Remove defunct pmfiles.
authorDavid Given <>
Fri, 3 Jun 2016 11:56:50 +0000 (13:56 +0200)
committerDavid Given <>
Fri, 3 Jun 2016 11:56:50 +0000 (13:56 +0200)
branch : default-branch

106 files changed:
first/ [deleted file]
first/ [deleted file]
first/ [deleted file]
first/ [deleted file]
first/ [deleted file]
lang/basic/lib/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/basic/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/basic/src/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/cemcom.ansi/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/cemcom/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/cpp.ansi/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc.ansi/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc/gen/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc/math/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc/mon/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/libcc/stdio/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/cem/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/m2/comp/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/m2/libm2/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/m2/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/occam/comp/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/occam/lib/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/occam/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/pc/comp/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/pc/libpc/pmfile [deleted file]
lang/pc/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6500/dl/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6500/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6500/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6800/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6805/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/6809/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/arm/cv/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/arm/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i386/cv/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i386/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i386/libend/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i386/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i80/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i80/libend/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i80/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i86/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i86/libend/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/i86/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/m68020/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/m68020/libend/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/m68020/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/m68k2/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/m68k4/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/ns/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/pdp/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/powerpc/libem/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/powerpc/libend/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/powerpc/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/proto/as/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/proto/cg/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/proto/ncg/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/proto/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/proto/top/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/s2650/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/vax4/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/z80/pmfile [deleted file]
mach/z8000/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/alloc/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/assert/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/em_code/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/em_mes/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/flt_arith/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/idf/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/input/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/object/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/print/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/read_em/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/string/pmfile [deleted file]
modules/src/system/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/cpm/libsys/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/cpm/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linux386/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linux68k/libsys/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linux68k/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linuxppc/libsys/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/linuxppc/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/pc86/libsys/pmfile [deleted file]
plat/pc86/pmfile [deleted file]
pmfile [deleted file]
util/LLgen/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ack/pmfile [deleted file]
util/amisc/pmfile [deleted file]
util/arch/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ceg/as_parser/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ceg/assemble/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ceg/ce_back/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ceg/pmfile [deleted file]
util/cgg/pmfile [deleted file]
util/cmisc/pmfile [deleted file]
util/cpp/pmfile [deleted file]
util/data/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ego/pmfile [deleted file]
util/led/pmfile [deleted file]
util/misc/pmfile [deleted file]
util/ncgg/pmfile [deleted file]
util/opt/pmfile [deleted file]
util/topgen/pmfile [deleted file]

diff --git a/first/ b/first/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a6b000d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- Custom rules used by the ACK build process.
-preprocess = simple {
-       class = "preprocess",
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%"},
-       command = {
-               "cpp -I%HEADERDIR% %in% > %out[1]%"
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2007-02-20 00:32:58  dtrg
--- Changed the 'preprocess' rule to use the system C preprocessor.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/22 00:49:48  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/first/ b/first/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f3ac56..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- Provides rules for building things with the half-built ACK itself.
-ackfile = simple_with_clike_dependencies {
-       class = "ackfile",
-       command = {
-               "%BINDIR%bin/ack %ACKBUILDFLAGS% %ACKINCLUDES:cincludes% %ACKDEFINES:cdefines% -c -o %out% %in%"
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.o"},
-ackprogram = simple {
-       class = "ackprogram",
-       command = {
-               "%BINDIR%bin/ack %ACKBUILDFLAGS% -o %out% %in%"
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%"},
-acklibrary = simple {
-       class = "acklibrary",
-       command = {
-               "%RM% %out% && %BINDIR%bin/aal cr %out% %in%"
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.a"},
diff --git a/first/ b/first/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3fdd716..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
--- $Id$
--- $HeadURL: $
--- $LastChangedDate: 2007-02-24 01:37:06 +0000 (Sat, 24 Feb 2007) $
--- pm includefile to compile *host* C programs.
--- Standard Lua boilerplate.
-local io_open =
-local string_gsub = string.gsub
-local string_gfind = string.gfind
-local string_find = string.find
-local table_insert = table.insert
-local table_getn = table.getn
-local filetime = pm.filetime
--- Define some variables.
-CCOMPILER = "gcc"
-CC = "%CCOMPILER% %CBUILDFLAGS% %CDYNINCLUDES:cincludes% %CINCLUDES:cincludes% %CDEFINES:cdefines% %CEXTRAFLAGS% -c -o %out% %in%"
-CXX = "%CXXCOMPILER% %CBUILDFLAGS% %CDYNINCLUDES:cincludes% %CINCLUDES:cincludes% %CDEFINES:cdefines% %CEXTRAFLAGS% -c -o %out% %in%"
-CLIBRARY = "rm -f %out% && ar cr %out% %in% && ranlib %out%"
---- Custom string modifiers -------------------------------------------------
-local function prepend(rule, arg, prefix)
-       if (arg == EMPTY) then
-               return EMPTY
-       end
-       local t = {}
-       for i, j in ipairs(arg) do
-               t[i] = prefix..j
-       end
-       return t
-function pm.stringmodifier.cincludes(rule, arg)
-       return prepend(rule, arg, "-I")
-function pm.stringmodifier.cdefines(rule, arg)
-       return prepend(rule, arg, "-D")
-function pm.stringmodifier.clibraries(rule, arg)
-       if (arg == EMPTY) then
-               return EMPTY
-       end
-       local t = {}
-       for i, j in ipairs(arg) do
-               if string_find(j, "%.a$") then
-                       t[i] = j
-               else
-                       t[i] = "-l"..j
-               end
-       end
-       return t
---- Manage C file dependencies ----------------------------------------------
-local dependency_cache = {}
-local function calculate_dependencies(filename, includes)
-       -- Cache values, so we don't recalculate dependencies needlessly.
-       local o = dependency_cache[filename]
-       if o then
-               return o
-       end
-       local deps = {}
-       deps[filename] = true
-       local calcdeps = 0
-       calcdeps = function(filename, file)
-               file = file or io_open(filename)
-               if not file then
-                       return
-               end
-               local localincludes = string_gsub(filename, "/[^/]*$", "")
-               if localincludes then
-                       localincludes = {localincludes, unpack(includes)}
-               else
-                       localincludes = includes
-               end
-               for line in file:lines() do
-                       local _, _, f = string_find(line, '^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*["<]([^"]+)[">]')
-                       if f then
-                               for _, path in ipairs(localincludes) do
-                                       local subfilename = path.."/"..f
-                                       local subfile = io_open(subfilename)
-                                       if subfile then
-                                               if not deps[subfilename] then
-                                                       deps[subfilename] = true
-                                                       calcdeps(subfilename, subfile)
-                                               end
-                                               break
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       end
-               end
-               -- Explicit close to avoid having to wait for the garbage collector
-               -- to free up the underlying fd.
-               file:close()
-       end
-       calcdeps(filename)
-       o = {}
-       for i, _ in pairs(deps) do
-               table_insert(o, i)
-       end
-       dependency_cache[filename] = o
-       return o
--- This clause specialises 'simple' to add support for smart dependencies of C
--- files.
-simple_with_clike_dependencies = simple {
-       class = "simple_with_clike_dependencies",
-       makedepends = {"%CDEPENDS%"},
-       __init = function(self, p)
-               simple.__init(self, p)
-               -- If we're a class, don't verify.
-               if ((type(p) == "table") and p.class) then
-                       return
-               end
-               -- If dynamicheaders is an object, turn it into a singleton list.
-               if self.dynamicheaders then
-                       if (type(self.dynamicheaders) ~= "table") then
-                               self:__error("doesn't know what to do with dynamicheaders, which ",
-                                       "should be a list or an object but was a ", type(self.dynamicheaders))
-                       end
-                       if self.dynamicheaders.class then
-                               self.dynamicheaders = {self.dynamicheaders}
-                       end
-               end
-       end,
-       __dependencies = function(self, inputs, outputs)                
-               local cincludes = self:__index("CINCLUDES")
-               if (type(cincludes) == "string") then
-                       cincludes = {cincludes}
-               end
-               local includes = {}
-               for _, i in ipairs(cincludes) do
-                       table_insert(includes, self:__expand(i))
-               end
-               local input = self:__expand(inputs[1])
-               local depends = calculate_dependencies(input, includes)
-               if not depends then
-                       self:__error("could not determine the dependencies for ",
-                               pm.rendertable({input}))
-               end
-               if pm.verbose then
-                       pm.message('"', input, '" appears to depend on ',
-                               pm.rendertable(depends))
-               end
-               return depends
-       end,
-       __buildadditionalchildren = function(self)
-               self.CDYNINCLUDES = {}
-               if self.dynamicheaders then
-                       for _, i in ipairs(self.dynamicheaders) do
-                               local o = i:__build()
-                               if o[1] then
-                                       table_insert(self.CDYNINCLUDES, (string_gsub(o[1], "/[^/]*$", "")))
-                               end
-                       end
-               end
-               -- If no paths on the list, replace the list with EMPTY so it doesn't
-               -- expand to anything.
-               if (table_getn(self.CDYNINCLUDES) == 0) then
-                       self.CDYNINCLUDES = EMPTY
-               end
-       end
--- These are the publically useful clauses.
-cfile = simple_with_clike_dependencies {
-       class = "cfile",
-       command = {"%CC%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.o"},
-cxxfile = simple_with_clike_dependencies {
-       class = "cxxfile",
-       command = {"%CXX%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.o"},
-cprogram = simple {
-       class = "cprogram",
-       command = {"%CPROGRAM%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%"},
-cxxprogram = simple {
-       class = "cxxprogram",
-       command = {"%CXXPROGRAM%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%"},
-clibrary = simple {
-       class = "clibrary",
-       command = {
-               "%CLIBRARY%"
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.a"},
diff --git a/first/ b/first/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e8f1e70..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- This is unpleasant. LLgen can generate an arbitrary number of output files,
--- which means we need our own output filename generator.
