3",(arith)0,0);
+       C_df_dnam("tronoff");
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_df_dnam("dummy1");
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+       C_con_cst((arith)0);
+        C_exa_dnam("_iomode");
+        C_df_dnam("_iomode");
+        C_rom_scon("O",(arith)2); 
+       C_exa_dnam("_errsym");
+       C_df_dnam("_errsym");
+       C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)0,1);
+       C_exa_dnam("_erlsym");
+       C_df_dnam("_erlsym");
+       C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)0,1);
+       int result;
+       label l = genlabel(), l2;
+       err_goto_label = genlabel();
+       C_exp("main");
+       C_pro("main",(arith)0);
+       C_ms_par((arith)0);
+       /* Trap handling */
+       C_cal("_ini_trp");
+       l2 = genemlabel();
+       C_rom_ilb(l);
+       C_lae_dlb(l2, (arith) 0);
+       C_loi((arith) BEMPTRSIZE);
+       C_exa_dnam("trpbuf");
+       C_lae_dnam("trpbuf",(arith)0);
+       C_cal("setjmp");
+       C_df_ilb(l);
+       C_asp((arith)(BEMPTRSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE));
+       C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_dup((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_zeq((label)0);
+       C_lae_dnam("returns",(arith)0);
+       C_csa((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_df_ilb((label)0);
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       result= sys_open(datfname, OP_WRITE, &datfile);
+       if ( result==0 ) fatal("improper file creation permission");
+        gendata();
+/* NEW */
+       C_loc((arith)0);
+       C_cal("_setchan");
+       C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_df_dnam("datfname");
+       C_rom_scon(datfname,(arith)strlen(datfname) + 1);       /* EHB */
+       C_df_dnam("dattyp");
+       C_rom_scon("i\\0",(arith)4);
+       C_df_dnam("datfdes");
+       C_rom_dnam("datfname",(arith)0);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)1);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)(itoa(strlen(datfname))));
+       C_df_dnam("dattdes");
+       C_rom_dnam("dattyp",(arith)0);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)1);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)1);
+       C_lae_dnam("dattdes",(arith)0);
+       C_lae_dnam("datfdes",(arith)0);
+       C_loc((arith)0);
+       C_cal("_opnchn");
+       C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE+BEMINTSIZE));
+       /* finalization code */
+       int nr;
+       nr= genlabel();
+       C_bra((label)nr);
+       genreturns();
+       C_df_ilb((label)nr);
+       datatable(); /* NEW */
+       C_loc((arith)0);
+       C_cal("_hlt");
+       C_df_ilb(err_goto_label);
+       C_cal("_goto_err");
+       C_end((arith)0);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/graph.c b/lang/basic/src/graph.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1de5aa3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+List *forwardlabel=0;
+Linerecord     *firstline, 
+               *currline, 
+               *lastline;
+List *newlist()
+       List *l;
+       /* NOSTRICT */ l = (List *) salloc(sizeof(List));
+       return(l);
+/* Line management is handled here */
+Linerecord *srchline(nr)
+int nr;
+       Linerecord *l;
+       for(l=firstline;l && l->linenr<=nr;l= l->nextline)
+               if ( l->linenr== nr) return(l);
+       return(0);
+List *srchforward(nr)
+int nr;
+       List *l;
+       for(l=forwardlabel;l ;l=l->nextlist)
+               if ( l->linenr== nr) return(l);
+       return(0);
+       List *l;
+       extern int errorcnt;
+       l= forwardlabel;
+       while (l)
+       {
+               if ( !srchline(l->linenr))
+               {
+                       fprint(STDERR, "ERROR: line %d not defined\n",l->linenr);
+                       errorcnt++;
+               }
+               l=l->nextlist;
+       }
+int    nr;
+       Linerecord      *l;
+       List            *frwrd;
+       if ( debug) print("newblock at %d\n",nr);
+       if ( nr>0 && currline && currline->linenr>= nr)
+       {
+               if ( debug) print("old line:%d\n",currline->linenr);
+               error("Lines out of sequence");
+       }
+       frwrd=srchforward(nr);
+       if ( frwrd && debug) print("forward found %d\n",frwrd->emlabel);
+       l= srchline(nr);
+       if ( l)
+       {
+               error("Line redefined");
+               nr= -genlabel();
+       }
+       /* make new EM block structure */
+       /* NOSTRICT */ l= (Linerecord *) salloc(sizeof(*l));
+       l->emlabel= frwrd ? frwrd->emlabel : genlabel();
+       l->linenr= nr;
+       /* insert this record */
+       if ( firstline)
+       {
+               currline->nextline=l;
+               l->prevline= currline;
+               lastline= currline=l;
+       } else
+               firstline = lastline =currline=l;
+int nr;
+       /* simulate a goto statement in the line record table */
+       Linerecord *l1;
+       List    *ll;
+       if (debug) print("goto label %d\n",nr);
+       /* update currline */
+       ll= newlist();
+       ll-> linenr=nr;
+       ll-> nextlist= currline->gotos;
+       currline->gotos= ll;
+       /* try to generate code */
+       l1= srchline(nr);
+       if ( (ll=srchforward(nr))!=0) 
+               nr= ll->emlabel;
+       else
+               if ( l1==0)
+               {
+                       /* declare forward label */
+                       if (debug) print("declare forward %d\n",nr);
+                       ll= newlist();
+                       ll->emlabel= genlabel();
+                       ll-> linenr=nr;
+                       ll->nextlist= forwardlabel;
+                       forwardlabel= ll;
+                       nr= ll->emlabel;
+               } else nr= l1->emlabel;
+       return(nr);
+int nr;
+           C_bra((label) gotolabel(nr));
+/* GOSUB-return, assume that proper entries are made to subroutines
+   only. The return statement is triggered by a fake constant label */
+List   *gosubhead, *gotail;
+int    gosubcnt=1;
+List *gosublabel()
+       List *l;
+       l= newlist();
+       l->nextlist=0;
+       l->emlabel=genlabel();
+       if ( gotail){
+               gotail->nextlist=l;
+               gotail=l;
+       } else gotail= gosubhead=l;
+       gosubcnt++;
+       return(l);
+int lab;
+       List *l;
+       int nr,n;
+       n=gosubcnt;
+       l= gosublabel();
+       nr=gotolabel(lab);
+       /*return index */
+        C_loc((arith) n);
+       /* administer legal return */
+        C_cal("_gosub");
+        C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+        C_bra((label) nr);
+       C_df_ilb((label)l->emlabel);
+       int nr;
+       nr= genlabel();
+        C_df_dnam("returns");
+        C_rom_ilb((label) nr);
+        C_rom_cst((arith)1);
+        C_rom_cst((arith) (gosubcnt-1));
+       while ( gosubhead)
+       {
+                C_rom_ilb((label) gosubhead->emlabel);
+               gosubhead= gosubhead->nextlist;
+       }
+        C_df_ilb((label) nr);
+        C_loc((arith) 1);
+        C_cal("error");
+        C_cal("_retstmt");
+        C_lfr((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+        C_lae_dnam("returns",(arith)0);
+        C_csa((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+/* compound goto-gosub statements */
+List   *jumphead,*jumptail;
+int    jumpcnt;
+int nr;
+       List *l;
+       l= newlist();
+       l->emlabel= gotolabel(nr);
+       l->nextlist=0;
+       if ( jumphead==0) jumphead = jumptail = l;
+       else {
+               jumptail->nextlist=l;
+               jumptail=l;
+       }
+       jumpcnt++;
+int type;
+       /* generate the code itself, index in on top of the stack */
+       /* blurh, store the number of entries in the descriptor */
+       int firstlabel;
+       int descr;
+       List *l;
+       /* create descriptor first */
+       descr= genlabel();
+       firstlabel=genlabel();
+       C_df_dlb((label)descr);
+        C_rom_ilb((label)firstlabel);
+       C_rom_cst((arith) 1);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)(jumpcnt-1));
+       l= jumphead;
+       while (l)
+       {
+               C_rom_ilb((label)l->emlabel);
+               l= l->nextlist;
+       }
+       jumphead= jumptail=0; jumpcnt=0;
+       if (debug) print("ongotst:%d labels\n", jumpcnt);
+       conversion(type,INTTYPE);
+       C_dup((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_zlt(err_goto_label);
+        C_lae_dlb((label) descr,(arith) 0);
+        C_csa((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_df_ilb((label)firstlabel);
+int type;