-LLgen = simple {
-       class = "LLgen",
-       command = {
-               "rm -f %out%",
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %TOOLDIR%LLgen %in%"
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%/" },
-       __outputs = function(self, inputs)
-               local o = simple.__outputs(self, inputs)[1]
-               local outputs = {o.."Lpars.h", o.."Lpars.c"}
-               for _, i in ipairs(inputs) do
-                       i = string.gsub(i, "^.*/", "")
-                       i = string.gsub(i, "%.g$", ".c")
-                       table.insert(outputs, o..i)
-               end
-               return outputs
-       end
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-11-11 22:59:01  dtrg
--- Now uses the version of LLgen included with the ACK instead of the standalone version.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/first/ b/first/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 92bbe39..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-yacc = simple {
-       class = "yacc",
-       outputs = {"%U%/%I%.c"},
-       command = {
-               "yacc -t -b %out[1]:dirname%/y -d %in%",
-               "mv %out[1]:dirname%/ %out[1]%"
-       }
-flex = simple {
-       class = "flex",
-       outputs = {"%U%/%I%.c"},
-       command = {
-               "flex -s -t %in% > %out%"
-       }
diff --git a/lang/basic/lib/pmfile b/lang/basic/lib/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb069d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/basic/lib/"
-lang_basic_runtime = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."fif.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."fef.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."setline.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."abs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."asc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."asrt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."chr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."conversion.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."error.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."exp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."file.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."hlt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."io.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."log.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."mki.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."oct.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."peek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."power.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."print.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."random.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."read.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."return.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."salloc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sgn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sqt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stop.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."swap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."trace.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."trap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."write.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libbasic.a")
diff --git a/lang/basic/pmfile b/lang/basic/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 180d1a2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/basic/"
-include (d.."src/pmfile")
-include (d.."lib/pmfile")
diff --git a/lang/basic/src/pmfile b/lang/basic/src/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 254f677..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/basic/src/"
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       file (d.."basic.g"),
-local tokentab_h = simple {
-       outputs = {"%U%/token.h"},
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."maketokentab"),
-       lpars
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               lpars,
-               tokentab_h
-       }
-lang_basic_compiler = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."bem.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."symbols.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."initialize.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."compile.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."parsepar.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."gencode.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."util.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."graph.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."eval.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."func.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_bem"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_bem"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-26 23:08:09  dtrg
--- Added support for the Basic compiler.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/cem/cemcom.ansi/pmfile b/lang/cem/cemcom.ansi/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c227951..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/cemcom.ansi/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/lint.h",
-               "%U%/pathlength.h",
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/nparams.h",
-               "%U%/ifdepth.h",
-               "%U%/density.h",
-               "%U%/macbuf.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/trgt_sizes.h",
-               "%U%/botch_free.h",
-               "%U%/dataflow.h",
-               "%U%/debug.h",
-               "%U%/use_tmp.h",
-               "%U%/parbufsize.h",
-               "%U%/textsize.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/nopp.h",
-               "%U%/nobitfield.h",
-               "%U%/spec_arith.h",
-               "%U%/static.h",
-               "%U%/nocross.h",
-               "%U%/regcount.h",
-               "%U%/dbsymtab.h",               
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."BigPars")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."program.g"),
-       file (d.."declar.g"),
-       file (d.."expression.g"),
-       file (d.."statement.g"),
-       file (d.."ival.g"),
-local allocd_header = simple {
-       class = "allocd_header",
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.allocd")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/code.h"},          (d.."code.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/declar.h"},        (d.."declar.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/def.h"},           (d.."def.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/expr.h"},          (d.."expr.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/field.h"},         (d.."field.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/estack.h"},        (d.."estack.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/util.h"},          (d.."util.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/proto.h"},         (d.."proto.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/replace.h"},       (d.."replace.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/idf.h"},           (d.."idf.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/macro.h"},         (d.."macro.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/stack.h"},         (d.."stack.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/stmt.h"},          (d.."stmt.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/struct.h"},        (d.."struct.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/switch.h"},        (d.."switch.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/type.h"},          (d.."type.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_brace.h"},       (d.."l_brace.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_state.h"},       (d.."l_state.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_outdef.h"},      (d.."l_outdef.str") },
-               lpars
-       }
-lang_cem_ansi_compiler = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."arith.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."blocks.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch3.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch3bin.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch3mon.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."code.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."conversion.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."cstoper.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."dataflow.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."declarator.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."decspecs.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."domacro.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."dumpidf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."eval.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."expr.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."field.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."fltcstoper.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."init.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_comment.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_ev_ord.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_lint.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_misc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_outdef.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_states.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."label.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."pragma.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."proto.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."replace.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."skip.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stab.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stack.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."struct.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."switch.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."type.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."util.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-next.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d..""),
-                       file (d.."code.str"),
-                       file (d.."declar.str"),
-                       file (d.."def.str"),
-                       file (d.."expr.str"),
-                       file (d.."field.str"),
-                       file (d.."estack.str"),
-                       file (d.."util.str"),
-                       file (d.."proto.str"),
-                       file (d.."replace.str"),
-                       file (d.."idf.str"),
-                       file (d.."macro.str"),
-                       file (d.."stack.str"),
-                       file (d.."stmt.str"),
-                       file (d.."struct.str"),
-                       file (d.."switch.str"),
-                       file (d.."type.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_brace.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_state.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_outdef.str"),
-               }
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_input,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_cemcom.ansi"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(                    BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/em_cemcom.ansi"),
-               pm.install(d.."cemcom.ansi.1", BINDIR.."/man/man1/cemcom.ansi.1"),
-       }
diff --git a/lang/cem/cemcom/pmfile b/lang/cem/cemcom/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e415c38..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/cemcom/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/lint.h",
-               "%U%/pathlength.h",
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/nparams.h",
-               "%U%/ifdepth.h",
-               "%U%/density.h",
-               "%U%/lapbuf.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/target_sizes.h",
-               "%U%/botch_free.h",
-               "%U%/dataflow.h",
-               "%U%/debug.h",
-               "%U%/use_tmp.h",
-               "%U%/parbufsize.h",
-               "%U%/textsize.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/nopp.h",
-               "%U%/nobitfield.h",
-               "%U%/spec_arith.h",
-               "%U%/static.h",
-               "%U%/nofloat.h",
-               "%U%/noRoption.h",
-               "%U%/nocross.h",
-               "%U%/regcount.h",
-               "%U%/dbsymtab.h",
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."BigPars")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."program.g"),
-       file (d.."declar.g"),
-       file (d.."expression.g"),
-       file (d.."statement.g"),
-       file (d.."ival.g"),
-local allocd_header = simple {
-       class = "allocd_header",
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.allocd")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/code.h"},          (d.."code.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/declar.h"},        (d.."declar.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/def.h"},           (d.."def.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/expr.h"},          (d.."expr.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/field.h"},         (d.."field.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/estack.h"},        (d.."estack.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/util.h"},          (d.."util.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/decspecs.h"},      (d.."decspecs.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/idf.h"},           (d.."idf.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/macro.h"},         (d.."macro.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/stack.h"},         (d.."stack.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/stmt.h"},          (d.."stmt.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/struct.h"},        (d.."struct.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/switch.h"},        (d.."switch.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/type.h"},          (d.."type.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_brace.h"},       (d.."l_brace.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_state.h"},       (d.."l_state.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/l_outdef.h"},      (d.."l_outdef.str") },
-               lpars
-       }
-lang_cem_compiler = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."arith.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."asm.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."blocks.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch7.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch7bin.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch7mon.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."code.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."conversion.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."cstoper.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."dataflow.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."declarator.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."decspecs.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."domacro.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."dumpidf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."eval.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."expr.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."field.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."init.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_comment.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_ev_ord.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_lint.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_misc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_outdef.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."l_states.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."label.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."replace.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."scan.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."skip.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stack.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."struct.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."switch.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."type.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."util.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stab.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-next.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d..""),
-                       file (d.."code.str"),
-                       file (d.."declar.str"),
-                       file (d.."decspecs.str"),
-                       file (d.."def.str"),
-                       file (d.."expr.str"),
-                       file (d.."field.str"),
-                       file (d.."estack.str"),
-                       file (d.."util.str"),
-                       file (d.."idf.str"),
-                       file (d.."macro.str"),
-                       file (d.."stack.str"),
-                       file (d.."stmt.str"),
-                       file (d.."struct.str"),
-                       file (d.."switch.str"),
-                       file (d.."type.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_brace.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_state.str"),
-                       file (d.."l_outdef.str"),
-               }
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_input,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_cemcom"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(                    BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/em_cemcom"),
-               pm.install(d.."cemcom.1",      BINDIR.."/man/man1/cemcom.1"),
-       }
diff --git a/lang/cem/cpp.ansi/pmfile b/lang/cem/cpp.ansi/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2fb98fa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/cpp.ansi/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/pathlength.h",
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/nparams.h",
-               "%U%/ifdepth.h",
-               "%U%/macbuf.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/botch_free.h",
-               "%U%/debug.h",
-               "%U%/parbufsize.h",
-               "%U%/textsize.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/obufsize.h",
-               "%U%/dobits.h",
-               "%U%/ln_prefix.h",
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."Parameters")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."expression.g"),
-local allocd_header = simple {
-       class = "allocd_header",
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.allocd")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/replace.h"},       (d.."replace.str") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/macro.h"},         (d.."macro.str") },
-               lpars
-       }
-tool_cpp_ansi = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch3bin.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch3mon.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."domacro.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."init.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."preprocess.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."replace.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."skip.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."expr.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-next.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d..""),
-                       file (d.."macro.str"),
-                       file (d.."replace.str"),
-               }
-       },
-       lib_input,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/cpp.ansi"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(                    BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/cpp.ansi"),
-               pm.install(d.."ncpp.6",        BINDIR.."/man/man6/cpp.ansi.6"),
-       }
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc.ansi/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc.ansi/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 21ac992..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc.ansi/"
-local crt = ackfile {
-       file (d.."head_ac.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/c-ansi.o")
-local libc = acklibrary {
-       ACKBUILDFLAGS = {PARENT, "-ansi"},
-       ACKINCLUDES = {PARENT, "%ROOTDIR%h", d.."headers"},
-       outputs = {"%U%/libc.a"},
-       -- assert
-       ackfile (d.."assert/assert.c"),
-       -- ctype
-       ackfile (d.."ctype/tolower.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ctype/toupper.c"),
-       ackfile {
-               tabgen (d.."ctype/")
-       },
-       foreach {
-               rule = ackfile,
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {
-                               "%U%/isalnum.c",
-                               "%U%/isalpha.c",
-                               "%U%/iscntrl.c",
-                               "%U%/isdigit.c",
-                               "%U%/isgraph.c",
-                               "%U%/islower.c",
-                               "%U%/isprint.c",
-                               "%U%/ispunct.c",
-                               "%U%/isspace.c",
-                               "%U%/isupper.c",
-                               "%U%/isxdigit.c",
-                               "%U%/isascii.c",
-                       },
-                       command = {
-                               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && sh %in[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."ctype/genfiles")
-               }
-       },
-       -- errno
-       ackfile (d.."errno/errlist.c"),
-       -- locale
-       ackfile (d.."locale/localeconv.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."locale/setlocale.c"),
-       -- math
-       ackfile (d.."math/asin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/atan2.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/atan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/ceil.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/fabs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/pow.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/log10.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/log.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/sin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/sinh.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/sqrt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/tan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/tanh.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/exp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/ldexp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/fmod.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/floor.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/hugeval.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/frexp.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/modf.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."math/isnan.c"),
-       -- misc
-       ackfile (d.."misc/environ.c"),
-       --[[
-       ackfile (d.."misc/getgrent.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/getopt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/getpass.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/getpw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/getw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/putw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/putenv.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/environ.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/popen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/sleep.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/termcap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/fdopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/closedir.c"),
-       group {
-               ACKDEFINES = {PARENT, "UFS"},
-               ackfile (d.."misc/getdents.c")
-       },
-       ackfile (d.."misc/opendir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/readdir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/rewinddir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/seekdir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/telldir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/mktemp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc/hypot.c"),
-       --]]
-       -- setjmp
-       ackfile (d.."setjmp/setjmp.e"),
-       --ackfile (d.."setjmp/sigmisc.c"),
-       -- signal
-       ackfile (d.."signal/raise.c"),
-       -- stdio
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/tmpfile.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/tmpnam.c"),
---     ackfile (d.."stdio/rename.c"),
---     ackfile (d.."stdio/remove.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/freopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/setbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/setvbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/perror.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/printf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/sprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/vfprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/vprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/vsprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/doprnt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/icompute.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fscanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/scanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/sscanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/doscan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fgetc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fgets.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/getc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/getchar.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/gets.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/putc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/putchar.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fputc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/puts.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fputs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/ungetc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fread.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fwrite.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fgetpos.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fsetpos.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/rewind.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fseek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/ftell.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/clearerr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/feof.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/ferror.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fileno.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fltpr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/ecvt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fillbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fclose.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/flushbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/fflush.c"),
---     ackfile (d.."stdio/isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdio/data.c"),
-       -- stdlib
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/abort.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/abs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/atof.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/atoi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/atol.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/bsearch.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/div.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/atexit.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/exit.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/getenv.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/labs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/ldiv.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/mblen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/mbstowcs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/mbtowc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/qsort.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/rand.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/strtod.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/strtol.c"),
---     ackfile (d.."stdlib/system.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/wcstombs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/wctomb.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stdlib/ext_comp.c"),
-       ackfile {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%/malloc.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "rm -f %out% && for i in %in[2-]%; do %in[1]% $i >> %out%; done"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/add_file"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/READ_ME"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/size_type.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/param.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/impl.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/check.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/log.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/phys.h"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/mal.c"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/log.c"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/phys.c"),
-                       file (d.."stdlib/malloc/check.c"),
-               }
-       },
-       -- string
-       ackfile (d.."string/memchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/memcmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/memcpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/memmove.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/memset.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strcat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strcmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strcoll.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strcpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strcspn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strerror.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strncat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strncpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strrchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strstr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strlen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strtok.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strpbrk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strspn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strncmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."string/strxfrm.c"),
-       -- time
-       ackfile (d.."time/ctime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/asctime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/localtime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/clock.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/difftime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/gmtime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/mktime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/strftime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/time.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/tzset.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time/misc.c"),
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libc.a")
-       }