+       List *l;
+       int firstlabel;
+       int descr;
+       /* create descriptor first */
+       descr= genlabel();
+       firstlabel=genlabel();
+       C_df_dlb((label)descr);
+       C_rom_ilb((label)firstlabel);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)1);
+       C_rom_cst((arith)(jumpcnt-1));
+       l= jumphead;
+       while (l)
+       {
+               C_rom_ilb((label)l->emlabel);
+               l= l->nextlist;
+       }
+       jumphead= jumptail=0; 
+       jumpcnt=0;
+       l= newlist();
+       l->nextlist=0;
+       l->emlabel=firstlabel;
+       if ( gotail){
+               gotail->nextlist=l;
+               gotail=l;
+       } else gotail=gosubhead=l;
+       /* save the return point of the gosub */
+        C_loc((arith) gosubcnt);
+        C_cal("_gosub");
+        C_asp((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+       gosubcnt++;
+       /* generate gosub */
+       conversion(type,INTTYPE);
+       C_dup((arith) BEMINTSIZE);
+       C_zlt(err_goto_label);
+        C_lae_dlb((label) descr,(arith) 0);
+        C_csa((arith)  BEMINTSIZE);
+        C_df_ilb((label)firstlabel);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/graph.h b/lang/basic/src/graph.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cc785a1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#ifndef NORCSID
+# define RCS_GRAPH     "$Header$"
+** The control graph is represented by a multi-list structure.
+** The em code is stored on the em intermediate file already
+** The offset and length is saved only.
+** Although this makes code generation mode involved, it allows
+** rather large BASIC programs to be processed.
+typedef struct LIST {
+       int     emlabel;                /* em label used with forwards */
+       int     linenr;                 /* BASIC line number */
+       struct LIST *nextlist;
+} List;
+typedef struct LINERECORD{
+       int     emlabel;                /* target label */
+       int     linenr;                 /* BASIC line number */
+       List    *callers;               /* used from where ? */
+       List    *gotos;                 /* fanout labels */
+       struct LINERECORD       *nextline, *prevline;
+       int     fixed;                  /* fixation of block */
+} Linerecord;
+extern Linerecord      *firstline, 
+               *currline, 
+               *lastline;
+extern List    *forwardlabel;
+extern List    *gosublabel();
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/initialize.c b/lang/basic/src/initialize.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7a347fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#include <em_path.h>
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$";
+/* generate temporary files etc */
+File   *tmp_file;
+File   *datfile;
+       register char *cindex, *cptr;
+        int result1, result2, result3;
+       (void) sprint(tmpfname,"%s/abc%d",TMP_DIR,getpid());
+       /* Find the basename */
+       /* Strip leading directories */
+       cindex= (char *)0;
+       for ( cptr=program; *cptr; cptr++ ) if ( *cptr=='/' ) cindex=cptr;
+       if ( !cindex ) cindex= program;
+       else {
+               cindex++;
+               if ( !*cindex ) {
+                       warning("Null program name, assuming \"basic\"");
+                       cindex= "basic";
+               }
+       }
+       cptr=datfname;
+       while ( *cptr++ = *cindex++ );
+       /* Strip trailing suffix */
+       if ( cptr>datfname+3 && cptr[-3]=='.' ) cptr[-3]=0;
+       strcat(datfname,".d");
+       C_init((arith)BEMINTSIZE, (arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+       result1 = sys_open(inpfile, OP_READ, &yyin);
+       result2 = C_open(outfile);
+       result3 = sys_open(tmpfname,OP_WRITE, &tmp_file);
+       if ( result1==0 || result2== 0 || result3== 0 )
+               fatal("Improper file permissions");
+       fillkex();      /* initialize symbol table */
+       C_ms_emx((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)BEMPTRSIZE);
+       initdeftype();  /* set default symbol declarers */
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/llmess.c b/lang/basic/src/llmess.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec96261
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "tokentab.h"
+/* Mod van gertjan */
+extern int LLsymb;
+extern int toknum;
+char *format;
+char ch;
+       extern int listing,errorcnt;
+       extern int basicline;
+       if ( !listing ) fprint(STDERR, "LINE %d:",basicline);
+       fprint(STDERR, format,ch);
+       errorcnt++;
+char *format;
+char *str;
+       extern int listing,errorcnt;
+       extern int basicline;
+       if ( !listing ) fprint(STDERR, "LINE %d:",basicline);
+       fprint(STDERR, format,str);
+       errorcnt++;
+LLmessage( insertedtok )
+int insertedtok;
+    if ( insertedtok < 0 ) {
+       error("Fatal stack overflow\n");
+       C_close();
+       sys_stop( S_EXIT );
+    }
+    if ( insertedtok == 0 ) 
+       if ( LLsymb < 256 )
+           error_char("%c deleted\n", (char)LLsymb);
+       else
+           error_string("%s deleted\n", tokentab[ LLsymb-256 ]);
+    else {
+       if ( insertedtok < 256 )
+           error_char("%c inserted\n", (char)insertedtok);
+       else
+           error_string("%s inserted\n", tokentab[ insertedtok-256 ]);
+       toknum = insertedtok;
+    }
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/maketokentab b/lang/basic/src/maketokentab
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..9524ece
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+cp Lpars.h tokentab.h
+ex tokentab.h 2>&1 > /dev/null <<+
+1,\$s/# define //
+1,\$s/ ...$//
+1,\$s/^/       "/
+char *tokentab[] = {
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/parsepar.c b/lang/basic/src/parsepar.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f27fb9f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+int    listing;                /* -l listing required */
+int    debug;                  /* -d compiler debugging */
+int    wflag=0;                /* -w no warnings */
+int    traceflag=0;            /* generate line tracing code */
+int    nolins=0;               /* generate no LIN statements */
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+       int files=0 ;
+       int i;
+       register char *p;
+       if(argc< 4)
+       {
+               fprint(STDERR,"usage %s <flags> <file> <file> <source>\n", 
+                       argv[0]);
+               sys_stop(S_EXIT);
+       }
+       for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
+               if( argv[i][0]=='-')
+                       switch(argv[i][1])
+                       {
+                               case 'D': yydebug++;
+                                         break;        /* parser debugging */
+                               case 't': traceflag++; 
+                                         break;        /* line tracing */
+                               case 'h': /* split EM file */
+                                         (void) fprint(STDERR,
+                                                 "h option not implemented\n");
+                                         break;
+                               case 'd': debug++; 
+                                         break;
+                               case 'L': nolins++; 
+                                         break; /* no EM lin statements */
+                               case 'E': listing++; 
+                                         break; /* generate full listing */
+                               case 'w': wflag++;
+                                         break; /* no warnings */
+                               case 'V':
+                                         p = &argv[i][2];
+                                         while (*p) switch(*p++) {
+                                         case 'w':
+                                               BEMINTSIZE = *p++ - '0';
+                                               break;
+                                         case 'p':
+                                               BEMPTRSIZE = *p++ - '0';
+                                               break;
+                                         case 'f':
+                                               BEMFLTSIZE = *p++ - '0';
+                                               break;
+                                         default:
+                                               p++;
+                                               break;
+                                         }
+                       } else {