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/time.h",  "%BINDIR%include/ansi/sys/time.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/ioctl.h", "%BINDIR%include/ansi/sys/ioctl.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/assert.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/assert.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/ctype.h",     "%BINDIR%include/ansi/ctype.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/errno.h",     "%BINDIR%include/ansi/errno.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/float.h",     "%BINDIR%include/ansi/float.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/limits.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/limits.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/math.h",      "%BINDIR%include/ansi/math.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/setjmp.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/setjmp.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/signal.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/signal.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdarg.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stdarg.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stddef.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stddef.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdint.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stdint.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdio.h",     "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stdio.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdlib.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stdlib.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/string.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/string.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/time.h",      "%BINDIR%include/ansi/time.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/iso646.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/iso646.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdbool.h",   "%BINDIR%include/ansi/stdbool.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/locale.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/locale.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/tgmath.h",    "%BINDIR%include/ansi/tgmath.h"),
-       }
-lang_cem_ansi_runtime = group {
-       crt,
-       libc,
-       headers
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc/gen/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc/gen/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f190777..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc/gen/"
-local head = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."head_cc.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/c-knr.o")
-local tail = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."abs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atof.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strtod.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atoi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atol.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strtol.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bcmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bfill.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bmove.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bzero.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."calloc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."crypt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ctime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."asctime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."execvp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ffc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ffs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gcvt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ecvt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ext_comp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getlogin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."index.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."l3.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ldexp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."localtime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gmtime.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."memccpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."memchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."memcmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."memcpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."memset.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."mktemp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."monitor.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."perror.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."procentry.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."qsort.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bsearch.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rand.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."seekdir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sleep.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stb.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strstr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strcmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strcspn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strncat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strrchr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strtok.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strpbrk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strspn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."swab.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."telldir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ttyslot.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rindex.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strncmp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ttyname.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."closedir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."opendir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."malloc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bcopy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."readdir.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strcat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strcpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strlen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."tzset.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getenv.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."strncpy.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."_c2type.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."abort.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."frexp.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."modf.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."setjmp.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libc-knr.a")
-lang_cem_gen_runtime = group {
-       head,
-       tail
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc/math/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc/math/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9ba5708..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc/math/"
-lang_cem_math_runtime = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."asin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atan2.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ceil.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fabs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gamma.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."hypot.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."jn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."j0.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."j1.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."log10.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."pow.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."log.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sinh.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sqrt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."tan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."tanh.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."exp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."floor.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libm-knr.a")
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc/mon/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc/mon/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 43865f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc/mon/"
-lang_cem_mon_runtime = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {PARENT, "%ROOTDIR%h", "%ROOTDIR%include/_tail_mon"},
-       ackfile (d.."exit.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gtty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."signal.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."tell.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."cleanup.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."access.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."acct.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."alarm.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."brk.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."chdir.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."chmod.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."chown.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."chroot.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."close.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."creat.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup2.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."execl.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."execle.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."execv.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."execve.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."fork.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."fstat.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."ftime.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."getegid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."geteuid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."getgid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."getuid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."ioctl.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."kill.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."link.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."lock.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."lseek.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."mknod.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."mount.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."mpxcall.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."nice.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."open.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."pause.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."pipe.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."prof.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."ptrace.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."read.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbrk.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."setgid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."setuid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."setsig.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."sigtrp.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."stat.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."stime.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."sync.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."times.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."umask.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."umount.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."unlink.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."utime.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."wait.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."write.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."errno.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_alarm.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_brk.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_close.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_creat.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_dup.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_dup2.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_execl.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_execve.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_exit.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_fork.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_fstat.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_ftime.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_getpid.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_gtty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."_stty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."_ioctl.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_kill.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_link.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_lseek.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_open.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_pause.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_pipe.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_read.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_sbrk.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_times.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_unlink.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_wait.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."_write.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libmon.a")
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ec56609..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc/"
-include (d.."gen/pmfile")
-include (d.."math/pmfile")
-include (d.."mon/pmfile")
-include (d.."stdio/pmfile")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."headers/assert.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/assert.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/ctype.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/ctype.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/errno.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/errno.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/fcntl.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/fcntl.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/grp.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/grp.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/math.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/math.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/pwd.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/pwd.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/setjmp.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/setjmp.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sgtty.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sgtty.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/signal.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/signal.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/stdio.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/stdio.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/time.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/time.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/varargs.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/varargs.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/dir.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/dir.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/errno.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/errno.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/stat.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/stat.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/stdtypes.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/stdtypes.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/types.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/types.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/sys/timeb.h", "%BINDIR%include/knr/sys/timeb.h"),
-       }
-lang_cem_runtime = group {
-       headers,
-       lang_cem_gen_runtime,
-       lang_cem_math_runtime,
-       lang_cem_mon_runtime,
-       lang_cem_stdio_runtime
diff --git a/lang/cem/libcc/stdio/pmfile b/lang/cem/libcc/stdio/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5778858..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/libcc/stdio/"
-lang_cem_stdio_runtime = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."vsprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."vfprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."vprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."termcap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getopt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."clearerr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fgetc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fgets.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fputc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fputs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fread.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."freopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fscanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ftell.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fwrite.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getchar.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getgrent.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpass.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpwent.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gets.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."popen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fdopen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."printf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."putchar.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."puts.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."putw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rewind.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fseek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."scanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."setbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sprintf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."doprnt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fltpr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."flushbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fclose.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."data.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fflush.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sscanf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."doscan.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fillbuf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."system.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."timezone.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ungetc.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libc-stdio-knr.a")
diff --git a/lang/cem/pmfile b/lang/cem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ca8eacd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/cem/"
--- include (d.."cemcom/pmfile")
-include (d.."cemcom.ansi/pmfile")
--- include (d.."libcc/pmfile")
-include (d.."libcc.ansi/pmfile")
diff --git a/lang/m2/comp/pmfile b/lang/m2/comp/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0e245b9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/m2/comp/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/target_sizes.h",
-               "%U%/debugcst.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/density.h",
-               "%U%/squeeze.h",
-               "%U%/strict3rd.h",
-               "%U%/nocross.h",
-               "%U%/nostrict.h",
-               "%U%/bigresult.h",
-               "%U%/dbsymtab.h",
-               "%U%/use_insert.h",
-               "%U%/uns_arith.h",
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."BigPars")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."program.g"),
-       file (d.."declar.g"),
-       file (d.."expression.g"),
-       file (d.."statement.g"),
-local allocd_header = simple {
-       class = "allocd_header",
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.allocd")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/def.h"},           (d.."def.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/type.h"},          (d.."type.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/real.h"},          (d.."real.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/node.h"},          (d.."node.H") },
-               lpars
-       }
-lang_m2_compiler = cprogram {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "STATIC=static"},
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."type.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."def.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."misc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."enter.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."defmodule.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."typequiv.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."node.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."cstoper.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."chk_expr.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."walk.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."desig.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."code.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."lookup.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stab.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-next.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d..""),
-                       file (d.."def.H"),
-                       file (d.."type.H"),
-                       file (d.."real.H"),
-                       file (d.."node.H"),
-                       file (d.."scope.C"),
-                       file (d.."tmpvar.C"),
-                       file (d.."casestat.C"),
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%-scope.c"}, (d.."scope.C") }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%-tmpvar.c"}, (d.."tmpvar.C") }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%-casestat.c"}, (d.."casestat.C") }
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_input,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_m2"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(              "%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_m2"),
-               pm.install(d.."em_m2.6", "%BINDIR%/man/man6/em_m2.6"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-10-15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/26 18:19:15  dtrg
--- Tweaked the CVS settings.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/26 17:12:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the Modula-2 compiler.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/m2/libm2/pmfile b/lang/m2/libm2/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5b629dd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/m2/libm2/"
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."Arguments.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Arguments.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."ArraySort.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/ArraySort.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."ASCII.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/ASCII.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Conversion.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Conversion.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."CSP.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/CSP.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."EM.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/EM.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Epilogue.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Epilogue.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."InOut.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/InOut.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."MathLib0.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/MathLib0.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Mathlib.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Mathlib.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."PascalIO.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/PascalIO.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Processes.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Processes.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."random.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/random.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."RealConver.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/RealConver.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."RealInOut.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/RealInOut.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Semaphores.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Semaphores.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Storage.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Storage.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Streams.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Streams.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Strings.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Strings.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."StripUnix.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/StripUnix.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Termcap.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Termcap.def"),
---             pm.install(d.."Terminal.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Terminal.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Traps.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Traps.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."Unix.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/Unix.def"),
-               pm.install(d.."XXTermcap.def", "%BINDIR%include/m2/XXTermcap.def"),
-       }
-local head = ackfile {
-       file (d.."head_m2.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/modula2.o")
-local tail = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."Termcap.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."CSP.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."PascalIO.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."RealInOut.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."InOut.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Streams.mod"),
---     ackfile (d.."Terminal.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."MathLib0.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Mathlib.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Processes.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."RealConver.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Storage.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Conversion.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Semaphores.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."random.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."Strings.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."ArraySort.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."catch.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."Traps.mod"),
-       ackfile (d.."XXTermcap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."Arguments.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."LtoUset.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."StrAss.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."cap.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."absd.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."absf.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."absi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."absl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."halt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."SYSTEM.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."par_misc.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."init.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sigtrp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."store.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."confarray.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."load.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."blockmove.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."stackprio.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ucheck.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rcka.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rcku.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rcki.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rckul.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rckil.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."EM.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libmodula2.a")
-lang_m2_runtime = acklibrary {
-       headers,
-       head,
-       tail
diff --git a/lang/m2/pmfile b/lang/m2/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 59270fd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/m2/"
-include (d.."comp/pmfile")
-include (d.."libm2/pmfile")
diff --git a/lang/occam/comp/pmfile b/lang/occam/comp/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3a862d8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/occam/comp/"
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       file (d.."occam.g"),
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               lpars
-       }
-lang_occam_compiler = cprogram {
-       CLIBRARIES = {PARENT, "fl"},
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."builtin.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."code.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."em.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."expr.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."keytab.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."report.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."symtab.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               flex (d.."lex.l")
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
---     lib_input,
---     lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
---     lib_flt_arith,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_occam"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_occam"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-10-15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/26 18:23:32  dtrg
--- Added support for the Occam compiler.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/occam/lib/pmfile b/lang/occam/lib/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4ed36f6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/occam/lib/"
-lang_occam_lib_runtime = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."builtin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."chan_strct.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."channel.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."co.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."misc.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."now.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ocrt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."par.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."par_misc.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."parco.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/liboccam.a")
diff --git a/lang/occam/pmfile b/lang/occam/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7c46574..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/occam/"
-include (d.."comp/pmfile")
-include (d.."lib/pmfile")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."headers/dec.ocm", "%BINDIR%include/occam/dec.ocm"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/printd.ocm", "%BINDIR%include/occam/printd.ocm"),
-               pm.install(d.."headers/prints.ocm", "%BINDIR%include/occam/prints.ocm"),
-       }
-lang_occam_runtime = group {
-       headers,
-       lang_occam_lib_runtime
diff --git a/lang/pc/comp/pmfile b/lang/pc/comp/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d0dae79..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/pc/comp/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/debugcst.h",
-               "%U%/density.h",
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/target_sizes.h",
-               "%U%/nocross.h",
-               "%U%/dbsymtab.h",
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."Parameters")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."program.g"),
-       file (d.."declar.g"),
-       file (d.."expression.g"),
-       file (d.."statement.g"),
-local allocd_header = simple {
-       class = "allocd_header",
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.allocd")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/def.h"},           (d.."def.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/type.h"},          (d.."type.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/scope.h"},         (d.."scope.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/node.h"},          (d.."node.H") },
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%/desig.h"},         (d.."desig.H") },
-               lpars
-       }
-lang_pc_compiler = cprogram {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "STATIC=static"},
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."body.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."chk_expr.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."code.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."cstoper.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."def.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."desig.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."enter.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."label.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."lookup.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."misc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."node.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."progs.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."readwrite.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."scope.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."stab.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."type.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."typequiv.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-next.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d..""),
-                       file (d.."def.H"),
-                       file (d.."type.H"),
-                       file (d.."node.H"),
-                       file (d.."scope.H"),
-                       file (d.."desig.H"),
-                       file (d.."tmpvar.C"),
-                       file (d.."casestat.C"),
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%-tmpvar.c"}, (d.."tmpvar.C") }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               allocd_header { outputs = {"%U%-casestat.c"}, (d.."casestat.C") }
-       },
-       lib_em_mes,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_input,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_pc"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(              "%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_pc"),
-               pm.install(d.."em_pc.6", "%BINDIR%/man/man6/em_pc.6"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-10-15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/22 21:03:07  dtrg
--- Added support for the Pascal compiler.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/pc/libpc/pmfile b/lang/pc/libpc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b63c635..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/pc/libpc/"
-head = ackfile {
-       file (d.."head_pc.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/pascal.o")
-tail = acklibrary {
-       ackfile (d.."abi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."abl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."abr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."arg.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ass.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."asz.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."atn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bcp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."bts.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."buff.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."clock.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."diag.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."dis.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."efl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."eln.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."encaps.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."exp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."get.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gto.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."hlt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."ini.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."catch.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."log.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."mdi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."mdl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."new.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."nobuff.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."notext.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."opn.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."hol0.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."pac.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."pclose.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."pcreat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."pentry.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."perrno.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."pexit.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."popen.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."cls.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."put.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rdc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rdl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rdr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rdi.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rln.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rnd.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sav.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."sig.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."sin.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sqt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fef.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."string.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."trap.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."unp.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."uread.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."uwrite.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wdw.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."incpt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrc.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wri.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrl.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."cvt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fif.e"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrz.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wrs.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."outcpt.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."wf.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."nfa.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."rcka.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."trp.e"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/libpascal.a")
-lang_pc_runtime = group {
-       head,
-       tail
diff --git a/lang/pc/pmfile b/lang/pc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b1e0be7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."lang/pc/"
-include (d.."comp/pmfile")
-include (d.."libpc/pmfile")
diff --git a/mach/6500/dl/pmfile b/mach/6500/dl/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b5c904c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "mach/6500/dl/"
-tool_6500_dl = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."dl.c"),
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/dl"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/6500/dl")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/6500/libem/pmfile b/mach/6500/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dd12b24..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/6500/libem/"
-libem_6500 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%ARCH%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."adi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."addsub.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dum_float.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lol.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."los.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loil.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loi1.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mlu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mlu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mul4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."div4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."duv4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ngi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rtt.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ret.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."aar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."adi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ngi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."zer.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."stl.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sts.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sdl.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sti.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."stil.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."blm.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sti1.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."test2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."testFFh.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trap.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ldi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."data.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."zri.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."locaddr.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."and.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."asp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cii.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cms.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."com.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."gto.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."indir.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."inn.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ior.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lcs.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lxa1.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lxa2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lxl.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."pro.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rol.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rol4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ror.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ror4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."teq.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tge.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tgt.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tle.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tlt.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tne.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."xor.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%ARCH%/tail_em"),
diff --git a/mach/6500/pmfile b/mach/6500/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3bd8606..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/6500/"
-include (d.."dl/pmfile")
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-mach_6500 = group {
-       ARCH = "6500",
-       proto_cg,
-       proto_as,
-       tool_6500_dl,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
-support_6500 = group {
-       ARCH = "6500",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       libem_6500,
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-10-15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/6800/pmfile b/mach/6800/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 516ab67..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-mach_6800 = group {
-       ARCH = "6800",
-       proto_as,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/6805/pmfile b/mach/6805/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 926369a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-mach_6805 = group {
-       ARCH = "6805",
-       proto_as,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/6809/pmfile b/mach/6809/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3fc2897..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-mach_6809 = group {
-       ARCH = "6809",
-       proto_as,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/arm/cv/pmfile b/mach/arm/cv/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8ca8a9a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/arm/cv/"
-tool_arm_cv = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."cv.c"),
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/cv"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/arm/dl")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/arm/pmfile b/mach/arm/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a7dbafc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/arm/"
-include (d.."cv/pmfile")
-mach_arm = group {
-       ARCH = "arm",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "arm" },
-       proto_top,
-       tool_arm_cv,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/i386/cv/pmfile b/mach/i386/cv/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c68a47b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i386/cv/"
-tool_i386_cv = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."cv.c"),
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/cv"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/i386/dl")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/i386/libem/pmfile b/mach/i386/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d477e81..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i386/libem/"
-libem_i386 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."adi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."and.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."blm.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cii.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cms.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."com.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cuu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."error.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fp8087.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fat.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."gto.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."iaar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ilar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."inn.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ior.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."isar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lar4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mon.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ngi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."nop.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."print.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rck.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rol.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ror.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sar4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sti.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."strhp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."unknown.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."xor.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libem.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i386/libend/pmfile b/mach/i386/libend/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a5ae673..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i386/libend/"
-libend_i386 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libend-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."edata.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."em_end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."etext.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libend.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i386/pmfile b/mach/i386/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 250bce3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i386/"
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-include (d.."libend/pmfile")
-mach_i386 = group {
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "i386" },
-       ego_descr,
-support_i386 = group {
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       libem_i386,
-       libend_i386,
diff --git a/mach/i80/libem/pmfile b/mach/i80/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ecc69cf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i80/libem/"
-libem_i80 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."aar2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."adi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."and.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."blm.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cii.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cms.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."com.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."flp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."inn.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ior.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lar2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mlu2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ngi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."nop.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rol4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ror4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sar2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."xor.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sti.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rck.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libem.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i80/libend/pmfile b/mach/i80/libend/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 78e6bb5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i80/libend/"
-libend_i80 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libend-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."edata.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."em_end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."etext.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libend.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i80/pmfile b/mach/i80/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d87cef8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i80/"
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-include (d.."libend/pmfile")
-mach_i80 = group {
-       ARCH = "i80",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "i80" },
-       proto_top,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
-support_i80 = group {
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       libem_i80,
-       libend_i80,
diff --git a/mach/i86/libem/pmfile b/mach/i86/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b0baa9e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i86/libem/"
-libem_i86 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."adi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."and.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cii.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cms.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."com.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cuu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dup.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dvu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fp8087.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."gto.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."iaar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ilar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."inn.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ior.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."isar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lar2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."loi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mli4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."mon.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ngi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."nop.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rck.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmi4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rmu4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."rol.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ror.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sar2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sli.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sri.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sti.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."strhp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."xor.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."error.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."unknown.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fat.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."print.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ret6.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."ret8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lfr6.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lfr8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."retarea.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."blm.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."return.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libem.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i86/libend/pmfile b/mach/i86/libend/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4b6843b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i86/libend/"
-libend_i86 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libend-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."edata.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."em_end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."etext.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libend.a"),
diff --git a/mach/i86/pmfile b/mach/i86/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f2a2633..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/i86/"
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-include (d.."libend/pmfile")
-mach_i86 = group {
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "i86" },
-       ego_descr,
-support_i86 = group {
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       ACKBUILDFLAGS = {PARENT, "-ansi"},
-       libem_i86,
-       libend_i86,
diff --git a/mach/m68020/libem/pmfile b/mach/m68020/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0969eaa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/mach/i386/libem/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/m68020/libem/"
-libem_m68020 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."fp68881.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."aar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."lar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sar.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."shp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."set.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."inn.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fat.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trp.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trpstr.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."mon.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."nop.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."dia.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cii.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cuu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmi.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cms.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cmu.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cvf.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."exg.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."los.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sts.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libem.a"),
diff --git a/mach/m68020/libend/pmfile b/mach/m68020/libend/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5e7e7e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/mach/i386/libend/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/m68020/libend/"
-libend_m68020 = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libend-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."edata.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."em_end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."etext.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libend.a"),
diff --git a/mach/m68020/pmfile b/mach/m68020/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9481a3b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/m68020/"
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-include (d.."libend/pmfile")
-mach_m68020 = group {
-       ARCH = "m68020",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "m68020" },
-       proto_top,
-       ego_descr,
-support_m68020 = group {
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O6",
-       libem_m68020,
-       libend_m68020,
diff --git a/mach/m68k2/pmfile b/mach/m68k2/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 30c0e55..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/m68k2/"
-mach_m68k2 = group {
-       ARCH = "m68k2",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "m68020" },
-       proto_top,
-       ego_descr,
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 00:52:01  dtrg
--- Added support for the ego global optimisation suite.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/m68k4/pmfile b/mach/m68k4/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 161b6ba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/m68k4/"
-mach_m68k4 = group {
-       ARCH = "m68k4",
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "m68020" },
-       ego_descr,
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 00:52:01  dtrg
--- Added support for the ego global optimisation suite.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/ns/pmfile b/mach/ns/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6696e30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/ns/"
-mach_ns = group {
-       ARCH = "ns",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "ns" },
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/pdp/pmfile b/mach/pdp/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 65cfc62..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/pdp/"
-mach_pdp = group {
-       ARCH = "pdp",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_cg,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "pdp" },
-       proto_top,
-       ego_descr,
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 00:52:01  dtrg
--- Added support for the ego global optimisation suite.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/powerpc/libem/pmfile b/mach/powerpc/libem/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8c851f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/powerpc/libem/"
-libem_powerpc = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ACKINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-       ackfile (d.."ret.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."tge.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csa.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."csb.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."los.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."sts.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."aar4.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fef8.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."fif8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cif8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cuf8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cfi8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."cfu8.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fd_00000000.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fd_80000000.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."fd_FFFFFFFF.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libem.a"),
diff --git a/mach/powerpc/libend/pmfile b/mach/powerpc/libend/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 83f1c03..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/powerpc/libend/"
-libend_powerpc = acklibrary {
-       outputs = {"%U%/libend-%PLATFORM%.a"},
-       ackfile (d.."edata.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."em_end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."end.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."etext.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libend.a"),
diff --git a/mach/powerpc/pmfile b/mach/powerpc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8e49135..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/powerpc/"
-include (d.."libem/pmfile")
-include (d.."libend/pmfile")
-mach_powerpc = group {
-       ARCH = "powerpc",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_ncg { ARCHDIR = "powerpc" },
-       proto_top,
---     ego_descr,
-support_powerpc = group {
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       libem_powerpc,
-       libend_powerpc,
diff --git a/mach/proto/as/pmfile b/mach/proto/as/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c908fce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/proto/as/"
-local parser = yacc {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%-%I%.y"},
-               command = {
-                       "cd %out[1]:dirname% && "..
-                         "%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/cpp.ansi -P -I%ROOTDIR%mach/%ARCH%/as -I"..d.." %CINCLUDES:cincludes% %in[1]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."comm2.y"),
-       }
-local cfile_with_tables = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_tables",
-       CINCLUDES = {PARENT, "%ROOTDIR%mach/%ARCH%/as"},
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               parser,
-       }
-proto_as = cprogram {
-       class = "proto_as",
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm3.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm4.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm5.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm6.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm7.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."comm8.c"),
-       cfile {
-               parser,
-       },
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/%PLATFORM%-as"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/%PLATFORM%/as")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.5  2007-04-21 22:55:59  dtrg
--- yacc source files are now run through the ANSI C preprocessor, not the K&R one.
--- Revision 1.4  2007/02/20 00:45:19  dtrg
--- Done a major overhaul of the way target include files are installed and
--- how platform libraries are built. The ARCH pm variable has now been
--- renamed PLATFORM (which is more accurate) and a different ARCH
--- variable added, which represents the CPU family rather than the
--- hardware platform.