+                               /* new input file */
+                               switch ( files++ ) {
+                                       case 0: inpfile= argv[i]; break;
+                                       case 1: outfile= argv[i]; break;
+                                       case 2: /* should be the source file 
+                                                  name */
+                                               program= argv[i]; 
+                                               break;
+                                       default:fatal("Too many file arguments") ;
+                               }
+                       }
+               if (files < 3) fatal("Too few file arguments");
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/symbols.c b/lang/basic/src/symbols.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff19f0f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+/* Symboltable management module */
+int    deftype[128];           /* default type declarer */
+                               /* which may be set by OPTION BASE */
+       int i;
+       for(i='a';i<='z';i++) deftype[i]= DOUBLETYPE;
+       for(i='A';i<='Z';i++) deftype[i]= DOUBLETYPE;
+int indexbase=0;               /* start of array subscripting */
+Symbol *firstsym = NIL;
+Symbol *alternate = NIL;
+Symbol *srchsymbol(str)
+char *str;
+       Symbol *s;
+       /* search symbol table entry or create it */
+       if (debug) print("srchsymbol %s\n",str);
+       s=firstsym;
+       while (s)
+       {
+               if ( strcmp(s->symname,str)==0) return(s);
+               s= s->nextsym;
+       }
+       /* search alternate list */
+       s=alternate;
+       while (s)
+       {
+               if ( strcmp(s->symname,str)==0) return(s);
+               s= s->nextsym;
+       }
+       /* not found, create an empty slot */
+       s = (Symbol *) salloc(sizeof(Symbol));
+       s->symtype= DEFAULTTYPE;
+       s->nextsym= firstsym;
+       s->symname= (char *) salloc((unsigned) strlen(str)+1);
+       strcpy(s->symname,str);
+       firstsym= s;
+       if (debug) print("%s allocated\n",str);
+       return(s);
+Symbol *s;
+       /* type declarer */
+       int type;
+       if ( s->isparam) return;
+       type=s->symtype;
+       if (type==DEFAULTTYPE)
+               /* use the default rule */
+               type= deftype[*s->symname];
+       /* generate the emlabel too */
+       if ( s->symalias==0)
+               s->symalias= dclspace(type);
+       s->symtype= type;
+       if (debug) print("symbol set to %d\n",type);
+Symbol *s;
+       int i; int size;
+       if ( s->symtype==DEFAULTTYPE) s->symtype= DOUBLETYPE;
+       if (debug) print("generate space and descriptors for %d\n",s->symtype);
+       if (debug) print("dim %d\n",s->dimensions);
+       s->symalias= genlabel();
+       /* generate descriptors */
+       size=1;
+       for(i=0;i<s->dimensions;i++) {
+               s->dimalias[i]= genlabel();
+       }
+       for(i=s->dimensions-1;i>=0;i--)
+       {
+               C_df_dlb((label)(s->dimalias[i]));
+               C_rom_cst((arith)indexbase);
+               C_rom_cst((arith)(s->dimlimit[i]-indexbase));
+               C_rom_cst((arith)(size*typesize(s->symtype)));
+               size = size* (s->dimlimit[i]+1-indexbase);
+       }
+       if (debug) print("size=%d\n",size);
+       /* size of stuff */
+       C_df_dlb((label)s->symalias);
+       get_space(s->symtype,size); /* Van ons. */
+int type,size;
+       switch ( type ) {
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE*size,
+                               (arith)0,
+                               1);
+                       break;
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       C_bss_fcon((arith)BEMFLTSIZE*size,
+                               "0.0",
+                               (arith)BEMFLTSIZE,
+                               1);
+                       break;
+               case STRINGTYPE: /* Note: this is ugly. Gertjan */
+                       C_bss_icon((arith)BEMPTRSIZE*size,
+                               "0",
+                               (arith)BEMPTRSIZE,
+                               1);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       error("Space allocated for unknown type. Coredump.");