--- Revision 1.3  2006/10/15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/30 23:41:16  dtrg
--- Broke dependency on tool_cpp in order to speed up the build.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/proto/cg/pmfile b/mach/proto/cg/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d74c4ec..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/proto/cg/"
-local make_tables = cgg {
-       CGGINCLUDEDIR = (ROOTDIR.."mach/%PLATFORM%/cg/"),
-       file (ROOTDIR.."mach/%PLATFORM%/cg/table")
-local cfile_with_tables = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_tables",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               make_tables,
-               file (ROOTDIR.."mach/%PLATFORM%/cg/"),
-               file (ROOTDIR.."mach/")
-       }
-proto_cg = cprogram {
-       class = "proto_cg",
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."codegen.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."compute.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."equiv.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."gencode.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."glosym.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."move.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."nextem.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."reg.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."regvar.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."salloc.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."state.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."subr.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."var.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."fillem.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile {
-               ith { make_tables, i = 1 },
-               dynamicheaders = {
-                       file (ROOTDIR.."mach/%PLATFORM%/cg/"),
-                       file (d)
-               }
-       },
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       outputs = {"%U%/%PLATFORM%-cg"},
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/%PLATFORM%/cg")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2007-02-20 00:45:19  dtrg
--- Done a major overhaul of the way target include files are installed and
--- how platform libraries are built. The ARCH pm variable has now been
--- renamed PLATFORM (which is more accurate) and a different ARCH
--- variable added, which represents the CPU family rather than the
--- hardware platform.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/10/15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/proto/ncg/pmfile b/mach/proto/ncg/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f29aaa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/mach/proto/ncg/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/proto/ncg/"
-local make_tables = ncgg {
-       NCGGINCLUDEDIR = (ROOTDIR.."mach/%ARCHDIR%/ncg/"),
-       file (ROOTDIR.."mach/%ARCHDIR%/ncg/table")
-local cfile_with_tables = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_tables",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               make_tables,
-       }
-proto_ncg = cprogram {
-       class = "proto_ncg",
-       exename = "ncg",
-       CINCLUDES = {
-               PARENT,
-               "mach/%PLATFORM%/ncg",
-               "mach/%ARCHDIR%/ncg",
-               "mach"
-       },
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."codegen.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."compute.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."equiv.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."fillem.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."gencode.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."glosym.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."label.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."move.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."nextem.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."reg.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."regvar.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."salloc.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."state.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."subr.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."var.c"),
-       cfile {
-               ith { make_tables, i = 1 },
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-       },
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_flt_arith,
-       outputs = {"%U%/%PLATFORM%-%exename%"},
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/%PLATFORM%/%exename%")
diff --git a/mach/proto/pmfile b/mach/proto/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9ae89d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/proto/"
-include (d.."as/pmfile")
-include (d.."cg/pmfile")
-include (d.."ncg/pmfile")
-include (d.."top/pmfile")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/proto/top/pmfile b/mach/proto/top/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 121bb6c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/proto/top/"
-local make_tables = topgen {
-       file (ROOTDIR.."mach/%ARCH%/top/table")
-local cfile_with_tables = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_tables",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               make_tables,
-       }
-proto_top = cprogram {
-       CINCLUDES = {
-               PARENT,
-               "mach/%ARCH%/ncg",
-               "mach",
-               d
-       },
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."queue.c"),
-       cfile_with_tables (d.."top.c"),
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/%ARCH%-top"},
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/%PLATFORM%/top")
diff --git a/mach/s2650/pmfile b/mach/s2650/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d9d41c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-mach_s2650 = group {
-       ARCH = "s2650",
-       proto_as,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/vax4/pmfile b/mach/vax4/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 55ac2a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/vax4/"
-mach_vax4 = group {
-       ARCH = "vax4",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_cg,
-       proto_top,
-       ego_descr,
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 00:52:01  dtrg
--- Added support for the ego global optimisation suite.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/z80/pmfile b/mach/z80/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 41d92d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/z80/"
-mach_z80 = group {
-       ARCH = "z80",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_cg,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/mach/z8000/pmfile b/mach/z8000/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a596356..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."mach/z8000/"
-mach_z8000 = group {
-       ARCH = "z8000",
-       proto_as,
-       proto_cg,
-       install = pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/%ARCH%/descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%ARCH%/descr")
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/alloc/pmfile b/modules/src/alloc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5200f30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."modules/src/alloc/"
-lib_alloc = file (LIBDIR.."liballoc.a")
-module_alloc = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."Malloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."Salloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."Srealloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."Realloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."botch.c"),
-       cfile (d.."clear.c"),
-       cfile (d.."st_alloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."std_alloc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."No_Mem.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/liballoc.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."liballoc.a"),
-               pm.install(d.."alloc.h", HEADERDIR.."alloc.h")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/assert/pmfile b/modules/src/assert/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 72d72b5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/assert/"
-lib_assert = file (LIBDIR.."libassert.a")
-module_assert = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."BadAssert.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libassert.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libassert.a")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/em_code/pmfile b/modules/src/em_code/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 60ce20d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/em_code/"
-lib_eme = file (LIBDIR.."libeme.a")
-lib_emk = file (LIBDIR.."libemk.a")
-local em_codeMK_h = simple {
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.h"},
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% %in[2]% "..d.."em.nogen > %out%",
-               "cat "..d.."em.nogen >> %out%"
-       },
-       install = pm.install(HEADERDIR.."em_codeEK.h"),
-       file (d.."make.em.gen"),
-       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table")
-local em_cfile = cfile {
-       class = "em_cfile",
-       dynamicheaders = em_codeMK_h
-local library_core = group {
-       em_cfile (d.."bhcst.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhdlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhdnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhfcon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhicon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhilb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhpnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."bhucon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crcst.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crdlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crdnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crxcon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crilb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crpnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."crscon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."cst.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."dfdlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."dfdnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."dfilb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."dlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."dnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."end.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."endarg.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."exc.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."fcon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."getid.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."icon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."ilb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."insert.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."internerr.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."msend.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."op.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."opcst.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."opdlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."opdnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."opilb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."opnarg.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."oppnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."pnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."pro.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."pronarg.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."msstart.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."psdlb.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."psdnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."pspnam.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."scon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."ucon.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."C_out.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."failed.c"),
-       em_cfile (d.."em.c")
-module_eme = clibrary {
-       library_core,
-       outputs = {"%U%/libeme.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libeme.a")
-       }
-module_emk = clibrary {
-       library_core,
-       outputs = {"%U%/libemk.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libemk.a")
-       }
-module_em_code = group {
-       module_eme,
-       module_emk,
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2007-02-25 12:46:41  dtrg
--- em_table is now in /h, not /etc.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/10/15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/em_mes/pmfile b/modules/src/em_mes/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f70ff20..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/em_mes/"
-lib_em_mes = file (LIBDIR.."libem_mes.a")
-local library_core = group {
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_err.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_opt.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_emx.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_reg.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_src.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_flt.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_com.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_par.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_ego.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_gto.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_stb.c"),
-       cfile (d.."C_ms_std.c"),
-module_em_mes = clibrary {
-       library_core,
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem_mes.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libem_mes.a")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/flt_arith/pmfile b/modules/src/flt_arith/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 683cbff..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."modules/src/flt_arith/"
-lib_flt_arith = file (LIBDIR.."libflt_arith.a")
-module_flt_arith = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."flt_ar2flt.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_div.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_flt2ar.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_modf.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_str2fl.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_cmp.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_add.c"),
-       cfile (d.."b64_add.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_mul.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_nrm.c"),
-       cfile (d.."b64_sft.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_umin.c"),
-       cfile (d.."flt_chk.c"),
-       cfile (d.."split.c"),
-       cfile (d.."ucmp.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libflt_arith.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libflt_arith.a"),
-               pm.install(d.."flt_arith.h",             HEADERDIR.."flt_arith.h")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/idf/pmfile b/modules/src/idf/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 80acffc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/idf/"
-module_idf = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."idf_pkg.spec",            HEADERDIR.."idf_pkg.spec"),
-               pm.install(d.."idf_pkg.body",            HEADERDIR.."idf_pkg.body"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/input/pmfile b/modules/src/input/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 71be8db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/input/"
-lib_input = file (LIBDIR.."libinput.a")
-module_input = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."AtEoIF.c"),
-       cfile (d.."AtEoIT.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libinput.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libinput.a"),
-               pm.install(d.."inp_pkg.spec",            HEADERDIR.."inp_pkg.spec"),
-               pm.install(d.."inp_pkg.body",            HEADERDIR.."inp_pkg.body")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/object/pmfile b/modules/src/object/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2806f50..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/object/"
-lib_object = file (LIBDIR.."libobject.a")
-module_object = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."rd_arhdr.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd_bytes.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd_int2.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd_long.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd_ranlib.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd_unsig2.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rd.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_arhdr.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_bytes.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_int2.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_long.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_putc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr_ranlib.c"),
-       cfile (d.."wr.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/lib_object.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libobject.a")
-       }
-# genmakefile
-# This genmakefile doesn't have a real comment yet.
-# $Source$
-# $State$
-       addincludeq src/lib/object
-       hostlibrary $LIBDIR/libobject.a $OBJS
-# Revision history
-# $Log$
-# Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
-# First version in CVS.
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/print/pmfile b/modules/src/print/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f7c050..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/print/"
-lib_print = file (LIBDIR.."libprint.a")
-module_print = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."doprnt.c"),
-       cfile (d.."fprint.c"),
-       cfile (d.."print.c"),
-       cfile (d.."sprint.c"),
-       cfile (d.."format.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libprint.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%LIBDIR%libprint.a"),
-               pm.install(d.."print.h", "%HEADERDIR%print.h")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 20:59:22  dtrg
--- Changed to export a header file so it can be correctly referred to.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/read_em/pmfile b/modules/src/read_em/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b8ddda..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/read_em/"
-lib_read_emk = file (LIBDIR.."libread_emk.a")
-lib_read_emkV = file (LIBDIR.."libread_emkV.a")
-lib_read_emeV = file (LIBDIR.."libread_emeV.a")
-local C_mnem_h = simple {
-       command = {"(cd "..d.." && sh %in[1]% %in[2]%) > %out%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.h"},
-       install = pm.install(HEADERDIR.."C_mnem.h"),
-       file (ROOTDIR..d.."m_C_mnem"),
-       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table")
-local C_mnem_narg_h = simple {
-       command = {"(cd "..d.." && %in[1]% %in[2]%) > %out%"},
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%.h"},
-       install = pm.install(HEADERDIR.."C_mnem_narg.h"),
-       file (ROOTDIR..d.."m_C_mnem_na"),
-       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table")
-local withdynamic = cfile {
-       dynamicheaders = {C_mnem_h, C_mnem_narg_h}
-module_read_emk = clibrary {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "PRIVATE=static", "EXPORT=", "NDEBUG"},
-       cfile (d.."EM_vars.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "COMPACT"},
-               (d.."read_em.c")
-       },
-       withdynamic (d.."mkcalls.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libread_emk.a"},
-       install = pm.install(LIBDIR.."libread_emk.a")
-module_read_emkV = clibrary {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "PRIVATE=static", "EXPORT=", "NDEBUG"},
-       cfile (d.."EM_vars.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "COMPACT", "CHECKING"},
-               (d.."read_em.c")
-       },
-       withdynamic {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "CHECKING"},
-               (d.."mkcalls.c"),
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%/libread_emkV.a"},
-       install = pm.install(LIBDIR.."libread_emkV.a")
-module_read_emeV = clibrary {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "PRIVATE=static", "EXPORT=", "NDEBUG"},
-       cfile (d.."EM_vars.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "CHECKING"},
-               (d.."read_em.c")
-       },
-       withdynamic {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "CHECKING"},
-               (d.."mkcalls.c"),
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%/lib_read_emeV.a"},
-       install = pm.install(LIBDIR.."libread_emeV.a")
-module_read_em = group {
-       module_read_emk,
-       module_read_emkV,
-       module_read_emeV,
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."em_comp.h",     HEADERDIR.."em_comp.h"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2007-02-25 12:47:10  dtrg
--- em_table is now in /h, not /etc.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/10/15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/string/pmfile b/modules/src/string/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3090ce6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/string/"
-lib_string = file (LIBDIR.."libstring.a")
-module_string = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."bts2str.c"),
-       cfile (d.."btscat.c"),
-       cfile (d.."btscmp.c"),
-       cfile (d.."btscpy.c"),
-       cfile (d.."btszero.c"),
-       cfile (d.."long2str.c"),
-       cfile (d.."str2bts.c"),
-       cfile (d.."str2long.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strcat.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strcmp.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strcpy.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strindex.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strlen.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strncat.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strncmp.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strncpy.c"),
---     cfile (d.."strrindex.c"),
-       cfile (d.."strzero.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/lib_string.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libstring.a")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-23 19:58:27  dtrg
--- Modified to no longer build unoptimised duplicates of all the standard
--- string functions (strcpy, strlen, etc).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/modules/src/system/pmfile b/modules/src/system/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c58cfcd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "modules/src/system/"
-lib_system = file (LIBDIR.."libsystem.a")
-module_system = clibrary {
-       cfile (d.."access.c"),
-       cfile (d.."break.c"),
-       cfile (d.."chmode.c"),
-       cfile (d.."close.c"),
-       cfile (d.."create.c"),
-       cfile (d.."filesize.c"),
-       cfile (d.."modtime.c"),
---     cfile (d.."lock.c"),
-       cfile (d.."open.c"),
-       cfile (d.."read.c"),
-       cfile (d.."remove.c"),
-       cfile (d.."stop.c"),
-       cfile (d.."system.c"),
-       cfile (d.."time.c"),
---     cfile (d.."unlock.c"),
-       cfile (d.."write.c"),
-       cfile (d.."seek.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rename.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/libsystem.a"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install(LIBDIR.."libsystem.a"),
-               pm.install(d.."system.h", HEADERDIR.."system.h")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-26 12:40:59  dtrg
--- Changed to no longer build sys_lock() and sys_unlock(); they only work
--- on platforms that support hardlinks, and nobody uses them anyway.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/plat/cpm/libsys/pmfile b/plat/cpm/libsys/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb564e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/cpm/libsys/"
-libsys_cpm = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."errno.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_hol0.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_bdos.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_trap.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_inn2.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."open.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."creat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."close.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."read.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."write.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."brk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpid.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."kill.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."lseek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."signal.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libsys.a"),
diff --git a/plat/cpm/pmfile b/plat/cpm/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 43320f1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/cpm/"
-include (d.."libsys/pmfile")
-local bootsector = ackfile {
-       file (d.."boot.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/cpm/boot.o"),
-local descr = group {
-       install = pm.install(d.."descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/descr")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."include/ack/config.h", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/ack/config.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/unistd.h",     "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/unistd.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/cpm.h",        "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/cpm.h"),
-       }
-platform_cpm = group {
-       ARCH = "i80",
-       PLATFORM = "cpm",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       -- Ensure the descr and headers are installed first because we'll need
-       -- them to build the libraries.
-       descr,
-       headers,
-       -- Build the back-end support.
-       mach_i80,
-       support_i80,
-       lang_runtimes,
-       -- Build the CP/M syscall library.
-       libsys_cpm,
-       bootsector,
diff --git a/plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile b/plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a5d008d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linux/liblinux/"
-liblinux = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."errno.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_hol0.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."brk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."close.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."creat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpid.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."gettimeofday.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."_exit.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."kill.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."lseek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."open.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."read.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."sbrk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."signal.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."write.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/liblinux.a"),
diff --git a/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile b/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d7d4930..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linux386/libsys/"
-libsys_linux386 = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."_syscall.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libsys.a"),
diff --git a/plat/linux386/pmfile b/plat/linux386/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b7ce181..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linux386/"
-include (d.."libsys/pmfile")
-include "plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile"
-local bootsector = ackfile {
-       file (d.."boot.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/linux386/boot.o"),
-local descr = group {
-       install = pm.install(d.."descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/descr")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."include/ack/config.h", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/ack/config.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/unistd.h",     "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/unistd.h"),
-       }
-platform_linux386 = group {
-       ARCH = "i386",
-       PLATFORM = "linux386",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       -- Ensure the descr and headers are installed first because we'll need it
-       -- to build the libraries.
-       descr,
-       headers,
-       -- Build the back-end support.
-       mach_i386,
-       support_i386,
-       lang_runtimes,
-       -- Build the PC standalone syscall library.
-       liblinux,
-       libsys_linux386,
-       bootsector,
diff --git a/plat/linux68k/libsys/pmfile b/plat/linux68k/libsys/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2bcf6b9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linux68k/libsys/"
-libsys_linux68k = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."_syscall.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libsys.a"),
diff --git a/plat/linux68k/pmfile b/plat/linux68k/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f28fd1c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.3 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linux68k/"
-include (d.."libsys/pmfile")
-include "plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile"
-local bootsector = ackfile {
-       file (d.."boot.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/boot.o"),
-local descr = group {
-       install = pm.install(d.."descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/descr")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."include/ack/config.h", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/ack/config.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/unistd.h",     "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/unistd.h"),
-       }
-platform_linux68k = group {
-       ARCH = "m68020",
-       PLATFORM = "linux68k",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O6",
-       -- Ensure the descr and headers are installed first because we'll need it
-       -- to build the libraries.
-       descr,
-       headers,
-       -- Build the back-end support.
-       mach_m68020,
-       support_m68020,
-       lang_runtimes,
-       -- Build the PC standalone syscall library.
-       liblinux,
-       libsys_linux68k,
-       bootsector,
diff --git a/plat/linuxppc/libsys/pmfile b/plat/linuxppc/libsys/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0b3839a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/libsys/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.1 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linuxppc/libsys/"
-libsys_linuxppc = acklibrary {
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."_syscall.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."trap.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libsys.a"),
diff --git a/plat/linuxppc/pmfile b/plat/linuxppc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 34acd70..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--- $Source: /cvsroot/tack/Ack/plat/linux386/pmfile,v $
--- $State: Exp $
--- $Revision: 1.3 $
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/linuxppc/"
-include (d.."libsys/pmfile")
-include "plat/linux/liblinux/pmfile"
-local bootsector = ackfile {
-       file (d.."boot.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/boot.o"),
-local descr = group {
-       install = pm.install(d.."descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/descr")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."include/ack/config.h", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/ack/config.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/unistd.h",     "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/unistd.h"),
-       }
-platform_linuxppc = group {
-       ARCH = "powerpc",
-       PLATFORM = "linuxppc",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       -- Ensure the descr and headers are installed first because we'll need it
-       -- to build the libraries.
-       descr,
-       headers,
-       -- Build the back-end support.
-       mach_powerpc,
-       support_powerpc,
-       lang_runtimes,
-       -- Build the PC standalone syscall library.
-       liblinux,
-       libsys_linuxppc,
-       bootsector,
diff --git a/plat/pc86/libsys/pmfile b/plat/pc86/libsys/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 99a4ee8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/pc86/libsys/"
-libsys_pc86 = acklibrary {
-       ACKBUILDFLAGS = {PARENT, "-ansi"},
-       ACKINCLUDES = {"%BINDIR%include"},
-       ackfile (d.."errno.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_hol0.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_sys_rawread.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."_sys_rawwrite.s"),
-       ackfile (d.."open.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."creat.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."close.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."read.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."write.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."brk.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."getpid.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."kill.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."isatty.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."lseek.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."time.c"),
-       ackfile (d.."signal.c"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/%PLATFORM%/libsys.a"),
diff --git a/plat/pc86/pmfile b/plat/pc86/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0afe6a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Revision$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."plat/pc86/"
-include (d.."libsys/pmfile")
-local bootsector = ackfile {
-       file (d.."boot.s"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%lib/pc86/boot.o"),
-local descr = group {
-       install = pm.install(d.."descr", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/descr")
-local headers = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."include/ack/config.h", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/ack/config.h"),
-               pm.install(d.."include/unistd.h",     "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/%PLATFORM%/include/unistd.h"),
-       }
-platform_pc86 = group {
-       ARCH = "i86",
-       PLATFORM = "pc86",
-       OPTIMISATION = "-O",
-       -- Ensure the descr and headers are installed first because we'll need
-       -- them to build the libraries.
-       descr,
-       headers,
-       -- Build the back-end support.
-       mach_i86,
-       support_i86,
-       lang_runtimes,
-       -- Build the PC standalone syscall library.
-       libsys_pc86,
-       bootsector,
diff --git a/pmfile b/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2f6d416..0000000
--- a/pmfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
--- $Id$
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-include "first/"
-include "first/"
-include "first/"
-include ""
-include "first/"
-include "first/"
-       ROOTDIR.."h",
-       ROOTDIR.."modules/h",
-       HEADERDIR,
--- Load the pmfiles for the various modules.
-include "util/data/pmfile"
-include "util/LLgen/pmfile-ack"
-include "modules/src/alloc/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/assert/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/system/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/string/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/read_em/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/em_code/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/em_mes/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/print/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/object/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/idf/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/input/pmfile"
-include "modules/src/flt_arith/pmfile"
-include "util/amisc/pmfile"
-include "util/cmisc/pmfile"
-include "util/ack/pmfile"
-include "util/arch/pmfile"
--- include "util/cpp/pmfile"
-include "lang/cem/cpp.ansi/pmfile"
-include "util/cgg/pmfile"
-include "util/ncgg/pmfile"
--- include "util/ceg/pmfile"
-include "util/misc/pmfile"
-include "util/opt/pmfile"
-include "util/ego/pmfile"
-include "util/topgen/pmfile"
-include "util/led/pmfile"
-include "lang/cem/pmfile"
-include "lang/pc/pmfile"
-include "lang/m2/pmfile"
--- include "lang/occam/pmfile"
--- include "lang/basic/pmfile"
-include "mach/proto/pmfile"
-include "mach/i386/pmfile"
-include "mach/6500/pmfile"
-include "mach/6800/pmfile"
-include "mach/6805/pmfile"
-include "mach/6809/pmfile"
-include "mach/arm/pmfile"
-include "mach/i80/pmfile"
-include "mach/m68020/pmfile"
-include "mach/m68k2/pmfile"
-include "mach/m68k4/pmfile"
-include "mach/ns/pmfile"
-include "mach/pdp/pmfile"
-include "mach/s2650/pmfile"
-include "mach/vax4/pmfile"
-include "mach/z80/pmfile"
-include "mach/z8000/pmfile"
--- This is the list of language runtimes that is built for each architecture.
-lang_runtimes = group {
---     lang_cem_runtime,        -- K&R C (obsolete and useless)
-       lang_cem_ansi_runtime,   -- ANSI C
-       lang_pc_runtime,         -- Pascal
-       lang_m2_runtime,         -- Modula-2
---     lang_occam_runtime,      -- Occam 1 (obsolete and useless)
---     lang_basic_runtime,      -- Basic
--- Include the platform descriptions.
-include "mach/i86/pmfile"              -- generic i86
-include "plat/pc86/pmfile"             -- PC standalone
-include "mach/i386/pmfile"             -- generic i386
-include "plat/linux386/pmfile"         -- Linux executables
-include "mach/powerpc/pmfile"          -- generic PowerPC
-include "plat/linuxppc/pmfile"         -- Linux executables
-include "mach/m68020/pmfile"           -- generic M68k
-include "plat/linux68k/pmfile"         -- Linux executables
-include "mach/i80/pmfile"              -- generic 8080
-include "plat/cpm/pmfile"              -- CP/M
-default = group {
-       -- Lots of things use LLgen, so we need to build it first.
-       tool_LLgen,
-       -- Some of the dependency management across modules isn't entirely
-       -- complete, for simplicity; as a result, the order here is important.
-       -- In particular, referencing a library does not cause the library to
-       -- be built, hence the reason why the modules must be built first. Also,
-       -- some of these generate header files...
-       module_em_data,
-       module_system,
-       module_alloc,
-       module_assert,
-       module_string,
-       module_em_code,
-       module_read_em, 
-       module_em_mes,
-       module_print,
-       module_object,
-       module_idf,
-       module_print,
-       module_input,
-       module_flt_arith,
-       tool_tabgen,
-       tool_aal,
-       tool_ack,
---     tool_cpp,                -- K&R C
-       tool_cpp_ansi,           -- ANSI C
-       tool_cgg,
-       tool_ncgg,
---     tool_ceg,
-       tool_em_decode,
-       tool_em_encode,
-       tool_esize,
-       tool_opt,
-       tool_ego,
-       tool_topgen,
-       tool_led,
-       tool_anm,
-       tool_ashow,
-       tool_asize,
-       tool_astrip,
-       tool_aslod,
-       tool_aelflod,
---     lang_cem_compiler,
-       lang_cem_ansi_compiler,
-       lang_pc_compiler,
-       lang_m2_compiler,
---     lang_occam_compiler,
---     lang_basic_compiler,
-       -- Build the code generators and the architecture-independent
-       -- libraries.
-       mach_6500,
-       lang_runtimes { ARCH="6500", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_6800,
-       mach_6805,
-       mach_6809,
-       mach_arm,      lang_runtimes { ARCH="arm", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_m68020,   lang_runtimes { ARCH="m68020", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
---     mach_m68k2,    lang_runtimes { ARCH="m68k2", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
---     mach_m68k4,    lang_runtimes { ARCH="m68k4", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_ns,       lang_runtimes { ARCH="ns", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
---     mach_pdp,      lang_runtimes { ARCH="pdp", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_s2650,
---     mach_vax4,     lang_runtimes { ARCH="vax4", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_z80,      lang_runtimes { ARCH="z80", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       mach_z8000,    lang_runtimes { ARCH="z8000", OPTIMISATION="-O" },
-       -- Build the platforms.
-       platform_pc86,
-       platform_linux386,
---     platform_linuxppc,
-       platform_linux68k,
-       platform_cpm,
--- Ensure that the work directories exist.
--- When doing the build, we want to ensure that the ACK looks in the staging
--- area for its files, and not in the final installation directory (because
--- we haven't been installed yet).
--- Build the configuration headers, rather crudely. FIXME.
-configure = simple {
-       outputs = {HEADERDIR.."local.h", HEADERDIR.."em_path.h"},
-       command = "",
-       __dobuild = function(self, inputs, outputs)
-               -- Build 'local.h', rather crudely
-               local f ="local.h", "w")
-               f:write("#define VERSION 3\n") -- EM byte-code version
-               f:write("#define ACKM \"", DEFAULT_PLATFORM, "\"\n")
-               f:write("#define BIGMACHINE 1\n") -- No, we don't have a 16-bit architecture
-               f:write("#define SYS_5\n")
-               f:close()
-               -- Build 'em_path.h', rather crudely
-               local f ="em_path.h", "w")
-               f:write("#define TMP_DIR \"", ACK_TEMP_DIR, "\"\n")
-               f:write("#define EM_DIR \"", PREFIX, "\"\n")
-               f:write("#define ACK_PATH \"", PLATIND, "/descr\"\n")
-               f:close()
-       end
--- Once built, do the installation, rather crudely. FIXME.
-install = simple {
-       outputs = {"dummy"},
-       command = "",
-       __dobuild = function(self, inputs, outputs)
-               os.execute("mkdir -p "..PREFIX)
-               os.execute("(cd "..BINDIR.." && tar chf - .) | (cd "..PREFIX.." && tar xvf -)")
-       end
diff --git a/util/LLgen/pmfile b/util/LLgen/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7b15488..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
--- $Id$
--- This is the build file used to compile LLgen. It should be run through
--- Prime Mover (copy supplied). See the READ_ME file for more information.