+                       abort(); /* For debugging purposes */
+               }
+Symbol *s;
+       /* array is used without dim statement, set default limits */
+       int i;
+       for(i=0;i<s->dimensions;i++) s->dimlimit[i]=10;
+       dclarray(s);
+       int nr;
+       nr= genemlabel();
+       switch( type)
+       {
+               case STRINGTYPE:
+                       C_bss_icon((arith)BEMPTRSIZE,"0",(arith)BEMPTRSIZE,1);
+                       break;
+               case INTTYPE:
+                       C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)0,1);
+                       break;
+               case FLOATTYPE:
+               case DOUBLETYPE:
+                       C_bss_fcon((arith)BEMFLTSIZE,"0.0",(arith)BEMFLTSIZE,1);
+                       break;
+       }
+       return(nr);
+int    ival;
+       if ( ival<0 || ival>1)
+               error("illegal option base value");
+       else indexbase=ival;
+int    type;
+       extern char *cptr;
+       char    first,last,i;
+       /* handcrafted parser for letter ranges */
+       if (debug) print("deftype:%s\n",cptr);
+       while ( isspace(*cptr)) cptr++;
+       if ( !isalpha(*cptr))
+               error("letter expected");
+       first= *cptr++;
+       if (*cptr=='-')
+       {
+               /* letter range */
+               cptr++;
+               last= *cptr;
+               if ( !isalpha(last))
+                       error("letter expected");
+               else for(i=first;i<=last;i++) deftype[i]= type;
+               cptr++;
+       } else deftype[first]=type;
+       if ( *cptr== ',') 
+       {
+               cptr++;
+               setdefaulttype(type);   /* try again */
+       }
+Symbol *fcn;
+Symbol *s;
+       if (debug) print("new scope for %s\n",s->symname);
+       alternate= firstsym;
+       firstsym = NIL;
+       fcn=s;
+       s->isfunction=1;
+       if ( fcn->dimensions)
+               error("Array redeclared");
+       if ( fcn->symtype== DEFAULTTYPE)
+               fcn->symtype=DOUBLETYPE;
+/* User defined functions */
+heading( )
+       char procname[50];
+       sprint(procname,"_%s",fcn->symname);
+        C_pro_narg(procname);
+       if ( fcn->symtype== DEFAULTTYPE)
+               fcn->symtype= DOUBLETYPE;
+int fcnsize()
+       /* generate portable function size */
+       int     i,sum;  /* sum is NEW */
+       sum = 0;
+       for(i=0;i<fcn->dimensions;i++)
+               sum += typesize(fcn->dimlimit[i]);
+       return(sum);
+int type;
+       Symbol *s;
+       if ( debug) print("endscope");
+       conversion(type,fcn->symtype);
+        C_ret((arith) typestring(fcn->symtype));
+       /* generate portable EM code */
+       C_end( (arith)fcnsize() );
+       s= firstsym;
+       while (s)
+       {
+               firstsym = s->nextsym;
+               (void) free((char *)s);
+               s= firstsym;
+       }
+       firstsym= alternate;
+       alternate = NIL;
+       fcn=NIL;
+Symbol *s;
+       int size=0;
+       if ( s->symtype== DEFAULTTYPE)
+               s->symtype= DOUBLETYPE;
+       s->isparam=1;
+       fcn->dimlimit[fcn->dimensions]= s->symtype;
+       fcn->dimensions++;
+       s->symalias= -fcn->dimensions;
+       if ( debug) print("parameter %d offset %d\n",fcn->dimensions-1,-size);
+/* unfortunately function calls have to be stacked as  well */
+#define MAXNESTING     50
+Symbol *fcntable[MAXNESTING];
+int    fcnindex= -1;
+Symbol *s;
+       if ( !s->isfunction)
+               error("Function not declared");
+       else{
+               fcn= s;
+               fcnindex++;
+               fcntable[fcnindex]=s;
+       }
+       return(s->symtype);
+int parmcount;
+       int type;
+       static char concatbuf[50]; /* NEW */
+       /* check number of arguments */
+       if ( parmcount <fcn->dimensions)
+               error("not enough parameters");
+       if ( parmcount >fcn->dimensions)
+               error("too many parameters");
+       (void) sprint(concatbuf,"_%s",fcn->symname);
+       C_cal(concatbuf);
+       C_asp((arith)fcnsize());
+        C_lfr((arith) typestring(fcn->symtype));
+       type= fcn->symtype;
+       fcnindex--;
+       if ( fcnindex>=0)
+               fcn= fcntable[fcnindex];
+       return(type);
+int ind,type;
+       if ( fcnindex<0) error("unexpected parameter");