-include ""
--- Where is LLgen going to be installed eventually? (Needs trailing slash.)
-PREFIX = PREFIX or "/usr/local/"
--- Where's LLgen's staging area? (Don't change. Needs trailing slash.)
-LLgen = cprogram {
-       CEXTRAFLAGS = '-DLIBDIR=\\"'..PREFIX..'share/LLgen\\" -DNON_CORRECTING',
-       -- This line is needed to work around an OSX bug --- Apple's hacked gcc's
-       -- preprocessor doesn't find LLgen.c's include files properly. Don't know
-       -- why.
-       CINCLUDES = {PARENT, "-Isrc"},
-       cfile "src/main.c",
-       cfile "src/gencode.c",
-       cfile "src/compute.c",
-       cfile "src/check.c",
-       cfile "src/reach.c",
-       cfile "src/global.c",
-       cfile "src/name.c",
-       cfile "src/sets.c",
-       cfile "src/alloc.c",
-       cfile "src/machdep.c",
-       cfile "src/cclass.c",
-       cfile "src/savegram.c",
-       -- These use pre-LLgen'd version of the files. If LLgen.g gets updated,
-       -- they need rebuilding. Use the bootstrap script to do this.
-       cfile "src/LLgen.c",
-       cfile "src/Lpars.c",
-       cfile "src/tokens.c",
-       outputs = {"%U%/LLgen"},
-       install = pm.install(              INSTALLPATH.."bin/LLgen")
-library = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install("lib/rec",          INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/rec"),
-               pm.install("lib/incl",         INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/incl"),
-               pm.install("lib/nc_incl",      INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/nc_incl"),
-               pm.install("lib/nc_rec",       INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/nc_rec"),
-       }
-manpage = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install("doc/LLgen.1", INSTALLPATH.."man/man1/LLgen.1"),
-       }
-documentation = group {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {""},
-               command = "refer -sA+T -p %in[1]% %in[2]% | groff -Tps -e -t -ms "..
-                       "| gzip -c9 > %out[1]%",
-               file "doc/LLgen.refs",
-               file "doc/LLgen.n",
-               install = {
-                       pm.install(INSTALLPATH.."share/doc/LLgen/")
-               }
-       },
-       simple {
-               outputs = {""},
-               command = "groff -Tps -e -t -p -ms %in% | gzip -c9 > %out[1]%",
-               file "doc/LLgen_NCER.n",
-               install = {
-                       pm.install(INSTALLPATH.."share/doc/LLgen/")
-               }
-       },
--- Default rule: builds everything into the staging area, but does nothing
--- else.
-default = group {
-       LLgen,         -- build LLgen itself
-       library,       -- copy over the library
-       manpage,       -- copy over the man page
-       documentation, -- build the two white papers
--- This rule will build everything, and then install it to its final location.
-install = group {
-       default,
-       install = {
-               "mkdir -p %PREFIX%",
-               "(cd bin && tar chvf - $(find . ! -type d)) | (cd %PREFIX% && tar xUf -)"
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.5  2006-07-25 23:29:12  dtrg
--- Modified to not try to unlink directories when installing.
--- Revision 1.4  2006/07/25 23:22:58  dtrg
--- Updated to the latest version of pm which installs files with symlinks.
--- Revision 1.3  2006/07/23 20:33:26  dtrg
--- Added a workaround for an OSX compiler bug.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/21 11:15:14  dtrg
--- Updated to the latest version of pm.
diff --git a/util/ack/pmfile b/util/ack/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4d4b78c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "%ROOTDIR%util/ack/"
-local mktable = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."mktables.c")
-local makeheaders = simple {
-       outputs= {"%U%/dmach.c", "%U%/intable.c"},
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %BINDIR%lib"
-       },
-       mktable
-tool_ack = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."list.c"),
-       cfile (d.."data.c"),
-       cfile (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile (d.."scan.c"),
-       cfile (d.."svars.c"),
-       cfile (d.."trans.c"),
-       cfile (d.."util.c"),
-       cfile (d.."rmach.c"),
-       cfile (d.."run.c"),
-       cfile (d.."grows.c"),
-       cfile (d.."files.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               ith { makeheaders, i = 1 }
-       },
-       cfile {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               ith { makeheaders, i = 2 }
-       },
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/ack"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%bin/ack"),
-               pm.install("%ROOTDIR%/lib/descr/fe", "%BINDIR%%PLATIND%/descr/fe"),
-               pm.install(d.."ack.1.X", "%BINDIR%man/man1/ack.1")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2007-02-25 12:48:06  dtrg
--- Now installs the man page.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/10/15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/amisc/pmfile b/util/amisc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4faa7c6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "util/amisc/"
-local simple_tool = cprogram {
-       class = "simple_tool",
-       cfile (d.."%S%.c"),
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/%S%"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%U%/%S%", "%BINDIR%bin/%S%"),
-               pm.install(d.."%S%.1", "%BINDIR%man/man1/%S%.1")
-       }
-tool_anm = simple_tool { S = "anm" }
-tool_ashow = simple_tool { S = "ashow" }
-tool_asize = simple_tool { S = "asize" }
-tool_astrip = simple_tool { S = "astrip" }
-tool_aslod = simple_tool { S = "aslod" }
-tool_aelflod = simple_tool { S = "aelflod" }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2007-04-23 23:40:10  dtrg
--- Added the aelflod tool for generating ELF executables. Added documentation for aelflod and ashow. Now installs the documentation when built.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/10/16 23:25:56  dtrg
--- Added support for anm, asize, ashow, astrip and the new aslod tool.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/arch/pmfile b/util/arch/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9f7c67d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "util/arch/"
-tool_aal = cprogram {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "AAL"},
-       cfile (d.."archiver.c"),
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_object,
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%bin/aal"),
-               pm.install(d.."aal.1", "%BINDIR%man/man1/aal.1")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-10-15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/30 23:45:35  dtrg
--- Modified to install aal's manpage.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/ceg/as_parser/pmfile b/util/ceg/as_parser/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index da3c670..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/ceg/as_parser/"
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       file (d.."pars.g")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               lpars
-       }
-tool_ceg_as_parser = cprogram {
-       CDEFINES = {PARENT, "FLEX"},
-       CLIBRARIES = {PARENT, "fl"},
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."conversion.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."help.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               flex {
-                       file (d.."table.l")
-               }
-       },
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/as_parser"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/ceg/as_parser/as_parser"),
-tool_ceg_as_parser_eval = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."eval/eval.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/eval"},
-       install = pm.install(BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/ceg/as_parser/eval"),
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-10-15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/ceg/assemble/pmfile b/util/ceg/assemble/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 05671a7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/ceg/assemble/"
-tool_ceg_assemble = group {
-       install = {
-               pm.install(d.."as_assemble/assemble.c",  BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/ceg/assemble/as_assemble/assemble.c"),
-               pm.install(d.."as_assemble/block_as.c",  BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/ceg/assemble/as_assemble/block_as.c"),
-               pm.install(d.."obj_assemble/assemble.c", BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/ceg/assemble/obj_assemble/assemble.c"),
-               pm.install(d.."obj_assemble/block_as.c", BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/ceg/assemble/obj_assemble/block_as.c"),
-               pm.install(d.."obj_assemble/const.h",    BINDIR..PLATDEP.."/ceg/assemble/obj_assemble/const.h"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/ceg/ce_back/pmfile b/util/ceg/ce_back/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5710282..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/ceg/ce_back/"
-local function installmany(srcroot, destroot, list)
-       local o = {}
-       for _, i in ipairs(list) do
-               table.insert(o, pm.install(srcroot..i, destroot..i))
-       end
-       return o
-tool_ceg_assemble = group {
-       install = installmany(d, BINDIR.."%PLATDEP%/ceg/ce_back/",
-       {       
-               "as_back/back.h",
-               "as_back/bottom.c",
-               "as_back/bss.c",
-               "as_back/con1.c",
-               "as_back/con2.c",
-               "as_back/con4.c",
-               "as_back/do_close.c",
-               "as_back/do_open.c",
-               "as_back/end_back.c",
-               "as_back/gen1.c",
-               "as_back/gen2.c",
-               "as_back/gen4.c",
-               "as_back/header.h",
-               "as_back/init_back.c",
-               "as_back/reloc1.c",
-               "as_back/reloc2.c",
-               "as_back/reloc4.c",
-               "as_back/rom1.c",
-               "as_back/rom2.c",
-               "as_back/rom4.c",
-               "as_back/set_global.c",
-               "as_back/set_local.c",
-               "as_back/switchseg.c",
-               "as_back/symboldef.c",
-               "as_back/text1.c",
-               "as_back/text2.c",
-               "as_back/text4.c",
-               "as_back/dbsym.c",
-               "obj_back/back.h",
-               "obj_back/con2.c",
-               "obj_back/con4.c",
-               "obj_back/data.c",
-               "obj_back/data.h",
-               "obj_back/do_close.c",
-               "obj_back/do_open.c",
-               "obj_back/end_back.c",
-               "obj_back/extnd.c",
-               "obj_back/gen1.c",
-               "obj_back/gen2.c",
-               "obj_back/gen4.c",
-               "obj_back/hash.h",
-               "obj_back/header.h",
-               "obj_back/init_back.c",
-               "obj_back/label.c",
-               "obj_back/memory.c",
-               "obj_back/misc.c",
-               "obj_back/output.c",
-               "obj_back/reloc1.c",
-               "obj_back/reloc2.c",
-               "obj_back/reloc4.c",
-               "obj_back/relocation.c",
-               "obj_back/rom2.c",
-               "obj_back/rom4.c",
-               "obj_back/set_global.c",
-               "obj_back/set_local.c",
-               "obj_back/switchseg.c",
-               "obj_back/symboldef.c",
-               "obj_back/symtable.c",
-               "obj_back/text2.c",
-               "obj_back/text4.c",
-               "obj_back/common.c",
-               "obj_back/dbsym.c",
-       })
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:19  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/ceg/pmfile b/util/ceg/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8de3fbc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/ceg/"
-include (d.."as_parser/pmfile")
-include (d.."assemble/pmfile")
-include (d.."ce_back/pmfile")
-tool_ceg = group {
-       tool_ceg_as_parser,
-       tool_ceg_as_parser_eval,
-       tool_ceg_assemble,
-       tool_ceg_ce_back,
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:18:18  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/cgg/pmfile b/util/cgg/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cb2e4a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/cgg/"
-local yacc_bootgram = yacc {
-                       file (d.."bootgram.y")
-               }
-tool_cgg = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               yacc_bootgram,
-       },
-       cfile {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               flex {
-                       file (d.."bootlex.l")
-               },
-               dynamicheaders = yacc_bootgram
-       },
-       CLIBRARIES = {PARENT, "fl"},
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_system,
-       install = pm.install(TOOLDIR.."cgg")
-cgg = simple {
-       class = "cgg",
-       outputs = {"%U%/tables.c", "%U%/tables.h"},
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && (%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/cpp -P -I%CGGINCLUDEDIR% %in% | %TOOLDIR%cgg)",
-       },
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.3  2006-10-15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 20:58:27  dtrg
--- cpp now gets installed in the right place.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:21:17  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/cmisc/pmfile b/util/cmisc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b677340..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "util/cmisc/"
-tool_tabgen = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."tabgen.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/tabgen"},
-       install = pm.install(TOOLDIR.."tabgen")
-tabgen = simple {
-       class = "tabgen",
-       outputs = {"%U%-char.c"},
-       command = {
-               "%TOOLDIR%tabgen -f%in[1]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-20 23:21:17  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/cpp/pmfile b/util/cpp/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2f77759..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/cpp/"
-local extract_parameters = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/pathlength.h",
-               "%U%/errout.h",
-               "%U%/idfsize.h",
-               "%U%/numsize.h",
-               "%U%/nparams.h",
-               "%U%/ifdepth.h",
-               "%U%/lapbuf.h",
-               "%U%/strsize.h",
-               "%U%/botch_free.h",
-               "%U%/debug.h",
-               "%U%/parbufsize.h",
-               "%U%/textsize.h",
-               "%U%/inputtype.h",
-               "%U%/obufsize.h",
-               "%U%/dobits.h",
-               "%U%/line_prefix.h",
-       },
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %in[1]% %in[2]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."make.hfiles"),
-       file (d.."Parameters")
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       simple {
-               outputs = {"%U%/tokenfile.g"},
-               command = {
-                       "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-               },
-               file (d.."make.tokfile"),
-               file (d.."tokenname.c")
-       },
-       file (d.."expression.g")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               extract_parameters,
-               lpars
-       }
-tool_cpp = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLmessage.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch7bin.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."ch7mon.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."domacro.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."idf.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."init.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."input.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."options.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."preprocess.c"), 
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."replace.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."scan.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."skip.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tokenname.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."next.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."expr.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-symbol2str.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."make.tokcase"),
-                       file (d.."tokenname.c")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               CINCLUDES = {PARENT, d},
-               tabgen (d.."")
-       },
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/cpp"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/cpp"),
-               pm.install(d.."cpp.6", "%BINDIR%man/man6/cpp.6")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.4  2006-10-15 00:28:11  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.3  2006/07/22 20:58:27  dtrg
--- cpp now gets installed in the right place.
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 12:27:31  dtrg
--- Removed a huge, ancient comment dating from the genmake days.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:24:28  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/data/pmfile b/util/data/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index df75444..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "util/data/"
-local datafiles = simple {
-       outputs = {
-               "%U%/em_spec.h",
-               "%U%/em_pseu.h",
-               "%U%/em_mnem.h",
-               "%U%/em_flag.c",
-               "%U%/em_pseu.c",
-               "%U%/em_mnem.c"
-       },
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% %in[2]% %out[1]:dirname% %out[1]:dirname%"
-       },
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%U%/em_spec.h", "%HEADERDIR%em_spec.h"),
-               pm.install("%U%/em_pseu.h", "%HEADERDIR%em_pseu.h"),
-               pm.install("%U%/em_mnem.h", "%HEADERDIR%em_mnem.h")
-       },
-       file (d.."new_table"),
-       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table"),
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               datafiles,
-       }
-module_em_data = clibrary {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."em_ptyp.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { datafiles, from=4 }
-       },
-       outputs = {"%U%/libem_data.a"},
-       install = pm.install("%LIBDIR%libem_data.a")
-lib_em_data = file "%LIBDIR%libem_data.a"
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2007-02-25 12:49:04  dtrg
--- new_table is now in /util/data, not /etc.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:24:28  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
diff --git a/util/ego/pmfile b/util/ego/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 875dd69..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/ego/"
-local makecldef = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."share/makecldef.c")
-local classdefs_h = simple {
-       outputs = {"%U%/classdefs.h"},
-       command = {
-               "%in[1]% %in[2]% %in[3]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       makecldef,
-       file ("%HEADERDIR%em_mnem.h"),
-       file (d.."share/cldefs.src")
-local pop_push_h = simple {
-       outputs = {"%U%/pop_push.h"},
-       command = {
-               "awk -f %in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out%"
-       },
-       file (d.."share/pop_push.awk"),
-       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               classdefs_h,
-               pop_push_h
-       }
-local ego_core = cprogram {
-       CINCLUDES = {PARENT, ("-I"..d.."share")},
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/debug.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/global.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/files.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/go.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/map.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/aux.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/get.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/put.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/alloc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/lset.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/cset.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/parser.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/stack_chg.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/locals.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."share/init_glob.c"),
-tool_ego = group {
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."bo/bo.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/bo")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ca/ca.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ca/ca_put.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/ca")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cf/cf.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cf/cf_idom.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cf/cf_loop.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cf/cf_succ.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/cf")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cj/cj.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/cj")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_alloc.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_avail.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_debug.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_elim.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_entity.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_getent.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_kill.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_partit.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_profit.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_stack.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."cs/cs_vnm.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/cs")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ic/ic.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ic/ic_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ic/ic_io.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ic/ic_lib.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ic/ic_lookup.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/ic")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il1_anal.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il1_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il1_cal.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il1_formal.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il2_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il3_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il3_change.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il3_subst.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."il/il_aux.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/il")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."lv/lv.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/lv")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_allocl.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_interv.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_lifet.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_pack.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_profits.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ra/ra_xform.c"),
-               cfile {
-                       file (d.."ra/ra_items.c"),
-                       dynamicheaders = {
-                               simple {
-                                       outputs = {"%U%/itemtab.h"},
-                                       command = {
-                                               "%in[1]% %in[2]% %in[3]% > %out[1]%"
-                                       },
-                                       cprogram {
-                                               cfile (d.."ra/makeitems.c"),
-                                       },
-                                       file (HEADERDIR.."em_mnem.h"),
-                                       file (d.."ra/itemtab.src")
-                               }
-                       }
-               },
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/ra")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sp/sp.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/sp")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_cand.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_expr.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_iv.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_reduce.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."sr/sr_xform.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/sr")
-       },
-       ego_core {
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ud/ud.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ud/ud_aux.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ud/ud_const.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ud/ud_copy.c"),
-               cfile_with_headers (d.."ud/ud_defs.c"),
-               lib_em_data,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/ud")
-       },
-       cprogram {
-               cfile (d.."em_ego/em_ego.c"),
-               lib_print,
-               lib_string,
-               lib_system,
-               install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_ego")
-       }
--- This rule is used by the machine description pmfiles to massage and install
--- the ego descr files.
-ego_descr = simple {
-       outputs = {"%U%-%I%"},
-       command = {
-               "%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/cpp.ansi -P -I%HEADERDIR% %in[1]% | sed -f %in[2]% > %out[1]%"
-       },
-       file (d.."descr/%ARCH%.descr"),
-       file (d.."descr/descr.sed"),
-       install = pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/ego/%ARCH%descr")
diff --git a/util/led/pmfile b/util/led/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 37aeba0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/led/"
-tool_led = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."archive.c"),
-       cfile (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile (d.."extract.c"),
-       cfile (d.."finish.c"),
-       cfile (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile (d.."memory.c"),
-       cfile (d.."output.c"),
-       cfile (d.."read.c"),
-       cfile (d.."relocate.c"),
-       cfile (d.."save.c"),
-       cfile (d.."scan.c"),
-       cfile (d.."sym.c"),
-       cfile (d.."write.c"),
-       lib_string,
-       lib_object,
-       outputs = {"%U%/led"},
-       install = {
-               -- FIXME lib.bin in next line needs removing --- pm bug?
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_led"),
-               pm.install(d.."ack.out.5", "%BINDIR%man/man5/ack.out.5"),
-               pm.install(d.."led.6", "%BINDIR%man/man6/em_led.6"),
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log: pmfile,v $
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/22 20:52:44  dtrg
--- led now gets installed into the right place.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/22 20:04:41  dtrg
--- Added support for the led link editor.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/misc/pmfile b/util/misc/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f82d1ad..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/misc/"
-tool_em_decode = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."convert.c"),
-       lib_read_emkV,
-       lib_eme,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_decode"},
-       install = {
-               -- FIXME lib.bin in next line needs removing --- pm bug?
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%lib.bin/em_decode"),
-               pm.install(d.."em_decode.6", "%BINDIR%man/man6/em_decode.6"),
-       }
-tool_em_encode = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."convert.c"),
-       lib_read_emeV,
-       lib_emk,
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_string,
-       lib_system,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_encode"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/em_encode"),
-               pm.install(d.."em_decode.6", "%BINDIR%man/man6/em_decode.6")
-       }
-tool_esize = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."esize.c"),
-       outputs = {"%U%/esize"},
-       install = {
-               pm.install("%BINDIR%/bin/esize"),
-               pm.install(d.."esize.1", "%BINDIR%man/man1/esize.1")
-       }
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 20:10:41  dtrg
--- Added support for the esize object inspection tool.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:24:28  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/ncgg/pmfile b/util/ncgg/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 21ce2d9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = "util/ncgg/"
-local ncgg_yacc = yacc {
-       file (d.."cgg.y")
-tool_ncgg = cprogram {
-       cfile (d.."subr.c"),
-       cfile (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile (d.."coerc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."error.c"),
-       cfile (d.."emlookup.c"),
-       cfile (d.."expr.c"),
-       cfile (d.."instruct.c"),
-       cfile (d.."iocc.c"),
-       cfile (d.."lookup.c"),
-       cfile (d.."output.c"),
-       cfile (d.."set.c"),
-       cfile (d.."strlookup.c"),
-       cfile (d.."var.c"),
-       cfile (d.."hall.c"),
-       cfile {
-               CEXTRAFLAGS = "-I"..d,
-               ncgg_yacc,
-               dynamicheaders = flex {
-                       file (d.."scan.l")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile {
-               CEXTRAFLAGS = "-I"..d,
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%/enterkeyw.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "cp %{return posix.dirname(self['in'][3])}%/ %{return posix.dirname(self.out[1])}%",
-                               "cd %{return posix.dirname(self.out[1])}% && "..ROOTDIR..d.."cvtkeywords "..ROOTDIR..d.."keywords",
-                       },
-                       file (d.."cvtkeywords"),
-                       file (d.."keywords"),
-                       ncgg_yacc
-               },
-               dynamicheaders = ncgg_yacc
-       },
-       lib_em_data,
-       outputs = {"%U%-ncgg"},
-       install = pm.install(TOOLDIR.."ncgg")
-ncgg = simple {
-       class = "ncgg",
-       outputs = {"%U%/tables.c", "%U%/tables.h"},
-       command = {
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && (%BINDIR%%PLATDEP%/cpp.ansi -I%NCGGINCLUDEDIR% %in% | %TOOLDIR%ncgg)",
-               "mv %out[1]:dirname%/tables.H %out[2]%"
-       },
diff --git a/util/opt/pmfile b/util/opt/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 450f027..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/opt/"
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-       }
-local local_tool_opt = cprogram {
-       class = "opt_rule",
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."getline.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."lookup.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."var.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."process.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."backward.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."util.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."alloc.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."putline.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."cleanup.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."peephole.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."flow.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."tes.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."reg.c"),        
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-pop_push.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "awk -f %in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       file (d.."pop_push.awk"),
-                       file ("%ROOTDIR%h/em_table")
-               }
-       },
-       cfile_with_headers {
-               simple {
-                       outputs = {"%U%-pattern.c"},
-                       command = {
-                               "%in[1]% < %in[2]% > %out%"
-                       },
-                       install = pm.install("pattern.c"),
-                       cprogram {
-                               CLIBRARIES = {PARENT, "fl"},
-                               cfile {
-                                       yacc {
-                                               file (d.."mktab.y")
-                                       },
-                                       dynamicheaders = {
-                                               file (d),
-                                               flex {
-                                                       file (d.."scan.l")
-                                               }
-                                       },
-                               },
-                               lib_em_data,
-                       },
-                       preprocess {
-                               file (d.."patterns")
-                       }
-               }
-       },
-       lib_em_data,
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/em_opt"},
-tool_opt = group {
-       group {
-               local_tool_opt,
-               install = pm.install(BINDIR.."lib.bin/em_opt")
-       },
-       group {
-               CDEFINES = {PARENT, "GLOBAL_OPT"},
-               local_tool_opt,
-               install = pm.install(BINDIR.."lib.bin/em_opt2")
-       },
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.5  2007-02-25 12:51:21  dtrg
--- em_table is now in /h, not /etc.
--- Revision 1.4  2007/02/20 00:27:01  dtrg
--- Fixed a compilation error that was causing opt to not have its
--- peephole optimisation tables, which would make it generate
--- duff code.
--- Revision 1.3  2006/10/15 00:28:12  dtrg
--- Updated to the version 0.1 of Prime Mover (which involves some syntax changes).
--- Revision 1.2  2006/07/20 23:10:07  dtrg
--- Fixed revision history.
diff --git a/util/topgen/pmfile b/util/topgen/pmfile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e48383e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
--- $Source$
--- $State$
-local d = ROOTDIR.."util/topgen/"
-local lpars = LLgen {
-       file (d.."topgen.g")
-local cfile_with_headers = cfile {
-       class = "cfile_with_headers",
-       dynamicheaders = {
-               file (d),
-               lpars
-       }
-tool_topgen = cprogram {
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."LLlex.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."hash.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."main.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."pattern.c"),
-       cfile_with_headers (d.."symtab.c"),
-       foreach {
-               rule = cfile_with_headers,
-               ith { lpars, from=2 }
-       },
-       lib_assert,
-       lib_print,
-       lib_alloc,
-       lib_system,
-       lib_string,
-       outputs = {"%U%/topgen"},
-       install = pm.install("%TOOLDIR%topgen")
-topgen = simple {
-       class = "topgen",
-       outputs = {"%U%/gen.c"},
-       command = {
-               "mkdir -p %out[1]:dirname%",
-               "cd %out[1]:dirname% && %TOOLDIR%topgen %in[1]%"
-       },
--- Revision history
--- $Log$
--- Revision 1.1  2006-07-22 12:31:19  dtrg
--- Added support for the top target peephole optimiser.
--- Revision 1.1  2006/07/20 23:24:28  dtrg
--- First version in CVS.