+       if ( ind >= fcn->dimensions)
+               error("too many parameters");
+       else 
+               conversion(type,fcn->dimlimit[ind]);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/symbols.h b/lang/basic/src/symbols.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a2ea965
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#ifndef NORCSID
+# define RCS_SYMB      "$Header$"
+#define NIL    0
+#define TRUE   1
+#define FALSE  0
+#define DEFAULTTYPE    500
+#define INTTYPE                501
+#define FLOATTYPE      502
+#define DOUBLETYPE     503
+#define STRINGTYPE     504
+#define ABSSYM         520
+#define ASCSYM         521
+#define ATNSYM         522
+#define CDBLSYM                524
+#define CHRSYM         525
+#define CINTSYM                526
+#define COSSYM         527
+#define CSNGSYM                528
+#define CVISYM         529
+#define CVSSYM         530
+#define CVDSYM         531
+#define EOFSYM         532
+#define EXPSYM         533
+#define FIXSYM         534
+#define FRESYM         535
+#define HEXSYM         536
+#define INPSYM         538
+#define INSTRSYM       539
+#define LEFTSYM                540
+#define LENSYM         541
+#define LOCSYM         542
+#define LOGSYM         543
+#define LPOSSYM                544
+#define MKISYM         546
+#define MKSSYM         547
+#define MKDSYM         548
+#define OCTSYM         549
+#define PEEKSYM                550
+#define POSSYM         551
+#define RIGHTSYM       552
+#define RNDSYM         553
+#define SGNSYM         554
+#define SINSYM         555
+#define SPACESYM       556
+#define SPCSYM         557
+#define SQRSYM         558
+#define STRSYM         559
+#define STRINGSYM      560
+#define TABSYM         561
+#define TANSYM         562
+#define VALSYM         564
+#define VARPTRSYM      565
+/* some stuff forgotten */
+#define INTSYM         567
+#define AUTOSYM                568
+#define LISTSYM                569
+#define LOADSYM                570
+#define MERGESYM       571
+#define TRONSYM                572
+#define TROFFSYM       0     /* NIEUW : was 573, werkte als TRON */
+       /* IMPSYM, EQVSYM en XORSYM zijn tokens geworden */
+#define OUTSYM 577
+#define MAXDIMENSIONS  10
+typedef struct SYMBOL{
+       char    *symname;
+       int     symalias;
+       int     symtype;
+       int     dimensions;             /* dimension array/function */
+       int     dimlimit[MAXDIMENSIONS]; /* type of parameter */
+       int     dimalias[MAXDIMENSIONS]; 
+       struct  SYMBOL *nextsym;
+       int     isfunction;
+       int     parmsize;
+       int     isparam;
+} Symbol;
+extern Symbol *srchsymbol();
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/util.c b/lang/basic/src/util.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f59c3c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+#include "bem.h"
+#ifndef NORSCID
+static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
+#define abs(X)  (X>=0?X:-X)
+/* Miscelaneous routines can be found here */
+int    errorcnt;
+char *str;
+        if (wflag) return;
+        Xerror("WARNING", str);
+char *str;
+       Xerror("ERROR", str);
+       errorcnt++;
+Xerror(type, str)
+char *str;
+char *type;
+       extern int listing;
+       extern int basicline;
+       if( !listing) fprint(STDERR, "LINE %d:",basicline);
+       fprint(STDERR, "%s:%s\n",type, str);
+char *str;
+       Xerror("FATAL",str);
+       C_close();
+       sys_stop(S_EXIT);
+       warning("not yet implemented");
+       warning("illegal command");
+char *itoa(i)
+int i;
+       static char buf[30];
+       (void) sprint(buf,"%d",i);
+       return(buf);
+char *salloc(length)
+unsigned length;
+       char *s,*c;
+       extern char *malloc() ;
+       s=c=malloc(length);
+       if ( !s ) fatal("Out of memory") ;
+       while(length--)*c++ =0;
+       return(s);
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/yylexp.c b/lang/basic/src/yylexp.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a1b1ba0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
+ */
+int toknum;
+/* als toknum != 0 dan bevat toknum een door LLmessage back-ge-pushed token */
+int t;
+       if ( toknum == 0 ) 
+               return(yylex());
+       else {
+               t = toknum;
+               toknum = 0;
+               return(t);
+       }